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Meeting Thai Ladies On Dating Sites: 9 Do's And Dont's


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When I 'scored' in Issan, it was the 2nd town I went to......1st Korat, then back on train to Surin and just walked and talked until i found a girl i liked who could carry on a simple conversation and the rest is history....

sure, it takes a lot of patience and training [for both of us], but it was worth it.

It can be simply put......EASY COME/EASY GO!!

a good relationship takes work and patience no matter where [or how] you meet....especially cross cultural.

I do observe that the Issan girls are much more open to cross cultural relationships. maybe the influence of the US bases during the Viet Nam war.....and the fact that Thai men just wanna get in their pants and plant a seed and then run.

And our age range was me/50....her/30.

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... and if you do in fact meet a special woman on TLL or one of the other 'meet Thai ladies' sites, and you do in fact marry her, there is no point in then defending her honor and virtue as if she were as Caesar's wife and pure as the driven snow -- She put her rear end on the block -- maybe differently from some other girls who are regarded as not so nice -- and the mathematical reality of the situation is that YOU were probably not the first guy she encountered.

..meeting Thai women on- line that have met farang before should not bother someone one iota..in fact, so much the BETTER..

..because if a farang guy is confident, friendly, decent - looking, fit, generous, attentive, a non - heavy drinker, etc.. they will see that perhaps they have "upgraded" compared to their last farang(s)

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A COMPARISON ..using the internet to meet women in farang - land, and using a site like Thai love links is something akin to night and day..apples and oranges..a guy goes from being your average "Joe" on the former to being perceived as very "desirable" on the latter..

.. but the rules STILL don't change when you meet a nice quality lady..you still need to be on your "game"..that doesn't change anywhere in the world, as there is still competition for good ladies anywhere from lots of decent guys..

..I think thats where some farang in LOS, who feel they are ENTITLED to 8's, 9's or even 10's, get continually and consistently disappointed in their quest to find the "right one", and keep falling short of their goal and going back to square one.

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Looking at Ozzie and Harriet reminds me -- as regarding the wholesome image of Doris Day -- of the quip by Oscar Levant (from Wikipedia):

"I knew Doris Day
she was a virgin." (Levant was in the cast of Day's first film,
Romance on the High Seas
(1948), in which she played a brassy showgirl very different from the virginal ingenue character that later brought her stardom.)

Ozzie was in real life a domineering but very successful SOB.

... and when someone in a ribbing mode asks me how much does it cost to hang out with non-English speaking Thai women less than half your age I just say: "Whatever it takes."

Doris Day was not so wholesome.

Last week a friend lent me a copy of her film, Calamity Jane (1953). Haven’t watched this for years.

In one scene Doris Day is on top of a stagecoach shooting at some Indians on horses that are chasing them.

She points her gun at the Indians and shouts; I’m going to send you to the happy hunting grounds, you red skinned, nigger, heartens.

I was really taken aback, especially this coming from the mouth of Doris Day.

Looked her up on Wikipedia. It says she is of German decent and perhaps because this film was made not long after the nazi era, they still had this thing about racial superiority.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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You both are obviously very inexperienced with women. And I mean real women, not the Nana/Cowboy sort.

You haven't read many of Cognos' posts. He has had experience dating, and not from the "Nana/Cowboy sort."

Dating is just dating. Experiences is another thing.

Besides, how are the "Nana/Cowboy sort" not "real women?" The majority of them have two X chromosomes,

You didn't get my point: I have nothing against BGs, but then it is completely different if your seduction game mainly consists of winking with a 1000B note, or if you have to do some more efforts to convince her.

"good girls" as cognos was dating, don't need 18 months of efforts to get into bed. Only inexperienced men would need that long. They either won't be impressed by a 1000B note. It's all about game, and in the end "good" girls and "bad" girls do like sex - most of the time at least.

I won't bother attempting a justification as to why I waited 18 months..I'll let you continue to speculate incorrectly..but I will say I waited 3.5 months for another "quality" Asian lady a few years prior. With others, it was much sooner..but.. thats probably too much information vis a vis personal timelines on when you end up in bed with someone..if women were all the same, we would all have the 2, or maximum 3 date rule.. i maintain that if you get lucky quickly, there is an easier chance of easy come, easy go...like an inverse graph..next...

