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Observations About Thailand

mr bilko

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Observations of a ferrang in thailand.

Why is the 7-11 franchise so called, they are open 24/7.

Why does the driver of a motorcycle have to wear a crash helmet, but his 3 passengers don't.

In small village I stayed everybody wanted to touch my skin, virtually no contact with ferrang's. (Though I am milk bottle white)

Education system very poor, where I stayed I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England, when pressed they thought the moon in England must be different because the moon doesn’t look very far away, but England is one heck of a distance away. But life skills are extremely good, they can live off the land with no money worries. Watched a 10 year old fishing, then prepared the fish for cooking, gathered wild herbs and spices and stuff, cooked it and ate it. He asked if I was hungry, I was so he proceeded to catch a chicken, kill it, gut it, cook it (I still struggle to just cook chicken in the oven). Who needs education when you have life skill like this as a 10 year old. But they were very impressed when I managed to pick the lock on one of their scooters when we went out and lost his keys.

How can they drink whisky white for breakfast.

Is "peter bo" the general name for any scary monster/ghost in Thailand.

How can they eat all sorts of bugs, grubs and animals, yet screw their nose up at the big lizard (tuk kae or touke, same as inthai movie lizard woman the movie not the little house geckos) Guess I should introduce them to black pudding.

Oh the list is endless, but having said all that I would much rather live there than here in UK.


Why is thai time different to ferrang time. When asking girlfriend anything to do with time i had to ask time ferrang or time thai. 10 mins ferrang = upto 2 hours thai, not sure of the exact mathmatical conversion number :o

Edited by mr bilko
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//snip - quoted post removed

This is more of an observations about farang in Thailand - why do many farang speak that weird form of english to Thais, eg. Where you come from? - and then wonder why Thais can't speak english properly.

Edited by RDN
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A couple of answers to a couple of your observations. One factual and one speculative. You can decide which is which.

Observations of a ferrang in thailand.

Why is the 7-11 franchise so called, they are open 24/7.

When the franchises first started in the 1970's, they were only open from 7am - 11pm.

Why does the driver of a motorcycle have to wear a crash helmet, but his 3 passengers don't.

In an accident, the passengers will all fall forward landing on the protected driver so he will cushion their blow. :o

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The 7/11 Market Chain was started 30 some years ago in the states at which time the stores were open from 0700 to 2300 hours - hence, "7/11" :o

When 7/11 stores first opened way back then it was unheard of for a store to open so early and stay open so late. People found it very convenient...hence the term 'convenience store'.

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...I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England, when pressed they thought the moon in England must be different because the moon doesn’t look very far away, but England is one heck of a distance away....

My neighbour's g/f asked me if the sun in England was the same sun that they have in Thailand :o . I'm afraid I laughed a little too loudly and she took offence. Oh well, mai bpen rai.

I then tried to explain (to my g/f) the way the earth went around the sun, and the way it is tilted so that countries further away from the equator get long "summer" days and short "winter" days, and have seasons. But I don't think much was understood, although I did feel at one point that there was a small spark of interest. But then it was time to pick a malagor from the tree and have some som tum, so subject closed. :D

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Why do we feel the urge to try and teach them natural science. These things to us are common knowlege. I myself feel the urge to discuss these same thopics with them. With only limited interest on their part if any. It seems they would rather gossip about something or just go and watch a movie. They are so innocent... and I love 'um.


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My wife is not convinced that the sun in the UK is the same as Thailand, because the UK sun is 'cold' :o

As to the earth going round the sun... forget it... too hard.... I'll just eat her wonderful cooking and enjoy the company of the worlds nicest lady under this nice 'Thai' sun, leave the UK one at home. :D:D

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Many years ago when I was young, slim and handsome, I took a Thai girl for a holiday in Koh Samui. I commented that the moon looked really nice. It was in the daytime.

She said that the moon only shone at night. After I tried to explain that the moon could be seen in the day, we had a heated argument

I took her out of the bungalow and pointed at the moon and asked her what she thought it was.

She replyed that she didn't know, but it certainly wasn't the moon, even if it looked like the moon, because everybody knows that the moon only shines at night. Sheesh!

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Why do we feel the urge to try and teach them natural science.  These things to us are common knowlege.  I myself feel the urge to discuss these same thopics with them.  With only limited interest on their part if any.  It seems they would rather gossip about something or just go and watch a movie.  They are so innocent... and I love 'um.


The fact that these things are common knowledge is due to the effectiveness of your natural science teachers all through grade school....probably thought you didin't learn anything there didn't you...but you actually learned alot.

