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How Long Have You Been In Thailand


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17 years.

Since I met my husband in Thailand that would have to be it.

Low? I like my life so I don't have any serious lows (do mothers-in-law count as a permanent low tho?).

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Been in Thailand on and off for about five years... Still coming and going!

Ups and downs of it are like a rollercoaster on rocket fuel boys!

Like a soaring eagle the ups were the first four trips then my sixth which . The ups were ;discovering thailand when it was still 'Out there', exploring the place, breaking off the tourist trail in remote temples in Chang mai province. Not withstanding the ladies of LOS plus the good unique folk of the country. Sonkhran and the breaking into the diving scene, culminating in a six months work in the diving scene on Koh Tao. Great times, met a lot of helpful expats amongst a few roguish ones too :o

The rollercoaster took a diving downer on trip five: Splitting up with my thai girlfriend (non-bar scene and one of the best so far).

Sojorn seven took a maddening dive and turn for the downright nasty though. Seeing how over-touristed and money grabbing certain regions have become, plus falling for a semi-scam from a guy who broke his word. The end result was a ripper of a road trip though! :D

Bad illness (food related) followed though during which a vast sum of money was stolen twisting the knife further!

Wrongly accusing someone ( nearly resulting in a jail sentence!) of said theft then subsequently discovering it was the last person I suspected! Said wrongly accused individual now has outstanding vendetta on my head, which many prove difficult to shift!.

Then almost getting thrown in jail again for reporting a loss of the monies (a long story)!!

Overall though its been a good journey so far, I think anyone experiencing the hardships with the good times in LOS should try not to get too bitter and twisted of the pitfalls present in Thailand. Worse things exist to befall us.

Become wary, a touch cynical perhaps and careful of folk until you know the lay-of-the-land.

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17 years. 

Since I met my husband in Thailand that would have to be it.

Low? I like my life so I don't have any serious lows (do mothers-in-law count as a permanent low tho?).

not many ladies been here that long SBK, the only other one Ive met is the Italian woman who owns Sabaii bungalows on Koh Yao Noi. Speaks fluent southern Thai as well.

Is there an airport going in on your Island? I heard this was in planning stages already?? :o

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13 years in September...

Highs included many great evenings with mates (many of whom left Thailand only to return when they found life elsewhere too boring).

The birth of my daughter 9 years ago and the birth of my son seven years ago were definitely high points.

Many more highs and of course there were some lows, but life is too short to recall the lows, although one should use them to learn, and then keep the lessons in a safe place - hopefully I have learned thus far, and I am sure will continue to do so.

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3 years,

1 1/2 on Koh Chang,

1/2 BKK

1 Kanchanburi.

Hi Points: Running A Beach Resort, Discovering my copious tolerance for alcohol, falling in Love with a TG.

Low Points: Losing the Beach Resort, Discovering my copious tolerance has limits, Falling in Love with a TG:

Beautiful Country...

:D you have won a tshirt, please pm the doc to claim your prize. :o:D


Sorry, it´s just that I´ve never won anything in my life... :D

Long live :D

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