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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes

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This was bound to happen eventually. What is it with the Reds and Songkran, this is almost a repeat of last year, but on a much larger scale.

What I want to know is how can any country still house Thaksin after this, with him inciting riots and violent. If I can quote a Linkin Park song "when the riches wage war, it's the poor who dies". (from Hand Held High). Heck that song pretty much represent this situation.

I agree that both side must be flexible, but the PM has lost cred. since he stated that force won't be used, and now?, while the RED must give up on immediate dissolution.

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It is unfortunate when a government uses its military against its own people. A government is meant to control its military in a democracy. Unfortunately, the military controls its government in Thailand. The much-hated PM Abhisit sleeps with the military, eats with the military, laughs with the military, doles out billions to his military. Abhisit and his military buds have no remorse for what they have done and they never will.

Do you think that the red leaders have any remorse for leading their lambs to the slaughter that they instigated? And then to parade them on stage and take away any shread of dignity, absolutely disgusting.


over all the red group leaders are more evil than anyone can imagine

I say take out the top red gang leaders now and be done with this

sickest of sick element in Thailand once and for all

what rock do you live under? did you somehow miss the publicly televised negotiations that went on for several days between the government and red shirts? problem is, the red shirt leaders care about one thing only and it's certainly NOT the poor or the farmers. The government didn't crack down on the protesters in order to stay in power but rather to liberate Bangkok from a paid mob that has caused massive disruptions in the capitol of the nation. Calling the PM a dictator really makes you look quite ignorant- the legitimacy of this government has been verified as nauseum. No one had to die today- the red mob had plenty of time and warnings to leave. They chose to stay and fight and die while their fugitive criminal leader relaxes in Dubai. I feel sorry for these gullible pawns who have wasted their lives for something they don't even understand.

Since when was the government handed a carte-blanche to kill Thai civilians? If they are doing something against the law, they should be arrested and brought into court in front of a judge. Not just shot on the streets.

The government's legitimacy has not been verified. That's however precisely what the people are asking for. If you are a legitimate government, hold elections and legitimize yourself. Abhisit should have nothing to fear if the people are behind him.

Nobody is being paid to come demonstrate. Either provide proof or stop lying. All they have been given is money to pay for gas to drive to Bangkok.

Since when were red shirts given a carte blanche to invade bangkok,

bring the city to a stand still? invade gov't office? shut down the

center of Bangkok? steal army supplies (see video above of protestor

using a military shield)? toss fires bomb? launch grenades at random

targets? what kind of ....... are these people from?

Nothing you say here or the hordes of other bloodthirsty posters have said, justifies a government using it's MILITARY to kill it's own people.

Go to bangkok and claim your prize. The mutilated bodies of the dead. They are your trophies in your great victory of government violence on it's people.

Nothing you have said justifies the red shirts trying to kill the soldiers over some pieces of public land they don't own.

They were breaking the law over and over again, and 16 million residents were being harmed.

The only group even partly trained to deal with a crowd such as this was army, police got their butt kicked.

If the security risk comes from within, the country must deal with it where it really is, not where they think it should be from.

No one else wants more blood, but as it was, the red shirts have forced the governments hand to act

by their escalations towards violence. They are the ones screaming for more violence and revenge...

This was ALL calculated to create this image of a violent army, oppressing the people.

Calculated image making of destruction and despair so the PR spinners could try and create a image.

But watching the red shirts for years, it is clear this is a sham. It's been a scam.

They tried so hard to create violence it was inevitable it would happen.

They stole bodies from hospitals and brought them on stage to incite the crowds....

totally depraved conduct.

I can only blame the Red shirts for trying so hard to create violence.

Thaksin should hang his head in shame. But won't... he seems shameless.

People channel has just informed that the militars are trying

to take back the dead bodies from the hospital?!? Is there

anything to hide?

Are you a complete fool, The Army always reclaim the bodies of their dead soldiers in any country...


Hi All.

It 's simple really, Why are all these people in Bangkok wearing the colour Red. They answered the call for money to come to the Capital to overthrow the Government=ANARCHY.

I cannot see the Military allowing them to take over the country, The Red leaders should be arrested as soon as possible.


And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

it is not going to help, we need democracy,

we do not need a coup or a PM handled by the

militars = your hero Abhisit.

How can you leave Thaksin out of this...This is all about Thaksin and his MONEY...nothing else....Don`t you get it..????


BBC World News has just shown a shot of a RED Shirt carrying a Kalashnikov Automatic weapon, with a Clip loaded. Thai troops only had what looked like toy shotguns firing Rubber bullets.


If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

Now, here is a man who believes Anything his wife tells him... trust an Aussie... sad bugger..!!

