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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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i read your posts. i'll give you _exactly_ _one_ day of my attention, ok?

a) what does it matter if people of isaan never voted for this guy? you wanna tell me that "people of isaan" are now in charge of well-being of a whole country? btw, it's just today nattawhut _out-ruled_ that democrats would be allowed to do pr for a "general election"

-> so, in essence, you're saying: YOU talk for the "people of isaan" & everyone who disagrees with your self-grandeur has to be... "removed"?

:) btw, who's "elite" in your terms _today_? as latest posts show, even "middle class" is now perceived to be oppressing elite? that has to be re-educated... etc etc. oh really?

c) oooh, you indulge violence as eta or ira? why not state publicly, we're freedom-fighters/terrorists. we want to overthrow this society by violent means. we just hate you. & we enjoy harming others.


btw, i'd appreciate if you'd be able to train yourself to quote. thanks. it's kind of a convenience for follow-up. no, i'm not hinting at state of your rational faculties - your comments speak for themselves.

i'll give you 10 minutes of my attention, ok?

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

:D The top 20% own 69% of the country's assets while the bottom 20% own only 1%.

-42% of bank savings money comes from only 70,000 bank accounts holding more than 10 million baht. They make up only 0.09% of all bank accounts in the country. In other words, less than 1% of the people own nearly half of the country's savings.

c) not my decision

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a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

35% of the population, and their boy Thaksin's proxy party got 36% of the vote in the last election. They did vote, there just weren't enough of them. It's difficult for most reds to understand this but they are a minority.


Coming out from Siam Square today, around 5:30pm - Henri Dunant road right turn only (unless you have a tank, or a death wish) - not so "peace"-inspiring if you ask me. Same at the Siam Discovery intersection (Rama I) inward toward Paragon, Chitlom, etc... and I'm assuming it looks even worse at the other intersections. Very non-violent-looking. Not.





Leaders of red shirts: We want democracy!! And if you don't agree with our form of democracy, we will kill you and laugh at you when you die!

I know they have not said that openly, they are too coward to do that but their actions speak for themselves. Red shirts sound just like some muslim fanatics. Only difference is the latter do not speak about democracy.

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

35% of the population, and their boy Thaksin's proxy party got 36% of the vote in the last election. They did vote, there just weren't enough of them. It's difficult for most reds to understand this but they are a minority.

But arent these issues that an election in 2010 would sort out ? :)

Coming out from Siam Square today, around 5:30pm - Henri Dunant road right turn only (unless you have a tank, or a death wish) - not so "peace"-inspiring if you ask me. Same at the Siam Discovery intersection (Rama I) inward toward Paragon, Chitlom, etc... and I'm assuming it looks even worse at the other intersections. Very non-violent-looking. Not.




I wouldn't want to see it happen for a moment, but these guys may well have constructed their own funeral pyre.

i read your posts. i'll give you _exactly_ _one_ day of my attention, ok?

a) what does it matter if people of isaan never voted for this guy? you wanna tell me that "people of isaan" are now in charge of well-being of a whole country? btw, it's just today nattawhut _out-ruled_ that democrats would be allowed to do pr for a "general election"

-> so, in essence, you're saying: YOU talk for the "people of isaan" & everyone who disagrees with your self-grandeur has to be... "removed"?

B) btw, who's "elite" in your terms _today_? as latest posts show, even "middle class" is now perceived to be oppressing elite? that has to be re-educated... etc etc. oh really?

c) oooh, you indulge violence as eta or ira? why not state publicly, we're freedom-fighters/terrorists. we want to overthrow this society by violent means. we just hate you. & we enjoy harming others.


btw, i'd appreciate if you'd be able to train yourself to quote. thanks. it's kind of a convenience for follow-up. no, i'm not hinting at state of your rational faculties - your comments speak for themselves.

i'll give you 10 minutes of my attention, ok?

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

B) The top 20% own 69% of the country's assets while the bottom 20% own only 1%.

