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this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

I have been neutral on this whole 3 Ring Circus taking the position that this is for the Thais to sort out and farang should keep their mouths shut, stay away from the protest sites and generally mind their own business.

But this lawless thuggery...Abhisit needs to take the gloves off. This not about politics now; it's about crass and arrogant disregard for anything resembling civil behavior and rule of law.

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Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

No influential Thai does time. How long you been here?

A second rate has been singer who preaches fire and brimstone.

A two bit hardman in the movies who punches an old red shirt canvasser in the face.

Neither will see a day in jail I suspect.

As for so called kidnapping, my guess is Arisaman might have pointed out he knows where the kids go to school, the home address. I am sure the CAT official will say he went willingly. So then....not a crime.

Just as we see the punching in the face assault incident disappear....it was just a little massage in the face between friends.

We can also put on that list incidents such as the shooting at Club 20 where Chalerm, another PT senior, helped his son escape capture and alledgely ensured that all witnesses were dealt with so his son was never found guilty of murder.

Arisman is just asking this guy to make his job and even provides the lift. Nothing to make you angry.

Some have no humoristic sense.... Such a small thing immediately aggravated by those gossips


What are they going to do with him???

no problem: he get a free ride: he goes for inspecting and for reconnecting the broadband. In order to be sure it will correctly done, Arisaman will pay the motorcycle for him....

and now you are condoning kidnapping (at least you certainly appear to be condoning it!) There goes one of the few moderate voices for the Reds that I have seen on here. It is now impossible not to lump you in with the rest that condone this type of violence. (Yes kidnapping is violence.)

Arisman and the reds have added kidnapping clearly to the list of crimes the red leadership is guilty of now. (since some people have chosen to look at holding the Thai soldiers as kidnapping!)

I don't think that this really qualifies as a real kidnapping, as it does not appear from the text that the CEO was forcibly removed from the building. Also, if he didn't want to go, he could just get off the motorcycle.

Per the Thai soldiers, I believe that was not a form of hostage taking or kidnapping, but rather an attempt by the red-shirt guards to keep them in a safe place until the hostilities ended. According to what i read, the soldiers got lost in a cloud of tear gas without masks on, and wound up heading towards the red shirts. It takes time for the effects of that gas to wear off, you know.

I think that you should be careful not to fall into the trap of 'labeling' events in a way which reflects a subjective opinion (or blindly believing the labels that others apply to situations).


Arrest the RED SHIRT LEADERS (do they have a SWAT team?), and the other RED SHIRTS will quickly disperse, everyone will go home for Songkran and normalcy will return. ARREST THE ******* LEADERS!!!

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I feel that I am fairly objective in that I do not particularly like either the reds or the yellows. I, however, notice a rather consistent bias in this forum. Why is not the government held accountable (as terrorist) for closing the Red media outlets or 'kidnapping' the red leaders? The yellows after all came to power with similar tactics. Mostly I am concerned at the lack of desire to see a democratic as opposed to tyrannical process. Surprising since most foreigners come from democratic countries. Lets keep in mind that Songkran is many hundreds times more dangerous statistically speaking and in real life to! than the Reds are. I am not exactly an expert on the history of all this but I have seen enough to make a well based conclusion that many in this forum are biased.


prehaps it was not the reds but fellow farangs like me that use the CAT CDMA cards and have gotten tired of complaining about poor service and terriable speeds.


Just curious, where are these highly vaunted " Thai Special Forces" that we keep reading about (In the Sunday Post) their so specialized training to "take care of business" in "any" situation that "may" arise?????? Just curious.

Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

No influential Thai does time. How long you been here?

but isn't privilege for influential people something the red shirts wish to abolish?

You obviously haven't been listening to enough PTV... ELITE influential people are bad, influential people who wear red are good. :)

Agreed, though, obout him not doing time. Arisman and the other red leaders are more likely to become Cabinet Members that prisoners. What's that old saying?... "People get the government that they deserve".

redshirts have become lawless pirates - this is an organisation to annihilate now, not negotiate with.

That's the quickest way to deepen the conflict and possibly start an all out civil war IMO.

like it is not already started

Arisaman will be up on kidnapping charges now , when they catch him he will go away for quite a while.

i agree whit you an not just him all red Leader send it Bangkok Hilton for long time n Thaksin International Warrent

PTV is back online.

I wonder how Abhisit feels about the reds being able to circumvent his authority like this...? I also wonder why the reds always manage to overpower the security forces at these ICT offices so quickly...

I've heard the idea that the government is purposefully allowingt he protest leaders to do this so that they can build up legal cases against them and take them out later... I don't know if that has any evidence to support it or not.

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

There is absolutely no law here. Just look at the traffic on the roads. Police driving against the traffic, or on the sidewalk, all without a helmet. Everyone running red lights, playing Russian Roulette, not just with their own life but with mine and yours. These are just easily observable instances of disregard for any law. We all have heard of, and probably many are familiar with, corruption at all levels.

Unfortunately Thai's think they have a democracy because they can ignore laws at will. Until they realize a democracy insists that everyone obeys the laws for the good of all, this is the kind of behavior to expect.

Simply put, it is in the culture. What are we at now, 18 coups out of 19 changes in government? I'm thinking 19 out of 20 is almost a certainty.

PTV is back online.

Motosai is dependably faster transport option around the capital.

I magine if the CEO had had to call his driver to pull out the company limo and load the GPS then wait 7 mins at every red light.


Had a good laugh about this "kidnapping", for sure they will not slaughter him.

