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Thai Protesters Brace For Crackdown As Compromise Rejected

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I have just read this thread and for the first time I am compelled to join this forum. Everybody is entitled to an opinion so I will give mine. It would appear that most people on this thread are based in the more affluent areas of Thailand and have never ventured further north than Don Muang Airport and if they have it has never been for any extended period.

Posters using phrases like 'minority rabble' just indicate their total ignorance of what is really happeninng in Thailand. How can 20,000,000 people be a minority. Yes 20,000,000, that is the amount of people living in the NE regions of Thailand. Add the North and they clearly have a majority. It has always been a non written policy of many previous thai Governments to keep these people poor and keep them this way so they go down to the 'smoke' and take jobs to help feed their families. Without these people BKK would shut in a few days. Posters should be aware if all migrants workers went home South of Ayuttyha would cease to function.

Sorry I slightly digressed there. This is a class war between the old elite and the new money. The old elite has paid the army to do there dirty work for centuries. When they dont like a government they call a General and we have them removed. The new money has enlisted the help of the poor to further their cause but there will be a price to pay when they finally take power. The poor have now been empowered and the genie is out of the bottle and he is not going back. Forget Thaksin, he is just the bus driver for this crusade and on his return he understands he will have to retain that support to keep power.

Living amongst these people I have realised Thaksin is just a figurehead who either personally, or with help from interested parties, has managed to raise enough funds to keep this protest thriving. These people want social reform and a bigger piece of the pie.

There can only be one outcome if you think logically. That outcome may come tomorrow or 1 year from now or 10 years from now, but be sure it will come. This is not just about fair elections it about winning back power that was unlawfully stole from them in a coup. Not only do they want elections, the leaders of this movement want removal of all the money families that run Thailand. You remove them and there is nobody to instigate another coup. The 'Amataya (elite) will do whatever it takes to keep a grip on this country, even throw grenades into their own supporters to cause one side to fight the other. They are looking for a reason, to justify to the watching world, a ruthless crackdown.

What is scaring the current elite is the finances flowing into this movment and where it might be coming from. That takky chappie has been on a jolly around the world for 3 years.... I dont think so. I believe he has been flying around garnering support to enable his return. Making promises to smaller nations of trade links and access to do business in Thailand in return for donations to his movement. Haven't the arabs been trying to get access to grow rice here but have been told you can only own 49%. Paints a nice picture for Thaksin,returns to power and then changes current legislation to allow the arabs 100% access to grow rice here. Oh where is all the rice grown.... yes red shirt country and they will get xxx more money per tonne. Game over..Tilt. Dont you just love this guy

The above is just a scenario of what might be happening but please take your blinkers off and forget your own insignificant life and see things from both sides. Thaksin is a poor man by Thailands elite standards and cannot afford to finance this movement alone. Somebody is helping him.

Yes my support leans towards the reds but I want a peaceful conclusion to all this and no more deaths. I have got 3 children born here in Isaan and if somebody does not remove these faceless people from power my kids may grow up with no prospects, no money and no future. I apologise to all living in Bkk and my feelings to all grieving relatives on both sides.

This fight for reform was won two years ago when that funeral pyrah( maybe mispelt) was lit.

Great post. However, I think the Isaan speaking population is closer to 26,000,000. At any rate, it's the largest regional (ethnic, if you will) population in Thailand. :)

My wife is from Isaan, she don´t like the Red Shirts.

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There have been so many reports that rent-a-reds have had their Thai ID cards confiscated that I take that as a FACT for at least a portion of the paid for reds. The poster who brought up the death threat brings up a REAL issue. It can't be easy for people who want to QUIT to quit without at the very least extremely negative reactions, and potentially much worse. Anyone who has observed the more thuggish elements of the reds is not at all surprised by this kind of management by intimidation technique.

You can just go to your local office and get another one - takes no time. The notion of confiscation doesn't come into it. Knowing the identity of protesters and issuing them Red ID does have something to say for it - one the one hand it's an attempt to make infiltration by the security forces less likely and on the other it provides a means of using duress to ensure compliance (we know who you are and where you live.)

OK, but there is also the payment part of it (only paid upon "completion") and also the intimidation aspect of being a quitter. So many did join just for the excitement and money part of it and did not fully sign up for the killing and dying part of it. Again, this whole dirty business aspect of their methods points out again that the red shirt movement is totally devoid of moral authority.

For sure. Agreed.


