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Red-Shirts Blamed For Gunfights, Bomb Attacks

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Some things we know for sure, other things we can speculate in.

What do we know for sure?

1: People on both sides were killed by live rounds.

2: Red side used live rounds and grenades.

3: Black cloth men with guns in the red crowd.

4: Red side used live rounds and grenades, molotov coctails etc

5: Army used teargas and rubber bullets

What is almost certain?

1: A third part was involved

2: There were snippers

Then we can speculate in many directions. The army could have used live rounds, but we don´t know that for sure. We need more information from the autospy.

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Redshirt attacking people on BTS

staggering brutality displayed

embedded for ease of viewing

Yeah, staggering brutality precisely second 0:06 by the pedestrian in the blue shirt who throws the first punch and sends the redshirt guy near the rail falling back.

Actually, to be fair, nobody can truly tell from this video what instigated it.

It's pretty clear the red shirt rushed up to them to 'check bags',

and the women and her purse were involved.

Most women don't take to their bags being grabbed too well.

No doubt the big guy felt she was attacked, defended his lady, and decked the guy.

Then the red horde descends and there is a pulling match over her bag.

Finally big guy brings his distraught lady away from the scene.

Not rocket science to see this even with the camera bobble.

I know the guy from the video.

He told me he was just walking when he was attacked by a few red shirts, but he somehow got out of it. I assume that he was attacked because he always looks like he's looking for trouble.

The person recording this asked for his email address and later sent it to him.

Completely unprovoked violence.

The Bangkok Pundit quote below has Seh Daeng admitting his guys were probably in the mix in the exchange of fire [and the continuation of fire on the troops as they were retrieving their wounded], but he claims it was in response to army sniper fire from Satriwithaya School.

Not one for quoting Seh Daeng, but he referred to the military being leaderless at a point - will include the full quote of what he said given the controversy. Matichon reports him as saying the mistake of the Army C-in-C was to use snipers on the building at Satri Wittaya school and this caused many people to die (¤ÇÒÁ¼Ô´¢Í§ ¼º.·º. ¤×Íãªé¤¹«ØèÁÂÔ§·Õ躹ËÅѧ¤ÒµÖ¡âçàÃÕ¹ʵÃÕÇÔ·ÂÒ «Öè§ÊÒà˵طÕ褹µÒ¨ӹǹÁÒ¡) because the result of using snipers to kill the people first (à¾ÃÒоūØèÁÂÔ§¢Í§·ËÒÃä´éÂԧŧÁÒãÊè»ÃЪҪ¹¡è͹) caused one group of persons whose identity is unknown or the Ronin fighters to respond (·ÓãËé¡Í§¡ÓÅѧäÁè·ÃÒº½èÒÂËÃ×͹ѡúâùԹÂÔ§µÍºâµé) by using a M79 grenade which then hit the military tent next to Satri Wittaya school which the military used as the command centre (ÅÙ¡ÃÐàºÔ´àÍçÁ 79 ÅÙ¡áá·ÕèÂÔ§à¢éÒ仵¡àµç¹·ì·ËÒâéÒ§âçàÃÕ¹ʵÃÕÇÔ·ÂÒ ·Õèãªéà»ç¹¡Í§ºÑ­ªÒ¡ÒÃú¤ÃÑ駹Õé) and this caused a serious injury to Maj General Valit the Commander of the forces (·ÓãËéâ´¹ ¾Å.µ.ÇÅÔµ..«Öè§à»ç¹áÁè·Ñ¾ã¹¡Ò÷ÓÈÖ¡¤ÃÑ駹ÕéºÒ´à¨çºÊÒËÑÊ) and many other senior military officials (áÅÐâ´¹¹Ò·ËÒêÑé¹ÊÑ­­ÒºÑµÃËÅÒ¤¹¡çºÒ´à¨çº) so there was no commander to issue orders (·ÓãËé¡ÒÃÈÖ¡¤ÃÑ駹ÕéäÁèÁÕ¤¹ÊÑè§).


