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How Thai Girls And Thai's In General Think?


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It's all relative tho, if you're an old man of course they will look pretty but majority of them are damaged goods.....


Damaged goods. In what manner are they damaged?:jap:

I was thinking of something like a well used well. But I would think you would have to draw some water to check it out. Maybe Jebhead with his many years of experience has a better method.

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It's all relative tho, if you're an old man of course they will look pretty but majority of them are damaged goods.....


Damaged goods. In what manner are they damaged?:jap:

I was thinking of something like a well used well. But I would think you would have to draw some water to check it out. Maybe Jebhead with his many years of experience has a better method.


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Has that girl in the bottom picture got a tache?

FYI you could take dog turd down walking st and it would look better than most the girls there so i would not flatter yourself too much.


Are you including the ladies who work in the bars or just the ones who sleep in the street?

You are just another jealous old geezer on here. All those girls are college girls and they are pretty fuc_king hot wherever I go and I see other westerners with thai girlfriends whether its in pattaya or Chang Mai or Khon Kaen or Hat Yai... In fact I've never seen another westerner with a hotter girl then these since I've been in THailand and the funny thing is I'VE NEVER PAID A GIRL A DIME! ll

mate i've started to grow the beard already, next I am gonna get myself a 'bruce springsteen' headband then i'm over to Chiang Mai to hit the university and wait for the hot chicks to fall at my feet B)

it is nice to also see that you do not discriminate and are happy to entertain the fellas and keep all your dimes, forget about loans from the bank for a shoddy apartment building.....ever thought about writing a book?

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You are just another jealous old geezer on here. All those girls are college girls and they are pretty fuc_king hot wherever I go and I see other westerners with thai girlfriends whether its in pattaya or Chang Mai or Khon Kaen or Hat Yai... In fact I've never seen another westerner with a hotter girl then these since I've been in THailand and the funny thing is I'VE NEVER PAID A GIRL A DIME! ll

Are you capable of a meaningful two way conversation? Do you read post directed towards you and consider them? I don't think so. I think you post to only tell others what you think and are not interested or able to respond to other ideas not the same as your own.

You have no way of knowing if I am jealous. Only I can know that. You have to trust my honesty to tell you.

In my 20 including Thailand I lived in 5 different countries. I chose the newly bra less hippy generation in micro mini skirts that grew in California like wild flowers. In my 30's and 40's found me living in numerous other places with a variety of women. All interesting; all a learning experience.

I have gotten past the stage where a man I judged solely by the appearance of the woman who he is with and have learned what makes a woman important to me. You don't mention if any of your lady friends can lick their eyebrows, don't have a gag reflex, can do the splits or if their father owns a liquor store on a corner lot. Nor did you mention if any had a twin sister. I humbly suggest you have not reached enlightenment yet. But I really don't know.

Am I jealous? No. Thailand is a land of a lot of things but I have discovered most of the men who experience jealously here are young guys who can't for one reason or another live full time here.

I could never be jealous of a man who had the temporary pleasure of a beautiful woman in Thailand. There is enough to go around. There is right now an oversupply and there has been an oversupply in my 40 year acquaintance with the country. Free or pay for play? It only makes a difference if money is an issue. Buying a cup of coffee or the small fee charged by beautiful young ladies here does not make much difference to me. Free or pay the result is the same. Free of pay the lady is getting something she does not have and wants. Maybe it is the novelty of showing off a young Farang or maybe it is getting the cash to buy a new cell phone.

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