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Why They Shoot You Right Into Your Face With Those Big Waterguns?


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I hate it. I just hate it so much.

Specially drunken Farangs shoot always the Thai girls and all other ethnic people right into the Face permanently and don't give them a brake at all. Laughing loud and drink beer and just play stupid.

I hate it and i have to see it every year again and again.

Why they not shoot on the Stomach, legs arms etc..??? Why it has to be always the Face/eyes???????? Why?????????

I don't get.

Thai people are so polite on Songkran but the stupid drunk Farangs running around the streets without a shirt, drunk and totally out of control...???

I always have a lot of fun on Songkran outside on our street with my Thai fellas and falang friends but when i see the drunks coming down with the BIG guns and the BIG beer bottles i always feel like....:)

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They do it because they are complete morons, I got an eye infection from this once. Now if I'm here at Songkran I stay indoors and don't go out of my apartment during the day. I need to buy some medication and there is literally no way I could get from my apartment to the pharmacy without getting completely soaked form head to toe unless I took a taxi which would be crazy just to go a few hundred feet down the street.

I'm glad it's over, I didn't get hit by a single drop of water or powder this year. I was out drinking last night and a Thai guy had a bucket of water and I said 'please don't throw that over me' he said no problem and didn't throw any of it on me, this was good as I still had a few more hours of drinking to do before I was going home.

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They do it because they are complete morons, I got an eye infection from this once. Now if I'm here at Songkran I stay indoors and don't go out of my apartment during the day. I need to buy some medication and there is literally no way I could get from my apartment to the pharmacy without getting completely soaked form head to toe unless I took a taxi which would be crazy just to go a few hundred feet down the street.

I'm glad it's over, I didn't get hit by a single drop of water or powder this year. I was out drinking last night and a Thai guy had a bucket of water and I said 'please don't throw that over me' he said no problem and didn't throw any of it on me, this was good as I still had a few more hours of drinking to do before I was going home.

a night (and life) well spent

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Thai people are so polite on Songkran but the stupid drunk Farangs running around the streets without a shirt, drunk and totally out of control

Have you only seen Songkran in Pattaya or something?

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Thai people are so polite on Songkran but the stupid drunk Farangs running around the streets without a shirt, drunk and totally out of control

Have you only seen Songkran in Pattaya or something?

I am in Bangkok. Lower Sukhumvit.

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You want stupidity to the max? Try Bangla road in Patong. The foreigners there must have the cumulative IQ of 50.

They sit there drinking from 11 am until 2 am being obnoxious. Then they go stuff their fat faces at McD's harassing the poor Thais working there. It's a total cringe fest.

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I spent maybe five hours between Chiang Mai and Lamphun this week. Not one farang in sight. Literally thousands of sober crazy moronic Thais lining the roads, shooting from vehicles. Directly in the face, on purpose. IQ's of 44. I taught in Lamphun for years. Lovely idiots.

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I drove to Chiang Mai last night, 450klm's and was tired and hungry. Expecting to get wet I went out on the scooter to find something to eat, got wet, that's ok but what wasn't ok is that on the way home, miles from the revelry a Thai guy hit me in the face with a bucket of water when I was doing about 50 kmh and now my eyes are killing me. Oh, and I have to drive 900 klm's today to finish moving.....Not everyone has the time off to be idiots for a week!

The worst are the Thai men, they seem to go out of their way to inflict maximum pain and dangerous stunts like hitting motorcyclists traveling at speed. exceptions being drunk Farangs doing similar but first prize goes to the old woman who was squirting water into a cars interior as a mother was trying to put a cold and wet child inside. What was going through her head I have no idea but it couldn't have been much!

Well done morons!

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It kind of depends; in some places the focus is on splashing people as wet as possible (=merit for all involved) but in other areas it turns into a proper water fight. And in water fights, you go for the eyes, everyone knows that. :) Hint: don't visit those water fight areas and you'll be fine.

This tends to mean avoiding overly Farang-heavy areas.

I had an EXCELLENT party the last four days, a lot of fun. Avoid Farang areas and apply some common sense myself; some people can take a bucket (adult males not on motorbikes), some people are best treated with a gentle splash. And you keep an eye out on safety issues for all the people you're with at any point in time; it's easy to get hurt just from falling over or stumble into traffic. Again, applying common sense is needed.

But when you do, then this is the BEST PARTY ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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EVERYBODY........Falangs and Thais alike get STUPID AND RUDE at this time of the year. kids, adults...it doesn't matter. What irks me is that the parents of small kids sit in the background safely getting stupid drunk, while letting their kids run out into busy trafic and slam buckets of water into motorcycles speeding by.

Wonder how many idiots died of drunken stupidity today???

