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The How To Manual: Surving The Heat

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That's very dull indeed. Where do we have that in Thailand? At the skating hall Krung Thep? Using a ice pickax or what?

If it's too hot to handle, sit inside your refrigerator or buy a diving suite with a tap and fill it with ice...

That's very dull indeed. Where do we have that in Thailand? At the skating hall Krung Thep? Using a ice pickax or what?

If it's too hot to handle, sit inside your refrigerator or buy a diving suite with a tap and fill it with ice...

A diving suite???

Is that like a big hotel room that goes underwater? Or a sofa and 2 chairs perhaps?



I don't know whether to laugh or cry!!!

The guy was obviously injured, so I wonder if he was aware of the situation? Was he perhaps an unaware foreigner & the 'locals' were 'taking the piss' out of him?

In any case, if you wish to cool down during hot weather, don't have an 'ice' bath...it will have only a very temporary affect (I tried this in Australia during a +40 degree C period...it doesn't work). Have a 'lukewarm/tepid' bath instead.

I nice hot cup of tea often helps as it makes you sweat. Make sure you are cooled by a fan when drinking hot tea.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry!!!...

I did both simultaniously. Still am!! :):D:D


this is what I do one week after getting home to Canada... No problem staying cool here.


this is what I'll be doing tomorrow.



Especially when one day the lake looks like this...


And the next morning you wake up at the same place with the lake looking like this




As to your question, I find just getting out and doing something physical (I do yard work for several hours) and mentally blanking out the sweating as you can't stop it actually helps later in the day. Sit on the front porch after a good scrub in the shower (I meant that literally to get the sweat and oil off you so you have to cool off before showering), have a nice cold drink of whatever, turn the fan on, read (something quieting, letting your heart rate and blood pressure drop) and it is quiet pleasant.

If I do nothing all day and then go sit on the porch, the fan and cold drink just don't quite make me feel comfortable. Elkangorito sort of had the key, but sweating and then sitting there in it just doesn't achieve the best results for me.


If you keep posting pictures like these, I am going home with you when you return to Canada. I might pass up the skiing, but will ride the lift. Add to that the fishing and photo taking; I would be a happy camper (literally?).


I find I can keep my house cool if I get up early and open all of the doors and windows, and then by 9am close the lot until about 6pm. At this time of year it makes a real difference; by mid-afternoon my house interior is MUCH cooler than outside. It makes it lovely to come home to when you have been outside during the afternoon!

PS my humble apologies for the informative rather than amusing response! ...and, oh yes, the ice diving guy - tough sh*t; natural selection in action! :)


Back in my hippy days, in the seventies, whilst travelling in India I used to chew on something called "pan", it is a mixture of crushed betel nut, different seeds and some kind of white paste, all of it wrapped in a leave. It gave you a feeling like you had consumed about half a glass of wine, and you were a bit less affected by the heat.

There are a lot of Burmese people in the area in Thailand where I live, and shops which are primarely catering to them are sometimes selling "pan".

Very well possible betel nut is the main active ingredient in "pan", so if you feel worn down by the heat you could always ask some old Thai lady with red juice dripping out of her mouth if she can give you some betel.

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