If there would have been snipers then they would have used them just before the start of the crackdown, as it happened in 1992, and not in the middle of the firings as it is most likely that you can't target anybody in particular after the firing of rubber bullets started. To much movements.

This time they had rubber bullets ammutions which were not available in 1992. So why would they have to resort to snipers? In case there would have been snipers they would rather chose the black clads, even SaeDaeng himself, as target and not civillians and reporters.


Read carefully. Sea Deang nowhere said that thus has been HIS boys. He just claims that he has some imagination about who the third party people might be. Nothing more.

People who do something like this don't talk to the public. What sense does it make that Sea Deang talking about, beside being in the news paper?

But it is nice to have everything video, right. What else the govt should show over and over again on television, dead and injured red shirt people? Well, there are plenty of them, much more than soldiers, but it is clear who would profit of it, so better don't disturb people with the truth.

One thing is still strange, why Sea Deang knows all the details so well, almost so good as Thanong does?

Fans of conspiracy theories may google: "CAPO opens inquiry into leaks" and take their free spin on this.


To be repetitive:

Live bullets are ALWAYS issued to all soldiers with their weapons,

even when rubber billets are to be the main armament, because NO soldier

carries a weapon not ready for use. PERIOD. It is just not done.

If the army had been shooting mostly live rounds, thousands would have been dead.

and that has not been the case. Regrettably 850 injured,

but nothing ANYWHERE has said these were all bullet wounds.

The words on the red stages fired up their crowd to fight back against a army riot control line,

those REPEATED decisions to fight back, caused the majority of injuries.

Those decisions coupled with the obvious use of military style guerrillas,

intent on causing greatest possible chaos and create terror.

Hence these so far un-identified terrorists are quite to blame.

But they couldn't have been in position to do this,

without the words that set it all in motion.

The 'thing' that touched this all off was WORDS; words kill,

even high school hazing caused a girl to hang herself in USA.

JUST WORDS you say...

words mis-used are the weapon of choice for many demagogues.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but it can also cause the sword to be raised in anger.

The words quoted from the red stages the last 3 weeks have had deadly effect.

Make no mistake without those fiery orators filled with hate and lies,

there would have been no battle at Thaicom. No post Thaicom government clearing operation.

The NEEDED their WORDS to be heard, other wise people would not come to do battle.

Words kill as easily and as surely as pride is wounded

and demagogues wind up their listeners to march for a cause.

How many Thais out for a night die for the wrong word in the wrong face?

Or die because what they said was mis-heard? Dead is dead and words can kill.

Your yellow friends dont use hate and lies on their station maybe ?

which has never been shut down by the Abhisit regime by the way

And violence at the airport last time by the yellows ? Many pictures of that on several

threads here

I really must be dreaming .

Overall the reds are less violent this time round then the yellows .

I tried this before but it did not work so I will try again

Moresemkl you are one of the most idiotic morons it's been my displeasure to ever meet. Not just because of this post but because of several months of crap me and other have to be subjected to from you. Do you occasionally here a clashing sound in your head. That's your two brain cells hitting each other.

Ban here I come but I don't give a shit. Someone had to say it.!!!!!

See you later

Love Andy :)

Not the best quote of his crap but I can no longer be bothered

This kind of personal attack is not even worth answering but i will do a last effort .

Wrong , live bullets are not always issued to troops in a crowd control role and certainly not

to those facing demonstrators , meaning to the front lines . Some troops held in reserve in buses way behind

maybe . I saw enough protests to know that but perhaps in your ivory tower you havent been to any

No , troops facing protesters dont shoot live bullets even in the air . Where have you been lately?

Where you are writing from anyway ? Somalia ?

Even rubber bullets are seldom used and only against very violent crowds , you can kill with rubber

bullets say in the face . Anyway ...

The violent rethoric by some red shirt leaders is very very regretable, i dont support it

and is not the first time i said that , check other of my post if you think of yourself as impartial .

I even many times suggested that Arisman be arrested , where were you then ?

