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How To Spot A Ladyboy In Thailand


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How to spot a ladyboy in Thailand

form: news.com.au

I was fooled by a ladyboy.

Several in fact.

I admit it - and completely without the slightest hint of embarrassment - only amazement.

Before travelling to Phuket, I had heard many stories from my friends who had partied hard in the Patong strip - Bangla Street.

"I can guarantee one of 'em will fool ya, and ya won't even know it,'' my mate warned me before I jetted off.

"There's at least one in every bar.''

Full Article: http://www.news.com.au/travel/world/how-to...i-1225851216328

Edited by cdnvic
Shortened article for fair use (copyright issue)
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Ok, interesting. Let's start with some observations. First you oggled at the 8 LBs, so you found them physically attractive, even stimulating, enough so you were going to tip them all. Like many foreigners here, you and your friends pretend you don't like them because of the social stigma, but secretly desire to bed with them. How do I know? My LB friends on Bangla tell me a large number of their customers are guys like you who pretend to look at them in disgust, then secretly come back later at night for a quickie (including husbands). Anyhow, nothing wrong with that, just telling you what you probably already know but are ashamed to admit.

Back to your post though. Contrary to the advice you were given, the Adam's apple isn't a bone, and most LBs do not have that operation, and I would say the vast majority do not have broad shoulders and lots of veins. Years of hormones make both of those diminish. However, it is true that you can take hormones until you choke and your feet size won't change. But when the hormones are taken before puberty, sometimes the feet do seem quite small. I should know about this. I've photo'd and recorded the hormone intake of LBs since 2003 (non-sexual photos). Hair twirling, oddly is common, but has nothing to do with 'not used to long hair'. Give me a break. Most girls have had long hair since about 12 yrs old. Why do a lot twirl. I have no idea. Why do most women like to shop? Don't know the answer to that too.

But the biggest misconception in your post is the idea that LBs become LBs to make money. After recording the lives of some 65 LBs, I think 64 knew they were LBs between the ages of 4-7; they were hardly thinking about working in the fields and the economics of male vs female prostitution and the wild bars of Bangkok and Phuket. So they become LBs early, not for money. Later in life, sadly, due to discrimination, a little bit like yours (you want to avoid them, why? you hate them?), their job opportunities are few, and bar work becomes a position of last resort, much like it is for poor women in Thailand.

Also, get rid of the 'men' word, they are girls, no different than the girls you probably had sex with on Bangla. Yes, they were born with a penis, but that few inches of skin is the total extent of their maleness. Having had a LB girlfriend for 5y, I can tell you, their is zero difference between a LB and a woman mentally, and in 99% of their body, and I would say, with little doubt, my LB girlfriend was far more feminine than my ex-wife.

Anyhow, I don't want to put you down. Your post is quite normal for someone new to LBs. There is a fair chance I would have written the same thing 7 years ago.

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I think I should add - this was NOT a PERSONAL experience ... it is from news.com.au's MOST READ online articles from TODAY.

I have been coming to Thailand for 10 years - I would say that this is the FIRST time the writer visited Thailand.

Please don't shoot ME - I am just the messenger.


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Good information ziggy, what peter posted was actually an article in the Australian news this morning and not actually his own words. Having said that, the story, in my opinion was poorly written & contained many factual flaws, some of which you have pointed out.

There is no shortage of biggots in this world & this topic has been done to death here on thai visa, it must pop up nearly as often as sin sot or how much money do you live on :) .

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I think I should add - this was NOT a PERSONAL experience ... it is from news.com.au's MOST READ online articles from TODAY.

I have been coming to Thailand for 10 years - I would say that this is the FIRST time the writer visited Thailand.

Please don't shoot ME - I am just the messenger.


Sorry, I posted my other message before reading this one peter. Just because you only regurgitated the message doesnt mean you shouldnt be shot. One wonders why with such a poorly written article, why you would bother? :) Did you think this sort of nonesense hadnt been discussed here on thai visa before? :D

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You have to admit the common garden variety LB is much easier to spot than the full-on 'show girl'.

