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Weapons Of Self Defense?


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A golf club. Very handy tool. Innocuous enough. And a golf ball or two. If stopped you can say you left them there after a bit of putting.

Very handy indeed, have you ever tried swinging a golf club from the drivers seat? Fore! You would have a better chance throwing the fuc_king golf balls at em!

Keep a short, sharp (12" or less) machete down the centre console of the car, it is short enough to be used at very close quarters, and can be explained away to BIB as a normal tool.

Edited by billythefish
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Hi "thesyndicate"

Two things you need to consider when thinking about "tooling-up" first thing you need to be clear about; (bullshit aside) is the weapon you'll carry for show or to use? If for show, leave it at home, if the person/people you trying to scare off call your bluff and you don't have the will to use it..... They will beat the shit outta you with your own weapon, very embarrassing, possibly fatal! Secondly if you do intend to use it........... Chances are ......You won't, it actually takes a certain type of person (sober) to follow through in using a weapon, believe it or not, even in self defense, most untrained people under attack ether try and get away or block the attackers blows. Reading your post.... You ant no Vin Diesel leave the weapons at home. Your more likely to get injured as a result of carry a weapon than not.

Agreed (though I have no idea if you're Vin Diesel or not!). Having some experience of the darker side of life, I can tell you from that experience that there is a good chance that unless you are prepared to use what you carry to completely disable someone, you'll end up losing and often having it used against you. Of course Im talking generally but many people don't baulk at the sight of a weapon, especially when they can sniff you can't use it and it's all in your eyes and stance. Even if you can, 'fighting fire with fire' isn't the answer IMO, it just raises the stakes - ok if you can handle it, but if not....And my own personal thinking is that I am not prepared to take the risk of killing or maiming someone, especially by mistake. There's less chance of you being hurt badly than of something escalating to a point of no return and the 'red mist' taking over. Tear gas combined with good running skills maybe, but thats at a push and you have to decide for yourself. Best defense - if its available - is never being too proud to run.

Indeed! If you have the opportunity, run like hel_l, I'm not john Wayne, nor would I want to be, if I could get out of it, believe me I would.

The hair splitter is, what do you do if someone comes into your home, now that is a different story.

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Be a sport. Golf club or baseball bat, perfectly legal. Like the other poster mentioned a few golf balls could be handy.

Hopefully you won't need anything. Keep in mind they come in swarms here which makes it more difficult.

A can of spray paint and a lighter could be a deterrent.

Are you fresh out of a mental institution?

How on earth would you expect to defend yourself with a can of spray paint and a lighter.....at best you are going to piss them off by painting them a different colour! Then they are going to get really pissed!

Are you seriously going to drive around in your car with a tin of spray paint and rely on a lighter to defend youself? Unbelievable! You may as well use a water pistol, or try swinging a golf club in the front seat of a car as the other poster pointed out!

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I'd say living defensively is the best approach as some others have also said, especially in a country where there is no real enforceable rule of law. Remember that the other person almost certainly either has less to lose or less restraint about letting himself lose it.

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Who needs weapons or Teargas , I definitely aint Rambo , dont need to be ,I take the Wife!!!! :D anyone game enouh to have a go at her better have his bones numbered :)

Indeed, or simply turn on a tape of that damned "Licke" Music, it will make them run a mile! - you could try shouting "PEE PEE" it would probably work too!

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Oki first i know have to handle a weapon and i know how to fight without them. But blocking a machete with a fist is a loosing battle. I worked with security for many years and could carry batons and teargas with nobody care. I want to keep it legal because after the crooks the second thing you have to look out for is the Police crooks.

Red Pain on spray, why dont you go down to the shop and buy one and spray yourself in the face if you not want to see a doctor after that then tell me i am wrong it is also a good way to pin point the crooks. If you did not know and do not read the Thai news the Thai roads are not that safe anymore. I saw one Aussie guy die but he is far from alone to getting robbed on the road. I thank you for all your real answers but still after 2 pages nobody can give a straight real answer.

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I thank you for all your real answers but still after 2 pages nobody can give a straight real answer.

OK, here's my take on "a real answer". Foreigners CANNOT legally own a firearm. Their wife can with the proper licence, and the foreigner can use it ONLY when accompanied by the wife. We have pump action shotgun in the house which I have been informed that, if push came to shove and I used it in a home defence situation against an armed intruder, the BIB would be on my side. Even if I want to go to the practice range, the gun has to be unloaded and in a case and the cartridges carried separately. My wife also has to be with me. In the house, different story - the gun is easily to hand with 2 in the magazine but the chamber empty. There is a trigger lock on it and the key is within easy reach day or night.

For out and about, I agree with what the other posters have said, a day to day article that can also be used as a weapon if necessary - I have a torque wrench with a socket on it (to undo the wheelnuts officer). Of course, like others, I agree that the best thing to do is talk it down or run but if you are with your wife and family and confronted by some yaba crazed nutcase, that's not always going to be an available option to it's best to have a fallback. Like the scouts motto "be prepared". Dib dib dib and let's hope no-one needs to use any of this advice.

BTW, don't even think about getting an unlicenced firearm for concealed carry. I have heard (no proof) that if caught, possession means an automatic 25 years in the monkey house PLUS an extra year for each bullet/cartridge.......



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i know i am not buying a gun but i seen the Thai news and when going on bike or car it is not safe anymore. I am just talking about street weapons you can have and i guess if you show it in plain sight is not concealed weapon and most Thai are carry it. I think tear gas is not ok but baton i am not sure.

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