Soldiers shot straight with their M16 into the crowd (you want the video link ? ).

The violence at the TV station , yes , caused by what ? By Abhisit shutting down the sat uplink

so that those red who never had much of a voice in that great country anyway , are still kept silent .

What you and some others here fail to understand is the degree of

frustration of those people and their determination . I dont excuse them but at least i try to understand

the why . Why is useful sometimes

Some of those folks calm themselves by drinking and dancing , most actually ... but some talk too much .

Anyway having live bullet given to soldiers at close proximity of protesters is inherently dangerous

do you understand that Mr Smartass ? .

If not then you are hopeless ... and only agree with he 70% of parrots here which only makes you

one of them .

Good night .


Am still bothered by the photo above. Not many cities in the world where a guy in disguise can parade around with a loaded automatic weapon. He should be arrested or shot by security personnel. As gunners like him are not arrested or shot on sight, is yet another indication of Thai gov't security gone soft.

Firing live rounds into the air . What is that ? Never saw such thing in any country but Zimbabwe

Televised reports of the 1992 demonstrations showed automatic fire being directed into the air. (The same also showed individual shots being fired in the general direction of the protesters.)

This topic title is misleading. Not sure how they can blame the reds for the gunfight, there were 14 reds dead and 4 soldiers, and most of the reds died from high power rifles, these are weapons issued by the military.
We've had names published of four privates and a sergeant-major who were killed. On top of that, there's now the colonel who was fatally wounded. The France 24 report spoke of seven dead soldiers. Perhaps the red leaders are right and the army is concealing some deaths - their own!
A lot of finger pointing at the reds, yellows and military for the deaths this last week. However a lot of non-Thai entities for instance the IMF, World Bank and other companies as well as other countries have a lot to gain or lose depending on the outcome of this situation. Could any of these non-Thai entities be investing in mercenaries to escalate the situation in an attempt to manipulate the situation in a way that would benefit them?

I seriously doubt it's a desperate attempt by ex-pat pensioners to lower the baht.

They go on to say that these weapons are used by specially trained gunmen particularly in the army. Hmmm now what does that seem to say ?

That the murders were probably committed by a sniper trained in the Army.


The best sniper in the Army, Major-General Khattiya, AKA Sae Daeng, during his start as a sniper in the Vietnam War

(from his own website sae-daeng.com)

It can't be him because he is RED and the sniper victims are RED.

Want to take another guess ?

They go on to say that these weapons are used by specially trained gunmen particularly in the army. Hmmm now what does that seem to say ?

That the murders were probably committed by a sniper trained in the Army.


The best sniper in the Army, Major-General Khattiya, AKA Sae Daeng, during his start as a sniper in the Vietnam War

(from his own website sae-daeng.com)

It can't be him because he is RED and the sniper victims are RED.

Want to take another guess ?

'Ronin warriors' fire M79 grenades at troops: Khattiya

Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol said that the so-called 'Ronin' warriors or underground warriors helped red-shirt protesters battle troops on Saturday.

He admitted that the "unknown force" or "Ronin warriors" fired M79 grenades at troops and one M79 grenade landed at the tent of the commander of the operation, causing the troops to have no commander.

"This caused the troops to have no commander and caused them to lose the battle," Khattiya said.

"The Army commander thought the red shirts were easy to be crushed but there are not," Khattiya said.

The Nation

i told you before that Thais cannot keep a secret, he has as good as admitted to the murder of Col. Romklao

Seh Daeng already has an arrest warrant issued for him

Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, known as Seh Daeng, an army specialist who has been suspended from duty, is one of the 17 people wanted under arrest warrants approved by the Criminal Court, police said.

maybe they should add to this a reward of 10 million - dead or alive


From an International news reporting agency a direct quote that their correspondents saw "army soldiers carrying and shooting high velocity rifles".

Looks like the propaganda war is being lost big time.

I am sorry, but the rules of TVF do not allow me to name it, or post the link.

That now makes 2 international news agencies quoted as seeing the army using weapons directly on the people. You can see why Kasit is so angry at the world perhaps ?

