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My Mate's A Yank...


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Well. My friend is a yank, and everynight down the pub, which will remain nameless, we end up on the topic of politics. We sometimes have a variety of things to talk about, but one of his favorite subjects is...how the yanks saved Europe from itself. He loves to bang on about how the Europeans were fighting each other and killing each other and how the yanks had to come over and save the British bacon from ze Germans. When I mention that the fuc_king yanks took their time, and only got involved when they saw they had to - not out of any altruistic urge, he says that it was a European war, why the fuc_k should they get involed?

I suppose he's right, but he gets up my bloody nose. So I like to remind him that Iraq and Afganistan are American wars, and he's getting help from Britain right from the start, not 3 bloody years late. Any other smart answers so I can wind the bugger up?

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Before this thread gets closed, I think you may like to consider that your 'yank' friend is not very well educated on matters of 'the globe'. It is not entirely his fault...he is just a victim of a pseudo dictatorship, which is much like what is happening in Thailand now.

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