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The government orders this CEO - Jirayuth - to close down the PTV station.

He doesn't like the idea, but he does it.

He then contacts someone high in Red-Shirt hierarchy and says "They made me do it" hoping that, if these people come to power, they won't put hime among the hundreds that will be strung up on lamp-posts.

Arisman says - "I need the PTV channel back. Do it." "Can't. I'll be arrested" says Jirayuth.

"I'll fix it" says Arisman. And rides round to CAT HQ and takes the man away.

He (Jirayuth) has now done what Abhissit wants, got in Arisman's good books and can (maybe) sleep at night.

Job done.

A well thought out and entirely plausible chain of events. Well put!

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this is a note for Lumpini police chief Pol Lt Col Sarawut Jindakham

Dear Khun Sarawut ,

Believe ,Rajprasong is under your jurisdiction!Which is Lumpini police station! Correct ?

And Arisaman Pongruangrong( the so called red leader ) is stationed in Rajprasong rally site even

after the arrest warrant is issued against him !

Whose responisbility is to arrest this man ??

Now he kidnapps CAT Ceo !!

Wonderful ,Khun Sarawut !

And when a young man drove Porche hit red motorcycles parked infront of Holiday INN you are the one to run to Jatuporn

to inform not to worry that you had arrested that driver in the Porche !!

WoW -- what a responisble policeman !!!!!!!! Trying to stop red to run havoc !!

I really do not understand why there is a police station and why there are so many police are stationed in this

particular station-wasting our tax money !

We are Thai citizens -

I cant go to Police General hospital for few days now due to the rally --right infront of the hospital !I had to visit to

keep the appointment with the doctors and get the lifesaving medicines !!!

Whose responisbility is it to evacuate these Reds ?

There are numerous criminal gangs working under the asoke BTS with beggar gang on the same side of MTR -snatched purses many times

to elderly tourists -cycles are being stolen from the cycle stands -african criminals hang around Robinson dept store -stealing money from tourists !

all right under the CCTV !!

I really wonder who is responsible and whom do you work for ??

We are scared of your police station now !

Hope God help us !

Anyone know of hotline for complaints through emails against these officers ?

Have it ever occur to you that the Police (in your mention police station) might be a littel in the inside. Just a little perhaps?

Well, Thailand is now officially a banana republic, sitting at the sides of Somalia and such...

True, but your report is a few years old. Or decades.

Hey guys were a long way from seeing whacked out people with machetes and spears hacking off limbs and killing women and children. Power down and think a little before you make stupid comparisons.Jeze.

I really get sick of this biased reporting.

Give me a break ,,, " kidnapped " . Just another way of demonizing and villifying the protesters as an angry mob.

Its obvious this is not a kidnapping in the western sense of the word. Come on !!

He was led away on the back of a motorcycle ,,, probably for talks or meetings and will be home for dinner later tonight.

Whats next ,, are you going to claim they are holding him for ransom of 1 billion bhat ??

Huh? Are you really suggesting that he went willingly and not under threat when 300 motorcycles show up? Sad Sad sad

Don't bother, his line of arguments could be extended to Treblinka and people walking into their demise voluntarily, hence the guards or guilty of nothing...

You walk a fine line, Sir.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

Exactly like the yellow shirts when they occupied the airport. The only difference being that the yellow shirts did it with the collusion of the law. Judicery = Yellowshirts

Why do people keep referring to the Yellow Shirts in these threads ? The implication of your post is that all of this is justified because of what the Yellow Shirts did. Yes, what they did was illegal and mis-handled but the events of the last few days go way beyond that.

The problem is that politics and administration in this country are riddled with corruption from top to bottom with scant regard for the law even by those who make and administer it. Consequently the average Thai man in the street feels totally justified in breaking the law to achieve their aims. They are simply taking their lead from their so called elders and betters.

The reason I have lived in this country for the last 6 years is that as a race I find the Thais a wonderful people. I have always been treated with exceptional warmth and friendliness even though there could be a resentment that, as a Fallang, my lot in life is so much better than theirs. Sure, many of them will try and take my money off me by legal means but who can blame them?