..I will repeat that the average 30 year old single Asian woman has NOT had as many sexual partners as the average farang European/ North American 30 year old single lady.. but there are always exceptions to the rule.. btw..this fact is not up for debate, as it is FACT..so it READS, Asian women are sexually conservative in nature ( until the ball gets rolling )

viva la difference

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Bonobo is correct, I let the woman run the sexual show, and don't push the sex agenda early on, especially if I want to MARRY her.. obviously 18 months will be my personal life "best"...btw.. those of who who won't wait past 3 dates unfortunately don't know about the sexual tiger unleashed in the lady when they decide the time is right..whether its 2 months or 18..its ironic, because thats what yur after, no??

oh the irony

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All I ask is why would a guy who would rank below a #5 (on a 1 to 10 scale) expect to catch a #8 or higher gal if he wasn't very wealthy and willing to give most of it away? Wealthy guys usually get that way by being smart. Too bad the little head starts doing the thinking when it comes to women.

There is nothing wrong with internet dating sites if all you want is a big laugh and have lots of time to waste. But, if I was desperate for company, which I'm not, then I'd probably use one of the sites. I'm sure there are some specialized forums where women are active participants and you can get to know someone on an informal basis that might lead to a relationship. Most of my good fishing friends were met through fishing forums.

Yeppers ----

Rule Number 1 = don't use internet dating sites!

(In fact that should be rule #1 and #1 and #3 -- with enough repitition to get the point across!)

wrongo!! The internet is a TOOL..DO have many tool in your tool box..if your only tool is a hammer, well using blunt force isn't always the way!! ..but I agree with you ( assuming your point is..) that meeting women in person..just approaching them is FUN..especially if you are single and not self conscious..

.. a friend once told me( he was an operator with women, very successful, and a good guy) if you are not getting rejected at least once a day ( he meant just going up to women cold and asking them out for lunch, tea, whatever..), you are not tryin' hard enough!!

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From what I have seen, If they are 30+ and "conservative", the ball never gets rolling. They have spent most or all of their adult life "keeping a lid on it". I never saw one change. What they are after, by the way, is money. Love and sex they can get from a Thai man.

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'BigWheelMan' post='3556866' date='2010-05-01 05:32:35'

Doris Day was not so wholesome.

Last week a friend lent me a copy of her film, Calamity Jane (1953). Haven't watched this for years.

In one scene Doris Day is on top of a stagecoach shooting at some Indians on horses that are chasing them.

She points her gun at the Indians and shouts; I'm going to send you to the happy hunting grounds, you red skinned, nigger, heartens.

I was really taken aback, especially this coming from the mouth of Doris Day.

Looked her up on Wikipedia. It says she is of German decent and perhaps because this film was made not long after the nazi era, they still had this thing about racial superiority.

She was playing a role in a film. Maybe she was acting. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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From what I have seen, If they are 30+ and "conservative", the ball never gets rolling. They have spent most or all of their adult life "keeping a lid on it". I never saw one change.

When most women get into their 30's, their estrogen levels start dropping, and they become more sexually charged.  So they have a higher sex drive than they did when they were younger.  And there is the emotional aspect of loneliness or the idea that they are missing their window for children.  For many reasons, a significant number of Thai women who were "conservative" when they were younger open up and discover and then explore the sexual aspect of life.

What they are after, by the way, is money. Love and sex they can get from a Thai man.

Some, undoubtedly.  Or some feel Thai men cannot be trusted to remain monogamous.  Or some want a half-white baby.  Or some are attracted to the exotic (just as Western women(and men) are).  Or some get caught up in the Hollywood love stories.  Or some have a friend/sister/cousin who married a foreigner and is happy.  Or whatever.  

Writing what they all "are after" is just as incorrect as to write that all Western men who come to Thailand are motivated by the same thing and pursue that in the same way.

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From what I have seen, If they are 30+ and "conservative", the ball never gets rolling. They have spent most or all of their adult life "keeping a lid on it". I never saw one change.

When most women get into their 30's, their estrogen levels start dropping, and they become more sexually charged.  So they have a higher sex drive than they did when they were younger.  And there is the emotional aspect of loneliness or the idea that they are missing their window for children.  For many reasons, a significant number of Thai women who were "conservative" when they were younger open up and discover and then explore the sexual aspect of life.

What they are after, by the way, is money. Love and sex they can get from a Thai man.

