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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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The expat falangs fell out with Thaksin purely because he started shutting bars earlier and brought in rules that limited naked flesh in go-go's and chrome pole dancing in bars.

Thanks for starting off your post with a blatant lie and sad insult, makes it obvious that the rest of the post will be filled with the same BS too.

Sorry for hitting the raw nerve. I remember listening to complaint after complaint about bar closures, chrome poles, entertainment zones.

I once picked up a customer to go fishing at 7 in the morning and he was in a bar with two of the tiredest most miserable looking naked thai girls I ever saw and it haunted me. He was the owner and I enjoyed his anger and frustration when Thaksin finally took away his right to abuse his staff in such a manner.

Its thaksin hating 101, complain about corruption but the mind remembers the bars as they were.... oh yes oh yes oh yes. I hope when he comes back he shuts them all down. Now that will get the posting count up on here.

Threads on here regarding bar closures, alcohol restrictions and prostitute clampdowns always attract a big crowd. Now that is fact!

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there been lot of threads about the background to the conflict. I can understand that some red people can say "the yellows did it, so why can we not doing it"? A responseble red leader should say, no w cannot, because if we succed and form a new goverment, next yerar maybe 50 000 muslims from the south come inte the streets and claims the same thing. "What am i going to say to them?"

The expat falangs fell out with Thaksin purely because he started shutting bars earlier and brought in rules that limited naked flesh in go-go's and chrome pole dancing in bars.

Thanks for starting off your post with a blatant lie and sad insult, makes it obvious that the rest of the post will be filled with the same BS too.

Sorry for hitting the raw nerve. I remember listening to complaint after complaint about bar closures, chrome poles, entertainment zones.

I think the term would more be 'the opposite of a raw nerve', as it is not a raw nerve at all in fact, it is just a lie from you.

Or, perhaps it is true in the circles your usually walk. But not for many of us here. Hence by objection. Comprende?

The expat falangs fell out with Thaksin purely because he started shutting bars earlier and brought in rules that limited naked flesh in go-go's and chrome pole dancing in bars.

Thanks for starting off your post with a blatant lie and sad insult, makes it obvious that the rest of the post will be filled with the same BS too.

Sorry for hitting the raw nerve. I remember listening to complaint after complaint about bar closures, chrome poles, entertainment zones.

I once picked up a customer to go fishing at 7 in the morning and he was in a bar with two of the tiredest most miserable looking naked thai girls I ever saw and it haunted me. He was the owner and I enjoyed his anger and frustration when Thaksin finally took away his right to abuse his staff in such a manner.

Its thaksin hating 101, complain about corruption but the mind remembers the bars as they were.... oh yes oh yes oh yes. I hope when he comes back he shuts them all down. Now that will get the posting count up on here.

Threads on here regarding bar closures, alcohol restrictions and prostitute clampdowns always attract a big crowd. Now that is fact!

That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Miserable Looking Naked Thai Girl Supporters for Thaksin Party.

Miserable looking naked Thai girls are happier under Thaksin.


there been lot of threads about the background to the conflict. I can understand that some red people can say "the yellows did it, so why can we not doing it"? A responseble red leader should say, no w cannot, because if we succed and form a new goverment, next yerar maybe 50 000 muslims from the south come inte the streets and claims the same thing. "What am i going to say to them?"

It's simpler than that. But if you want to learn about it rather than try to be clever with these remarks, you have to be receptive to other ideas.

If 50,000 or just 500 Muslims from the south went to the streets, they should be listened to by the Government as well. You just cannot dismiss people because you are the Prime Minister and think you are right.

Try reading more and posting less!

TAWP you are so funny that i am going to honour you with a reply. War raw.... If I die laughing I'll say its Thaksins fault just to please you.

and there have been very few posts even grazing the root cause of the problems!