Anyone still claiming that protesters are there because of money should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

Probably waiting for their ID card back now :)

I know for a fact that most Red protesters are there for money, and I have no shame at all in that knowledge. They're also there for the party, which lasted for 3 weeks, up until yesterday, and they're there to bloster a very rich man's desperate attempts to get back a billion dollars.

"Soldiers will have to withdraw. There is no place to shelter. We cannot do anything," army chief General Anupong Paojinda told AFP.

My thoughts also. Anupong sounds like he did basic training at a kid's playground. If he and his ilk are so lacking in resolve and tactical wisdom, then he should have pursued another line of work, like a short order cook or painting yellow stripes on roads.

It is unfortunate when a government uses its military against its own people. A government is meant to control its military in a democracy. Unfortunately, the military controls its government in Thailand. The much-hated PM Abhisit sleeps with the military, eats with the military, laughs with the military, doles out billions to his military. Abhisit and his military buds have no remorse for what they have done and they never will.

You're trying to wax poetic, but for those who have been observing events of the past 3 weeks know you're full of it. Abhisit is not smitten by the military. He sensibly takes shelter at a military base because his house and car have been attacked. He confers with the military, as we would expect a man would, who is in charge of the military.


Watching the BBC coverage just now. Many clips showing the reds clearly instigating the beginning of the violence and also showing many reds carrying guns and even a few AK47 assault rifles. I think they will have a tough time getting any world opinion on their side when they have clearly brought this on themselves. The red leaders should be arrested ASAP and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Peace

over all the red group leaders are more evil than anyone can imagine

I say take out the top red gang leaders now and be done with this

sickest of sick element in Thailand once and for all

Yeah, you're right. Poor people fighting against injustice. Ugh. I bet they have dark skin too. *shudders*



Couple of good videos from last nights' violence now on Youtube

(All rioting)

( The second video starts out with the reds partying at Democracy monument then things turn around 2'40" )

"Soldiers will have to withdraw. There is no place to shelter. We cannot do anything," army chief General Anupong Paojinda told AFP.

There is no place to shelter ?? My gosh they withdraw and want peacetalks... Shiiiiiiiiiit.....

Is this a gay army or what ?

Now you want to mix in some bigotry with your bloodlust?

If you want to see the real bloodlust as you put it, then you might want to cut back on the rhetoric and look again at the videos of the beginning or the violence very clearly shows the reds attacking the military. Not the best of choices I think. They have been declaring their war for a long time now as the government showed restraint. The reds got their wish now we just have to see if they can spin it enough to fool the rest of the world into believing they are not truly the ones with the bloodlust.

Couch it, spin it, rewrite it, dance around it, celebrate however you want.

Many posters on THIS forum are on record calling for and now celebrating the violence.

That is bloodlust.

Enjoy your trophies. Dead Thais on both sides.

Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

ok i'll bite

why is that then?

her looks stronger than ever to me

You don't look strong when you kill your own people just to stay in power. It could all have been avoided by calling new elections. If he is indeed backed by the majority of Thais as he claims, he should have no problem winning an election and proving his mandate.

Abhisit now has the blood of Thais on his hands, and the Thai people will not forgive him.

What an absolutely stupid comment.... Thaksin and his henchmen have the blood on their hands... why do you think they wear RED....

Anyone still claiming that protesters are there because of money should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

Probably waiting for their ID card back now :)

I know for a fact that most Red protesters are there for money, and I have no shame at all in that knowledge. They're also there for the party, which lasted for 3 weeks, up until yesterday, and they're there to bloster a very rich man's desperate attempts to get back a billion dollars.

My Taxi driver gave me the going Daily rates:

Pick-Up - 5,000 Baht

Taxi - 2,000 baht

Motorcycle or Tuk-Tuk - 1,000 Baht

Demonstrator - 500 Baht.

Funeral - Send the bill to Thaksin, but don't hold your breath!!!


Watching the BBC coverage just now. Many clips showing the reds clearly instigating the beginning of the violence and also showing many reds carrying guns and even a few AK47 assault rifles. I think they will have a tough time getting any world opinion on their side when they have clearly brought this on themselves. The red leaders should be arrested ASAP and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Peace

We've clearly seen how dangerous these red protesters are. They came here for violence and mayhem. The 10 million residents of Bangkok deserve to be protected from them. They couldn't be allowed to continue to break the law and not expect a government response. Hopefully the red leaders will spend the rest of their lives in prison for the crimes they have committed against their country. Time to end the protests, have the courage to walk away peacefully.

