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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station (where the military back off from, already here it would have been justified for them to stand their ground and counter the riots).

When the army goes in to remove the illegal protesters, of whom which it is mostly the hardcore thugs left on the locations no the normal grandmas with kids, the problems start.

Or you are claiming that the reds was voluntary walking away from all illegally occupied locations and the military shot the teargas and rubber bullets just to be <deleted>?

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I must have missed the election where the people voted them into power.

Cheers, Tony

Yes, the PPP was not voted into power either then, so why complain about them being dissolved?

Adios, eurasianthai

Your sixth post is the best.

You're progressing.

At least you've stopped flaming while you await your suspension.

Anyway, for others that can still post, as I stated earlier, it's encouraging that stations such as Channel News Asia and Al Jazeera are portraying the red shirts for what they really are and that the media has caught on to all the various elements of the group.

Also portraying the Government for what it is. Failed, unelected, unnacountable, clinging to power, not in control of the Army and Police and certainly not running the country now.

I hope you continue to post, as it gives other newbies an easy chance to pick amatureish post apart!


The Nation TV in particular and most of the other Thai Chanels seem at last to be taking this seriously.

Much better and fairer reporting today. I assume they want their licences renewed under the next administration!!!

They were portraying the redshirts as normal people. Families, old and young, all with the same burning sense of passion for their Monarch, Country and religion. Much better all round and might even risk a newspaper tomorrow.

Abhisit was portrayed as he was. Nervy, hesitant, twitching, worried and unsure of himself. So regardless of the PTV being down, the countries population are getting and idea of what went on last night.

The Government version lacks credibility for many reasons, but the one true visual truth that is apparant is that the Army planned an assault and sent in the tanks. They are all their for the world to see, empty, ransacked and abandoned by their occupants who lack the elitist outlook of their commanders. They were ordered there, but like the proverbial horse that you can lead to water, they wouldn't, when it came to it, drink!

Please direct me to photos or video of tanks involved in last night's skirmishes.

Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station

yes, that's when the violence began

Adios, eurasianthai

Your sixth post is the best.

You're progressing.

At least you've stopped flaming while you await your suspension.

Anyway, for others that can still post, as I stated earlier, it's encouraging that stations such as Channel News Asia and Al Jazeera are portraying the red shirts for what they really are and that the media has caught on to all the various elements of the group.

Also portraying the Government for what it is. Failed, unelected, unnacountable, clinging to power, not in control of the Army and Police and certainly not running the country now.

That's strange because neither of the two media outlets I mentioned use any of those terms. Only you. Which media outlet do you represent?

"amatureish post"

btw, it's amateurish if you're going to be so professional.

The Nation TV in particular and most of the other Thai Chanels seem at last to be taking this seriously.

Much better and fairer reporting today. I assume they want their licences renewed under the next administration!!!

They were portraying the redshirts as normal people. Families, old and young, all with the same burning sense of passion for their Monarch, Country and religion. Much better all round and might even risk a newspaper tomorrow.

Abhisit was portrayed as he was. Nervy, hesitant, twitching, worried and unsure of himself. So regardless of the PTV being down, the countries population are getting and idea of what went on last night.

The Government version lacks credibility for many reasons, but the one true visual truth that is apparant is that the Army planned an assault and sent in the tanks. They are all their for the world to see, empty, ransacked and abandoned by their occupants who lack the elitist outlook of their commanders. They were ordered there, but like the proverbial horse that you can lead to water, they wouldn't, when it came to it, drink!

Please direct me to photos or video of tanks please.

Sorry, are you really serious? It has been on every television bulletin all day and was last on 15 minutes ago With Rachel Harvey walking through them and stating it has become a tourist attraction already.

Just switch on the BBC and Al Jazeera, they are both showing it.

I found this and there are thousands of pics on google, yahoo and youtube is awash with videos


The Nation TV in particular and most of the other Thai Chanels seem at last to be taking this seriously.

Much better and fairer reporting today. I assume they want their licences renewed under the next administration!!!

They were portraying the redshirts as normal people. Families, old and young, all with the same burning sense of passion for their Monarch, Country and religion. Much better all round and might even risk a newspaper tomorrow.

Abhisit was portrayed as he was. Nervy, hesitant, twitching, worried and unsure of himself. So regardless of the PTV being down, the countries population are getting and idea of what went on last night.

The Government version lacks credibility for many reasons, but the one true visual truth that is apparant is that the Army planned an assault and sent in the tanks. They are all their for the world to see, empty, ransacked and abandoned by their occupants who lack the elitist outlook of their commanders. They were ordered there, but like the proverbial horse that you can lead to water, they wouldn't, when it came to it, drink!

Please direct me to photos or video of tanks involved in last night's skirmishes.

there are clips with vehicals that looks like tanks, but they are not involde in any actions

The Nation TV in particular and most of the other Thai Chanels seem at last to be taking this seriously.

Much better and fairer reporting today. I assume they want their licences renewed under the next administration!!!