This is why current events makes me so sad. They have been manipulated by their elders and betters for so long that they can see any other way out. When you get mass demonstrations like this you are almost certain to get deaths and injuries, who ever is at fault. Lets not forget that on the one side you will always get a criminal element who will try and cash in on this kind of situation and on the other side policemen who joined because its seen as a good job with benefits and a way to line your pockets and conscripts. Lets face it we probably all know that these 2 groups will have had woefully inadequate training to handle an extreme situation such as this. Hence death and injury. In addition to this the leaders on both sides are failing spectacularly to handle the situation because they all have different prorities and agendas of their own.

So please lets not blame the ordinary demonstrator (Red or Yellow) - They are just the pawns in somebody elses game.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

Exactly like the yellow shirts when they occupied the airport. The only difference being that the yellow shirts did it with the collusion of the law. Judicery = Yellowshirts

Would be nice if you reds came up with something other than

"just like the yellows" or "double standards"

How many people did yellows kidnap?

Yes, and how many did they kill??


btw this in from bangkok post.

i would of thought if there were snipers surely they could tell by trajectory on the in/exit wounds as i would assume snipers would take a high position.

Autopsies: 8/11 killed by high velocity bullets

Published: 12/04/2010 at 04:16 PM

Online news: News Updates

Eight out of 11 people, who died following hours of clashes between anti-government protesters and soldiers on Saturday, were killed by high velocity bullets to their heads and bodies, an independent autopsy committee disclosed on Monday afternoon.

Police General Hospital chief medical officer Jongjet Aowajenpong said the two other corpses were killed by an unknown type of bullets.

Pol Maj Gen Jongjet said the committee will not reveal the cause of death of a Japanese reporter.

There were 21 deaths - 17 civilians, including a foreign reporter, and four soldiers - with 858 others injured in the political bloodshed in Bangkok on Saturday.

Well, Thailand is now officially a banana republic, sitting at the sides of Somalia and such...

True, but your report is a few years old. Or decades.

Hey guys were a long way from seeing whacked out people with machetes and spears hacking off limbs and killing women and children. Power down and think a little before you make stupid comparisons.Jeze.

Yes, fair comment.

All sarcasm aside, comparing Thailand to Somalia is inappropriate and immoderate. None of us would spend even a day in LOS if it was. We would all be at our respective foreign ministries, trying to get our loved ones out as refugees.

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, let's not exaggerate :)

Arrest the RED SHIRT LEADERS (do they have a SWAT team?), and the other RED SHIRTS will quickly disperse, everyone will go home for Songkran and normalcy will return. ARREST THE ******* LEADERS!!!

Yes, there is a swat team... in Pattaya..."trained" by the wimpy farang douche bag who calls himself "Sifu" and drives a "yellow" Hummer. :)

Please arrest your loud mouth and stop yelling.

can anyone post biodata of

1) Arisaman

2) Jatuporn

3) Jaturon &

4) Weng ( is he getting moral support from red china ?) --just a thought

so it will be easier for all of us to understand them !

To prepare the "Who is Who" of the next Government....


thai againt thai

so sad, so pathetic

i cry for the future of this country, it is going down the gutter,

along with employment, tourists, and reputation

i for one will NOT have my daughter grow up here, in this

mess and anarchy, and am making plans to go back to


Yet another display of red intimidation, violence and "democratic values".

Let us all pray for Thailand and there people that they not going to rule this country.

It is okay ... I am confident if the reds win the next elections

The yellow / blue / black / green or some color will form and

protest and parade then turn the street of Bangkok into the

wild west demanding the government dissolve parliament.

The colored shirt people will then declare war, invade gov't

buildings, kidnap various CEO .........

Deja vu all over again

Yes I suspect you may be right. I'm getting bored already with it all: he said they said, he did they did, Now kidnapping. A useless army, a corrupt lawless police force a generally corrupt, selfish, lawless and clueless childish society.

A pox on em all. A true basket case at the moment. Bullies in the sandbox stuff.

The smart people are sitting back thinking now how can I make money out of all this mayhem and confusion?

Some lucky people can split the country and come back in 12 months and pick up where they left off.