After 1 month of peaceful protesting this was bound to happen, something better happen soon before it gets worse.

really dont see how much worse it can get but this has hit every news outlet and paper world wide - so much for the future of tourism in the LOS - as usual the army claim they were using rubber bullets but a doctor was qouted that one for the dead at least was killed by a live round -- and rubber bullets dont kill unless they hit a vital place like eyes etc -- plain to see that the troops were aiming directly at the reds with intent to cause max damage - sure the reds responded with what weapons they had at their disposal-- but they army knew that the used of tear gas would prompt this sort of response -- violence begets violence - this is not the end of this story for sure -- spoke to a freind with thai airways this morning -- lots of farang trying to leave the country right now - - and so much for another happy thai new year - so so sad to see -- seems now that neither side is going to back down --and the power brokers are gonna hang on to what power they have - why not call for an election - the whole is watching to see what the outcome is going to be to this terrible chapter in the ongoing political strife in this country -- the major theme of the overseas news articles is that its a case of the rural poor against the elite bangkokinans -- the typical class struggle -- and the fact that this govt is a puppet for the military following the last coup --- maybe good time for another one - which would at least force another election and bring an end to all of this bloodshed


The PM did his job well to protect the country from self destruction. I said PM becuase it is not about Aphisit, the PM can be anyone and in this situation what else the PM could do?

Is there anyone in this forum could have done better than Aphisit?

Let's be honest to ourselves, Thailand our second home, it's a nice country with very nice people and anyone that would do anything to destroy its harmony that has succeeded for 700 years is insane. Wny are we here in the first place? Because Thailand is the country that we have learned to love other than our own.

When I heard that Thaksin is comparing Aphisit with Hitler I could not believe it. It is sickenning! Does Thaksin knows who even Hitler was and what he did?

I would now think that Thaksin is insane, a pollitician billionaire who will do anything to discredit any of his opponents and who will do anything to get support from anyone that will overthrow the government for his own sake. The guy doesn't care for Thai people, his people, no matter what.

Many ousted pro-democracy politicians have been arrested and even killed while they were fighthing for democracy hand in hand with the masses but Thaksin is different. He is no Mandela, Aquino nor Suu Kyi that sacrificed their freedom on fight for democracy but instead Thaksin went running for his jail term, globerotting, and even acquired citizenship from another country while he wages war with his own countrymen.

Abhisit really doesn't have many choices, nor would any other person in his place. It is easy to sit and critique the guy, but fact is, I don't think anyone could have done much better! It is simply the situation that makes his job so impossible.

I agree. He is a good man doing the best he can with an impossible situation. The redshirts know that a protest without civil disobedience rarely changes anything and Abhisit has to protect downtown businesses and the economy.

Let us hope that everyone concerned can come to peaceful solution.



Does the guy at the end of this video look like a protester or like a soldier? Note the fire coming out of his gun. No rubber bullets.

Fire coming out of a gun = live round??? You're not THAT dumb, are you???

Does your rubber bullet gun have fire coming out when it shoots? You clearly know nothing about guns. Fire comes out of a gun when there is an explosion. Rubber bullets don't cause explosions. Live ammunition does.

So, you're sayin' rubber bullets just 'bounce' out of the barrel; nothing needed to propel them?

There is an explosive charge that propels the rubber bullet from the gun barrel just as with a full round.

The projectile is lighter weight and the charge is smaller, but there MUST be a charge of some size.

Physics and chemistry demand this.

Couple of good videos from last nights' violence now on Youtube

(All rioting)

( The second video starts out with the reds partying at Democracy monument then things turn around 2'40" )

Astonishingly disorganised crowd control attempt.

I also guess it is a legacy of having a huge percentage of your population go to national service that no one runs away at the sound of gunfire.

People channel has just informed that the militars are trying

to take back the dead bodies from the hospital?!? Is there

anything to hide?

Are you a complete fool, The Army always reclaim the bodies of their dead soldiers in any country...

who is the fool --- they want the bodies so that they cant prove that they were killed with live rounds not rubber bullets or other means - its was plain to see on tv that they were using live rounds -- sure some of the army had rubber bullets - but plenty of live rounds -- saw a fell belt of 50 cal live rounds -- and rubber bullets dont kill ---


TRT = Thai Rak Thai = Thai Rak Taksin = Taksin Rak Taksin ??????

Red shirts = nice people or socialist - communist - terrorist ?????????

Don't tell me that they are innocent and did not use weapons and grenades.

BBC World News has just shown a shot of a RED Shirt carrying a Kalashnikov Automatic weapon, with a Clip loaded. Thai troops only had what looked like toy shotguns firing Rubber bullets.


TOY SHOTGUN - ANOTHER WEAPONS EXPERT --- and how do u know the clip was loaded --- from what u say the army was outgunned by the reds - oh come on - get real -

BBC World News has just shown a shot of a RED Shirt carrying a Kalashnikov Automatic weapon, with a Clip loaded. Thai troops only had what looked like toy shotguns firing Rubber bullets.