They were portraying the redshirts as normal people. Families, old and young, all with the same burning sense of passion for their Monarch, Country and religion. Much better all round and might even risk a newspaper tomorrow.

Abhisit was portrayed as he was. Nervy, hesitant, twitching, worried and unsure of himself. So regardless of the PTV being down, the countries population are getting and idea of what went on last night.

The Government version lacks credibility for many reasons, but the one true visual truth that is apparant is that the Army planned an assault and sent in the tanks. They are all their for the world to see, empty, ransacked and abandoned by their occupants who lack the elitist outlook of their commanders. They were ordered there, but like the proverbial horse that you can lead to water, they wouldn't, when it came to it, drink!

Please direct me to photos or video of tanks involved in last night's skirmishes.

there are clips with vehicals that looks like tanks, but they are not involde in any actions

armored personnel carriers are not tanks, but to an "amature"... they may seem like tanks.

The Nation TV in particular and most of the other Thai Chanels seem at last to be taking this seriously.

Much better and fairer reporting today. I assume they want their licences renewed under the next administration!!!

They were portraying the redshirts as normal people. Families, old and young, all with the same burning sense of passion for their Monarch, Country and religion. Much better all round and might even risk a newspaper tomorrow.

Abhisit was portrayed as he was. Nervy, hesitant, twitching, worried and unsure of himself. So regardless of the PTV being down, the countries population are getting and idea of what went on last night.

The Government version lacks credibility for many reasons, but the one true visual truth that is apparant is that the Army planned an assault and sent in the tanks. They are all their for the world to see, empty, ransacked and abandoned by their occupants who lack the elitist outlook of their commanders. They were ordered there, but like the proverbial horse that you can lead to water, they wouldn't, when it came to it, drink!

Please direct me to photos or video of tanks involved in last night's skirmishes.

there are clips with vehicals that looks like tanks, but they are not involde in any actions


Maybe they were put their by the reds, or beamed down this morning. There is video footage of monks on them last night, of people blocking their paths.

Sorry you seem to have lost your argument so badly that you have to post in this fashion.

Maybe next year the PAD will give your heart joy again. I think though, that the PAD will never put themselves in the way of an organisation that ran the Army out of central Bangkok.

Perhaps some PAD DVD's will help in these troubled times.

Anyway, if you want to torture yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpz-ByED6go

I suggest you beef up your arguments a bit and stop posting drivel that can be as easily torn apart as this.... mate

In case you can't bear to look, it is troops, on tanks, firing guns being repelled by farmers, taxi drivers, factory workers and other poor dark skinned people that you so obvisouly detest

Was this better Mr Tomaz Bodzner.

Yes, I am an amateur, but I said "look Like" and "not involded" :)

Sorry if you mistook my comment as aimed at you. It wasn't. :D

It was for the poster who wrote "amatureish" earlier in another post and who said they were tanks.


to come back to the thread's topic, I watched thaifaq's video on youtube, all three parts, and from what can be seen and heard, it looks that neither the army nor the red shirts did start the gunfire.

it all begins with some isolated shots of one or two guns, not automatic gunfire.

it is not clear if someone has even been injured by those initial shots.

but what can be seen on the vid, is that apparently more shots erupted, probably red shirt counter-fire on who they thought was firing (the army) and then the reds assaulted the army.

The army very quickly retreated and abandoned everything they brought on the spot (trucks, APVs, etc.).

They obviously had orders to avoid confrontation.

Obviously the army didn't shoot live rounds into the crowd, because that would have caused much more than 20 deaths.

And their hasty retreat did not look like a concerted action.

And more, there were 4 or 5 soldiers that were trapped inside an APV, and when they came out, they were escorted back to their troops by red shirt security.

This is something that they probably wouldn't have done if they thought the soldiers fired on them.

Looks like the reds themselves know that something's wrong with the story "Army shoots reds".

Now the bets are open as to who did cause the incident.

It seems troops on both sides are above suspicion.

So either:

- out of control yellow shirts fired from building/roof


- some sae daeng ronins wanted to provoke a casus belli, they may have fired without injuring anyone themselves, but the crowd's reaction caused deaths...

Anyway, the present situation kinda benefits the reds, since they made territorial progress in the city, and they claim the government has blood on its hands.


1) an APC is not a tank

2) the reds attacked and the army and police did their best to avoid casualties

3) look for the hate rhetoric

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is pretty gruesome what kind of round is that, that would do that to your head.

One that has been flattened somewhat by ricocheting off a wall?

No-way a ricochet would do that.

To me it looks like a shotgun at close range at the top of the head or a very 'lucky' hit from a small arms rifle since the head is opened up to such an extreme level. See the still-shot pic of him in the morgue/hospital for details view, the top of the head is completely ripped open. http://www.slide.com/s/Mmc5jKEn1T-kaV2h2vv...CPIrazt7?dir=-1


In case you can't bear to look, it is troops, on tanks

Another video and another example of "NOT tanks, but armored personnel carriers"

Any others you wish to try?

