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Thais And Thai Food


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Actually if someone is cooking for me or ordering, what happens often because I work day and night, they only cook meat, no rice, no vegatables.

I tried to explain that eating only (and if I tell only, I mean only) meat is not the best for the body, everyone aggrees, but why shall they eat any rice if they have enough money for meat?

And than of course as more fat as better it is.

Second thing is, if I force them to cook rice, they try to get the whites i ever saw. If I buy myself a brown rice, they refuse to cook that (food for people in the jail).

So if I eat something healty, I cooked it myself and they like my mixed italian/austrian/thai style noodles but would never get themself the idea for anything else than pure meat......

Has anyone else the same experience or am I alone with that????

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Probably you've got to know the only Thai eating only meat!!!

They look to me as museum pieces, rare to find such kind of Thais.

I know very rich Thai people and rice + vegetables are always on their dishes, plenty of rice.

The only thing in which I might agree on this post is that the whiter the rice is, the better it is!! But this is just a cultural matter.

Organic/brown rice is popular in Europe/USA only from 10-15 years and because is trendy and wealthy, here in LOS normal people are not fancy like we are in our homecounrty..

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strange I am the only one.....

when we go somewhere eating, there is no rice on the table, every of the normal thai dishes, and often something like a porks leg, but I am the only one who extra orders rice.

It was the same in the south and in bangkok.

appart from these the other group only ordered KFC, MacDonalds and Pizza (what is very strange as they don't like cheese, but pizza).

Had one friend here from Australia, who teached english, and he told me at his school 80 % of the children are very very overweight (he called them new-rich). That also can not come from rice and vegetables.

But sorry I don't know at which school he teached.

I can not be the only one with such experience or??????

As well I see every days the fat children coming home from school (Samut Prakarn), my wife is calling them "luk chang" (Baby-Elephant)......

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strange I am the only one.....

when we go somewhere eating, there is no rice on the table, every of the normal thai dishes, and often something like a porks leg, but I am the only one who extra orders rice.

It was the same in the south and in bangkok.

appart from these the other group only ordered KFC, MacDonalds and Pizza (what is very strange as they don't like cheese, but pizza).

Had one friend here from Australia, who teached english, and he told me at his school 80 % of the children are very very overweight (he called them new-rich). That also can not come from rice and vegetables.

But sorry I don't know at which school he teached.

I can not be the only one with such experience or??????

As well I see every days the fat children coming home from school (Samut Prakarn), my wife is calling them "luk chang" (Baby-Elephant)......

Yup - it's just you - all Thais I know give me meat, rice, veggies & other stuff I don't recognise.

In 6 years, I ain't never sat at a meal where only meat was on offer.

Are you perhaps always dining in greek restaurants ? We should be told...

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for example just now my wife ate southern curry (extrem spicy) no rice, no vegetables.

yesterday in the night she ate chicken breast with some herbs, that comes from somewhere east, no rice.

Yesterday I saw here sister eating scrambled egg (not sure if it is called like that) with some herbs inside and something remembers me to ham (but it is not) without rice (and without bread of course).

just our staff is eating rice, because never have any money.....

Maybe this is a thing from the deep south (often fish instead of meat)......

OK accept that I might the only one with that experience......

But where are these many many fat children come from???

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I certainly don't have that problem either. It took me a long time to get her to put more meat in her cooking. Fried rice is not a favorite of mine but if it has enough meat in it it isn't bad.

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