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

They go on to say that these weapons are used by specially trained gunmen particularly in the army. Hmmm now what does that seem to say ?

That the murders were probably committed by a sniper trained in the Army.


The best sniper in the Army, Major-General Khattiya, AKA Sae Daeng, during his start as a sniper in the Vietnam War

(from his own website sae-daeng.com)

It can't be him because he is RED and the sniper victims are RED.

Want to take another guess ?

notice how almost everyone here thinks its all over for the Dems now the EC commision has ruled?

notice that they are all out celebrating and the immediate political pressure has been released?

this is a clever strategy that will buy some Abhisit some time to gather evidence

in that time, Abhisist will prove who the real protaganists were on Saturday

he will prove it was the red militia operating a false flag operation

think about this simple fact; if it was Government that employed army snipers, why did they not take out the red leaders?

they were there to be shot at and targetted by the snipers just as easily, after all you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

it did not happen, that was not the intention, it was intended that only randomly selected, innocent reds would die

they make for better international media condemnation than if any of the already loathed red leaders were to be killed

the overall plan was to sacrifice a few of their own ordinary joe public reds to create an international uproar and get the publics sympathy on the red side

kill a few soldiers too but certainly not as many, and absolutely not with the same snipers bullets

this was neccesary to create an inbalance in the death toll to try to show that the Army were the protaganists

when it all unravels, which it will, (this is Thailand, where no one can keep a secret) and Abhisit has the time to prove it and he has that time now, the nation will be shocked by what actually happened and will be grateful to Abhisit for exposing it

the reds will be a spent force, even their most ardent supporters will have no stomach for their leaders killing their own supporters to make a political point

Sa Deng will be killed evading capture, as will his mercenaries

the government will present evidence that can't be disputed by the dead men and the operation will get tied to the red leadership and to Thaksin.

They go on to say that these weapons are used by specially trained gunmen particularly in the army. Hmmm now what does that seem to say ?

That the murders were probably committed by a sniper trained in the Army.


The best sniper in the Army, Major-General Khattiya, AKA Sae Daeng, during his start as a sniper in the Vietnam War

(from his own website sae-daeng.com)

It can't be him because he is RED and the sniper victims are RED.

Want to take another guess ?

notice how almost everyone here thinks its all over for the Dems now the EC commision has ruled?

notice that they are all out celebrating and the immediate political pressure has been released?

this is a clever strategy that will buy some Abhisit some time to gather evidence

in that time, Abhisist will prove who the real protaganists were on Saturday

he will prove it was the red militia operating a false flag operation

think about this simple fact; if it was Government that employed army snipers, why did they not take out the red leaders?

they were there to be shot at and targetted by the snipers just as easily, after all you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

it did not happen, that was not the intention, it was intended that only randomly selected, innocent reds would die

they make for better international media condemnation than if any of the already loathed red leaders were to be killed

the overall plan was to sacrifice a few of their own ordinary joe public reds to create an international uproar and get the publics sympathy on the red side

kill a few soldiers too but certainly not as many, and absolutely not with the same snipers bullets

this was neccesary to create an inbalance in the death toll to try to show that the Army were the protaganists

when it all unravels, which it will, (this is Thailand, where no one can keep a secret) and Abhisit has the time to prove it and he has that time now, the nation will be shocked by what actually happened and will be grateful to Abhisit for exposing it

the reds will be a spent force, even their most ardent supporters will have no stomach for their leaders killing their own supporters to make a political point

Sa Deng will be killed evading capture, as will his mercenaries

the government will present evidence that can't be disputed by the dead men and the operation will get tied to the red leadership and to Thaksin.

Ok, take your tin foil hat off and have another guess. If you get it right, i'll give you a chocolate chip cookie.


I have looked closely at many of the videos posted around the web.

Circumstantial evidence leads me to forming the opinion the guys in black decided to start the bloodbath by shooting people from both sides in the hope they would initiate a bloodbath. Peaceful protests wouldn't have furthered their agenda.