I think the problem here is lack of understading on your collective parts as to what heavily armed vehicle on tracks means.

Sorry mate, you are on your own now..... but nice try anyway.

1) an APC is not a tank

2) the reds attacked and the army and police did their best to avoid casualties

3) look for the hate rhetoric

The one with the heavy cannon on it in the pic is though. Take off the yellow shades man!

This mass attempt at nit picking looks increasingly desperate on your and your allies part.... keep it up.

Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station

yes, that's when the violence began

I thought this particular "problem" began back in 2006, with Sonthi and his yellow shirts trying to get rid of what was one of Thailand's few freely elected governments, and it was then escalated when the yellow shirts occupied the airport a couple of years later.

Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station

yes, that's when the violence began

I thought this particular "problem" began back in 2006, with Sonthi and his yellow shirts trying to get rid of what was one of Thailand's few freely elected governments, and it was then escalated when the yellow shirts occupied the airport a couple of years later.

Actually it started way before that when Thaksin started eviscerating the democratic institutions of Thailand necessitating the PAD to come out and try and save Thailand from a tyrannical dictator.

This problem has its roots in one man, and it isn't Sonthi.


In case you can't bear to look, it is troops, on tanks

Another video and another example of "NOT tanks, but armored personnel carriers"

Any others you wish to try?

I think the problem here is lack of understading on your collective parts as to what heavily armed vehicle on tracks means.

Sorry mate, you are on your own now..... but nice try anyway.

Did you just honestly say that the military's (US, other NATO-nations, etc) use of the word 'tank' wrong and that you are right?


Now here's a telling photo of one of Thaksin's downstream handlers getting the photo op with the grieving mother/widow. Pin the red hanky on her, pass her a little envelope from Dear Leader and pass on DL's thanks for being a martyr to his cause.


Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station

yes, that's when the violence began

I thought this particular "problem" began back in 2006, with Sonthi and his yellow shirts trying to get rid of what was one of Thailand's few freely elected governments, and it was then escalated when the yellow shirts occupied the airport a couple of years later.

It was mate but many saw it and didn't believe it.

The expat falangs fell out with Thaksin purely because he started shutting bars earlier and brought in rules that limited naked flesh in go-go's and chrome pole dancing in bars.

I came here in 1994 after they were cleaning up one mess and laying the groundwork for another (the banking crisis). It was as is now, corrupt from top to bottom, but at least back then, the bangkok expats could leer over naked women whilst they drank beer that was so cheap as to be not worth calculating. Flesh is now more expensive to view, and outside of many falangs dwindling pension returns.

Ironically, most Bangkok falangs only dealing with Isaan people are in bars taxis and hotel cleaners. This is why they are so ignorant to the complaints of the poor, namely that their politicians and parties were removed in a coup, banned from effectively running for office (they still got in despite this) and then two further pm's outed by a put up job from the elite via their proxies in the PAD.

Further to this, after the coup, the constitution was changed and laws retroactively enforced. Many human rights reports on this, but that is another matter. The coup became legal and they installed an election court that if it had functioned as they intended, would have prevented any party out of favour with them from ever being elected. This failed miserably.

If Thaksin had only left the poor to their fate of having to dance naked in clubs until dawn..... if only.... then the great expat minds of Bangkok might have seen through the yellow fog.

The expat falangs fell out with Thaksin purely because he started shutting bars earlier and brought in rules that limited naked flesh in go-go's and chrome pole dancing in bars.

Thanks for starting off your post with a blatant lie and sad insult, makes it obvious that the rest of the post will be filled with the same BS too.

Wow, selective thinking...

The problem started when the reds started to illegally occupying the downtown areas and later attacked the tv station

yes, that's when the violence began

I thought this particular "problem" began back in 2006, with Sonthi and his yellow shirts trying to get rid of what was one of Thailand's few freely elected governments, and it was then escalated when the yellow shirts occupied the airport a couple of years later.

Actually it started way before that when Thaksin started eviscerating the democratic institutions of Thailand necessitating the PAD to come out and try and save Thailand from a tyrannical dictator.

This problem has its roots in one man, and it isn't Sonthi.

Greg, you are either incredibly naive or incredibly cynical.

1) an APC is not a tank

2) the reds attacked and the army and police did their best to avoid casualties

3) look for the hate rhetoric

The one with the heavy cannon on it in the pic is though. Take off the yellow shades man!

This mass attempt at nit picking looks increasingly desperate on your and your allies part.... keep it up.

The red lying has form.

Everybody knows that it was the reds who started the violence last Songkran.

Then Thaksin tried to get rid of the bad publicity by denying it was the reds.

He continues to lie.

Same, same this time.

We all know that the reds kicked off with the petrol bombs and guns.

Hey, they even announced in advance that they were going to use petrol bombs and set Bangkok ablaze!

Yes, in advance.

But even if the evidence was sitting on their face they would try to lie through a straw.

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