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Thai Visa Mobile Version?


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So many sites are now optimized for mobile users. TV isn't one. Surely in the BB software being used there are mobile options that could be implemented?

I thought about this again after using Opera mini, which renders fonts better than Safari. It just seems with all the mobile users out there now there would be more accommodation for them.

Why isn't there?

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I find the mobile pages on various sites highly annoying - regular pages look better and work better on the iPhone. So... get a decent phone with a decent browser. Then you don't need special, crippled "mobile" pages.

PS: I have used the iPhone for browsing, and posting on, ThaiVisa. Works just fine.

Edited by nikster
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I cant really understand anyone wanting to read or browse the internet on their mobile phone. But hey to each his or her own.

It's actually not bad at all on the iPhone when the site has been optimized for mobile viewing. I do it all the time when I'm on the go.

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I find the mobile pages on various sites highly annoying - regular pages look better and work better on the iPhone. So... get a decent phone with a decent browser. Then you don't need special, crippled "mobile" pages.

PS: I have used the iPhone for browsing, and posting on, ThaiVisa. Works just fine.

I use my iPhone as well for TV....and usually a site isn't crippled to accommodate mobile users...but they are able to adjust the text so it comes out at a decent size. TV's font comes out so mall on the iphone, even when zooming in on the column wherever the text is. That is one thing good about the new Opera browser, it process the text so it comes out at a decent reading size.

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I added a request to view the forum via the tapatalk plugin. I was stuck in Singapore needing some visa information - had my laptop with me but with no wifi around i could use. Viewing this forum as is on a mobile device is a right pain, iphone or not. If any of you with a smartphone download and give the app a tru, you'll see why it will be a good addition to this site. I sure could have used it last week :)

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Hm, seems the free version of Tapatalk can't even add another forum to the list of standard forums provided + according to feedback quite buggy. Besides, it doesn't support Invisionboard (which is what TV runs). Why not just enable the standard mobile interface in Invisionboard?

Edited by Phil Conners
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...tapatalk plugin...

I would prefer a regular WAP version of the site, not something that needs a proprietary plug-in.

As it is now, on ThaiVisa the column with the posts adjusts the text to the screen width when zooming in on the smartphone, something that cannot be said of the tapatalk site, for example.

post-88861-1271421885_thumb.jpg post-88861-1271422025_thumb.jpg post-88861-1271422038_thumb.jpg post-88861-1271422061_thumb.jpg

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According to this page:

Mobile Skin:

· If users access your community with a smartphone or other mobile device, they'll see a lofi version of your community that's slimmed down and designed especially for small screens.

There are settings under "Look & Feel" which allow you to automatically set the lofi skin as the default skin for mobile users.

Normally on Invisionboard if you go to /lofiversion/ as in http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/lofiversion you should get a simplified version usable with mobile devices but it seems they have disabled that on Thaivisa for some reason. I wonder why.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Normally on Invisionboard if you go to /lofiversion/ as in http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/lofiversion you should get a simplified version usable with mobile devices but it seems they have disabled that on Thaivisa for some reason. I wonder why.

Wow that certainly would be nice! The new Opera browser for the iPhone does take care of some of the problem by reprocessing the text, making things much more readable....but I belong to a few iPhone/mobile enhanced forum sites that look really great and are super easy to navigate around in when using my iphone....

I wonder if it is a matter of losing some of the ads in the process of trimming things down. Anyway, I wish George would take it into consideration, I know there must be hundreds of members who routinely check TV on a mobile device and this would be highly appreciated by them!

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Normally on Invisionboard if you go to /lofiversion/ as in http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/lofiversion you should get a simplified version usable with mobile devices but it seems they have disabled that on Thaivisa for some reason. I wonder why.

Wow that certainly would be nice! The new Opera browser for the iPhone does take care of some of the problem by reprocessing the text, making things much more readable....but I belong to a few iPhone/mobile enhanced forum sites that look really great and are super easy to navigate around in when using my iphone....

I wonder if it is a matter of losing some of the ads in the process of trimming things down. Anyway, I wish George would take it into consideration, I know there must be hundreds of members who routinely check TV on a mobile device and this would be highly appreciated by them!

I am one of those "hundreds". Especially now with the red-shirt rallies, checking ThaiVisa with the iPhone is better than not knowing what is going on, but I would prefer a mobile version - like www.bangkokpost.com redirects automatically to m.bangkokpost.com when I read with the iPhone. I don't need an automatic redirect, but a URL for mobile phones would be nice.

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A great mobile version is coming as soon IP.Board 3.1 is released. It's currently in beta version. My guess is in about a month.

Thanks for the great news! Where will we hear it, what do we have to watch to catch it when it is available?

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A great mobile version is coming as soon IP.Board 3.1 is released. It's currently in beta version. My guess is in about a month.

Thanks for the great news! Where will we hear it, what do we have to watch to catch it when it is available?

Yep that is good news, looking forward to that.

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According to this page:
Mobile Skin:

· If users access your community with a smartphone or other mobile device, they'll see a lofi version of your community that's slimmed down and designed especially for small screens.


So that is what I am seeing on my new Android phone. Quite good already as it its, and better to come, according to George's post higher up.

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You can see a preview of the new mobile skin here:


Go to bottom of page and choose Mobile skin.

I didn't find Mobile Skin at the bottom, but:

This looks nice.

Anyway, it is your choice what it will look like. In the meantime, can you give us a time frame?

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I agree.... having a mobile friendly version of TV would be much appreciated by many of us.... I mostly use the desktop or laptops at home for TV purposes... But increasingly, also find myself using my mobile phones for browsing when I'm traveling or away from home.... Haven't seen the inside of an Internet cafe for some years now... :)

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It's currently in beta version. My guess is in about a month.
Anyway, it is your choice what it will look like. In the meantime, can you give us a time frame?

Note above. :)

When I grow up, I will try to read more attentively. Thanks. ;-)

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  • 1 month later...
It's currently in beta version. My guess is in about a month.
Anyway, it is your choice what it will look like. In the meantime, can you give us a time frame?

Note above. :)

When I grow up, I will try to read more attentively. Thanks. ;-)

Thank you Goerge for implementing the mobile version, I think it started when the main software was updated. When I went to thaivisa with my iPhone, I suddently had this (very much appreciated) mobile phone view.

I enjoyed it for a couple of days and then I got adventurous and clicked ("tapped") around. I hit "Full View" (bottom, left-most) and - as expected - got the same full view I see on my PC. However, I have no way to go back to "mobile view" (for lack of a better word) now! Every time I open Safari and open the link to Thaivisa forum, I see the full view.

How can I get back to the mobile version?If there is another URL rather than a link that I might have overseeen, that's OK.

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Delete your cookies and then reboot your phone. When you go back to Thaivisa it will be on the phone view.

Thanks, this worked! It was unintuitive, but for some reason I found the link. It also required a restart, but now I am back to the mobile version. <phew>

I like it. I just wish it were easier (or more intuitive) to revert back to the mobile version (a link would be great, or a specific URL).

One of these days, I will try posting from my mobile.

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