Some, undoubtedly.  Or some feel Thai men cannot be trusted to remain monogamous.  Or some want a half-white baby.  Or some are attracted to the exotic (just as Western women(and men) are).  Or some get caught up in the Hollywood love stories.  Or some have a friend/sister/cousin who married a foreigner and is happy.  Or whatever.  

Writing what they all "are after" is just as incorrect as to write that all Western men who come to Thailand are motivated by the same thing and pursue that in the same way.

I did not mean by use of the word "they" to mean all Thai women. What I meant was a high percentage of Thai women, who have relationships with foreigners. Thai to Thai is a whole different "kettle of fish". As for the over 30 woman you describe, I never met such. Most over 30 I have seen here are as conservative as my old maid auntie and much more "fussy" as to the requirements of a Farang partner, in terms of age, appearance, and financial resources, than a 20 something. The over 30's give me quite a "going-over" (in terms of what they expect), which I do not get from a younger one.

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You need the right pick up line. Just tell them you are a falang and then tell them the real secret to whiter skin is to hang around you because it rubs off onto whoever you are with. :)

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Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here that has ever met a Thai girl from one of these on line dating sites and if so, what kind of experience was it and what sort of girl did you meet?

I've met a few now, including the one from a few posts up.

One was very cool, we walked around all day and then caught a film. Looking forward to meeting her later. Another was really wacky but not interested in me. So be it. There was the giggling one who is constantly SMSing me, and then another who, hours after meeting, invited me to go to traveling with her and her friends in a few days. With all of these girls I've approached them, like the above poster says, with game and respect. My attitude is, if the relationship works then it works, if not move on. So far, I don't see a big difference in getting to meet these chicks here, or Western chicks in the West. You gotta lay groundwork, talk a tiny bit via email, then maybe a tiny bit on the phone, then meet for something innocuous like coffee. I LOVE people who post "you sexy mak mak" on Tagged because that just means I look all the better. :)

All that said, how to proceed with the, er, "courtship" in Thailand is a cross-cultural difference and one that I'm completely inexperienced with. Hence, why I'm really interested in this thread!


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12.. make sure you realise you are only one of 50 other blokes she is talking to and be prepared to hand over a few fun coupons if you plan on actually meeting.

13.. If you are sertious about meeting her, make sure you are the highest bidder with the least amount of expectations of her.

I met a bird on one of those dating sights, she ran a small english school in KK, she set up profiles for all her english students (Uni girls) and she did all the corresponding with the 'marks' on the girls behalf. The girls all had local boyfriends, and they all had a dozen or so foreigners they were trying to lure and lighten their wallets. It was interesting some of the stories she told me, some girls would sometimes have 3 or 4 foreigners visiting them at the same time, they would have to create some kind of schedule with reasons why she cant meet this guy at that time on that day etc etc, usually because she had "class" at that time. They can be very ingenious.

I actually took this bird to a TV party at FC's in Surin. So some of you may have met her.

She told me all the tricks of the trade, it is predominatly (not all girls, i must admit) an online brothel.

If you do use one of these siute just be aware of what you are really getting into.

Hey Tuky,

How the hel_l are you. I remember the girl you are talking about. Do you remember much from that weekend? Since we communicated last I moved up to Korat Jor Hor. Hope things are going well for you.


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As for the over 30 woman you describe, I never met such. Most over 30 I have seen here are as conservative as my old maid auntie and much more "fussy" as to the requirements of a Farang partner, in terms of age, appearance, and financial resources, than a 20 something. The over 30's give me quite a "going-over" (in terms of what they expect), which I do not get from a younger one.

Interesting observation on your experiences.  That runs contrary to most psychological studies and my own experiences.  Where do you usually meet women?  I would be curious as to their demographics.

I don't mean to be nosy, but my curiosity drives me to ask the general numbers of 20-somethings and 30-somethings you have dated (but I understand if you tell me that is none of my business.  :)  )

In my own observations, and I will winnow this down to sexual-type activities as the reference was to "conservative" women, while some 20-somethings will jump into bed at the drop of a hat, others are far more hesitant and will only do so if they are very comfortable that there is a serious relationship going, and other holds fast to the "wait-until-marriage" rule.  One the other hand, for let's say mid-30's and above, even women who were virgins until late in life are far more apt to enjoy even casual sex without a hard-and-fast emotional committment.  Not all, certainly, I am sure, but many more 35 or 45 year olds fit that category than 20 year olds.