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Yesterday I tried to escape the moronic farangs that are over the top with their water weaponry by venturing out to the non tourist areas. To my dismay it was worse! Moronic Thais hurling filty dirty disgusting water into the faces of on coming traffic with absolutely no regard for anyones saftey. One odd looking youngster got my square in the face with his giant water pipe and I nearly came off my bike, he just laughed at me as if to say that will teach you farang for daring to come here. What is this world coming to?

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I am in Chiang Mai (or rather some 30 kilometers outside of it) right now.

Yesterday (last day of Songkhran, hence most people playing) i had to go downtown with the motorbike. The place i had to go was a shopping center so i wanted to stay dry. How to??

Easy - the people up here ARE lovely. Just keep the motorbike at some 50 km/h and wave politely with the left hand when you approach a spot where they play. They won't, with you.

I reached the destination without having a single drop of water on me.

On the way back then i was all in on the fun - magic recipe to JOIN them: Slow down when you reach them. Or stop completely and get SOAKED because it is BLOODY HOT anyway (40+ degrees).

Songkhran is all good clean fun if you avoid drunk Farangs because, indeed, they are the worst.

Best regards....


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Disclaimer: it's my first Songkran and I've limited experience of only two neighborhoods.

Yesterday, I found younger Thais to be extremely cautious: a group of bike taxi riders with water pistols didn't dare fire, although I played to be scared, trying to let them enjoy shooting at a fat farang. Not a drop. But they know me as a customer...

At 7 pm on Tiwanon Rd, some group of kids needed an invitation to throw water at me.

Earlier, outside an internet cafe playing great 80s hits (Queen, CCR, ...) they smeared my face with the paste, then soaked me with ice water. the hot cheeks and the cold water was a great experience, waking one up! The atmosphere was incredibly friendly. There is no malice when water is thrown, please understand that!

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I agree, drunk and boistrus farangs are the worst influence ever on Songkran, which is a festival I look forward to every year. That said, I'd say nearly all groups I encountered this year have upped their game to a more aggressive level. Maybe it has something to do with the undercurrent of emotions running throughout the country, don't know.

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I am in Chiang Mai (or rather some 30 kilometers outside of it) right now.

Yesterday (last day of Songkhran, hence most people playing) i had to go downtown with the motorbike. The place i had to go was a shopping center so i wanted to stay dry. How to??

Easy - the people up here ARE lovely. Just keep the motorbike at some 50 km/h and wave politely with the left hand when you approach a spot where they play. They won't, with you.

I reached the destination without having a single drop of water on me.

On the way back then i was all in on the fun - magic recipe to JOIN them: Slow down when you reach them. Or stop completely and get SOAKED because it is BLOODY HOT anyway (40+ degrees).

Songkhran is all good clean fun if you avoid drunk Farangs because, indeed, they are the worst.

Best regards....


:) Perfect attitude, perfect post! You got the right attitude in life to live here and enjoy it!! :D

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I love the apologists, still crazy as fuc_k.

I've seen both sides being evil, falang squirting my girlfriend directly in the eye at point blank range (2cmaway from her eye) with one of those high-powered super soakers..... She was screaming and crying and wailing like she had been raped, I would have broken every bone in his body if I'd caught him, she lost her contact, cost a fortune in japan to replace, they don't sell them here.

Was riding at high speed on a motorcycle and got hit in the front with a huge heavy bucket of water by a thai guy, almost murdered me for his pleasure.... After words my white shirt was yellow and permanently stained... Nice asshol_e, if you're going to kill me could you at least use clean water to take my life with?

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I spend songkram in Hau Hin, its was great. Everyone was having a great time except a couple of Farrangs who were swearing and abusing in Thai anyone with a water pistol. However back in BKK I was very worried about the Thais pumping water straight out of the Klongs and spraying it onto all and sundry with fire hoses. Very smelly.

Edited by waza
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Thai people are so polite on Songkran but the stupid drunk Farangs running around the streets without a shirt, drunk and totally out of control

Hate to burst your all Thais are perfect but here in the village it has been a no go zone for anyone who just wants to go somewhere peacefully.

Gangs of Thai youths have been racing through what constitutes the main through road on their m/cycles, when not on their bikes they are hurling buckets of water at anyone in sight and when I went for a drive the other day they were banging on my pickup trying to get me to wind the windows down.

Drunken idiots are drunken idiots whatever country they are from.

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you've gotta be kidding me right? I spent yesterday in Silom where i got squirted in the eyes a billion times by thai girls, hit in the eyes from talcum water and a couple of dumb indians running around with prickly heat rubbit it in my eyes... wasnt even watered down...

Have some fun people... if u dont like getting wet, dont go out... quit bitching and moaning...

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i saw a thai boy aim at a thai girls vaginal area and would not stop. the girl say enough already! HORRIBLE!

It must be a male thing. As a boy I was always aiming at the girls vaginal area, often nothing else mattered (I must point out I never carried a water pistol either) :)

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