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My Girlfriends New Tattoo


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Wow, mark45y, you're way out there. Sounds like you would do quite well with dog rather than a girlfriend - at least you don't have to train them to poop in a box!

I now have both, my wife just turned up with a puppy ...... not trained to poop in a box yet either.

(yesterday she turned up with a daughter and a mother)

Now I wonder about tomorrow.

Swap you mother-in-law for tattooed gf?

(you ain't getting the puppy)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I now have both, my wife just turned up with a puppy ...... not trained to poop in a box yet either.

(yesterday she turned up with a daughter and a mother)

Now I wonder about tomorrow.

Her 'brother' or 'cousin' ?

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Hehe who are you people trying to convince with your blatant lies? Or are you guys really that daft? TATTOOS = HOOKER in THAILAND. I actually like tattoos! But Im so glad I didnt get any since I decided to move here, Thai people are very judgemental about looks and the generalise you every second they can.

You didn't want to be mistaken as a hooker?


No I didn't want to be perceived as a scummy dirt bag sex tourist alcoholic. That's what all you tattoo covered sleeveless shirt shorts and sandal wearing beer bellied ignoramasus' are arent you? :D Because even if you aren't, that is EXACTLY what you look like to every Thai person you encounter. If you didn't know this you people truly are as stupid as you look. Back in our home countries of course, this would not be the stigma attached with your appearance, but this is Thailand, and to deny it and argue against it is complete and wanton wishful thinking and denial of reality.

That topic you started in the ladies forum a while ago, you mentioned something about having no real friends. Maybe that's because you come across as judgmental and narrowminded :)

Other posters have already pointed out that NOT ALL thai women with tattoos are looked upon as being 'hookers' & plenty have never even stepped into a bar! Have a look on Hi5 or something, there's a LOT of young 'respectable' women showing their tattoos with many positive comments from would you believe, other thai people!

this kind of attitude makes me :D

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I'm going to try and tell you what you should, or shouldn't do, but I am going offer you a few insights gleaned from living here for the past 17 years. Look at it from a Thai point of view and not a farang point of view. Do you think if she was married to a Thai bloke she would've done the same thing? The answer of course is a resounding no. She'd be to shit scared of what would happen (a beating for lack of respect). Therein lies the heart of the issue and the reason why Thai birds get away bloody murder with farang, we're a bunch of soft cocks. Yeah, that's right. All these <deleted> snags (sensitive new age guys) that come on here and tell you shit like respecting individualism haven't gotta <deleted> clue. It's all a respect mate and, at the moment, you don't have that. Stop being soft and tell her to take a bloody hike. Not because she got a tattoo but because she didn't show you the respect in talking it over with you first.

Yep. Agree entirely.

I had two wives in England that were my equal - I certainly don't want any more.

Give me a LBFM who knows her position anyday.

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I'm going to try and tell you what you should, or shouldn't do, but I am going offer you a few insights gleaned from living here for the past 17 years. Look at it from a Thai point of view and not a farang point of view. Do you think if she was married to a Thai bloke she would've done the same thing? The answer of course is a resounding no. She'd be to shit scared of what would happen (a beating for lack of respect). Therein lies the heart of the issue and the reason why Thai birds get away bloody murder with farang, we're a bunch of soft cocks. Yeah, that's right. All these <deleted> snags (sensitive new age guys) that come on here and tell you shit like respecting individualism haven't gotta <deleted> clue. It's all a respect mate and, at the moment, you don't have that. Stop being soft and tell her to take a bloody hike. Not because she got a tattoo but because she didn't show you the respect in talking it over with you first.

Most excellent reply!

yep nailed it in one.

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I'm going to try and tell you what you should, or shouldn't do, but I am going offer you a few insights gleaned from living here for the past 17 years. Look at it from a Thai point of view and not a farang point of view. Do you think if she was married to a Thai bloke she would've done the same thing? The answer of course is a resounding no. She'd be to shit scared of what would happen (a beating for lack of respect). Therein lies the heart of the issue and the reason why Thai birds get away bloody murder with farang, we're a bunch of soft cocks. Yeah, that's right. All these <deleted> snags (sensitive new age guys) that come on here and tell you shit like respecting individualism haven't gotta <deleted> clue. It's all a respect mate and, at the moment, you don't have that. Stop being soft and tell her to take a bloody hike. Not because she got a tattoo but because she didn't show you the respect in talking it over with you first.