I am not a big fan of the Telegraph Newspaper but I do flick through various publications when on Yahoo and wanting a broader look at the news. Read an interesting article yesterday. May not be 100% factual but it does go to show how others view this matter. In many ways it made scary reading for the future of Thailand as things stand at present.

Might be worth a look.



Mrs Norcan is a BTS station supervisor and was working the night shift last Wednesday/Thursday at Ratchadamri station.

She prayed for half an hour before going to work that nothing would happen on her shift and said that the older women country folk under the station are constantly sending food and drinks up to the staff of the BTS to make sure they are ok.

I asked: "Why don't these old ladies go home? Don't they realise how dangerous it is?"

Her reply: "I asked them that too and they told me they were only paid for 3 days to be there but now they are not allowed to leave".

Maybe this will help with some of the arguing on here as to why old ladies and children are still part of the protest.

Peace to all.

I have also seen it and walked through it it is huge and well organised. Noone could dispere this number of people without massive casualties. Abhisit's statement about removing it but he is not going to say how or when made me laugh. Why cant he accept that he has already lost and if he really believes the red shirts are a tiny minority call elections to see if he has a popular mandate to be the Thai Prime Minister? :)


Some red posters here should really seek some psychological assistance quickly. Delusions are a sign that you have overdone the jaa baa a bit.

I am not a red shirt supporter but I have been to the protest and seen how diferent it is to the reports in the government controlled and censored media. Have you been there?

The authoritarian farangs who post here are likely to get what they are drooling for - a massacre.

So the Reds threaten this, that & the other? So what else power have the poor got? They have been blocked from the ballot, they got no machine guns, tanks or artillery, & little money.

Their crooked 'leader' is removed by the equally crooked mafiosi of BKK.

What they got left but protest & verbals?

Whenever democracy raises its head in Thailand, the answer from BKK is a massacre. If the rednecks read a little history, they would know this. But authoritarians don't want to know. They don't want democracy, they want 'peace, law & order' - like you get in a prison or a graveyard. The residents there have limited ability to disturb the fun of expat wrinklies. The latter will be able to smile on in the Land of Smiles.

Others, pray for a miracle. OGT

I agree with you .

I have been reading the foreign press (CNN,BBC ,Le Monde, Amnesty international and others ) for last 5 weeks on the BKK events , nowhere , not a single time have i seen the red shirt movement described as a terrorist movement .

Edit: Typo

I have also seen it and walked through it it is huge and well organised. Noone could dispere this number of people without massive casualties. Abhisit's statement about removing it but he is not going to say how or when made me laugh. Why cant he accept that he has already lost and if he really believes the red shirts are a tiny minority call elections to see if he has a popular mandate to be the Thai Prime Minister? :)


Some red posters here should really seek some psychological assistance quickly. Delusions are a sign that you have overdone the jaa baa a bit.

BKjohn, why do you denigrate posts by people who actually were on site last night?

it is obvious that trying to remove a massive number of highly energized, angry people risks horrifying casualties, on both sides.

and in order to prevent this from happening, indeed what is so unreasonable about calling for elections?


It doesn't matter how many people there were last night for a bit of excitement - when the shit hits the fan they will run – they are nothing but an accumulation of those gangs that rob people here – only strong as long as the opposition is weaker

You can not use thugs in a revolution as you like to call it but in reality it’s nothing but a mob. Thugs, scum serve a self interest and when they realize that they are going to loose the run like rabbits.

I remember your leader proclaiming a million red will protest ……. Never happened .. than it was again we expect 200,000 reds to take part …. Again never happened – now you guy’s are spreading blunt lies here on TV - your whole mob is based on lies and distortion of facts


Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

Abhisit will go down as the most educated Thai Prime Minister who (as often is the case with intelligent people) had no common sense whatsoever. He has already lost so why not just go for a good old British compromise where noone loses face. Where the buffalo smiley when you need it?

Compromise? Your buddies dont want compromise. No British PM succumed to threats. You know nothing about nothing.... Yeah a double negative just for your ill informed posting

Incorrect, British Prime Ministers have often comrpomised here is an example:

when Margaret Thatcher refused to negotiate with the IRA we had years more of carnage. Later Tony Blair negotiated and compromised and we now have a peaceful situation. That is what is needed in Thailand but Abhisit hasn't got the common sense to realise it.

Comparing the Reds with the IRA means that you recognize the sheer terror the Reds have inflicted on society. They are indeed a terrorist organization! I'm glad we finally agree!

earthpig, people are clearly going to have to take your word for it.