I'm friends with a couple of 'girls' in the village and I know another one who has had the 'op', she showed it to everyone at the casino but I missed out cos I'd gone out for beer.

I usually look for the big hands and a voice like a truck driver.

On Koh Chang the missus and I usually drank in a LB bar because it was quieter.

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Also, get rid of the 'men' word, they are girls, no different than the girls you probably had sex with on Bangla. Yes, they were born with a penis, but that few inches of skin is the total extent of their maleness. Having had a LB girlfriend for 5y, I can tell you, their is zero difference between a LB and a woman mentally, and in 99% of their body, and I would say, with little doubt, my LB girlfriend was far more feminine than my ex-wife.

Utter tripe..

Oh & you're directing your words of wisdom to no one in particular as the Fella who posted it is C&P from a Convict Newspaper.. :)

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I don't find it hard to figure out what is what. Another ladyboy tendency is over femininity to a laffable extreme.

Also if you are not sure, just politely ask. Most will tell you without hesitation because the last thing they would want is some embarrassing situation later.

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joking aside - general LB signs:

wide shoulders

noticeably taller than average thai girls (and blokes in some cases)

deeper voice

fake tits

bigger hands

bigger feet

more make-up

adams apple

and in addition for LB BG's:

sluttier clothes

even more make-up

innuendos and suggestive gestures towards straight blokes

I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

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I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

That was waiting for a comment ... as a gay guy who has seen a LOT of willys ... one of the biggest ones was on a Thai lady-boy. Its annoying when your LB has a bigger willy than you have ...


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I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

That was waiting for a comment ... as a gay guy who has seen a LOT of willys ... one of the biggest ones was on a Thai lady-boy. Its annoying when your LB has a bigger willy than you have ...


:) ....erm.....ok.....I actually meant height/build of LB's but whatever floats your boat. :D

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I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

That was waiting for a comment ... as a gay guy who has seen a LOT of willys ... one of the biggest ones was on a Thai lady-boy. Its annoying when your LB has a bigger willy than you have ...


:) ....erm.....ok.....I actually meant height/build of LB's but whatever floats your boat. :D

:D My first outloud laugh reading TV!

Must admit though it has also struck me how LB's can often be much taller than the average Thai man I see; never could understand that :D

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I live in a small town. There are a number of ladyboys employed by Lotus and the expensive skin care shop in the mall. I know a number who are in business from language schools to IT companies. I think ladyboys are far more integrated in Thai society than you all make out. Or maybe you just don't know who are and who are not.

Oh, and on a tour of the local school I saw one in anuban (kindergarten) some days he wore a skirt and some days shorts. Teachers were OK with it. I thought it a bit odd.

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I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

That was waiting for a comment ... as a gay guy who has seen a LOT of willys ... one of the biggest ones was on a Thai lady-boy. Its annoying when your LB has a bigger willy than you have ...


:) ....erm.....ok.....I actually meant height/build of LB's but whatever floats your boat. :D

:D My first outloud laugh reading TV!

Same here! :D :D :D

Mind you seems even stranger knowing 'Peter' is gay yet worried about being 'fooled' by a 'gay LB'?? :D

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Peter, I apologize. I should have seen it was a copy from somewhere else. That was pretty

bad of me.

Singh, you are full of it. I was giving actual experience. If you haven't had actual experience,

I wonder what source of brilliance your comment comes from.

Anyhooo, many guys gave some good suggestions on a very old topic.

If you want a more bizarre test, I read recently that statistically, the 3rd finger on men is typically

longer than the index or 1st finger, and vice versa for women. Try it! I've been checking LBs, and

the majority have the female pattern! Obviously this is not science extroadinaire, but fun nonetheless.

