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I can not sleep and are thinking about,my short time in town and what there are happend,in this short time.

In the beginning I go in here, whit an open mind,just to see,whats happening around and so-but after a while,I was thinking-what kind of people are thise folks-are they just sitting here for fun..to have something to do duing the day.?

I became more and more confused,becourse of the way you speak to each other and so-and I was thinking-why nobody say,hi,when we meet a farang in Big C or so-are they arrogant and dont allow newbies around.?

Then I must say,that I have learn,that it is not so-fare away!

I had some problems,I put out here, and you guys took your time, and try to help me-and I have seen alot of kindness and understanding,from you-you are just great.

I am so happy,that I understand,that my woman was not happy,living in Nong Chang,down south-Uthai Thani-she missed her family,and I sayed,ok,we are going to Chiang Rai.this is no good.

All my freinds and so,told me-you are crazy,it is all gangsters up there, and they will kill you-even folks from Denmark, send me mails about, how dangerous it was here.

So I was worried,for sure-but it was a total misunderstanding-I have just found good and helpfull people, here in town,and I am so happy,that we went up here-this is the place, where I wont to be old,whit my woman.

I think,I just wont to say,Thanks to all you guys,for being there,when time have been rough for me-not to mention all the help and support, you have given my freind,Carsten.

I will look forward, to meet some of you guys, in the future.



The Farangs I've met may well be ex-gangsters who knows. I understand They stopped killing people from Denmark a few years ago due to Political correctness I guess. They will almost certainly want to 'extract some urine' though' . I understand its not painful if you have a thick skin :)

The Farangs I've met may well be ex-gangsters who knows. I understand They stopped killing people from Denmark a few years ago due to Political correctness I guess. They will almost certainly want to 'extract some urine' though' . I understand its not painful if you have a thick skin :)

Stopping killing Danes is just a temporary thing. We will start again to celibrate Midsummer!

/Swedish Maffia


The Farangs I've met may well be ex-gangsters who knows. I understand They stopped killing people from Denmark a few years ago due to Political correctness I guess. They will almost certainly want to 'extract some urine' though' . I understand its not painful if you have a thick skin :)

Stopping killing Danes is just a temporary thing. We will start again to celibrate Midsummer!

/Swedish Maffia


So theres sort of an off-season on Danes at the moment. Keep an eye out for Valkyries around the end of June I guess. :D


I'm descended from a long line of Dane killers, my ancestor Harold Godwinson slew a good few at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. Or were they Norwegians?

Harry then made the mistake of taking on a mob of French Vikings at Hastings with less successful results.

I'm descended from a long line of Dane killers, my ancestor Harold Godwinson slew a good few at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. Or were they Norwegians?

Harry then made the mistake of taking on a mob of French Vikings at Hastings with less successful results.

I guess thats where I get some of my genetic make up also. It would explain the occasional, very occasional desire to go Berserk :)


Yeah, thats the sort of thing.... without the horns; beard and muscles , but yeah thats the sort of thing !

Wheres brian anyway, do feel free to contribute Brian . we do have a habit of digressing

I'm descended from a long line of Dane killers, my ancestor Harold Godwinson slew a good few at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. Or were they Norwegians?

Harry then made the mistake of taking on a mob of French Vikings at Hastings with less successful results.

Never heard about French Vikings, must been that he met the Swedish Vikings at Hastings, they now goes under the name " Swedish Maffia" !

They post-29230-1271409500.gif post-29230-1271409516.gif post-29230-1271409500.gif are terrible !


I'm descended from a long line of Dane killers, my ancestor Harold Godwinson slew a good few at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066. Or were they Norwegians?

Harry then made the mistake of taking on a mob of French Vikings at Hastings with less successful results.

Never heard about French Vikings, must been that he met the Swedish Vikings at Hastings, they now goes under the name " Swedish Maffia" !

They post-29230-1271409500.gif post-29230-1271409516.gif post-29230-1271409500.gif are terrible !


As Terrible as the swedish Vikings undoubtedly are, for sure, for sure.

The Normans of northern france were descended from scandi folks for sure. Clearly not as Fierce as the Swedish Viking Mafia though ;-)

The Russ tribe was originally violent swedish Vikings also who settled in Russia, explains why the Russian Mafia is so Violent and feared.

Not as much as the Swedish Mafia though.

Then again I could have it all wrong :)


Hey Jubby, I think you start to get it right!

I think, if we start checking the facts and the history, we will find there was a Swedish Viking, one of the worst, that because he was not blond he was kicked out of Sweden and found a place in southern Italy where he founded the Italian Maffia, the one that spread to US and probably all the way to Mexico and Southamerica.

Now we only have the Asian maffias left to link to Sweden but maybe someone else has facts to fill in?


Hey Jubby, I think you start to get it right!

I think, if we start checking the facts and the history, we will find there was a Swedish Viking, one of the worst, that because he was not blond he was kicked out of Sweden and found a place in southern Italy where he founded the Italian Maffia, the one that spread to US and probably all the way to Mexico and Southamerica.

Now we only have the Asian maffias left to link to Sweden but maybe someone else has facts to fill in?


Italians are clearly descendants of swedish Vikings as where the Romans ofcourse. :D

OK, lets think , OK maybe the Russ Swedish Viking pilaged and raped there way all the way across Russia and the old USSR into mongolia.