TOY SHOTGUN - ANOTHER WEAPONS EXPERT --- and how do u know the clip was loaded --- from what u say the army was outgunned by the reds - oh come on - get real -

I think he was referring to a rubber shotgun. Are you saying that the Red is going around saying "Hey guysss I have an empty AK47!!". Why carry one at all? How about you get real.


Since when were red shirts given a carte blanche to invade bangkok,

bring the city to a stand still? invade gov't office? shut down the

center of Bangkok? steal army supplies (see video above of protestor

using a military shield)? toss fires bomb? launch grenades at random

targets? what kind of ....... are these people from?

Nothing you say here or the hordes of other bloodthirsty posters have said, justifies a government using it's MILITARY to kill it's own people.

Go to bangkok and claim your prize. The mutilated bodies of the dead. They are your trophies in your great victory of government violence on it's people.

It looked to me last night as if Jatuporn had already done that, as I watched him parade the corpses of his dead martyrs around on stage. They even pulled the shroud back from the bodies' faces and invited at least a dozen photographers up on stage to take photos, while Jatuporn strutted around crowing and whipping the crowd into a frenzy...using corpses on stage as some sort of trophy. Jatuporn has already claimed the "prizes", taking the bodies out of a hospital morgue so that he could use them in his own version of PR.

Except perhaps in upcountry Afghanistan as practiced by Taliban, I have never seen such an atrocious and barbaric use of corpses as trophies. These people had died in their cause. Whether or not you believe in their cause, as human beings the deceased deserve respect in their death. What sort of a person would use their bodies live and on stage in an atrocity exhibition?

I felt so sorry as I watched this on UDD TV, wondering if perhaps the families of the deceased were watching. At the same time, I felt disgust mixed with a tinge of fear as I saw Jatuporn parading the bodies on stage, strutting around, and shouting like a madman. Fear because if the red shirts and UDD have their way, this is a man who could potentially be the next Prime Minister of Thailand.

You and your bloodlust friends on this forum are celebrating the violence and death.

Are you holding up Jatuporn as your hero now to emulate?

You called for violence. Now it has come and many are dead with likely more to come.

Thais are killing Thais.

And you are happy.

BBC World News has just shown a shot of a RED Shirt carrying a Kalashnikov Automatic weapon, with a Clip loaded. Thai troops only had what looked like toy shotguns firing Rubber bullets.


One Kalashnikov doesn’t make all reds to bloodthirsty monsters with a gun. Please let’s see it how it is: It’s mostly about the former PM. He started all and people are getting paid to die????

Time for Thaksin to come back, there’s another big rock on your shoulder. And for those who’re trying to blame Abhisit: As a PM you can only give orders, what actually happens can easily get out of control.

I think there’re already problems enough without those ‘casualties’ to solve. Who should do that if they keep Abhisit busy like that? Bombs in the south for example, who’s to blame?

I guess the land of smiles became to a land of hate, depending of the color of your shirt, who would fly into Bangkok with his family right now? Doesn’t that mean that lots of Isan workers will lose their jobs?

I feel very sorry for those who had lost somebody and for those who’re being injured.



People channel has just informed that the militars are trying

to take back the dead bodies from the hospital?!? Is there

anything to hide?

Are you a complete fool, The Army always reclaim the bodies of their dead soldiers in any country...

who is the fool --- they want the bodies so that they cant prove that they were killed with live rounds not rubber bullets or other means - its was plain to see on tv that they were using live rounds -- sure some of the army had rubber bullets - but plenty of live rounds -- saw a fell belt of 50 cal live rounds -- and rubber bullets dont kill ---

if you have to defend yourself rubber bullet is not a good idea.

BBC World News has just shown a shot of a RED Shirt carrying a Kalashnikov Automatic weapon, with a Clip loaded. Thai troops only had what looked like toy shotguns firing Rubber bullets.


TOY SHOTGUN - ANOTHER WEAPONS EXPERT --- and how do u know the clip was loaded --- from what u say the army was outgunned by the reds - oh come on - get real -

Indeed, if the army became outgunned by the reds, that is through their own incompetence. It is amazing to see how many times it appears army personnel got isolated or turned their backs on the crowd. One really has to wonder about the level of training. Why does it appear to come down to being within touching distance with the protesters?

I can't see how loss of life could have been avoided once the confrontation started. If the reds are firing live rounds, what do you honestly expect the army to do? All very tragic.

However, I think there is enough video out there, to believe that there is every chance that the army had live rounds available to be used. What kind of incompetence would it suggest if there weren't any? Could you imagine how an army could be sent into essentially a street battle with NO live rounds? I just don't see it or believe it being possible.

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