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Movie/tv Quotes


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"Go ahead, make my day" Clint Eastwood in Sudden Impact.

"This time next year we'll be millionaires" Del Boy... Only Fools and Horses.

"You can lead a horse to water, but, a pencil must be lead" Stan Laurel.

You get the idea :)

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"What we've got here is failure to communicate.

Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way he wants it.

Well, he gets it.

And I don't like it any more than you men."

Strother Martin - Cool Hand Luke 1967

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What if this is as good as it gets?

Jack Nickleson in as good as it gets. He said it while he walked out of the shrinks office into the waiting room and everybody groans.

Your a big man but your out of shape, I'm a profesional so sit down.

Michael Caine in Get Carter.

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"I'll tell you this"... Rab C Nesbitt

"Good evening..." Rev IM Jolly

"If god had wanted women to play football, he'd have put their tits somewhere else". Gregory's mate, whose name eludes me.

"Did you do that?" Jimmy Nail, in Morons from Outer Space.

All quotes that I use frequently...


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I know it's not much noticed movie but I really like a movie called "Nobody's Fool" with Paul Newman, Jessica Tandy, and Bruce Willis. It was Jessica Tandy's last movie before she passed away. It's an example of 3 good actors playing their roles well. A quiet movie, but well worth watching.

Paul Newman is a boarder in the house of Jessica Tandy, renting a room upstairs. He is continously being asked by Tandy if he wants a "nice cup of hot Tea". This is the dialog at the end of the movie.

Newman has just walked in the house. His truck has broken down again, and he has walked home through the snow. He's cold, and his feet are wet. He asks if he can take off his boots and wet socks downstairs. She tells him he can dry his wet socks by the fireplace.

Tandy: " Well,then, would you like a cup of Tea? A nice cup of hot tea would be good for you now, wouldn't it?"

Newman: "No, not now, not ever. (pauses) How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Tandy: "Well, don't know. Some people do change their minds, you know"

Newman: "Oh, they do, do they. Well, not me."

Tandy: "No, I guess you wouldn't. But if you do ever want a cup of hot Tea, let me know."

Newman: (climbing the stairs, barefooted) "No, not now, not ever."

Tandy: "Well, at least you're consistant." (she leaves for the kitchen, putting his wet boots by the fireplace)

Hard to explain umless you've seen the movie, but it is the perfect ending to that movie.

(A quiet little gem of a movie)


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Jake Heke: I was right... too much weights, not enough speedwork. Useless pr*ck.

Temuera Morrison, Once Were Warriors

Little Bill Daggett: You'd be William Munny out of Missouri. Killer of women and children.

Will Munny: That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.

Little Bill Daggett: Well, sir, you are a cowardly son of a b*tch! You just shot an unarmed man!

Will Munny: Well, he should have armed himself if he's going to decorate his saloon with my friend.

Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman, Unforgiven

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"I will walk alone" Rab C

"I have toiled naked, beneath my boiler suit, in the hot Govan sun" - Rab's mate, who's name eludes me, on his way to suffer dreadful sunburn in Spain

"I'm not" - the bloke at the back of the crowd in Life of Brian

"It's only a model" from the Holy Grail

what use is a quote, if you can't re-use it?


EDIT: question added

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Aussie Movie; The Castle, so many where to start

Tell 'em they're dreamin'.

Dad? I dug another hole!

If Dad is the backbone, Mum is the other bones. All of 'em.

Hows the serenity?

You have friend, I have friend. My friend go to your house, put bomb under your car and blow you to fuc_king sky!

Another Great Aussie Movie; Breaker Morant

Shoot straight, you bastards. - Don't make a mess of it!

We shot them under Rule 303. (303 calibre rifle)

Oh, well, a slice taken from a cut loaf won't be missed. (Talking about playing up with the local wives)

HAHAHA, pissed myself laughing when I looked them up again....

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Monty Python all the way:

"I'm Brian...and so's my wife"

"He's not the Messiah - he's a very naughty boy!"

However the best line I've seen recently has to be from Kick Ass where the 11 year old crime-fighting girl, answering the question "how do I get in touch with you?" says, a la Batman:

" contact the mayors office, he has a light he can shine in the sky - its in the shape of a giant c*ck"

...or words to that effect....outloud funny as hel_l. I guess I won't be quoting that one much though!

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Your a big man but your out of shape, I'm a profesional so sit down.

Michael Caine in Get Carter.

Great line, but the actual quote is

You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. With me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself.

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Your a big man but your out of shape, I'm a profesional so sit down.

Michael Caine in Get Carter.

Great line, but the actual quote is

You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. With me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself.

thanks. It has been a few years since I last saw that movie. Great quote..

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Norm petterson from cheers when asked how he is doing

Norm....''it's a dog eat dog world and i'm wearing milk-bone underwear.

groucho marx ''I could dance with you until the cows come home, on 2nd thought I would rather dance with the cows until you came home.

Charlie don't surf......accopolce now

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The Ten Commandments…Nefatari, talking to Ramses, on the prospects she might have to marry him if he became Pharaoh….

Nefatari: “I could never love you.”

Ramses: “Does that matter?” (need the cool accent)

Clint Eastwood to bounty hunter in The Outlaw Josey Wales

Clint: “You a bounty hunter?”

Bounty Hunter: “A man’s got to make a living.”

Clint: “Dying ain’t much of a living, boy.”

When Harry met Sally:

Harry: “Men can’t be friends with attractive women because they’ll always want to have sex with them.”

Sally: “So men can be friends with unattractive women.”

Harry: “Well, they pretty much want to nail them too.”

Bud Fox’s dad in Wall Street:

BF’s dad: “Money is only something you need in case you don’t die tomorrow.”

Same movie:

Gordon Gekko: “Greed is good. Greed is right. Greed cuts through and captures, the essence, of the evolutionary spirit.” Or words to that effect.

Reese in Terminator during interrogation:

Reese: “When he finds her, he’s going to kill her. That’s what he does! THAT’S ALL HE DOES!”

Steve Martin, on Saturday Night Live, in a skit where he explains to a mother why her daughter is dead after being found innocent of being a witch—by drowning.

Steve: “Hey, God’s will.”

Ok, I’m a little twisted…

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Your a big man but your out of shape, I'm a profesional so sit down.

Michael Caine in Get Carter.

Great line, but the actual quote is

You're a big man, but you're in bad shape. With me it's a full time job. Now behave yourself.

Looks like your advice would be not to quote from the subtitle of a DVD bought in Thailand then :)

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From Animal House:

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

No, let me give you a hint. She's got a couple of major league yobos.

My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons. But that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

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