In the videos I have seen the guys in black can move freely around the reds indicating they are part of the movement.

Anyone who thinks higher up people wouldn't sacrifice a few of the protesters for the benefit of the larger cause is naive.


Changed their mind now. They believe that the weapons were used by terrorist infiltrators and that NO guns were fire by the RED shirts or bombs thrown. Latest from Chief of military.

I have looked closely at many of the videos posted around the web.

Circumstantial evidence leads me to forming the opinion the guys in black decided to start the bloodbath by shooting people from both sides in the hope they would initiate a bloodbath. Peaceful protests wouldn't have furthered their agenda.

In the videos I have seen the guys in black can move freely around the reds indicating they are part of the movement.

Anyone who thinks higher up people wouldn't sacrifice a few of the protesters for the benefit of the larger cause is naive.

This is about that same as my interpretation of the various video and photographic events.


Russell Hantz

Ok, take your tin foil hat off and have another guess. If you get it right, i'll give you a chocolate chip cookie.

i look forward to eating your cookies Russell

your performance record on Samoa survivor tells me you have a propensity to be wrong most of the time


his Foa Foa tribe lost 6 out of the 7 immunity challenges

Changed their mind now. They believe that the weapons were used by terrorist infiltrators and that NO guns were fire by the RED shirts or bombs thrown. Latest from Chief of military.

This is probably spin (no soldiers guilty and no red shirts guilty) to prepare the public for the coming compromise.

Changed their mind now. They believe that the weapons were used by terrorist infiltrators and that NO guns were fire by the RED shirts or bombs thrown. Latest from Chief of military.

This is probably spin (no soldiers guilty and no red shirts guilty) to prepare the public for the coming compromise.

and the traitor Anupong who has gone over to the other side whilst his men are still in hospital is to be believed?

he should be fired right now or worse

Does anyone have any clue how or when this is going to end?

I'm really sick and tired of the nutcase yelling on the stage at Rajprasong. I expected my hearing to get damaged from his screaming and I'd hear him less and less every day, but I have a feeling he's actually getting louder by the minute.

They must be having some magnificent amplifiers and speakers. I've never heard anything this loud in my life. I mean yes, at a concert, but that was standing 10m from the speakers, not 800m.

Wonder also if anyone of the red gang sitting at Rajprasong has any hearing left...

Caretaker military government is how it will end in the short term.

In the long term if history is any guide then fresh elections will be held and then the whole cycle will repeat itself albeit with some of the players being different.


After reading this short article: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/ISOC-...o-30127130.html I have reached a tentative conclusion, as follows:

The deadly situation that unfolded Saturday night at the Democracy Monument was not a routine confrontation that spontaneously spun out of control. It was initially a routine confrontation - as has occurred numerous times, at numerous locations over the past three weeks. But - someone put together a "hunter-killer" team to stalk a specific target - that being Army Colonel Romklao - and they identified the confrontation at Democracy Monument as involving a unit commanded by this Colonel. The team deployed into positions - some in overwatch positions above street level, some in combat gear, mingling with the protesters. Included in the overwatch group was one or more "spotters - using laser pointers to designate targets for an M79 grenadier.

They basically set up an ambush assassination, using the protest for cover

When it was time to execute, the team then had their street-level element initiate fire on the soldiers - and possibly also on the protesters - to create pandemonium. This then gave them the cover they need to basically assassinate Colonel Romklao. His death would look like a random death within the "fog of war" - but he was the actual target of the entire operation. Everything else was just collateral damage, incidental to this targeted "hit".

In the above hypothesis, I define the Colonel as the target - but the target may have been the entire Command Group of this regiment.

There is really no other good explanation for why anyone would be using laser pointers to designate targets within the military force.

What the article alludes to is how it would take a very experienced spotter to be able to pick out specific command group targets - in the dark, with CS gas residue in the air, gunfire smoke and confusion rampant. Thus - the military knows that it was other active or retired Thai military spotters at work. It also means that the larger deadly incident was really not avoidable. It was part of plan that was predetermined - and would have been forced to happen, no matter how well the Thai Army did its job.