No they dont. They can go see for themselves, as several other posters here have. Funny that those of us who actually got out from behind our monitors to see for ourselves all reported witnessing the same thing last night.

You dont have to like the Red Tide to see for yourself whether or not it is flowing or ebbing.

Mrs Norcan is a BTS station supervisor and was working the night shift last Wednesday/Thursday at Ratchadamri station.

She prayed for half an hour before going to work that nothing would happen on her shift and said that the older women country folk under the station are constantly sending food and drinks up to the staff of the BTS to make sure they are ok.

I asked: "Why don't these old ladies go home? Don't they realise how dangerous it is?"

Her reply: "I asked them that too and they told me they were only paid for 3 days to be there but now they are not allowed to leave".

Maybe this will help with some of the arguing on here as to why old ladies and children are still part of the protest.

Peace to all.


Abhisit did say a few days back there were two types of hostages, the businesses/residents and the protesters. I thought this was pretty accurate but up until today was under the impression the protester hostages were willing. No doubt many are, but not giving people the right to leave is another notch in the "terrorist" belt IMHO.

Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

Abhisit will go down as the most educated Thai Prime Minister who (as often is the case with intelligent people) had no common sense whatsoever. He has already lost so why not just go for a good old British compromise where noone loses face. Where the buffalo smiley when you need it?

Compromise? Your buddies dont want compromise. No British PM succumed to threats. You know nothing about nothing.... Yeah a double negative just for your ill informed posting

Incorrect, British Prime Ministers have often comrpomised here is an example:

when Margaret Thatcher refused to negotiate with the IRA we had years more of carnage. Later Tony Blair negotiated and compromised and we now have a peaceful situation. That is what is needed in Thailand but Abhisit hasn't got the common sense to realise it.

The good looking "Marc" is just a smiling puppet , he does what he is told . hel_l he has not even won a popular election in his entire life . Hard to compare him with Maggie or Tony Blair

I guess after Abhisit named Chavalit with the head of the army sat next to him, this will come to a head quickly one way or another

Ball's book on black shirts and their links to Thai politics is recommended

Thanks for the recommendation Hammered. Haven't read this. Only one problem - costs US$ 93.00 used from Amazon!!! :)

earthpig, people are clearly going to have to take your word for it.

No they dont. They can go see for themselves, as several other posters here have. Funny that those of us who actually got out from behind our monitors to see for ourselves all reported witnessing the same thing last night.

You dont have to like the Red Tide to see for yourself whether or not it is flowing or ebbing.

A poster on here called be "chicken" for not going down to the Silom area to check out the pro/anti protester conflicts. That very evening the M79 attacks took place.

I was in the Ratchaprasong area yesterday morning and I can't say I felt entirely comfortable. Behind this monitor with a large variety of sources from all sides suits me just fine.

If you are in the region yourself this or yesterday evening and you want to convince us otherwise, you know what your responsibilities are/were.

I have also seen it and walked through it it is huge and well organised. Noone could dispere this number of people without massive casualties. Abhisit's statement about removing it but he is not going to say how or when made me laugh. Why cant he accept that he has already lost and if he really believes the red shirts are a tiny minority call elections to see if he has a popular mandate to be the Thai Prime Minister? :)


Some red posters here should really seek some psychological assistance quickly. Delusions are a sign that you have overdone the jaa baa a bit.

If the believe it then yes, but this is more like

Psychological Warfare... perception management 101

trying to make it SEEM they are 'too big to be moved',

and that 'the gov has already lost'.

And to keep the street thuggies thinking on message.

yaa daa, yaa daa, yabaa.

According to the reds it should only take a very small number of armed soldiers to remove them as they deny having any weapons ... PLEASE IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

I have been pro using force since the start to bring the lawless mob and terrorists under control but it looks like the PM might have handled this right as the reds are incredibly ignorant and have no interest in the greater good of Thailand. He has given them the rope to hang themselves and they are doing a good job and losing vast support even from those in the North. As well as their number going down significantly with the help of the government in spreading the word they will crack down when the time is right but want to avoid hurting the people there that are misinformed and ignorant to their leaders real goals.

However, I still believe a swift and hard response should have been seen by the government as soon as the reds crossed the line. Failure to do this only ensures that groups will continue to take to the streets and resort to terrorist actions to get their way as opposed to using scheduled elections and the law / courts.

Thai democracy, Google it, it's a hoot to read. ..

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A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

It is kind of hard to negotiate with terrorists. Not a good precedent really.