Any female posters out there who can comment?

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At the almost-certain risk of getting flamed/laughed at, I have to ask for some advice on this very topic. The whole reason I'm reading this thread is cause of what happened last night and this morning.

In my early 30s, haven't been here that long. Girl contacts me on Tagged. Pictures mainly look like she's a good girl, some a little not-so-good. Last night we meet at a night market. I'm considering it a date. I ask questions, she laughs. I don't go out of my way to pay for too much but she goes out of her way to make sure she's paying her share. I feel the conversation isn't going too well and once our food is finished she looks ready to go. I'm thinking: date is a bust, no chemistry. That's OK. Don't care.

I get a text from her a few minutes after we split. Then an email when I get home. Then another couple of emails this morning with an "XO" and time she's out of school today. Now, some of you might be shaking your heads at me, but I'm new here so don't be too harsh guys. Is she in the game? Or is this standard Thai girl behavior?

More to the point, is there some kind of text I can send that would confirm this, without being too overt. I'm thinking "Want to come over and watch a movie?"

Or should I just say "How much?" :)


standard Thai behaviour, bunch of kids a lot of the time, how much would be harsh, go with flow see how it develops. never known a hooker go out of there way to pay for anything.

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As for the over 30 woman you describe, I never met such. Most over 30 I have seen here are as conservative as my old maid auntie and much more "fussy" as to the requirements of a Farang partner, in terms of age, appearance, and financial resources, than a 20 something. The over 30's give me quite a "going-over" (in terms of what they expect), which I do not get from a younger one.

Interesting observation on your experiences.  That runs contrary to most psychological studies and my own experiences.  Where do you usually meet women?  I would be curious as to their demographics.

I don't mean to be nosy, but my curiosity drives me to ask the general numbers of 20-somethings and 30-somethings you have dated (but I understand if you tell me that is none of my business.  :)  )

In my own observations, and I will winnow this down to sexual-type activities as the reference was to "conservative" women, while some 20-somethings will jump into bed at the drop of a hat, others are far more hesitant and will only do so if they are very comfortable that there is a serious relationship going, and other holds fast to the "wait-until-marriage" rule.  One the other hand, for let's say mid-30's and above, even women who were virgins until late in life are far more apt to enjoy even casual sex without a hard-and-fast emotional committment.  Not all, certainly, I am sure, but many more 35 or 45 year olds fit that category than 20 year olds.

Any female posters out there who can comment?

I have not "dated" very many of the over 30 group, because I was turned off with them from my earlier years here (about 5 years ago). I happened to meet a Thai lady "matchmaker" in the course of my "cruising", who had over 100 women clients, many of whom were over 30-35. Some had been married before and had children. I had occasion to meet many of them and to be present during many of their "discussions". At least from what they said, they were not exactly an open-minded bunch, when it came to sex and what they would and would not do. In addition, I had the experience of a Buddha marriage to a very attractive woman of 35, who before the wedding would not have sex with me. Well, AFTER the wedding she would not have sex with me either. This went on for about 3 months, until I had my matchmaker friend talk to the woman's Mother, who then set the girl straight. But, even after that, the sex was not exactly "gushing". Needless to say, I was disgusted with the whole lot. It was clear the deal was only about money. The woman I would rate as a general "cold fish" who seemed to be not interested in sex with anyone Thai or Farang.

Now, I tend to keep my selections to the 20 something group and defiantly steer clear on those who are "marriage only" girls. Of course, there are other maturity problems that are more prevalent with the 20's group. But, they tend much more free minded and capable of independent thinking. I have never made selections from bar girls and have met them through friends or some from the internet. I don't live in BKK, which may account for some of the conservative nature I find here in Issan as well as the "money-grubbing" mentality.

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One year ago I met a Thai lady I had contacted through Dateinasia. She has everything I have ever wanted in a woman (except height, and that is the last thing I'm concerned about). She grew up in Isaan, went to uni with the help of a government loan, and now works as a science teacher in a high school in BKK. She has the child-like innocent heart of a country girl, but as she has been living in BKK for 10 years, is not totally naive (Buddhist wedding lasted for 5 years, lasted till her husband cheated on her because she worked long hours). She'd been single for 4 years when I met her. Has absolutely no temper and is the sweetest girl I have met in my 6 years in Asia.

