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Tears For 9 Bangkok Deaths But 'as Usual' 400-600 More The Coming Few Days...

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Tears and sorrow about the yesterdays 9 deaths in Bangkok, 400-600 more to follow the coming few days... 'as usual' and 'it's a celebration' 'tradition'

How can they deal with that, a double moral ?

Songkran better completely replanned no alcohol/ no travel/ only 1 day etc. ?


Speculative BS, anyone? :)

'Incomprehensible garbage', more like.

well almost 'incrompensible', if one doesn't have a mensa iq....

I am inducting that the OP was referring to the hundreds of traffic deaths which are about to occur, I would even bet money that is what he is thinking.

IF so, I see the irony of what Society finds acceptable.

9 casualties of War

600 casualties of Celebration

get it now?


I got it the first time, but still think it's very bad taste.

(It's the main holiday, just about everyone is on the road either visiting home/relatives, or going on holiday. There is a lot of drunk driving. There are many accidents. I don't think any of that is in dispute.)

Speculative BS, anyone? :D

'Incomprehensible garbage', more like.

well almost 'incrompensible', if one doesn't have a mensa iq....

I am inducting that the OP was referring to the hundreds of traffic deaths which are about to occur, I would even bet money that is what he is thinking.

IF so, I see the irony of what Society finds acceptable.

9 casualties of War

600 casualties of Celebration

get it now?


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