I think most people know the root causes of the problems here in Thailand, but they also know those are not going to change markedly this week, month or year. You can only begin to address injustices, create open dialogue (more open anyway), educate children and try to create a society where all may flourish. Personally I see only one outcome that could begin to address those things and its already falling back in the pack of likely outcomes. Every other outcome I see looks like shit.

there been lot of threads about the background to the conflict. I can understand that some red people can say "the yellows did it, so why can we not doing it"? A responseble red leader should say, no w cannot, because if we succed and form a new goverment, next yerar maybe 50 000 muslims from the south come inte the streets and claims the same thing. "What am i going to say to them?"

It's simpler than that. But if you want to learn about it rather than try to be clever with these remarks, you have to be receptive to other ideas.

If 50,000 or just 500 Muslims from the south went to the streets, they should be listened to by the Government as well. You just cannot dismiss people because you are the Prime Minister and think you are right.

Try reading more and posting less!

TAWP you are so funny that i am going to honour you with a reply. War raw.... If I die laughing I'll say its Thaksins fault just to please you.

Please do.

Translated of course the receptive to other ideas gig is meaningless.

On the other hand we have been forced to be receptive to the red throwing of petrol bombs and guns.

This is the red communication link.

The Thaksin apologists 'listening?'

I really don't think so.

Back to the fishing.

4 soldiers dead and hundreds wounded....

If thailand had a professional police, with anti riot force to front the insurgents, special forces to quickly and clean arrest the red leaders, they had no needs for the intervention of the Thai Army.

But cops are too busy to count the baht made with their corrupted activities and to scared to face to face a mob.

In France the Anti Riot Forces (named CRS) are recruited amidst Police and professional soldiers at the end of their contract with Army: all the CRS are experienced, no young conscrit. They have a special training. It will not take so long to create such a Force in Thailand.

It is particularly important that People doing this kind of work are mature, responsible, well informed about laws, consequences of their acts.

It is amateurism to engage the Army.

I've seen the CRS at 'work'. Bunch of bloodthirsty, brutish characters, with the average intelligence of a soccer hooligan, that's the last thing Thailand needs.


They've been planning this riot for a while, as shown in Voice of Thaksin. They know that violence is the only way to bring back Dear Leader.


They've been planning this riot for a while, as shown in Voice of Thaksin. They know that violence is the only way to bring back Dear Leader.


Do you remember this article?

"Voice of Thaksin" ?? What? .. where?

.... necessitating the PAD to come out and try and save Thailand from a tyrannical dictator...
much more than tyrannical.... using black magic he made the people believe the thai economy, the tourism and the investments been gettin better...

.... the people believed at such point that tourists and investors could even been touched, flesh and bones (and $$$$$$$$$), as if were true....

after years some still believe was all real, economic magazines included...

such a fool...

thanks pad for break the spell

Without that plan of the Mr.T clan, there would be no red shirts in the streets now.

And why do you think the red leaders refused the offer for elections in 9 months?

qood question...

did somebody know how is the longest time in history a non voted government stayed in charge?

They've been planning this riot for a while, as shown in Voice of Thaksin. They know that violence is the only way to bring back Dear Leader.


Do you remember this article?

"Voice of Thaksin" ?? What? .. where?

Hmmm...good to be remembered...


The red's campaign costs at least 4 or 5 million USD a day.

I can imagine Thaksin in Dubai, speaking to rich & fervent islamists:

"give me money to foment a revolution in Thailand, and I will see that your brothers in the southern provinces will get what they want - help your fellow muslim brothers!"

hmm... a guy named Osama used the same tactics for Afghanistan.

The red's campaign costs at least 4 or 5 million USD a day.

I can imagine Thaksin in Dubai, speaking to rich & fervent islamists:

"give me money to foment a revolution in Thailand, and I will see that your brothers in the southern provinces will get what they want - help your fellow muslim brothers!"

hmm... a guy named Osama used the same tactics for Afghanistan.

I'm sorry. But this is the stupidiest comment I ever read.


well, we aren't allowed to make clever comments... so that was the best I had to offer, LOL.

Still better than a double post :)

There is a time-dependent grand scheme behind the events, about which we are not allowed to write.

9 months is too late for a fresh election.

Thaksin and friends play the grand strategy game against the clock and against their opponents, the prize is Thailand.

