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Roaming With Blackberry


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Anyone using Blackberry package from AIS or from True and roaming with it in the region (phils, spore, indo etc) ?

Wife claims that if we both have BB's it is cheap to keep in touch while i'm overseas for work. But sure there must be data roaming charge for me using it outside Thailand?

Could not find anything from the web, appreciate if anyone is doing this and shares the info.



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I looked into Blackberry with both AIS and True. Once outside of Thailand, you have data roaming costs with both companies. It varies depending on the which foreign network you are on. I have a Blackberry from T-Mobile in the USA. I get unlimited international email for a flat fee of US$20 per month. It is the cheapest option if you travel alot.

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She could be talking about the BB Chat. I have a Blackberry on AIS and use it to chat with my cousin and friends who uses a Blackberry in the US. This way I don't have to pay for sending SMSs because the BB Chat is unlimited. As for using the chat feature overseas, I'm not sure about that becuase haven't used it yet.

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If you set up with AIS before you go roaming, you can get a deal of unlimited data for about 2000 a month depending upon the country you visit but it must be set up before you leave Thailand. I do this many times a year

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Very expensive for me using an AIS BB 9700. When overseas, I always switch off the email function because every GPRS Minute costs. Keeping my BB, in Singapore, for 3 days "online" my roaming sums up to around 4000 THB. Your wife is right, when using BB Messenger, you can keep in touch much better. Of course you can always use your BB in a Free Wifi Spot and do your emails etc. Unfortunately, there are no unlimited international BB plans as offered in the US ( AT&T etc).

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I guess we will stick to unlimited data plan in Thailand and me taking the same outside. Almost every country in the region has similar unlimited data plans as in Thailand for prepaid sim's. In phils it is 300 pesos a week or 1200 peso per month so not that bad. And skype works well in Nokia phones we have now. Two new BB's aint cheap to buy just to save couple of hundred baht in data package.

Anyways thanks for all who replied.

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