-42% of bank savings money comes from only 70,000 bank accounts holding more than 10 million baht. They make up only 0.09% of all bank accounts in the country. In other words, less than 1% of the people own nearly half of the country's savings.

c) not my decision

1) you still don't know how to quote. how comes?


2) initially, you said something quite different. as you cut quotes, here's what you said:

"The people of Isaan never voted for this guy. :huh:

We're not back to square one this will be much worse.......... Now Abhisit will ignite an ETA or IRA style environment :ph34r:

Very clever negotiating on belhalf of the elite :rolleyes:"

i countered that, saying:

"a) what does it matter if people of isaan never voted for this guy? you wanna tell me that "people of isaan" are now in charge of well-being of a whole country? btw, it's just today nattawhut _out-ruled_ that democrats would be allowed to do pr for a "general election"

-> so, in essence, you're saying: YOU talk for the "people of isaan" & everyone who disagrees with your self-grandeur has to be... "removed"?"

& you reply,

"a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard."

afaik, nobody on TV opposes elections. question _for you_ is, how comes you believe 35% of electorate are entitled to speak for a majority?

& i don't even want to get into reality details?

so you're saying 35% of a populace are a _majority_?


2) no-one here, afaik, is opposed to an election. how comes you indulge this demand it has to happen now? how comes? what for? what would be benefits? i asked before, what are policy-proposals of red shirt leaders?


3) forget to fool me about wealth inequality. else i'd have to ask you about the wealth of red-shirt leaders? not to mention thaksin? again, what are your proposals for a more equal distribution of a nation's wealth? tell me?


4) you cut my posts, guy. i don't like that. it shows a specific attitude to public discourse. here we go again:

you said, "We're not back to square one this will be much worse.......... Now Abhisit will ignite an ETA or IRA style environment"

_now_ you say, "c) not my decision" - oh really?

tss tss - so it was _not_ _your_ mind, imagination, inclination to evoke eta & ira in contexts of contemporary thailand? next thing you'll tell me, you didn't even do it, right? next thing, you'll tell me, by evoking imagery of eta & ira you _were_ _NOT_ enticing violent means to overthrow established systems of governance? right?


Thanks for the photos. Someone mentioned earlier that the tires have fuel on/in them. Does anyone else confirm that one way or another? Even without fuel, tires are a burn/smoke/pollution hazard. With a bit of fuel, they become the equivalent of a slowly exploding dirty bomb.

Plus, I know Thailand is exceedingly lax on enforcing littering laws (except for extorting 2,000 baht from non-smoking farang for supposedly dropping a cig butt), but surely the barricades fall under the category of gross littering or illegal dumping. Even the earlier tossing of containers of blood is littering, is it not?

No matter how this stand-off ends, I somehow can't imagine the protesters cleaning up their giant messes. Indeed, the grossness left behind will be the headline after the smoke clears.

Anyone who's ever seen an outdoor event in Thailand - the day after - will know what I mean. For days after a large outdoor event, there's paper and plastic strewn around. A bit of wind, and the trash goes everywhere in the vicinity. And the worst days-after festival mess in Thailand will pale compared with the mess that will be revealed when the Reds leave.

Who will clean it up, and who will pay for it? ....and will anyone get fined for littering? Probably not. When Bkk gets back to normal, only farang will get fined for littering, by shady cops out on the take.

i read your posts. i'll give you _exactly_ _one_ day of my attention, ok?

a) what does it matter if people of isaan never voted for this guy? you wanna tell me that "people of isaan" are now in charge of well-being of a whole country? btw, it's just today nattawhut _out-ruled_ that democrats would be allowed to do pr for a "general election"

-> so, in essence, you're saying: YOU talk for the "people of isaan" & everyone who disagrees with your self-grandeur has to be... "removed"?

:) btw, who's "elite" in your terms _today_? as latest posts show, even "middle class" is now perceived to be oppressing elite? that has to be re-educated... etc etc. oh really?

c) oooh, you indulge violence as eta or ira? why not state publicly, we're freedom-fighters/terrorists. we want to overthrow this society by violent means. we just hate you. & we enjoy harming others.


btw, i'd appreciate if you'd be able to train yourself to quote. thanks. it's kind of a convenience for follow-up. no, i'm not hinting at state of your rational faculties - your comments speak for themselves.

i'll give you 10 minutes of my attention, ok?