The losers of that game are the dead and injured, regardless of the outcome.


The "peaceful" violence of the red shirts just doesn't stop.

Sad to just read about Paiboon Chullasut being the latest casualty as he was just doing his job as a van driver for a Thai television news channel. Seems yesterday, a group of red shirt protesters objected to the media's presence at their site and ran the media off.

They apparently didn't run off quick enough because as he was leaving the red site, a man threw a brick at the vehicle, injuring Khun Paiboon and breaking the van's window.

Amazingly enough, later on, a red leader later asked the media to return to the red site and resume broadcasting.


Jay jen jen as they say in this country.

Last time I checked, we weren't considered by thais to have an equal status with them.

Why bother?

Anyhow I expect and trust that the winning side will write the history in it's most favourable way for them. I also expect that the criminals and leaders on the loosing side to be severly punished in due time while the criminals and leaders on the winning side more or less will not be prosecuted.

Regardless of the outcome in these clashes, nothing will change in the thai mentality (I think). It takes three generations at least to change the mentality of a population... So, the history will most probably repeat itself in a couple of years

The linked video here is one of the most mysterious ones I have seen to suggest that perhaps it was not the army doing the shooting.

Warning: before you click the link, be forewarned that this is very graphic.

The clip opens with the protestors moving forward, perhaps to confront troops. At 16 seconds, you see one of them shot in the head and fall forward. Notice where his skull and brains landed. He was shot from behind, and not from the direction that the other protestors were facing.


That is pretty gruesome what kind of round is that, that would do that to your head.

One that has been flattened somewhat by ricocheting off a wall?

No-way a ricochet would do that.

To me it looks like a shotgun at close range at the top of the head or a very 'lucky' hit from a small arms rifle since the head is opened up to such an extreme level. See the still-shot pic of him in the morgue/hospital for details view, the top of the head is completely ripped open. http://www.slide.com/s/Mmc5jKEn1T-kaV2h2vv...CPIrazt7?dir=-1

Yes, seeing that it does seem rather unlikely. Now looks to me as if initial impact was to the side of his head. I know next to nothing about ballistics and bodies however.

The only guy to blame for the murder of civilians is abisit, the butcher of Bangkok.

Clearly everybody has been imagining the armed red attacks.

Except some red cheerleaders.

the reds were on a mission pf peace, obviously......

Programmed by Thaksin.


The only guy to blame for the murder of civilians is abisit, the butcher of Bangkok.

Clearly everybody has been imagining the armed red attacks.

Except some red cheerleaders.

the reds were on a mission pf peace, obviously......

Programmed by Thaksin.


And then there's the Butcher of Bangkok abisit's apologist

It appears that our friendly 'speak your weight machine' is of the belief that the red attack with molotov cocktails and guns did not happen.

At least he never replies to this point.

Maybe the phone line to Montenegro is down.


last night my wife was watching a news program on NBT channel 5

i was reading but she said to me look at this now with some urgency.

just look she said, the presenter had told the viewers to look at the clip and decide what they thought about the current conflict based on what they saw

so i looked, there was no dialogue, no subtitles, no leading statements

it was film of a group of soldiers that were in a small soi

it was taken from behind them, i suspect by one of their own

they were walking up the soi and were ambushed by a group of reds, they came under grenade attack and automatic fire

at least 5 were hit in the initial exchange and their lifeless bodies lay on the ground whilst the soldiers took cover

after a few seconds the gunfire ceased and they came from cover to get their fallen comrades

they grabbed them and dragged them to cover and whilst doing so came under automatic fire and grenade attack again

more were hit, and the remainder took cover again.

they came from cover again and were under fire again whilst trying to help the fallen soldiers

eventually some reds entered the scene with their hands held in the air signalling back to the main body of reds that the gunfire should stop

they ran to help the fallen soldiers, the impression was that even they had seen enough of the slaughter

there were close ups of dead or dying soldiers covered in blood

when the film ended the presenter could hardly speak, his words were staggered and measured, his eyes welled up with tears

like me he was fighting back his emotions, just as i am doing now, reliving this harrowing film account

there was a very quietly spoken army spokesman came on after the TV presenter and he seemed to explain what had happened in the film

he too was visibly upset.

if you get chance to watch this, then do so, it gives some balance to the other films circulating condemning the army

meantime i will try to find the film on youtube or the news channel website


this film is bound to be aired non-stop on Thai TV channels under government control...

a link would indeed be nice.

this film is bound to be aired non-stop on Thai TV channels under government control...

a link would indeed be nice.

