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Young Customers At Thai Beer Bars And A-go Gos


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A friend of mine from the states came to visit, so i met him in Bangkok (i live in chiang mai) and took him bar bouncing.

Now i am married and go out now and then but not in the past 8 months at least not to bangkok.

Seems the customers are getting younger 25-35, I know why old farts like me visit these bars but why the younger guys?

when i was in my 20s-30s i was by no means a stud but did go on dates and met my fair share of women, never gave thailand a thought until i got older.

now these young mean are not ugly, just everyday joes

so is it the allure of thai women?

or is it getting so bad in the west that the women have standards nobody under bill gates worth can match

are the women in the west just not interested?

or do these young men have issues, maybe have problems talking to women or maybe have some hidden secret

is this something to be concerned with? i mean will they do harm to some poor issan bar girl?

or maybe like me just like asian women ( i was raised in san francisco big asian population so no reason to go overseas until i got older)

i think if safe then good younger guy are a nice change to the discounty theater crowd

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I know this might sound crazy, but maybe they're just for a night of drinking and having a bit of fun with their friends.

I'm 21 and I sometimes go out with my friends to Beer Bars/A-Go-Gos with my friend (around the same age), because it's something different a bit of fun. None of us ever take any women (as incredibly tempting as it is), but we always have good fun chatting to ex-pats and the girls there,

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discounty theatre crowd?

the only cheap charlies I see clutching their 711 bought beer Chang outside of any bar like you mentioned - are the 20-30 year olds.

If you notice, they also hang around the soi at closing time looking for a used car at a good price.

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the only cheap charlies I see clutching their 711 bought beer Chang outside of any bar like you mentioned - are the 20-30 year olds.

really? you ever been to lamai, koh samui? or patong, phuket? or jomtien? or just about everywhere that has the golden oldies suppin' their big changs at the shop front. :D

If you notice, they also hang around the soi at closing time looking for a used car at a good price.

:) yep, occasionally see the odd youngster hanging around at closing - but the old lads would be too if they could handle the late nights!! they're usually tucked up in bed by 11pm. :D

I think the main reasons more youngsters are seen these days - other than the women - are because A. affordability and B. the other attractions to thailand (sun, beaches, beer, shopping etc).

in days gone by, a holiday in thailand might have been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but not these days.

the attraction of women goes hand-in-hand with nice weather, booze, beaches, good food, friendly people etc etc.

there's also a load of backpackers who go round thailand - and SE asia in general - who are liable to prop up the odd beer bar, cash permitting.

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Young guys (and girIs) traveI more. Its interesting to check out the notoriousIy seedy parts of ThaiIand. Im finaIIy going to take a stroII aIong parts of Bangkok with some friends myseIf when going for a visit to Bangkok this month.

But of course it is aIso IikeIy has to do with aII us western women being hideousIy ugIy and fat and opinionated, that the poor downtrodden young western maIe has to run away to enjoy the deIicate charming nature of ThaiIands bar girIs. :)

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the only cheap charlies I see clutching their 711 bought beer Chang outside of any bar like you mentioned - are the 20-30 year olds.

really? you ever been to lamai, koh samui? or patong, phuket? or jomtien? or just about everywhere that has the golden oldies suppin' their big changs at the shop front. :D

If you notice, they also hang around the soi at closing time looking for a used car at a good price.

:) yep, occasionally see the odd youngster hanging around at closing - but the old lads would be too if they could handle the late nights!! they're usually tucked up in bed by 11pm. :D

I think the main reasons more youngsters are seen these days - other than the women - are because A. affordability and B. the other attractions to thailand (sun, beaches, beer, shopping etc).

in days gone by, a holiday in thailand might have been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity but not these days.

the attraction of women goes hand-in-hand with nice weather, booze, beaches, good food, friendly people etc etc.

there's also a load of backpackers who go round thailand - and SE asia in general - who are liable to prop up the odd beer bar, cash permitting.

Sorry I was referring to Bangkok - as was the OP if I recall correctly. :D

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Young guys (and girIs) traveI more. Its interesting to check out the notoriousIy seedy parts of ThaiIand. Im finaIIy going to take a stroII aIong parts of Bangkok with some friends myseIf when going for a visit to Bangkok this month.

But of course it is aIso IikeIy has to do with aII us western women being hideousIy ugIy and fat and opinionated, that the poor downtrodden young western maIe has to run away to enjoy the deIicate charming nature of ThaiIands bar girIs. :)

Tell SBK and BOO I recommend Rainbow 4 in Nana. :D

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The world is changing. Everything now points to the path of least resistance ,its just easier to be a pretend god in LOS than to put in the hard yards in the west. Definatley a trend of younger men in the bars

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The girls seem to like the younger guys because they are like The Energizer Bunny, they keep going and going and going. But for reliability they always fall back to the established models.