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

:D The top 20% own 69% of the country's assets while the bottom 20% own only 1%.

-42% of bank savings money comes from only 70,000 bank accounts holding more than 10 million baht. They make up only 0.09% of all bank accounts in the country. In other words, less than 1% of the people own nearly half of the country's savings.

c) not my decision

Only 39 million people who voted in the last election.

14 million voted PPP

14 million voted Democrat

7.5 million voted for other parties (now in a coalition with the democrats)

2.5 million invalid votes

1 million no votes

Yes. The people of Isaan have a right to be heard, but they do not have a right to do what they have been doing these last 3 weeks. They do not have a right to demand dissolution. Some 60% of the voters did not vote for the PPP.

Coming out from Siam Square today, around 5:30pm - Henri Dunant road right turn only (unless you have a tank, or a death wish) - not so "peace"-inspiring if you ask me. Same at the Siam Discovery intersection (Rama I) inward toward Paragon, Chitlom, etc... and I'm assuming it looks even worse at the other intersections. Very non-violent-looking. Not.




I can't even fathom that nor the bamboo barricades (the sharpened spears) and how they've been tolerated, ludicrous. Maybe they're bringing their redneck lifestyle to the city, since the stuff in the dept stores looks too clean and classy.

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

35% of the population, and their boy Thaksin's proxy party got 36% of the vote in the last election. They did vote, there just weren't enough of them. It's difficult for most reds to understand this but they are a minority.

But arent these issues that an election in 2010 would sort out ? :)

Ah but :

THEY CAN BE HEARD... that's what makes their rants so stupid.

They have 200 MP's in parliamnet who COULD,

if they were competent, willingly cooperative, and half-way nice,

COULD be getting legislation and projects funded for ALL OF ISSAN.

But do they try and do this? Do they work in

anything vaguely like a non-partisan manner

for the good of their constituencies?


the MP's issan has voted in :

Disrupt, disparage, shout down, beat up and generally harrass the opposition MPs,

rather than give even the SLIGHTEST attempt to work in Parliament for their constituents.

When they BOYCOT Paliament work gets done, because they are NOT THERE...

Or in Jatuporns case; he openly suborns the government,

advocates for terrorist acts most likely leading toward civil war,

and blatently threatens every non-red siding person Thai or Farang,

who might get in his way. While hiding behind his Parliamentary immunity to do it...

And when people are grenaded and one killed, he turns up the music

and lets his red shirts DANCE, in support of the attack.

Way to go Issan electing effective legislators!!!!

a) its called the right to vote and the population of Isaan at last count was 21086501 or 35% of Thailand's total population – go figure

and no I don’t talk for the "people of isaan" but 21 million have the right to be heard.

35% of the population, and their boy Thaksin's proxy party got 36% of the vote in the last election. They did vote, there just weren't enough of them. It's difficult for most reds to understand this but they are a minority.

But arent these issues that an election in 2010 would sort out ? :)

Ah but :

THEY CAN BE HEARD... that's what makes their rants so stupid.

They have 200 MP's in parliamnet who COULD,

if they were competent, willingly cooperative, and half-way nice,

COULD be getting legislation and projects funded for ALL OF ISSAN.

But do they try and do this,

do they work in anything vaguely non-partisan manner

for the good of their constituencies?


the MP's issan has voted in :

Disrupt, disparage, shout down, beat up and generally harrass the opposition MPs

rather than even the SLIGHTEST attempt to work in Parliament for their constituents.

Or in Jatuporns case openly suborn the government, advocate for civil war,

and threaten ever non- red siding person Thai or Farang, who might get in his way.

thats precisely it. new elections mean the same reoccurence. the 200 in office don't live the farmer's life, and aren't worried about them. and so it goes on...............