Yes. Forget negotiating with the redshirts.. by the way, what is the sense of urgency to dissolve Parliament in 3 months instead of 6? Are they afraid of Thaksin dying of cancer? Thaksin must be on his death bed.

Anyone can explain why the red shirts can't negotiate six months and are demanding 3? I mean, they have been protesting and have already wasted one month!

Military leaders term ending soon and the party in power will get to appoint their own people.


looks like the recent "multi" colored shirt rallies are now actually larger than the number of the lawless red mob. Again, looks like the PM has made the right decisions considering one of his most important goals has been to preserve life of normal Thais.


From : Thai Rath Editorial Page 3, April 22, 2010.

Rewritten by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol

Conducted by Khon Kaen university, the 'Isan poll' which was published on April 19 revealed 51.1 percent of the survey participants s support the call for House dissolution, as demanded by the DAAD, while the rest is against it. The gap in the number of Isan people who are in favor of the House dissolution ultimatum and the number of those who are against it is very narrow. The gap is said to be almost statistically insignificance. The result of this poll can be considered a true voice since it comes from Isan people who have spoken for themselves.

Kinda tells who is telling the truth. :)

I am not a big fan of the Telegraph Newspaper but I do flick through various publications when on Yahoo and wanting a broader look at the news. Read an interesting article yesterday. May not be 100% factual but it does go to show how others view this matter. In many ways it made scary reading for the future of Thailand as things stand at present.

Might be worth a look.


Thanks for the link. A very interesting article from a quality British newspaper (which incidentaly is politicaly very right wing.) All Thai visa posters should read this uncensored report it may make you think again.

I have also seen it and walked through it it is huge and well organised. Noone could dispere this number of people without massive casualties. Abhisit's statement about removing it but he is not going to say how or when made me laugh. Why cant he accept that he has already lost and if he really believes the red shirts are a tiny minority call elections to see if he has a popular mandate to be the Thai Prime Minister? :)


Some red posters here should really seek some psychological assistance quickly. Delusions are a sign that you have overdone the jaa baa a bit.

If the believe it then yes, but this is more like

Psychological Warfare... perception management 101

trying to make it SEEM they are 'too big to be moved',

and that 'the gov has already lost'.

And to keep the street thuggies thinking on message.

yaa daa, yaa daa, yabaa.

According to the reds it should only take a very small number of armed soldiers to remove them as they deny having any weapons ... PLEASE IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

I have been pro using force since the start to bring the lawless mob and terrorists under control but it looks like the PM might have handled this right as the reds are incredibly ignorant and have no interest in the greater good of Thailand. He has given them the rope to hang themselves and they are doing a good job and losing vast support even from those in the North. As well as their number going down significantly with the help of the government in spreading the word they will crack down when the time is right but want to avoid hurting the people there that are misinformed and ignorant to their leaders real goals.

However, I still believe a swift and hard response should have been seen by the government as soon as the reds crossed the line. Failure to do this only ensures that groups will continue to take to the streets and resort to terrorist actions to get their way as opposed to using scheduled elections and the law / courts.

Perhaps so , but one has to agree that smiling Marc dont risk loosing support in North , Northeast , or center Thailand .

Why ? He has never had any to start with


Again --- claims of massive increase in numbers of the reds are 100% NOT backed up with any evidence. Just the statements from people that support the red cause (return of Thaksin?)

The numbers aren't supported by pictures or even by the claims of the reds ... just by some reds on this forum.

I have also seen it and walked through it it is huge and well organised. Noone could dispere this number of people without massive casualties. Abhisit's statement about removing it but he is not going to say how or when made me laugh. Why cant he accept that he has already lost and if he really believes the red shirts are a tiny minority call elections to see if he has a popular mandate to be the Thai Prime Minister? :)


Some red posters here should really seek some psychological assistance quickly. Delusions are a sign that you have overdone the jaa baa a bit.

BKjohn, why do you denigrate posts by people who actually were on site last night?

it is obvious that trying to remove a massive number of highly energized, angry people risks horrifying casualties, on both sides.

and in order to prevent this from happening, indeed what is so unreasonable about calling for elections?


It doesn't matter how many people there were last night for a bit of excitement - when the shit hits the fan they will run – they are nothing but an accumulation of those gangs that rob people here – only strong as long as the opposition is weaker

You can not use thugs in a revolution as you like to call it but in reality it’s nothing but a mob. Thugs, scum serve a self interest and when they realize that they are going to loose the run like rabbits.

