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Abhisit ± Dems x ∛ FACE squared = ∆ ➷ negative †.

Two rights can't make up the loss from a BIG wrong

Interestingly Option T on a Mac is Dagger...

➢ How apropos.

...and you have the petrol bombs and guns

Actually the arms were picked up from the fleeing troops. So what you will find is the reds have the military's left behind ordinance. :D

:) What were the troops fleeing???

^after shots were fired - thee troops feared reprisals from the reds who aim was to protect themselves and maybe get some payback.

OK, then who fired the shots?


Well the mysterious 3rd party...... yet to know if it was military/reds/unknown to blame. However the reds were singing/dancing in the streets and seemed caught off guard by the violence that ensued. Their assumption rightfully would be the military attacking them, so they responded in kind with rocks, sticks, petrol bombs.


Yes Brit --- the same as the reds using petrol bombs at 1st Regiment and Thaicom ---- they weren't violent by nature they just happened to be carrying molotav cocktails in their shorts while they danced in the streets!

Defense of this mob must be making you tired by now!

...and you have the petrol bombs and guns

Actually the arms were picked up from the fleeing troops. So what you will find is the reds have the military's left behind ordinance. :)

Yeah ---- that's where the AK's etc came from ......

Well the mysterious 3rd party...... yet to know if it was military/reds/unknown to blame. However the reds were singing/dancing in the streets and seemed caught off guard by the violence that ensued. Their assumption rightfully would be the military attacking them, so they responded in kind with rocks, sticks, petrol bombs.

Now I see. Your supposition is that the first shots were fired by the mysterious 3rd hand and caught everyone off guard, and then both reds and army went into a reactionary mode to the gunfire. Yes that does sound plausible. I would suspect that was the reaction the 3rd hand was looking for.

Welcome back JD to the discussion.... :)

Just nursing my sunburn, catching up on news, and watching your sad attempt to defend the indefensible. You missed the fun ata the moat :D

Sorry I can't stick around and look for more of your defenses of the lovable dancing reds with the molotavs in their shorts :D


rabo, interesting theory to add to the rest of them out there. Considering how tense the situation was down there - easily could have happened. Or could be the military or the reds. It's obvious each side will blame the other and use what happened now to further their own agenda. Honestly the only thing I am certain of is that SNIPERS caused this mayhem to ensue and we have yet to see these lads and probably never will. The lads in black were most likely the Ronin Warriors everyone was describing that would help protect the reds if the military attacked them.

rabo, interesting theory to add to the rest of them out there. Considering how tense the situation was down there - easily could have happened. Or could be the military or the reds. It's obvious each side will blame the other and use what happened now to further their own agenda. Honestly the only thing I am certain of is that SNIPERS caused this mayhem to ensue and we have yet to see these lads and probably never will. The lads in black were most likely the Ronin Warriors everyone was describing that would help protect the reds if the military attacked them.

Yeah Brit ... the fire bombs at 1st Regiment and Thaicom didn't have ANYTHING to do with it, it was just those snipers .............


^JD - don't block Red TV and likely none of this would have happened!!

BTW need be careful w/sunburn - not good for the skin and wouldn't want to see you get melanoma. :)

^JD - don't block Red TV and likely none of this would have happened!!

BTW need be careful w/sunburn - not good for the skin and wouldn't want to see you get melanoma. :)

I disagree. It appears to have been a setup. The army walked right into it. They redshirt leaders have been blustering for weeks. The rhetoric was extremely violent. They pumped their followers full of hatred and anger. They baited the government at every turn. This was going to happen one way or another. And it could happen again.

^well one would if you were being attack by illegal use of force.

They were busy violating the law at the time. Sometimes when people break the law the police have to step in. When police break up riots they sometimes have to use force. It is not illegal. When someone is caught in the act of robbing a bank and gets shot by the police it's not illegal. The police and army are doing their duty to enforce the law. Guess what some of them are northern Thais too, so jabbing them with a sharpened stick isn't really a peaceful protest.

The whole point of the reds protest has been to provoke the PM to the point where he would use force. Then they could claim he has blood on his hands and expect him to step down. Looks like it didn't go as planned so they'll increase the pressure and see if more blood will do the trick. Go ahead and dance for your organ grinder.

^JD - don't block Red TV and likely none of this would have happened!!

BTW need be careful w/sunburn - not good for the skin and wouldn't want to see you get melanoma. :)

Red TV is a symptom not the cause.

But it is a symptom that makes the disease harder to recover from.

Mask the symptoms, sleep better, and the take strong blood de-coagulants.

Seems everything is like a blood clot in the veins and we need to de-coagulate it,

and hope it doesn't break off an travel to the brain and cause a stroke and paralyze the whole body.

Much like ASTV huh? :)

Your boy Thaksin took ASTV's predecessor off the air,

That's why they started ASTV.

Chicken or the egg, bucko, chicken or the egg.

But it is not reported to be as as violently oriented,

just anti-Thaksin and then anti-Red.


I wouldn't care if they closed down ALL Thai TV. Being fed a load of codswallop about rich, spoilt, hi-so's who all drive Mercedes, change into fresh clothes every ten minutes, offer violence to women, live in big posh houses and incessantly quarrel must have a deleterious effect. Maybe banning all soaps until the invaders go home would be beneficial?

I wouldn't care if they closed down ALL Thai TV. Being fed a load of codswallop about rich, spoilt, hi-so's who all drive Mercedes, change into fresh clothes every ten minutes, offer violence to women, live in big posh houses and incessantly quarrel must have a deleterious effect. Maybe banning all soaps until the invaders go home would be beneficial?

Banning all soaps is the best act any Thai government could do.

And shoot all the producers in the public square, so they can't start up again.

This genre has done more damage to Thai minds

than all the demagogues that ever spoke on stage genre.

I wouldn't care if they closed down ALL Thai TV. Being fed a load of codswallop about rich, spoilt, hi-so's who all drive Mercedes, change into fresh clothes every ten minutes, offer violence to women, live in big posh houses and incessantly quarrel must have a deleterious effect. Maybe banning all soaps until the invaders go home would be beneficial?

Banning all soaps is the best act any Thai government could do.

And shoot all the producers in the public square, so they can't start up again.

This genre has done more damage to Thai minds

than all the demagogues that ever spoke on stage genre.

People ooften castigate the poor as being "uneducated" which to my way of thinkng may in many case be true, but not very relevant. The poor certainly have as much intelligence and wisdom as any other class of Thai society that I have seen. What almost all Thais suffer from, and perhaps the poor more s,o is what Pira Sudham referred to as a "crippled mind". Their institutions have let them down badly, perhaps by design. Their sangha, far from freeing their minds has filled it with superstion, magic and bogey men that keeps then dependant on animabuddhabhramashamanistic monks to live their shackleed lives. Thai culture, often delivered through the education system lets everyone know where their place in society is and gives comfort in knowing many are lower than themselves. When you see two Thai strangers meet, it is not inlike the meeting of two strange dogs. They sniff around each others ass till a hierarchy is established.

The irony is, that it was THIS administration and THIS administration only that was about to move Thailand and Thai society forward through a total outside revamping of the education system, welfare ste taxation and dispersement schemes, land reform, and a move towards discussions of the role of the monarchy in Thai society. We know the latter initiative comes with the highest endorsement. We wonder who thinks they stand to lose with all the other reforms in the hopper and why the urgency now?

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