Meanwhile, some like myself have to stay here and put up with all this nonsense and hope that they don't lose their rag completely and start something that will only end in total disaster for all. (we're starting down that track at the moment).

I'll just keep my head down, ears pierced, eyes open and hope by the time it all blows over, me and mine are still intact and can get on with our lives quietly & peacefully.

If I was the PM I would say times up and get the army to gaol any red shirts still in town after Songkran.

Whatever happens, Thailand will take a very long time to recover from this. Possibly years.

But it will happen again as long as the root of the problem(s) is not removed once and for all.

I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

there are not many of rural folks out there anyway. Those you see are families and friends, friends of friends of red shirt leaders and of course Thaksin's private hired army as well as hired organized motorcycle taxis. That's it.


But it will happen again as long as the root of the problem(s) is not removed once and for all.

the root of the problem cannot be removed - this behaviour is in their nature. it will never

end, its just lucky that westerners are not targeted or blamed for this, like in some parts of the



What are they going to do with him???

They are going to force him to reinstall their broadband connection to their TV station and ultimately get their TV station back to full broadcast.

Gives me an idea - for those occasions when your Thai broadband goes slow or stops but you still have to pay for it (or the situation I am in now where 12call have charged me 300baht for 5 local phone calls plus 5 minutes online and refuse to deal with it) and no one will take your complaint seriously, round up some locals, pay them a few hundred baht and head down to the providers office to get the CEO to solve the problem.

And have the <deleted> do something about their abysmal CDMA service as well.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

No different from the yellow shirts, they closed the airport and caused untold damage to the country! The army and the police are a joke!

Hey enough of this yellow shirt crap already. I really doubt that anyone here supported or condones the take over of the airport.

That does not make what the reds are doing right. It was wrong then, it is wrong now !! It needs to be dealt with before it gets even worse.

A message needs to be sent that this type of action will not be tolerated by the reds, yellows or who ever tries to hold a city for their own benefit.

Sadly I have been following these blogs for several days and although I have seen several posts that were written with wisdom and good intentions, they have fallen on deaf ears and are followed up by completely ignorant comments and/or total lies.

I hope I am wrong but it now seems we will only have a couple of possible outcomes. 1) the government crumbles to the requests of the mob and sends the message that any group that is well funded can organize and control the government for their own interests. 2) The military moves in and disperses the mobs and restores order to the majority of citizens and holds elections as promised in 9 months.

If #1 is chosen then thailand will see blood on the streets year after year. If #2 is chosen Thailand will see blood on the streets now but will show that this type of lynch mob mentality will not be tolerated as would happen in any developed country.

Either way we will have sad days ahead. Peace

Do I hear democracy???

Do I hear social responsibility??

Do I hear developed country??

None of the above is applicable now or ever was in Thailand and never will be.

This is a feudal state with all the dressings.

Now the poor buggers are fed -up with beeing exploited.

SAY SO you morons, and dont push any of the SOB agendas in the forefront.eg,dissolving parliament,electrician now etc.

6 million baht for every tambon/village,next.

The last time I guess not even 20 % of the depts-loans were repaid, thank you Papa Taxin said the farmer,

my loyalty is forever with you, forgive my dept and my vote and the one man one vote of 15 million farmers will help you to become prime minister again.(maybe in the 4th estate)

should read: dissolving parliament,election(not electrician,no pun intended)

Yes the poor are pissed off and they have been treated poorly. They were thrown a few crumbs by Taksin when he was in power and nothing more. If you look at the red leadership not one of them is a poor farmer and never will be.

It was not these same poor farmers that had any hand in organizing these protests. This was all done in Dubai and Hong Kong with Taksin and the current red leadership. There is clearly an agenda and even if there wasn't the government has promised elections, so what is the reason for constant termoil?

Are they afraid that this government might gain favor and win? Go home wait for elections and save some lives, the other option is not pleasant.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I feel that I am fairly objective in that I do not particularly like either the reds or the yellows. I, however, notice a rather consistent bias in this forum. Why is not the government held accountable (as terrorist) for closing the Red media outlets or 'kidnapping' the red leaders? The yellows after all came to power with similar tactics. Mostly I am concerned at the lack of desire to see a democratic as opposed to tyrannical process. Surprising since most foreigners come from democratic countries. Lets keep in mind that Songkran is many hundreds times more dangerous statistically speaking and in real life to! than the Reds are. I am not exactly an expert on the history of all this but I have seen enough to make a well based conclusion that many in this forum are biased.