I saw that programme as well. Here it your link:

They also showed the video that has been circulating of the "man in black" with the AK47 firing at the troops.

Here is a video link for that:

We have also seen the video of a man who had his brains blown out from behind the direction of the troops, who was later paraded as a martyr on stage, although I see that this video has been repeatedly flagged by someone and taken down by YouTube. Someone has posted it again and it's still there so far:


What I have not yet seen is a single video or still photo of an Army soldier with his weapon leveled and firing into the crowd, apart from the rubber bullets weapons. Gievn the density of the crowd, had even one soldier opened up with an automatic weapon into the crowd, the casualties would have been massive.

The government had everything to lose by the death of even a single protestor. The same cannot be said of the other side, who will today be parading their martyrs through the streets of Bangkok.


yes, I finally found the video of the guy whose brains had been blown out as well.

RIP, I feel sad for him.

I saved the vid incase they take it down again.

On the vid, the scene is not clearly seen, we don't see who shoots, but there is a dark-clothed man (looks like a uniform, could be a policeman) coming out of a shop, looking unsure and rushed and holding something in his hands - might have been a semi automatic.

He steps out of the camera field and a second later, the guy with the flag turns to that direction (probably because he heard something) and receives directly a shot into his forehead. I believe it was fired upwards.

Immediately after that, some 4 or 5 people are maintaining somebody on the ground.

Only speculations are possible on what happened.

I would say the policeman or soldier coming out of the shop was assaulted, and he somehow used his weapon to defend himself. I don't know if he intended to shoot in the air or at one of the attackers, but in any case he probably missed and the flag bearer caught the shot which was probably not aimed at him...

this film is bound to be aired non-stop on Thai TV channels under government control...

a link would indeed be nice.

I saw that programme as well. Here it your link:

They also showed the video that has been circulating of the "man in black" with the AK47 firing at the troops.

Here is a video link for that:

We have also seen the video of a man who had his brains blown out from behind the direction of the troops, who was later paraded as a martyr on stage, although I see that this video has been repeatedly flagged by someone and taken down by YouTube. Someone has posted it again and it's still there so far:


What I have not yet seen is a single video or still photo of an Army soldier with his weapon leveled and firing into the crowd, apart from the rubber bullets weapons. Gievn the density of the crowd, had even one soldier opened up with an automatic weapon into the crowd, the casualties would have been massive.

The government had everything to lose by the death of even a single protestor. The same cannot be said of the other side, who will today be parading their martyrs through the streets of Bangkok.

yes thats it

thank you very much

its not pleasant but despite the red leaders claims to the contrary it does prove that there were elements in the red faction that were firing live ammo.

this film is bound to be aired non-stop on Thai TV channels under government control...

a link would indeed be nice.

I saw that programme as well. Here it your link:

They also showed the video that has been circulating of the "man in black" with the AK47 firing at the troops.

Here is a video link for that:

We have also seen the video of a man who had his brains blown out from behind the direction of the troops, who was later paraded as a martyr on stage, although I see that this video has been repeatedly flagged by someone and taken down by YouTube. Someone has posted it again and it's still there so far:


What I have not yet seen is a single video or still photo of an Army soldier with his weapon leveled and firing into the crowd, apart from the rubber bullets weapons. Gievn the density of the crowd, had even one soldier opened up with an automatic weapon into the crowd, the casualties would have been massive.

The government had everything to lose by the death of even a single protestor. The same cannot be said of the other side, who will today be parading their martyrs through the streets of Bangkok.

I hope the red leaders view that last video before they start parading him.

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