An election must be held by the end of 2011. It will be sooner than that. If you called a new election every time some minority group disliked the party in power you would do nothing but hold elections. Any intelligent government that is in power waits until they believe they have the best chance at winning an election before calling one.

....the MP's issan has voted in :

Disrupt, disparage, shout down, beat up and generally harrass the opposition MPs,

rather than give even the SLIGHTEST attempt to work in Parliament for their constituents. When they BOYCOT Paliament work gets done, because they are NOT THERE... Or in Jatuporns case; he openly suborns the government, advocates for terrorist acts most likely leading toward civil war, and blatently threatens every non-red siding person Thai or Farang, who might get in his way. While hiding behind his Parliamentary immunity to do it... And when people are grenaded and one killed, he turns up the music

and lets his red shirts DANCE, in support of the attack. Way to go Issan electing effective legislators!!!!

Sounds like the Republicans in the US, with coagulated pig's blood and crickets fried in MSG-laden fish oil for good measure. With their Mekong whiskey along with caffeine and sugar packed drinks swimming through their veins, perhaps it's no wonder the Issanites get the representation they're paid to vote for.

Coming out from Siam Square today, around 5:30pm - Henri Dunant road right turn only (unless you have a tank, or a death wish) - not so "peace"-inspiring if you ask me. Same at the Siam Discovery intersection (Rama I) inward toward Paragon, Chitlom, etc... and I'm assuming it looks even worse at the other intersections. Very non-violent-looking. Not.




I can't even fathom that nor the bamboo barricades (the sharpened spears) and how they've been tolerated, ludicrous. Maybe they're bringing their redneck lifestyle to the city, since the stuff in the dept stores looks too clean and classy.

Very insulting to half the people of a country you profess to love.

you just demostrate you know so little of outside Bangkok. This is a very varied country and if you look around, you will find many people from the north live in Bangkok. They must have a strong argument or so many people would not be getting involved.

Is it impossible on here for people to express an opinion WITHOUT a schoolboy insult tacked on?

  • 2 weeks later...

"Now that the PAD wants to the Prime Minister to step down from his post We are confused as they have the agenda like ours. So PM should clear with the PAD first and also seek approvals from the coalition parties about the reconciliation first. When all matters are cleared, PM can bring the final solution to us. As for now, we will continue to stay here,'' said Nuttawut.

Fantastic!!! Nuttawat has found a large area of agreement with PAD!!! Sad that it confused him, but hey, it's a start!

Can ya see it? Red Shirts and PAD come together under the same banner - maybe Maccer's - unite, win the next election, and peace and brotherly love continue on for Thailand.


....the MP's issan has voted in :

Disrupt, disparage, shout down, beat up and generally harrass the opposition MPs,

rather than give even the SLIGHTEST attempt to work in Parliament for their constituents. When they BOYCOT Paliament work gets done, because they are NOT THERE... Or in Jatuporns case; he openly suborns the government, advocates for terrorist acts most likely leading toward civil war, and blatently threatens every non-red siding person Thai or Farang, who might get in his way. While hiding behind his Parliamentary immunity to do it... And when people are grenaded and one killed, he turns up the music

and lets his red shirts DANCE, in support of the attack. Way to go Issan electing effective legislators!!!!

Sounds like the Republicans in the US, with coagulated pig's blood and crickets fried in MSG-laden fish oil for good measure. With their Mekong whiskey along with caffeine and sugar packed drinks swimming through their veins, perhaps it's no wonder the Issanites get the representation they're paid to vote for.

Mekong whiskey? Are you kidding Brahm? It's strictly lao khao for the masses who vote Red and sell their votes, and Johnny Black and 5,000 Baht bottles of red wine (ice cubes added optional) for the Red politicians who buy their votes and get to fight (often literally) over the spoils of office. The rest is a pretty good generalisation of life in Isaan, except with a bit more raw beef and pla daek thrown into the pot. And I suppose you Northeners don't eat MSG with everything and 3 bottles of M150 for breakfast before you go to sell your votes, to the cuddly Phue Thai polly, eh? :)

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