And my wife just walked in so I asked her if the moon is the same in UK and Thailand and looked at me like I was crazy and said 'of course'.

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Why do we feel the urge to try and teach them natural science.  These things to us are common knowlege.  I myself feel the urge to discuss these same thopics with them.  With only limited interest on their part if any.  It seems they would rather gossip about something or just go and watch a movie.  They are so innocent... and I love 'um.


The fact that these things are common knowledge is due to the effectiveness of your natural science teachers all through grade school....probably thought you didin't learn anything there didn't you...but you actually learned alot.

With respect, Chownah (I know we have disagreed before, but this is not because of that), I feel you are attributing perhaps a little too much to the science teachers – perhaps this may be true for the first generation to receive education – but I am more inclined to believe that attitudes to the acquisition of knowledge are engendered by the parent’s example.

IMHO, without parental example and encouragement, educating the child is an uphill battle that is, all too often, lost.

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IMHO, without parental example and encouragement, educating the child is an uphill battle that is, all too often, lost.

What about orphans, don't they deserve an education?

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I don't want to discredit my teachers or my parents; but, I believe that the reason I have personally learned all of these things was because of my own curiosity and desire to do so.

Granted, Parental Guidance is key, but in regaurds to education; I feel one must intrigue young ones, in order to make them have the curiosity and the desire.

Teachers, need to be the vessel to feed on the childs curiosity and desire. If the students don't have the curiosity, they will not learn.

I believe that most Thais do not have the curiosity. They do not have the desire. The ones that do, show it.

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...I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England, when pressed they thought the moon in England must be different because the moon doesn’t look very far away, but England is one heck of a distance away....

My neighbour's g/f asked me if the sun in England was the same sun that they have in Thailand :D . I'm afraid I laughed a little too loudly and she took offence. Oh well, mai bpen rai.

I then tried to explain (to my g/f) the way the earth went around the sun, and the way it is tilted so that countries further away from the equator get long "summer" days and short "winter" days, and have seasons. But I don't think much was understood, although I did feel at one point that there was a small spark of interest. But then it was time to pick a malagor from the tree and have some som tum, so subject closed. :D

We all know there is no sun in England ! :o

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...I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England, when pressed they thought the moon in England must be different because the moon doesn’t look very far away, but England is one heck of a distance away....

My neighbour's g/f asked me if the sun in England was the same sun that they have in Thailand :D . I'm afraid I laughed a little too loudly and she took offence. Oh well, mai bpen rai.

I then tried to explain (to my g/f) the way the earth went around the sun, and the way it is tilted so that countries further away from the equator get long "summer" days and short "winter" days, and have seasons. But I don't think much was understood, although I did feel at one point that there was a small spark of interest. But then it was time to pick a malagor from the tree and have some som tum, so subject closed. :D

We all know there is no sun in England ! :o

I hate to dis-agree, but ive just this minute been outside, and by reconing the sun is out, and probably hitting 20 degrees :D I love sunny Wales, but not as much as village life in thailand.

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IMHO, without parental example and encouragement, educating the child is an uphill battle that is, all too often, lost.

What about orphans, don't they deserve an education?

The opposites of children who receive parental example and encouragement, are not orphans.

The opposites, are those unfortunate children who are subjected to a bad example and no encouragement from their parents (or parental figures).

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Why do we feel the urge to try and teach them natural science.  These things to us are common knowlege.  I myself feel the urge to discuss these same thopics with them.  With only limited interest on their part if any.  It seems they would rather gossip about something or just go and watch a movie.  They are so innocent... and I love 'um.


The fact that these things are common knowledge is due to the effectiveness of your natural science teachers all through grade school....probably thought you didin't learn anything there didn't you...but you actually learned alot.

With respect, Chownah (I know we have disagreed before, but this is not because of that), I feel you are attributing perhaps a little too much to the science teachers – perhaps this may be true for the first generation to receive education – but I am more inclined to believe that attitudes to the acquisition of knowledge are engendered by the parent’s example.

IMHO, without parental example and encouragement, educating the child is an uphill battle that is, all too often, lost.

I'm impressed with how often we either violently disagree (well, not actually 'violent') or violently agree (well, not exactly 'violent' here either). Here we violently agree. The Parent is crucial here. All you parents out there, if you want your child to get a good job so they can support you in you old age....or if you would like your child to live their own life to the fullest....then get as envolved in their education as you possibly can.....investing in your childs education with your money AND your time will be the best investment you ever made in your life with the exception of having bought Microsoft at its initial offering.

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I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England

Does the moon in Brazil look the same as the moon in England?