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joking aside - general LB signs:

wide shoulders

noticeably taller than average thai girls (and blokes in some cases)

deeper voice

fake tits

bigger hands

bigger feet

more make-up

adams apple

and in addition for LB BG's:

sluttier clothes

even more make-up

innuendos and suggestive gestures towards straight blokes

I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

Intresting in Arm wrestling and drinking 4 pins of lager and 6 tequilas in 30 minutes and after telling you "Boy my dum ka"

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While there is some discrimination against ladyboys in Thailand, overall they are accepted. Even to the extent that many music, TV and movie stars are ladyboys. Can you imagine a mainstream, prime time TV show with a ladyboy star in USA, England, Oz, etc.? Gays yes, but ladyboys? I think their acceptance in Thai culture says good things about Thailand.

I'm always amused and somewhat puzzled by the outraged revolution that so many farangs have to ladyboys. I think they doth protest too much.

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While there is some discrimination against ladyboys in Thailand, overall they are accepted. Even to the extent that many music, TV and movie stars are ladyboys. Can you imagine a mainstream, prime time TV show with a ladyboy star in USA, England, Oz, etc.? Gays yes, but ladyboys? I think their acceptance in Thai culture says good things about Thailand.

I'm always amused and somewhat puzzled by the outraged revolution that so many farangs have to ladyboys. I think they doth protest too much.

Interesting that you think this way & you base your opinion on what? I know a few ladyboys in non-tourist parts of Thailand who try to go about normal lives amoungst the mainstream and discrimination against them is rampant. Its another one of those fallacies in Thailand (that they are accepted).

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joking aside - general LB signs:

wide shoulders

noticeably taller than average thai girls (and blokes in some cases)

deeper voice

fake tits

bigger hands

bigger feet

more make-up

adams apple

and in addition for LB BG's:

sluttier clothes

even more make-up

innuendos and suggestive gestures towards straight blokes

I must touch on the fact that some LB's are absolutely massive, I mean, way bigger than the average thai bloke. never quite figured that one out.

Intresting in Arm wrestling and drinking 4 pins of lager and 6 tequilas in 30 minutes and after telling you "Boy my dum ka"


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While there is some discrimination against ladyboys in Thailand, overall they are accepted. Even to the extent that many music, TV and movie stars are ladyboys. Can you imagine a mainstream, prime time TV show with a ladyboy star in USA, England, Oz, etc.? Gays yes, but ladyboys? I think their acceptance in Thai culture says good things about Thailand.

I'm always amused and somewhat puzzled by the outraged revolution that so many farangs have to ladyboys. I think they doth protest too much.

Interesting that you think this way & you base your opinion on what? I know a few ladyboys in non-tourist parts of Thailand who try to go about normal lives amoungst the mainstream and discrimination against them is rampant. Its another one of those fallacies in Thailand (that they are accepted).

The couple of ladyboys I know are self employed, such is the discrimination they have in trying to get a normal job.

Tolerated at best would be a more apt description of their plight.

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While there is some discrimination against ladyboys in Thailand, overall they are accepted. Even to the extent that many music, TV and movie stars are ladyboys. Can you imagine a mainstream, prime time TV show with a ladyboy star in USA, England, Oz, etc.? Gays yes, but ladyboys? I think their acceptance in Thai culture says good things about Thailand.

I'm always amused and somewhat puzzled by the outraged revolution that so many farangs have to ladyboys. I think they doth protest too much.

Interesting that you think this way & you base your opinion on what? I know a few ladyboys in non-tourist parts of Thailand who try to go about normal lives amoungst the mainstream and discrimination against them is rampant. Its another one of those fallacies in Thailand (that they are accepted).

The couple of ladyboys I know are self employed, such is the discrimination they have in trying to get a normal job.

Tolerated at best would be a more apt description of their plight.

Agreed sir.

I also know one thai ladyboy from a southern province that relocated to Australia several years ago and would never consider a return to Thailand as she feels there is better opportunities there for a transgendered person. I heard news recently that this person just purchased a home & I already know that she works two jobs & is a qualified chef in western style restuarants.

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