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Heat !


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I think that a thread on heat has potential, to equal the one on 'Rain', for longevity ! So to kick it off :-

Phew what a Scorcher ! (with a bow to 'The Sun' of Murdoch) Yesterday it was 98*F, at 6 in the evening, on our shady rear-terrace, has anyone seen a higher-thermometer in Chiang Mai this hot-season ?

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I live in the central region 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and most afternoons about 2pm it has been 39 or 40C.

Around 7 am most mornings it is about 29C except this morning was 26 as we had 10 minutes rain yesterday afternoon.

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My laundry lady is from Lampang. She had a 4 day break Tues-Fri; I saw her today Saturday.

She said it was 43 C in Lampang, and was so uncomfortable there that she is delighted to be back in CM, where it is only 40-41 or so.

On the Thai Meteorological Dept website for Chiang Mai:


max temp for yesterday Friday was only 40.3.

Only :)

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Its a cool 310 K here in HCMC at the moment, mind you it's just rained.

So Phil. Are you saying that in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

(that is the official name, before anyone starts griping),

you use Kelvin?

That is so cool.

I think I might go check out Vietnam; always wanted to go there, and have been pretty much everywhere else in SE Asia in the last 30 years. And it is cooler than Chiang Mai right now...... :)

(310 K = 36.85 C = 98.33 F)

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Does any local TV-member have plans, to build a solar-powered pizza-oven, or burger-BBQ ? :D

no but a solar powered air con unit would be a great idea!! :)

In the Gulf, where it gets quite hot & humid at times, I've seen built-in wind-traps to guide the breeze downstairs to the living-rooms of the house. Perhaps we should incorporate this idea into new Lanna-style houses ?

I also quite like the Balinese-style roofs, with air-gaps built-in, to allow rising hot-air to escape. Does that actually work, inducing a breeze through the house, does anyone know ?

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Yep it's f**kng hot!!! been 40+ for almost 2 weeks now and trying to resist running the aircons, but just can't resist for an hour or so in the day and an hour at night.

I've even resorted to a self applied songkran technique to cool off......just throw a bucket of water over my head...soaking my hat and t shirt and cooling for a few minutes, but iritating the wife with my wet tracks.

This is indeed the hottest summer I've felt in 10 yrs here and it will only get hotter.....so 'they' say.

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Does any local TV-member have plans, to build a solar-powered pizza-oven, or burger-BBQ ? :D

no but a solar powered air con unit would be a great idea!! :)

In the Gulf, where it gets quite hot & humid at times, I've seen built-in wind-traps to guide the breeze downstairs to the living-rooms of the house. Perhaps we should incorporate this idea into new Lanna-style houses ?

I also quite like the Balinese-style roofs, with air-gaps built-in, to allow rising hot-air to escape. Does that actually work, inducing a breeze through the house, does anyone know ?

theres a thread i read on TV with a air gap design, not sure where it is thou, maybe housing forum i guess

it probably would work if the house had a good air inflow

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Yeah, the clouds (that didn't rain) and the huge forest fire on Doi Pui (which has bought back a bit of haze, which helps to filter the sun) dropped the temperature a bit yesterday. Only 38.2. Praise The Lord...like 38.2 is nice...

What I will gently point out, is that in early February I had to use a comforter at night to sleep, it was so cold. At night on motorsai, had to have jeans shoes and socks and a polarfleece pullover, or suffer hypothermia.

In a matter of a week, the temp went up from average warm...to frikkin' hot. And it has pretty much stayed that way all throughout this season.

Hot weather started early, and has stayed consistently quite high throughout the season. We had a little teaser rainstorm once, but nothing really to relieve us.

I've been here 4 years continuously...I would say that this year's hot season has been on a daily average the hottest in that time frame. El Nino, whatever.

Thai local friends are complaining how unbearably hot it has been this season...that tells me something.

It's hot.

(OK, over to you getlost, tell us about the time you were stranded in the Empty Quarter....50 C, had to survive on camel blood, mice and nettles :) )

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Yeah, the clouds (that didn't rain) and the huge forest fire on Doi Pui (which has bought back a bit of haze, which helps to filter the sun) dropped the temperature a bit yesterday. Only 38.2. Praise The Lord...like 38.2 is nice...

What I will gently point out, is that in early February I had to use a comforter at night to sleep, it was so cold. At night on motorsai, had to have jeans shoes and socks and a polarfleece pullover, or suffer hypothermia.

In a matter of a week, the temp went up from average warm...to frikkin' hot. And it has pretty much stayed that way all throughout this season.

Hot weather started early, and has stayed consistently quite high throughout the season. We had a little teaser rainstorm once, but nothing really to relieve us.

I've been here 4 years continuously...I would say that this year's hot season has been on a daily average the hottest in that time frame. El Nino, whatever.

Thai local friends are complaining how unbearably hot it has been this season...that tells me something.

It's hot.

(OK, over to you getlost, tell us about the time you were stranded in the Empty Quarter....50 C, had to survive on camel blood, mice and nettles :) )

Actually we had all the cold beer we could drink. :D

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(OK, over to you getlost, tell us about the time you were stranded in the Empty Quarter....50 C, had to survive on camel blood, mice and nettles :) )

Actually we had all the cold beer we could drink. :D

I couldn't get beer in the Empty Quarter, not even the 2-star hotel at Marib, so used to have to drive down to al-Mocha to buy it, and smuggle it home to Ta'iz. :D Ah, Happy Days ... :D

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(OK, over to you getlost, tell us about the time you were stranded in the Empty Quarter....50 C, had to survive on camel blood, mice and nettles :) )

Actually we had all the cold beer we could drink. :D

I couldn't get beer in the Empty Quarter, not even the 2-star hotel at Marib, so used to have to drive down to al-Mocha to buy it, and smuggle it home to Ta'iz. :D Ah, Happy Days ... :D

Didn't have ac in the empty quarter, camping out the back of my truck, tho' in Yemen had my duty free booze airfreighted in.  Still did a few Mocha runs from Sana'a, & not for the coffee  :D

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