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Starting To Change My Opinion...


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I still believe that the Reds to have many valid arguments, but given the violence over the weekend (I believe neither side is free of blame for the violence) it should be time to head backj to the negotiating table to see if this can be resolved without any further bloodshed.

The below compromis seems very fair and dissolving Parliament in 3 months seems very fair and a win for the REDs. I hope the reds accept that this would be "a win for them" and end this as soon as possible.


Academics offer solutions to end violent conflict

303 Academics from 14 institutions came out and requested that

1. The government should establishe the central committee consists of experts and professionals from forensic science, law, crowd control, and representatives from academia groups both for and against the house dissolution, to investigate the violent clashes with transparency as soon as possible. There should be a daily report of the progress until the situation is resolved.

2. Law enforcement must be strictly followed, so the protestors should stop breaking the law by taking over public areas or instigate violence, to allow the country to recover. The crowd control should not be done after 5.30 pm because it would be too dark, thus too difficult to control the situations.

3. The press should present the news without bias, by only focus on the facts. The words refer to each side should not be labeled in such a way that would lead to negative feelings on each side and lead to misunderstandings.

4. There should be a negotiation to end the immediate conflict, like the talk over the government’s request for the crowd to gather only at Panfah Bridge, or the request by DAAD to lift the emergency decree and arrest warrants of the key leaders.

5. All 303 academics offer to become mediators, and request that the group of 155 academics who suggested that the government dissolve the Parliament within 3 months to join in as well.

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I hope that you are wrong... but I do not regret my previous support of their position.

I would not change my position, but rather remove my support (not that that would really mean anything to anyone) as I would no longer believe that the REDs are staying true to their claims.

I still believe they have valid arguments, but if they are not willing to accept it when they win then they are being unreasonable and any future violence is unneeded and will be on their hands, simple as that.

But even if that happens, it would not invalidate manyof the point that they have raised.

(This is also based upon the government also agreeing to the below compromise... otherwise if REDs are willing tocompromise, but governemtn is not, then I would lay the blame for any future violence at the feet of the current government)

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Depends on which media outlet you are looking at... the REDs TV and radio stations have been favouring the REDs and the GOvernemtn controlled media outlets seem to be favouring the govenment.

The government shut down the REDs TV station becuae it was "Distorting the governemtn" and the REDs captured some TV Vans because they were "distorting the REDs"... I guess that the REDs believed that turnabout is fair play...

But yes, I agree that number three would be nice, but in a "free" media the best you can hope for is that both side will be free to report their disttorians and the public will decide who to believe...

Edited by CWMcMurray
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I hope that you are wrong... but I do not regret my previous support of their position.

I would not change my position, but rather remove my support (not that that would really mean anything to anyone) as I would no longer believe that the REDs are staying true to their claims.

"Not that it would mean anything to anyone"......peroid :)

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5. All 303 academics offer to become mediators, and request that the group of 155 academics who suggested that the government dissolve the Parliament within 3 months to join in as well.

Good idea. I like point 5 too.

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Why wait - dissolve it now! No reason not to at this point.

Actually, I misread it. I was thinking "item 5" meant hold elections in 3 months. I know it takes several weeks to get one organised, so 3 months to hold an election seemed reasonable.

But you're right, parliament - and this government - is doing nothing useful now (haven't been for a long time, actually), so may as well dissolve parliament now.

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this feels kinda deja vu :)

sorry, with all the numerous threads already in existence, and the resultant temp policy for General, Im now closing this thread

however, please DO continue to share your views on one of the threads already running. The idea is so that information is comprehensive in a few threads rather than spread and sporadic in many many threads :D

regards :D

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