Thaksin in any other country in the world would be tried and convicted of treason against the state, he uses these media outlets to fill the uneducated with lies and poison. The Government tried the softly softly approch the reds wanted conflict , Protest in a peaceful manner is acceptable but this has not been peaceful, see the youtube videos with reds with automatic weapons they were more armed than the army. This is my adopted country and have been here quite a while, with so much foreign investment going into Vietnam i believe this is the final nail in the coffin of Thailand. Which makes me very sad.



The police arrested the Porsche driver? To assure him the dent was very minor or that he was recklessly being a nuisance?

As for arresting Arisdude, I think' that dem cops are still gathering information to investigate his movements thoroughly to be able to arrest him at an approximately appropriate time.

Well, Thailand is now officially a banana republic, sitting at the sides of Somalia and such...

Maybe you should try living in Somalia then if you really believe that?

this is going out of control.......practically they are doing whatever they want to do...........no law here..........

There is absolutely no law here. Just look at the traffic on the roads. Police driving against the traffic, or on the sidewalk, all without a helmet. Everyone running red lights, playing Russian Roulette, not just with their own life but with mine and yours. These are just easily observable instances of disregard for any law. We all have heard of, and probably many are familiar with, corruption at all levels.

Unfortunately Thai's think they have a democracy because they can ignore laws at will. Until they realize a democracy insists that everyone obeys the laws for the good of all, this is the kind of behavior to expect.

Simply put, it is in the culture. What are we at now, 18 coups out of 19 changes in government? I'm thinking 19 out of 20 is almost a certainty.

You should study the different forms of government more thoroughly. Democracy has nothing to do with obeying laws per se and has no monopoly on insisting that laws be obeyed. Fascist, dictatorial, tyranical, or totalitarian governments insist that laws be obeyed more stringently than democracies. Many democracies have very lax laws and law enforcement. Dictatorial, tyranical, fascist, etc. governments have very strict laws and law enforcement compared to "democratic" governments.

These thugs simply seem to believe they are above the law, acts like this make the perpetrators nothing more than terrorists.

I hope you mean the yellow thugs as well....


This is starting to remind me of the time that the yellow shorts took over Suwannaphum....I was stuck waiting for a flight for 9 days...the police just stood around doing nothing at all and let the yellow shorts romp all over the airport armed to the teeth....

I wonder if the fellow who did the kidnapping is going to get a cabinet post after all this is over?

The other thing is if the CEO just came out and got on the motorbike, are we really sure he was kidnapped? Perhaps he just wanted to get through the traffic quickly....

I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

there are not many of rural folks out there anyway. Those you see are families and friends, friends of friends of red shirt leaders and of course Thaksin's private hired army as well as hired organized motorcycle taxis. That's it.

Mabye Mr.T hired Burmese and Cambodians to wear red shirts, would save him some money :)

I really doubt that the US will get involved in this, the yellow shirts tend to have rather poor view of Americans in general, from my experience. THey tned to look more towards the UK. And the UK for sure isn't going to get involved in this mess.

Get involved? Nahhhh, there's not enough oil in Thailand :)

I just wish the foreign media could focus on HOW much the elected government have tried to handle the situation. They have AGREED to new election within 9 mounts!!! Go home poor,uneducated farmers and dont let you be fooled by greedy politicians or even killed by YOUR protectors!!

Kidnapping and threats that PM must do this and that is not tolerable in ANY country. Where are the special police forces???

Its about time to scrap the rubber bullets and make a message!

there are not many of rural folks out there anyway. Those you see are families and friends, friends of friends of red shirt leaders and of course Thaksin's private hired army as well as hired organized motorcycle taxis. That's it.

Mabye Mr.T hired Burmese and Cambodians to wear red shirts, would save him some money :)

Funny you should say that because it is exactly what a policeman friend of the family told my wife at the weekend, that Cambodians had been recruited to fill the ranks of the Red Shirts.

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