On a more serious tone: This might attract the public attention on the ongoing censorship in Thailand in which CAT plays a crucial executing role. Life without proxys or tor software becomes impossible here.

At least http://www.prachatai.org/english/ is online again and the only real source of information.

I do not like this screen, it justifies by itself already a revolution.


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Killing frredom of speech is same killing people.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I feel that I am fairly objective in that I do not particularly like either the reds or the yellows. I, however, notice a rather consistent bias in this forum. Why is not the government held accountable (as terrorist) for closing the Red media outlets or 'kidnapping' the red leaders?

maybe because under the current situation the red TV was calling for violence and rebellion which is against the law so that is normal to shut it down...

Another peaceful protest?????

Yes great for the red shirts,if the government hadnt switched off their tv station there wouldnt have been any trouble,I dont think for one moment the President of the USA likes Fox News,who are constantly critical of him and his democrats, to the state where they are really rude,but switch the station off!!!

The PM here has enough friends in the media to argue any things stated on the reds channel,no matter what was said on stage they didnt resort to violence,and anyway i personaly think that if the TV hadnt been shut down the reds would have gone home now for the festival.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

Exactly like the yellow shirts when they occupied the airport. The only difference being that the yellow shirts did it with the collusion of the law. Judicery = Yellowshirts

Would be nice if you reds came up with something other than

"just like the yellows" or "double standards"

How many people did yellows kidnap?


Something has to happen soon oneway or the other for the good of Thailand, Either way like they say if you make your bed you had better be able to lay in it.

Another peaceful protest?????

Yes great for the red shirts,if the government hadnt switched off their tv station there wouldnt have been any trouble,I dont think for one moment the President of the USA likes Fox News,who are constantly critical of him and his democrats, to the state where they are really rude,but switch the station off!!!

The PM here has enough friends in the media to argue any things stated on the reds channel,no matter what was said on stage they didnt resort to violence,and anyway i personaly think that if the TV hadnt been shut down the reds would have gone home now for the festival.

Personal I think you are on crack

Just curious, where are these highly vaunted " Thai Special Forces" that we keep reading about (In the Sunday Post) their so specialized training to "take care of business" in "any" situation that "may" arise?????? Just curious.

You mean to tell me you have not seen their foot marks all over town recently?

Also some of them might be off duty at the moment and still very active.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I feel that I am fairly objective in that I do not particularly like either the reds or the yellows. I, however, notice a rather consistent bias in this forum. Why is not the government held accountable (as terrorist) for closing the Red media outlets or 'kidnapping' the red leaders? The yellows after all came to power with similar tactics. Mostly I am concerned at the lack of desire to see a democratic as opposed to tyrannical process. Surprising since most foreigners come from democratic countries. Lets keep in mind that Songkran is many hundreds times more dangerous statistically speaking and in real life to! than the Reds are. I am not exactly an expert on the history of all this but I have seen enough to make a well based conclusion that many in this forum are biased.

legally, they are allowed to turn off media. HOw this is possibly a terrorist attack I don't know.

I am totally unaware of how they have kidnapped red leaders; please advise.

Yellows are not now in power nor have they ever been. I suggest you look up the new politics party. Certainly, even the foreign media now are constantly stating that the current govt is NOT the yellow shirts but yellow shirts and the current govt to share a common goal, of not supporting the red shirts.

Only a child or someone with a black and white TV cannot see that the world is best not viewed in black and white (and lest anyone attempt to put up a straw man mention the foreign minister, then I will point out that Weera is obviously therefore a yellow shirt as he is ex Dem and Dr Weng is also clearly a yellow shirt as well since he was ex PAD and Newin is obviously a red shirt since he's ex TRT - he's one guy, not representative of the whole coalition govt).

I do agree though, statistically speaking, you could claim that the death toll from the violence is lower. However, participation rate vs. injury I think you will find that the riots are a less healthy activity; particularly if you count the large numbers of people who are a bit hurt but not actually seeking medical treatment on both sides.

As for the hostage thing; a few soldiers have probably willingly allowed themselves to be taken and stripped of arms. A few more have been absolutely beat up big time for being on the wrong side. That's the nature of a fight/brawl when you get stuck on the wrong side of the line of fire.

Mob rule


And the BIB sitting around in their white tshirts and sandals thinking about where to get good food during songkran.

Embarressment to police forces everywhere. Perhaps if the pm offered them a big bonus they might actually do their job and execute the arrest warrants handed to them.

Nah, that would be too much work.

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

There is absolutely no law here. Just look at the traffic on the roads. Police driving against the traffic, or on the sidewalk, all without a helmet. Everyone running red lights, playing Russian Roulette, not just with their own life but with mine and yours. These are just easily observable instances of disregard for any law. We all have heard of, and probably many are familiar with, corruption at all levels.

Unfortunately Thai's think they have a democracy because they can ignore laws at will. Until they realize a democracy insists that everyone obeys the laws for the good of all, this is the kind of behavior to expect.

Simply put, it is in the culture. What are we at now, 18 coups out of 19 changes in government? I'm thinking 19 out of 20 is almost a certainty.

I don't think that you should place all of the Thai people in the same category as those who willfully break the law. Just because some do it does not mean that the general public does, or supports doing so. I think that most Thais want to rid the country of its corruption problems, and aren't really complacent with it at all. There just seems to be an overriding lack of willingness to make a fuss about things, to challenge those who are in authority, or to challenge anyone for that matter.

It seems, however, that this is changing with the apparent widespread support for the protest movement(s), and the newfound willingness of people to question why things have to be the way they are, on both sides of the political spectrum.

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