Very balanced and level-headed. We're getting married later this year.

When I was still in "hunting" mode on Dateinasia, I had a "one strike and you're out" policy with women, as I wasted time with some previously......basically conning myself that they weren't so bad because of one or two character traits I didn't like.

Just remember....if you don't feel very good at first, keep moving. There are PLENTY MORE out there. Don't con yourself.....move on.

"If in doubt, DON'T "

Edited by Latindancer
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Bonobo is correct, I let the woman run the sexual show, and don't push the sex agenda early on, especially if I want to MARRY her.. obviously 18 months will be my personal life "best"...btw.. those of who who won't wait past 3 dates unfortunately don't know about the sexual tiger unleashed in the lady when they decide the time is right..whether its 2 months or 18..its ironic, because thats what yur after, no??

oh the irony

I think you are self-delusion a bit...

I have 'dated' Thai girls between the ages of 19 and 38 and with every one of them I never initiated to go back to a hotel-room or their place, but with each and everyone that I did not decline - over the past 3 years - I ended up in bed with them on the first date. And they were happy about it. So don't kid yourself that some of us don't know about 'sexual tigers' just because we say that waiting 18 months etc is very at odds to what we would do.

Aaaanyway, carry on...

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Bonobo is correct, I let the woman run the sexual show, and don't push the sex agenda early on, especially if I want to MARRY her.. obviously 18 months will be my personal life "best"...btw.. those of who who won't wait past 3 dates unfortunately don't know about the sexual tiger unleashed in the lady when they decide the time is right..

Asian women are not that aggressive "running the sexual show". They expect you to lead them, and that's what I recommend. The tigers are there, and waiting that you allow them to be one.

One more reason not to waste time is the question of sexual compatibility. If you are just dating and never get into her pants, you never know if it is worth the time you spend with her. Unless you find sex a very unimportant part of a relationship.

Therefor the 3-dates-rule. It promises best success in the shortest time.

And one more comment about the over-30s: I also have not experienced a very conservative attitude in this age range. Certainly some are, but often you can filter them even before having any meeting.

I'd say, the over-30s are often a better shag than younger ones. But your miles will vary.

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One more reason not to waste time is the question of sexual compatibility. 

I'm not quite sure I would put it in the terms "getting into her pants" and "worth the time you spend with her," but the point above is very valid, in my opinion.  Sex is a normal part of a marriage, for example, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone is sexually compatible with everyone else.  For example, if one partner is very highly sex-driven and wants sex once a day, and the other has a very low libido and just as soon not bother, then that will most likely cause problems later on.  And even if both have about the same sex drive, sometimes, for reasons which often can't be determined, two people who otherwise like each other don't click in bed.

I would never personally invest the time for a serious relationship, much less marriage, if I hadn't found out if we were sexually compatible first, that we both feel fulfilled with our sexual needs and desires with each other.

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One more reason not to waste time is the question of sexual compatibility.

I'm not quite sure I would put it in the terms "getting into her pants" and "worth the time you spend with her," but the point above is very valid, in my opinion. Sex is a normal part of a marriage, for example, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone is sexually compatible with everyone else. For example, if one partner is very highly sex-driven and wants sex once a day, and the other has a very low libido and just as soon not bother, then that will most likely cause problems later on. And even if both have about the same sex drive, sometimes, for reasons which often can't be determined, two people who otherwise like each other don't click in bed.

I would never personally invest the time for a serious relationship, much less marriage, if I hadn't found out if we were sexually compatible first, that we both feel fulfilled with our sexual needs and desires with each other.

This is great advice.

Some people tend to think of rating a partner sexually as a shallow thing to do, however it's key to the success in many relationships.

A good healthy sexual relationship will stop infidelity and reduce stress; granted it's not the biggest thing to look for, but it's certainly a close second.

I tell you now, tagged and datingasia are just full of easy girl, ur only gonna get a girl from there after money or a one night stand. gonna be hard if ur looking for dating off most internet sites.

If u know what ur doing, its just too easy. Im happily in a relationship, but my mate gets all his entertainment that way. I didnt believe how easy it is until he showed me.

Vetted them all have you mate? :)

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One more reason not to waste time is the question of sexual compatibility.