My understand that Japanese were popular because of a couple of things.

1) big wallet

2) small energizer bunnies

3) 100 meter dash timing

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tbh the young man in thailand shouldn't really be an alien concept - I'll explain with a little computation:

girls + alcohol = generally happy young (straight) man.

yes women + booze can be found alot closer to home but thailand has all the other things going for it as I mentioned previously - climate, beaches, nightlife, food, cost etc.

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I think younger guys finding out about Thailand and how much fun $100 can buy you.

Back home going on dates $100 will get you a dinner and may be a good night kiss. To get more it will take few dinners and movies and then you need to satisfy her before she considers doing anything nice for you.

While in Thailand $100 gets you drunk and laid without a fail :)

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so is it the allure of thai women?

Possibly. I've been attracted to Asian women for some time and my local area restricts me to Chinese with poor english skills.

or is it getting so bad in the west that the women have standards nobody under bill gates worth can match

are the women in the west just not interested?

I don't think so. It's only a minority coming to Thailand for women.

or do these young men have issues, maybe have problems talking to women or maybe have some hidden secret

is this something to be concerned with? i mean will they do harm to some poor issan bar girl?

That's one good reason to come here to find women. I never had a problem with that regard I just came here early and got 'involved'.

or maybe like me just like asian women ( i was raised in san francisco big asian population so no reason to go overseas until i got older)

That's my reason.

The overall reasons I see younger men come to Thailand for women is that:

* They can punch above their weight and find a girl that would be out of their league back home.

* Remain dominant in the relationship.

* Like the idea of being the 'bread winner'.

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I think younger guys finding out about Thailand and how much fun $100 can buy you.

Back home going on dates $100 will get you a dinner and may be a good night kiss. To get more it will take few dinners and movies and then you need to satisfy her before she considers doing anything nice for you.

While in Thailand $100 gets you drunk and laid without a fail :)


laid or laid?

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now these young mean are not ugly, just everyday joes

so is it the allure of thai women?

or is it getting so bad in the west that the women have standards nobody under bill gates worth can match

are the women in the west just not interested?

or do these young men have issues, maybe have problems talking to women or maybe have some hidden secret

is this something to be concerned with? i mean will they do harm to some poor issan bar girl?

or maybe like me just like asian women ( i was raised in san francisco big asian population so no reason to go overseas until i got older)


allure: yes, probably

women in west: that too...

men with issues: often the case

something to be concerned with: are you joking? Are you worried about a new sport involving paid sex and hand grenades? We're talking about the sex trade - obviously these guys aren't going on field trips to Dairy Queen - (maybe it's generational - I don't really understand where you're coming from) - does a middle-aged guy have less of a chance of doing harm to a "poor issan bar girl" than a young guy?

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The girls seem to like the younger guys because they are like The Energizer Bunny, they keep going and going and going. But for reliability they always fall back to the established models.

My understand that Japanese were popular because of a couple of things.

1) big wallet

2) small energizer bunnies

3) 100 meter dash timing

The Japanese have the nick name "Mr 3"

1) 3 inch

2) 3 minutes

3) 3000baht

While westerners have the name "Mr 1"

1) 1 foot

2) 1 week

3) 1000 baht

Its easy to see why the girls like the Japanese guys more...

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The girls seem to like the younger guys because they are like The Energizer Bunny, they keep going and going and going. But for reliability they always fall back to the established models.

:):D:D if you are referring to bgs, they prefer old becoz they cant get it up! and have money to spend.often times they get paid to chat :D:D:D

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The girls seem to like the younger guys because they are like The Energizer Bunny, they keep going and going and going. But for reliability they always fall back to the established models.

More established model? Is that a polite term for having a healthier bank balance at the ATM??? :)

I have it on good authority from an expert in Thai Visa that the increase in younger males at the Brothel Express Pickup Stations (beer bars for you old timers) reflects 3 important changes in society;

1. The youth of today have a lot on the go. Beer bars allow for an immediate purchase of an orgasm. There is no need to wait around on someone, you simply pick and then off you go. Reduces waiting times for the man with a lot on his plate.

2. Environmental factors such as the use of hormones and other chemicals in the food chain has resulted in a serious decrease in penis size and girth. This coupled with the advent of emotional issues on demand, has created a situation where the young male of today has penis issues. Visiting a beer bar means that the young male has access to a non judgemental female that won't laugh at the size of his pecker as long as he has the baht.

3. Cheap travel. The cost of travel has fallen over the years to the point that losers from all over the world that could not otherwise afford to fly, now can. Previously, the kid that would pick his nose and eat the goober would go on to a career at Tesco or in one of the public trades. Now he can also afford to come hang out with the guys that used to pee on him in the showers after Phys ed.

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