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Calling Thailand From Usa


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As far as I'm concerned, it's JAJAH.COM. SO cheap and easy, check it out. I have all of my Thai friends in my iPhone, as Jajah gives you a local number (for me, Los Angeles) for each Thai friend. It's like making any other call in America, just dial. The calls are made through the internet. I believe they cost about 5c per minutes? Don't quote me, but something ridiculous. Oh, and I can also send a text message from their website. That one I know costs 2.5c per message. I pay 25c per message with AT&T. I also had a friend mention Vontage the other day. They have some sort of plan if you have a home phone. I have only a cell phone at this point in life. Good luck.

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Free with VoipDiscount (well free up to 300 minutes a week than you will have to pay a little bit...)

3 ways to use Voipdiscount :

- Call the local access number (from your landline or mobile) and dial the international number you wish to call (very good quality !)


- initiate the call from the Voipdiscount webpage (very good quality !)


- Download and use to Voipdiscount software and call from your computer (low quality...)

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I've use this site when calling from the states to Thailand


Never been disappointed with the connection. Last time was in 2008 though, so it's been a while…

Bangkok, mobile or any number in Thailand

2.5 ¢/min (Local Access) 4.5 ¢/min (1800 Access)

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4 euros per month is great!

I've read something about Magic Jack combined with Google Voice, allowing you to make the VOIP calls from your cell using regular minutes (assuming you have data on your phone). Never have tried it, but Google help has plenty of topics on it.

I use Google Voice from the US, 3 cents a minute to both landline and mobile numbers. Has to be used from your computer, unless you have data on your phone (I believe only iPhone and Android phones). My iPhone's connection can be spotty. On the plus side, I'm able to send international sms for free. Again, seems to be a spotty thing...some say they can't, some say they can.

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Thanks for all the suggestions. The friend for whom I'm asking lives in upstate New York where the internet service is worse than Issan so Skype is not a viable option.

I've sent him the recommendations, now up to him.

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used to use Thaitel, last time was last year, still about teh same about 2 cents per minute and you can get free time during happy hours, usually like 2-3 pm USA time.

However I just bought the Magic jack when I returned to Thailand and use it to call my mom, brothers and sister, it works great for just $20 per year. I will leave it here when I return to the USA later this year so my wife can use it to call her sisters here. Going to buy another one too and set it up in my office in BKK so I can call and send faxes. It really is good.

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