I suggest you go and have a look. You may be in for a surprise. And then think again whether this question is a stupid question. And then have a closer look again at the moon in Thailand. There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.

These farangs are so proud of their little bit hi-school wisdom - as if they understood only half of it!

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...I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England, when pressed they thought the moon in England must be different because the moon doesn’t look very far away, but England is one heck of a distance away....

My neighbour's g/f asked me if the sun in England was the same sun that they have in Thailand :D . I'm afraid I laughed a little too loudly and she took offence. Oh well, mai bpen rai.

I then tried to explain (to my g/f) the way the earth went around the sun, and the way it is tilted so that countries further away from the equator get long "summer" days and short "winter" days, and have seasons. But I don't think much was understood, although I did feel at one point that there was a small spark of interest. But then it was time to pick a malagor from the tree and have some som tum, so subject closed. :D

When we took our son to see his grandmother in Thailand all the neighbours

were surprised that he cried in Thai :o

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Why do we feel the urge to try and teach them natural science.
Watched a 10 year old fishing, then prepared the fish for cooking, gathered wild herbs and spices and stuff, cooked it and ate it. He asked if I was hungry, I was so he proceeded to catch a chicken, kill it, gut it, cook it (I still struggle to just cook chicken in the oven). Who needs education when you have life skill like this as a 10 year old.

and this isnt natural science???? the thai people i know have a better grasp of animal anatomy, plant propagation etc then i do (the country people, and they all knew the moon is 'the same'; adn i know lots of city slickers that just know learned that eggs come out of a slit from a female chicken (i teach this stuff ) and think a female goat's teats are testes ... this is all natural science

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What a good post.

I wouldn't be surprised if finding food and being able to cook was one of the first things the young lad learned.

In rural areas it can often be the job of young children too young for the real farming work to find and prepare food for the rest of the family.

As a semi keen angler in Thailand I have learned that the best source of info on where to fish, baits, best techniques etc is always from local young lads.

I once had the 'moon looking different' thing explained to me when I had wondered why Orion was 'on his side' in Thailand as opposed to being 'stood up' as he is in the UK, but I'm dammed if I can remember it. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the geographical position of the particular viewing point.

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Actually I've spent sometime during my trips to thailand just staring at the moon, the sky (either in the night and during the day) and enjoying the sun and I really like it more than in the uk....does it make me also an "innocent" or it could be my desire to live here for good when my time comes? :o:D:D:D

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I was asked if the moon in Thailand looked the same as the moon in England

Does the moon in Brazil look the same as the moon in England?

I suggest you go and have a look. You may be in for a surprise. And then think again whether this question is a stupid question. And then have a closer look again at the moon in Thailand. There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.

These farangs are so proud of their little bit hi-school wisdom - as if they understood only half of it!

You got that right, uhuh... :o

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Last week I amazed some members of the family by syphoning water from one tank to another.

They thought that this was great, so asked if I could also do it to the other tank which is at a higher level and couldn't understand that you can only syphon downhill..

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Last week I amazed some members of the family by syphoning water from one tank to another.

They thought that this was great, so asked if I could also do it to the other tank which is at a higher level and couldn't understand that you can only syphon downhill..

You knew ir just baceuse you were stealing gasoline when teenager isn't it???? :o

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Last week I amazed some members of the family by syphoning water from one tank to another.

They thought that this was great, so asked if I could also do it to the other tank which is at a higher level and couldn't understand that you can only syphon downhill..


maybe they were just amazed that a farang knew had to do something as fundamental as that since all the thai i know seem to know how to do this stuff (they always seem to be moving benzine from one jerrycan or an other and also, when distilling lao... as to why, well, most of us would be hard pressed to explain....

gimme a break: innocent savage?

farm people know stuff that city people dont etc.... took me twenty minutes to figure out how to get a parking space ticket out of a machine in tel aviv ... i'm definately got straw in mly hair....

yes, moon looks different, as do the constellations, (latitude? longitude?)... ijust think in general thai dont ask 'why' as much as we (i'm israeli/american) do, but are very curious people and like 'how to do' more than 'why' ... i've noticed they even dont like being asked 'why'... they are a 'show me' poeple (like the missouri flag, i think says...)

this thread's been done before (how do thai think etc etc.....)

There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers
most of the time anyway.... :o
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In an accident, the passengers will all fall forward landing on the protected driver so he will cushion their blow.  :o

So who protects the passenger who sits in front of the driver?

If it is the strict rule of the law that all passengers on a motorcycle must wear helmets, what about the 20 plus folk in the back of a pick-up?


If I've posted this before, I apologise already.

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