Blond hair & blue eyes seem to come out brown when you mix our swedish Viking blood with Asians. So , infact maybe Ghengis Khan was of swedish maffia descent also. He conquered China doing what Swedish Viking mafia do best. going Beserk , pillaging and raping thru china and ... Oh sh&t. I'm going in the wrong direction. OK, lets retrace back to mongolia. Everyone knows the American Indians were of mongoloid stock which everyoed from Ghengis Khan, who obviously can trace his roothe Bloodaxe. Oh, S*t , he was a Fishhead. OK. Sven your going to have to take it from here, I'm exhausted. Theres a clear pattern to follow though, for sure, for sure


Brian started with :


I can not sleep and are thinking about,my short time in town and what there are happend,in this short time.

In the beginning I go in here, whit an open mind,just to see,whats happening around and so-but after a while,I was thinking-what kind of people are thise folks-are they just sitting here for fun..to have something to do duing the day.? "

Maybe we got a little bit off topic ?

But you are right, most of us is just sitting here for fun.

I hope you have a better sleep tonight and I hope to see you tomorrow!




Quoted from Brian:


I can not sleep and are thinking about,my short time in town and what there are happend,in this short time.

In the beginning I go in here, whit an open mind,just to see,whats happening around and so-but after a while,I was thinking-what kind of people are thise folks-are they just sitting here for fun..to have something to do duing the day.?

I became more and more confused,becourse of the way you speak to each other and so-and I was thinking-why nobody say,hi,when we meet a farang in Big C or so-are they arrogant and dont allow newbies around.?

Then I must say,that I have learn,that it is not so-fare away!

I had some problems,I put out here, and you guys took your time, and try to help me-and I have seen alot of kindness and understanding,from you-you are just great.

I am so happy,that I understand,that my woman was not happy,living in Nong Chang,down south-Uthai Thani-she missed her family,and I sayed,ok,we are going to Chiang Rai.this is no good.

All my freinds and so,told me-you are crazy,it is all gangsters up there, and they will kill you-even folks from Denmark, send me mails about, how dangerous it was here.

So I was worried,for sure-but it was a total misunderstanding-I have just found good and helpfull people, here in town,and I am so happy,that we went up here-this is the place, where I wont to be old,whit my woman.

I think,I just wont to say,Thanks to all you guys,for being there,when time have been rough for me-not to mention all the help and support, you have given my freind,Carsten.

I will look forward, to meet some of you guys, in the future.

Brian" End quote

Hey Brian. I hope to see you at the Hash tomorrow. It is easy to find. If you need guidance, let me know. You can follow me out there. It isn't so far away.

I'm glad to know that your wife is happier here. If she is happier, then you are sure to be.

I don't know about any gangsters here. That's the first I have heard of it. But that wouldn't have slowed me down had I wanted to come and I HAD heard that version of this town. I've been to bad places before. But now that you have mentioned it, I'll be keeping a closer eye on some of this forum bunch. You know, I only trust two people on this forum- You and me. And I wonder about you sometimes.

Just kidding, Brian. I NEVER wonder what kind of guy you are. If there are gangsters here, I guess I haven't sold anything on their corner yet. But I am expanding.

The Big C thing. That gets mentioned here now and then. I don't think it is limited to Big C. But we don't greet each other much, do we? I don't do it. Others don't greet me either but I don't often wear that "Greet me!" look. Others don't greet me either and I like it that way. I usually just want to mind my own business and I would guess my demeanor suggests that. Now, if I see a guy I know and can stand, then I'll have a chat. Other than that, what they are doing isn't my concern.

Here's a thought, Brian. You don't see the locals greeting each other in Big C if they don't already know each other. I'm going to guess that you didn't greet complete strangers in the supermarkets and malls back home. Why would you? You would be there talking all day if you did and they reciprocated. ( I DO have an aunt like that and she will talk to you until she finds at least one person in your life that she knows.) So, you live here now, you're one of us. You're a CR dude, just like about everyone else in the Big C (except the women, who are chicks, not dudes. Well, most of them). No reason to stop someone just because they look different from the Thais. Pretty much everyone is a resident and feels comfortable being one. And who wants to gab with just another resident?

Sooner or later, you'll have enough people to talk to and say "Hi" to. So, come to the Hash. You'll have a few new faces to recognize later. Until then, you're just another face and all of those other faces are just another face. Well, except for me. You'll recognize me and I'll recognize you and we will say hi and maybe, we'll take a break and have a coffee. And of course, I'm REALLY handsome and hard to miss and all that.

Brian, if you have troubles in the future and you need answers, put them on here. Somebody might have the solution and they might reply with that solution. Don't let the misunderstandings if the past make you shy about asking.

As I always say, this bunch is pretty special. And if they are gangsters, then they are pretty special gangsters.


PS: And quit worrying! Get some sleep. Life is going to work out the way it is supposed to work out. It always has and it always will.



Yes,Kandahar,you are right-we dont do that in our home country-but I am still new and thing that when we all are so fare from home-we have a litle in common and maby there for,wood say Hi,to each other when we meet-but I will learn it,for sure.

I wood like to come to the Hash today-but we got visitors from Bangkok, and are going to Mae Sai today-so sorry-maby next time.

Glad to give you all a big smile, about the Dane and the Vikings-but I was realy worried after all the stories-and that was a guy who have lived here for 10 years-and still dont talk a word Thai-to bad,I think.

Have a nice day,at the Hash and take it easy-you are not so young any more-ha-ha!!

Take care!


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