Yep, this is the right thinking and that's exactly what a Thai guy with a pair would do. If she had em first, fair enough, but rubbing your face in it by getting another without thinking about you is a bit off.

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I could understand your concerns if she had, 'Property of Eric' tattooed on her forehead! Or if she told you she needed money for groceries then used your cash for the tattoo other than that I think she has the right to do what she wants with/to her body with her own money.

Live and let live.

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I gotta part ways with all the tattoo lovers and/or tat covered folks here...

It's a matter of respect, or lack thereof in the relationship... She knew his feelings about tats.... And then proceeded to go behind his back and get more anyway... That's not saying much about how she's treating him in the relationship... Reason No. 1... Dump her...

That aside, whether people like it or not, Thai women sporting tattoos, especially if the woman's with a farang, is something pretty well associated with bar girls. Having a tattoo doesn't mean one's a bar girl... But bar girls do tend to have tattoos... It's hard enough for a farang-Thai couple to overcome that kind of stereotype. This guy's GF doesn't need to pour gasoline on the fire. Reason No. 2... Dump her....

Then of course, I think ahead to 10 or 20 years down the road when, if they stayed together, she'd be getting into her grandmother years... I always wonder, maybe those tats look fine on a 20 year old girl with a shapely .... But I'm not sure I really want to see them, especially the ones right above the a..., on someone's grandmother... Reason No. 3... Dump her...

There's lots of non-tattooed fish in the sea... Dump her....

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I could understand your concerns if she had, 'Property of Eric' tattooed on her forehead! Or if she told you she needed money for groceries then used your cash for the tattoo other than that I think she has the right to do what she wants with/to her body with her own money.

Live and let live.

I don’t know, I think I have written it three or four times it wasn’t the tattoo per se that got me, it was her not asking me about it. She had another bad tattoo on her back that I would have paid to get fixed. It was the one on her shoulder that was so visible that vexed me and her not asking me if I wanted a woman with a large visible tattoo.

The guys who don’t live in Thailand have all weighed in on the freedom of the sexes issue and the ladies have mostly said I don’t have the right to tell my woman how I want her to look. Fat, tattooed, or dressed like a ten cent tart it is up to the lady.

The tattooed guys who live in Thailand have all confirmed that there are many upstanding respectful women who live in Thailand who have tattoos.

But none of that is the issue. If a person is going to do something that is blatantly outside the norm of respected society at least have the common sense to ask your partner for a second opinion. Is not doing so is a sign of bad things to come? Yes I think so.

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"My girlfriend is in her late 30’s. She worked in the music business (minor technician) in Bangkok for 10 years in Bangkok...She has a couple of tattoos. I never made a big deal about it except I asked her to cover them up when we went out...I told her she looked like a hooker...We are now not speaking to each other...Women here who have tattoos work in bars."

Despite that, you've spent a couple years with her. Enough said...

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I don’t know, I think I have written it three or four times it wasn’t the tattoo per se that got me, it was her not asking me about it.

You have a point here, she knew you did not like tattoos but did it anyway.

And getting a tatto is not like having a haircut, if you do not like it, it is not as easy to remove as letting your hairs grow again.

It seems she's trying to make a statement, she does what she wants, whether you like it or not.

You indeed have a problem.

Edited by eurasianthai
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Have you talked about marrying her in a western ceremony recently ?

If so then this may be why she got the tattoo done now to get it out of her system before she promises to 'love, honour and obey you' as is the norm in a traditional western marriage, I know they take things like oaths and promises, etc serious here.

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Dump her.

When you hire her replacement make sure you have her strip so you can check for Tats. That will save you problems in the future. Happy hunting.

It must be attention deficit disorder. Like for the fifth time. I didn't care about her tattoos when I met her. Sure I knew she had them. It was her getting a very large new one without asking me that is the problem.

