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I don't think TV will mind showing another Thai website?

In all my studies of Thailand I recently came upon this.



I did it for 'fun' and was pretty happy with my score, not bad for a farang. Last I looked I was in the Top 40.

If you take up the Challenge, pullllease use your TV nick?

You can do the quiz lots of times, I did twice and the questions change somewhat. You can't use Google, unless you are very very fast, because you only have so many seconds to Respond.

If you know that is an historic Myth that elephants were offered to ABE Lincoln for the Civil War, the quiz masters don't know that, so just say yes.

Also, if you happen know there have actually been 10 Kings of the Chakri Dynasty, go with 9; the quiz masters didn't count Prince Isaret, < I love that name King Pinklao.


I'm pretty sure I am allowed to say this, it is not political and it IS respectful. > Of all of the monarchs I have ever heard of European, Asian, anywhere anytime in history were to given a Solomon ranking, many of the Thai Kings would be up there. I found the path that King Mongkut took in life to be particularly fascinating, with his long time as a monk. I wonder if a play or movie has ever been considered. He was so very good, an inspiration to mankind.

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