I remember your leader proclaiming a million red will protest ……. Never happened .. than it was again we expect 200,000 reds to take part …. Again never happened – now you guy’s are spreading blunt lies here on TV - your whole mob is based on lies and distortion of facts

Your cattle from Isaan may believe you, but no one with a brain will !!


Events may prove u correct, but i doubt it.

i dont think people come to bkk from afair afield to sleep in the street for days mainly because they seek excitement, certainly not the lots of older folk, and kids with children who are present.

a mob ransacks stores, robs, rapes and pillages. nothing like that is going on. it simply isnt.


for the most part these are people who are aggrieved and seek redress.

if you wish to refer to these people as "cattle", you might wish to consider what that says about yourself.

and by the way i am not a Red, but rather a stakeholder in thailand who sympathizes with both sides of the political spectrum here. but when one sees the truth--in this case the size of the Red Tide--being surpressed, its time to speak out.

From : Thai Rath Editorial Page 3, April 22, 2010.

Rewritten by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol

Conducted by Khon Kaen university, the 'Isan poll' which was published on April 19 revealed 51.1 percent of the survey participants s support the call for House dissolution, as demanded by the DAAD, while the rest is against it. The gap in the number of Isan people who are in favor of the House dissolution ultimatum and the number of those who are against it is very narrow. The gap is said to be almost statistically insignificance. The result of this poll can be considered a true voice since it comes from Isan people who have spoken for themselves.

Kinda tells who is telling the truth. :)

Thanks --- I was looking for a linkable/reportable version of that story! It does rather show that the concept of Isaan being a unified Red Camp is just a lie and that numbers are FAR far lower than even I thought.

Again --- claims of massive increase in numbers of the reds are 100% NOT backed up with any evidence. Just the statements from people that support the red cause (return of Thaksin?)

The numbers aren't supported by pictures or even by the claims of the reds ... just by some reds on this forum.

JD I have been there and seen it with my own eyes it is huge. I am not a red supporter but when you see the size of this protest you will be amazed. Why dont you go and look for yourself?

From : Thai Rath Editorial Page 3, April 22, 2010.

Rewritten by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol

Conducted by Khon Kaen university, the 'Isan poll' which was published on April 19 revealed 51.1 percent of the survey participants s support the call for House dissolution, as demanded by the DAAD, while the rest is against it. The gap in the number of Isan people who are in favor of the House dissolution ultimatum and the number of those who are against it is very narrow. The gap is said to be almost statistically insignificance. The result of this poll can be considered a true voice since it comes from Isan people who have spoken for themselves.

Kinda tells who is telling the truth. :)

then why not have an election now......if this is correct " the puppet " shouldnt have anything to worry about should he ?


This PM has to be respected he would have more respect internationally than any other Thai politician , He has handled a difficult situation thoughtfully and tactfully.

I hope he gets through and is given the respect he deserves. Dealing with mafia , thugs and terrorists and inside spies he is calm and looks at the situation for the benefit of the majority of thai people.

90 percent of the red army are only there because they are getting paid . IF Thailand loses him over this it will put them back another 10 years.

Anyway well done PM keep the good work up .

I am not a big fan of the Telegraph Newspaper but I do flick through various publications when on Yahoo and wanting a broader look at the news. Read an interesting article yesterday. May not be 100% factual but it does go to show how others view this matter. In many ways it made scary reading for the future of Thailand as things stand at present.

Might be worth a look.


I am not a big fan of the Telegraph Newspaper but I do flick through various publications when on Yahoo and wanting a broader look at the news. Read an interesting article yesterday. May not be 100% factual but it does go to show how others view this matter. In many ways it made scary reading for the future of Thailand as things stand at present.

Might be worth a look.


Thanks for the link. A very interesting article from a quality British newspaper (which incidentaly is politicaly very right wing.) All Thai visa posters should read this uncensored report it may make you think again.

Yes its a good article and kind of scarry . Hope it does not materialise .

earthpig, people are clearly going to have to take your word for it.

No they dont. They can go see for themselves, as several other posters here have. Funny that those of us who actually got out from behind our monitors to see for ourselves all reported witnessing the same thing last night.

You dont have to like the Red Tide to see for yourself whether or not it is flowing or ebbing.

Red Tide: an algal bloom of sufficient quantity to cause discoloration (often red) in a body of water; red tides can potentially cause irritation or death to exposed creatures and humans


Earthpig's quote:

"i dont think people come to bkk from afair afield to sleep in the street for days mainly because they seek excitement, certainly not the lots of older folk, and kids with children who are present".

Please read my post #849.

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