I'm not quite sure I would put it in the terms "getting into her pants" and "worth the time you spend with her," but the point above is very valid, in my opinion. Sex is a normal part of a marriage, for example, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone is sexually compatible with everyone else. For example, if one partner is very highly sex-driven and wants sex once a day, and the other has a very low libido and just as soon not bother, then that will most likely cause problems later on. And even if both have about the same sex drive, sometimes, for reasons which often can't be determined, two people who otherwise like each other don't click in bed.

I would never personally invest the time for a serious relationship, much less marriage, if I hadn't found out if we were sexually compatible first, that we both feel fulfilled with our sexual needs and desires with each other.

let me elaborate..I did wait 18 months, HOWEVER.. that was from our first "meeting" online until the night of marriage 18 months later..

..mailed her for 4 months and went to LOS.. was with her 2 months.. found when I kissed and fondled her she was VERY turned on, so I figured I would wait, as we seemed sexually compatible, without having gone all the way yet of course, so it was a calculated "risk"..went home to work for 3 months, returned and stayed with her a month and got engaged..went home and worked for 6 months and came back..after 2 months we got married..then sex every night, and good to great sex at that..

.. so, although the time elapsed between meeting and intercourse was 18 months, the time spent together was..well.. "only" about 5 months..but I knew from the first meeting that she was the "one" ( I had been to LOS before I met her and dated several different types of Thai women, and 2 sort of long relationships)

still to0 long for some, 5 months is..acknowledged.

signed: clarification/elaboration

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oh, forgot to add..she told me from the start that she liked sex, but would wait until marriage 100%, as she was a "conservative Thai girl"..however she told me she was not a virgin, as she had some Thai boyfriends from age 18 to 30.. she just did not want to put out quickly for her prospective husband.. her prerogative, no?

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oh, forgot to add..she told me from the start that she liked sex, but would wait until marriage 100%, as she was a "conservative Thai girl"..however she told me she was not a virgin, as she had some Thai boyfriends from age 18 to 30.. she just did not want to put out quickly for her prospective husband.. her prerogative, no?

Forgive me but I don't see the logic in doing that.

Unnecessary hoops if you ask me and a big risk on her part. Men will go to huge lengths in order to seduce women, just look at the guys who drop 2 grand coming to Thailand and some of those won't be interested once that goal has been archived. Of course she should try to gauge what you want from the relationship but if she puts out early and you stay then all is good. If you get to the wedding night and things don't go good then you could abscond to other women.

Abstinence before marriage is a horribly unrealistic expectation of human beings. It completely contradicts our evolutionary behaviour, which has led to stupid rates of STDs and teenage pregnancies alike. I digress...

Also, boyfriends and not being a virgin would contradict the "conservative Thai girl" values. She made them wait and not you? I would seriously question why.

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I did have a look at these sites but never dated a girl there . But someone I know met his Chinese wife so, with two short trips. She's 30, very attractive,no kids , father's a doctor in Beijing; she learned French very quickly and well and can't wait to find a job ( and presumably drop the guy, who is so-so ); my sister probbed her to understand why she had to expatriate to marry, she answered one had to marry young in China , men don't go for 25 + . ( so smart of them lol).

Of course if one lives in Thailand it's natural he looks for a Thai wife; otherwise there are other options, I for one would consider an Eastern European woman, who'd fit in more easily( especially language -wise in many cases), trips home 'd be less expensive, divorce would cost the same , trips to Russia to try to see estranged kids would be easier ( you can drive with your car , or scooter according to what said divorce left you). If I had a euro for every hour I spent teaching French to my ex and explaining our social system, maybe I could afford a " premium membership" on a dating site.

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But I think you boys are right: a second date is in order and we'll see where it goes from there. Hopefully not the ATM machine.

And don't forget: after your second meeting and the following night, you come back here and tell us your success story! :)

Not to hijack the thread, but second date went well and again, she refused to not pay her share. Clearly not a working girl. Third date coming up and so we will enter end game.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand why anyone is down on internet dating whatsoever. The idea that it's for losers or that the girls are suspect is just plain wrong. Maybe a few years ago, but technology has changed everything. I'm down for the standard "see a chick on the street, get a smile and then move in", but when you're new to a city like I am, the internet is much, much better. Using a site like Plenty of Fish or Tagged, you get a huge array of girls, have information on what they like, judge their level of English from the profiles, and then can approach someone you're interested in. I have found that some of the girls are just interested in MSN, but I've met up with far more.

Modern life is great.


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