I wonder what the Thai Amy brass is thinking right now.

After reading this short article: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/ISOC-...o-30127130.html I have reached a tentative conclusion, as follows:

The deadly situation that unfolded Saturday night at the Democracy Monument was not a routine confrontation that spontaneously spun out of control. It was initially a routine confrontation - as has occurred numerous times, at numerous locations over the past three weeks. But - someone put together a "hunter-killer" team to stalk a specific target - that being Army Colonel Romklao - and they identified the confrontation at Democracy Monument as involving a unit commanded by this Colonel. The team deployed into positions - some in overwatch positions above street level, some in combat gear, mingling with the protesters. Included in the overwatch group was one or more "spotters - using laser pointers to designate targets for an M79 grenadier.

They basically set up an ambush assassination, using the protest for cover

When it was time to execute, the team then had their street-level element initiate fire on the soldiers - and possibly also on the protesters - to create pandemonium. This then gave them the cover they need to basically assassinate Colonel Romklao. His death would look like a random death within the "fog of war" - but he was the actual target of the entire operation. Everything else was just collateral damage, incidental to this targeted "hit".

In the above hypothesis, I define the Colonel as the target - but the target may have been the entire Command Group of this regiment.

There is really no other good explanation for why anyone would be using laser pointers to designate targets within the military force.

What the article alludes to is how it would take a very experienced spotter to be able to pick out specific command group targets - in the dark, with CS gas residue in the air, gunfire smoke and confusion rampant. Thus - the military knows that it was other active or retired Thai military spotters at work. It also means that the larger deadly incident was really not avoidable. It was part of plan that was predetermined - and would have been forced to happen, no matter how well the Thai Army did its job.

I wonder what the Thai Amy brass is thinking right now.

Very good point. I tend to look at this angle too.

Someone is planning all this as it uncovers to the real horror!

^if true obviously military was leaking intel to the 3rd party.

There were early reports of military intel being leaked. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Loads of soldiers have redshirt sympathies.

After reading this short article: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/ISOC-...o-30127130.html I have reached a tentative conclusion, as follows:

The deadly situation that unfolded Saturday night at the Democracy Monument was not a routine confrontation that spontaneously spun out of control. It was initially a routine confrontation - as has occurred numerous times, at numerous locations over the past three weeks. But - someone put together a "hunter-killer" team to stalk a specific target - that being Army Colonel Romklao - and they identified the confrontation at Democracy Monument as involving a unit commanded by this Colonel. The team deployed into positions - some in overwatch positions above street level, some in combat gear, mingling with the protesters. Included in the overwatch group was one or more "spotters - using laser pointers to designate targets for an M79 grenadier.

They basically set up an ambush assassination, using the protest for cover

When it was time to execute, the team then had their street-level element initiate fire on the soldiers - and possibly also on the protesters - to create pandemonium. This then gave them the cover they need to basically assassinate Colonel Romklao. His death would look like a random death within the "fog of war" - but he was the actual target of the entire operation. Everything else was just collateral damage, incidental to this targeted "hit".

In the above hypothesis, I define the Colonel as the target - but the target may have been the entire Command Group of this regiment.

There is really no other good explanation for why anyone would be using laser pointers to designate targets within the military force.

What the article alludes to is how it would take a very experienced spotter to be able to pick out specific command group targets - in the dark, with CS gas residue in the air, gunfire smoke and confusion rampant. Thus - the military knows that it was other active or retired Thai military spotters at work. It also means that the larger deadly incident was really not avoidable. It was part of plan that was predetermined - and would have been forced to happen, no matter how well the Thai Army did its job.

I wonder what the Thai Amy brass is thinking right now.

I usually do not believe in conspiracy theories, but your analysis sounds quite plausible to me.

^if true obviously military was leaking intel to the 3rd party.

There were early reports of military intel being leaked. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Loads of soldiers have redshirt sympathies.

Or could go up higher than that..... :)

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