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Paypal - Spam Alert

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Just an FYI and or warning to those of you who use paypal

Seems the spammers / not nice people are back at work.

I woke up this morning to and email with the subject line

"Notification of Limited Account Access RXI033"

The body of the message include the following:

"We requested information from you for the following reason:

A recent review of your account determined that we require

some additional information from you in order to provide you

with secure service. "

Since I had just woken up I was trying to figure out in my head

what was going, why were they looking for more info.

After 2 coffees and three smokes I looked at the email again

and it include a link to click and then log in. This did not seem right.

I then had a closer look at the email address this e-mail was

sent from

It was from www.paypay.com

People who operate this site want you to click the link then

enter all you details in what you think is a legit paypal site but

it is in fact a clown site made to look exactly like the legit paypal

site. They then have your real paypal info and can easily access

you account and withdraw funds

Many of you might already be aware of such scam attempts

but I thought I would post if for the newer paypal users

Thanks from reading

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Very common scam. No real bank will ever ask you for account information over the internet. None. They may say they have a message for you to access by logging into your account in the normal log-in procedure and checking your secure mail. Paypal is not a bank but believe they would have similar security procedures.

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Forward the spam email to [email protected] and let them check out where the spam's coming from. I've also received this spam. As keenlau98 mentioned, no legitimate institution will ask for financial info. over the internet.

Also log onto your Paypal account. If the spam's legit, it should be there in your Paypal account as being an email sent from Paypal. I guarantee that this particular email doesn't exist in your Paypal account.

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For a few years now I am getting this type of scam mail continuously, often claiming to come from banks I have never heard of. My e-mail address is mentioned on quite a few websites, so I am in the privilleged position of receiving all types of scam mail continuously, also the latest varieties.

Edited by keestha
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I was fortunate to have grown up in a number of countries as my father was a diplomat while a younger man. As a result I frequent websites from around the world, using the local language which I learned while I was younger (all legitimate news sites). An unintended consequence is that I now receive spam in 5 languages. My daughter tells her friends about me, "he's so smart that he receives spam in 5 languages". :)

Edited by Microwave
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Same here, Microwave. I am getting a lot of spam in German, French and Spanish, still waiting for the first spam in my native language Dutch, but maybe they speculate on us speaking English anyway.

I experienced second hand (German speakers that I know becoming victims) that spam in say German has a higher rate of success then spam in English, because many German speakers are outside the main flow of information because of a lack of knowledge of English language.

Are you also getting this lovely Thai language spam?

Edited by keestha
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