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Can anyone please refer a car body repair shop in Chiang Mai City? One that won't rip us off first whiff they get that we aren't from here? I don't want to spend too much on the dent and scraping. Thank you, would really appreciate it.

Without getting into too much info, some git on a pickup tried to inch their way in moat traffic by ever so gently scraping through our driver's side door. This resulted in a huge dent from their bull bar. Don't ask about traffic police and insurance agent, no help, no use. They are Thai. I get to pay for these drunken idiot's mistake.


In well over a decade here I have found 4 I could recommend heartily.

If you want a Rolls-Royce job at a high (by Thai standards) price, it should be Nyom Panich body shop (the big Toyota dealers near the airport) or Chiang Mai-Lamphun Garage run by Khun Seeton in Sarapee (Old Lamphun Road). No English.

Down the price scale but still with very good standards, there is the bodyshop in the same compound as J & N Autos, Old Lamphun Rd between Mae Ping Police Station and the red brick chedi (on the chedi side). 'Jimmy', a Thai with fluent English, runs J & N and can translate for his neighbours if you need that.

Same standards (but again no English) is Khun Anusorn at Bodyshop, close to Chiang Mai Gate. Go along the south side of the moat on the outside and take the last (narrow) soi left before the Gate. He has the first (open front) workshop on the left. He took a small dent out of a small front wing and re-painted it perfectly for me a few months back for 1,500b.

Good luck. I hope at very least you splashed the crasher.......

... a Rolls-Royce job at a high (by Thai standards) price, it should be Nyom Panich body shop (the big Toyota dealers near the airport) or Chiang Mai-Lamphun Garage run by Khun Seeton in Sarapee (Old Lamphun Road). No English.

Down the price scale but still with very good standards, there is the bodyshop in the same compound as J & N Autos, Old Lamphun Rd between Mae Ping Police Station and the red brick chedi (on the chedi side). 'Jimmy', a Thai with fluent English, runs J & N and can translate for his neighbours if you need that.

Same standards (but again no English) is Khun Anusorn at Bodyshop, close to Chiang Mai Gate. Go along the south side of the moat on the outside and take the last (narrow) soi left before the Gate. He has the first (open front) workshop on the left. He took a small dent out of a small front wing and re-painted it perfectly for me a few months back for 1,500b.

Good luck. I hope at very least you splashed the crasher.......

Thank you, Flatout. Referrals v much appreciated. Will definitely go for the English speaking guy, as my lack of Thai is what dealt me a bad hand in this affair.

Just confirming: I live along Chiangmai-Lamphun Road. Does Old Lamphun Road refer to Mahidol, Thanon Somphot Chiang Mai, or that stretch of road that leads to Nong Hoi proper? Thanks again.

As for the crasher, the idiot driver looked like his license was only for bikes, wouldn't say a word, and 'allowed' his 'big sister and alleged pickup owner' to do all the screaming and arguing for him. Then their mates, about 9 of them, all raised their voices and talked at the same time, pushing and shoving us around, blaming us. You know those "Rap Battles" they have in the US? Kind of like that, with all the pointing, finger wagging, and "don't mess with us, mo-fo!" gestures.


They wouldn't show us their blue book, or insurance, or even give us their names of contact numbers. The beer and the heat transformed them into a knuckle-dragging, devolved specie.

And while we're at it, does this DIY technique work with even larger dents?

DIY remove car dent with air duster

Fixed the link and does anyone know where I can buy Airduster/ Liquid Carbon Dioxide as in the video?

No. But in my previous advice I did mention OLD Lamphun Road (that is it's name and it's the one with the big trees each side) and landmarks like the police station and the red brick chedi. Those do not appear on any other road 'twixt CM and Lamphun.

J & N Autos (and their related bodyshop) will be open tomorrow (Saturday), I am told, and again from Monday the 19th onwards.

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