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Have you talked about marrying her in a western ceremony recently ?

If so then this may be why she got the tattoo done now to get it out of her system before she promises to 'love, honour and obey you' as is the norm in a traditional western marriage, I know they take things like oaths and promises, etc serious here.

No. Never.

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I think that it's terrible that she doesn't allow you to run every aspect of her life. Leave her !! By the way, after you are gone, could you send her number?

OK this is a test and you will be graded.

1. What aspects of her life am I trying to run?

2. Are you married?

3. Do you live in Thailand?

4. What is the highest grade of education you completed?

5. Do you speak Thai?

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She should be free to do whatever she wishes with her body, including getting fat, tattooed, pierced, etc.

You should be free to choose the person you spend your life with.

Normal couples normally discuss important issues before making decisions.

But you knew all that before you started the topic. Didn't you? :)

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I think the OP just want to convey the fact that his girlfriend does whatever she wants and he does not like it.

He indeed was told that Thai girls were different than western girls.

They had different genes.

All submissive and obeying the MAN.

I understand he is disapppointed :):D

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I think the OP just want to convey the fact that his girlfriend does whatever she wants and he does not like it.

He indeed was told that Thai girls were different than western girls.

They had different genes.

All submissive and obeying the MAN.

I understand he is disapppointed :):D

Lets say you are married and out of the blue one afternoon your wife gets an incredibly ugly football sized tattoo on her shoulder and upper arm that will be visible to anyone unless she is wearing a long sleeve shirt.

Are you cool with that?

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I do not really think my perception of what is beautiful or not is better than hers.

She got her first one one year ago, 6 years afer we got married and would not mind getting more.

If she can hide them when needed, that is.

But well, one is enough for me :)

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You are saying that this Tattoo is football size. I am assuming you mean a standard size 5 football and that has a 22cm diameter. I don't know how fat your girlfriend/maid is but my wife is above average, size wise, for a Thai girl and her back is about 35cm wide at the shoulders. So a football size one would cover way more than a shoulder and upper arm.

The last time I had a tattoo done that size it took over 7 hours and cost me a substantial amount of Baht. Show us a photo of this tattoo or admit your over excited exaggeration and that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. IMO You are a pathetic troll.

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Agreed: We leave the wishful thinking and denial of reality to you poor clean skinned schmuks wandering the streets of nana with a pole hugger hanging on your arm whilst proclaiming to anyone who will listen: she /he was a hairdresser when I met her/him".

I can see clearly what with your wonderful turn of phrase Thailand and it's people must be thrilled to now have such an eloquent spokesman :)

Your rebuttal started out funny and then made no sense. I don't date Thai women so no clue at all what you are talking about pole huggers (they are Thai right?) and eloquent spokesman.... thats the kinda joke you use when someone posts "yA MAn1!! aLL DA tatood FREAKS aRE GAY AND STooPID1!". Wasn't nearly as funny in reference to my last post.

You guys arguing with me are completely missing the point. I LIKE TATTOOS. I think the nice ones are very cool, cheap badly drawn tattoos are terrible though but most people would agree with that. I am simply pointing out the utter truth that you are all so desperate to deny. THAI PEOPLE as a culture look down upon and judge people wearing tattoos. END OF STORY. Nothing you say is going to make that untrue, a handful here and there that think they are cool doesn't change the fact that 90% of the Thai population will judge you. That's it that's all. No need to argue any further for I have now quite clearly slam dunked the truth down your throats have I not? Yes I know I have. :D

Some of you have a real hard time catching my humour... ah well. I don't judge people with tatoos, I just like to joke about stereotypes, especially in a country that stereotypes EVERYONE everyday. There's many things I like about Thailand, the lack of freedom of expression is not one of those things.

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i wonder what she really thinks of the way you look.

My photo is the screen on her cell phone. She made a collage of pictures of me alone and me with her and had it mounted and framed and put it up in the living room. She has two pictures on her dresser one of me and one of her father. I don’t know? What do you think?

I don't know, why don't you post a pic of the two of you and i'll try to decide weather she's with you because she thinks you are a hansum maan or because she thinks you're a westerner with a bit of money.

That's what i think.

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