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Thai Boy Like Farang Girls


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well, saw a few threads about how you lot talking about thai blokes and stuff...so i m one of them and personally i prefer fang girls to thais.. i just want to say that lots of thai blokes re like myself. unfortunately there re no farang girls in my circle,so it s very hard to get to know one. if any of you interested in hooking up with thai bloke like me, it would be good, wouldn't it? Heheee :o

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pongster, alot of girls on this forum seem to be in relationships already. however, i would be interested in why you prefer farang girls considering some very nasty posts lately about how ugly and hairy we all are! I mean, my husband is thai and he prefers me to a thai girl too, but i would be interested in what exactly it is you prefer?

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i would be interested in why you prefer farang girls considering some very nasty posts lately about how ugly and hairy we all are!

I know a great beautician :oB)

Seriously though, I'd be interested in that response also :D

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well to be honest SBK, i ve got no idea.. i guess they re more attractive to me since i was in overseas for a while....don't really know....if i could choose ginger haired with freckles is my favourite.. but it s a rare case here...

got to keep looking....another thing is when i went to kaosan rd, i sometimes facied about more than 10 girls compare to going sukumvit area or any thai joints some night there was none of them that i would go and chat to them...

i reckon it s just individual thing, ain't it?? cannot really explainn why but since i could remember from my childhood, farang girls have always attracted me... anotehr personal info, i ve got only one relationship with thai when i was 15.. and after that every single one was with farang but not here in thailand though....

do you know what i m on about then??


ps: yes i know most of youse girls here are pretty much involved in some kind but i just gave it a go anyway, didn't i?? where do you lot, expat girls, usually go then??? if you don't mind me asking.... :D:o

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pongster, alot of girls on this forum seem to be in relationships already. however, i would be interested in why you prefer farang girls considering some very nasty posts lately about how ugly and hairy we all are! I mean, my husband is thai and he prefers me to a thai girl too, but i would be interested in what exactly it is you prefer?

IMO, mainly it is the farang woman's confidence and self independence. And of course, farang woman offers a wide variety of physical characteristics. Blue eyes, brown eyes. Curly hair, straight hair. Blonde, brunette, red. Big boobs, little boobs. :o Etc., etc., etc.

I'm not saying that all western woman are confident and independent, neither are all Thai women deficient in those areas, but overall, based on my observation I would guess this is a fair analysis. I think culture probably has a lot to do with this. I have also noticed that this holds true for women of other origin, whether they were born here (US) or moved here when they were younger.

Although, I am partial to Thai women being the most beautiful of all Asian women. :D

One more thing I have to add: Western women are not that hairy at all. I don't know where other posters are finding their farang women, but are they sure they're women? Not sheeps, or chimps? B)

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as supersurch said, i do agree with you...i don't think farang women hairy at all. well, some of them might be quite hairy but from my experience, i don't really mind it that much... :D

i guess no one here fancies to know this thai boy.. so this thread needs to end soon, i suppose.... :o

keep smiling girls...xox

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cheers nam kao, well i ve been with a few but not here in thailand though.. they were alright.. they drove me nana sometimes but i could cope... :o

also thanks for the tip, as minties always in my pockets anyway.... :D


ps: i guess it s hopeless, eh?? tryin to meet farang girls here...don't know where youse are...i m still here waiting, ok??? lol.........

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