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Aussie Movie; The Castle, so many where to start

Tell 'em they're dreamin'.

Dad? I dug another hole!

If Dad is the backbone, Mum is the other bones. All of 'em.

Hows the serenity?

You have friend, I have friend. My friend go to your house, put bomb under your car and blow you to fuc_king sky!

Another Great Aussie Movie; Breaker Morant

Shoot straight, you bastards. - Don't make a mess of it!

We shot them under Rule 303. (303 calibre rifle)

Oh, well, a slice taken from a cut loaf won't be missed. (Talking about playing up with the local wives)

HAHAHA, pissed myself laughing when I looked them up again....

Also from The Castle 1/ jousting sticks

2/ Smell that Darl? - 2-stroke.

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Flying High - Yes I'm serious, and stop calling me Shirley!

My favourite Life of Brian - He's not the Messiah - He's a very naughty boy! Makes me think of Montenegran former Thai PM...

*Damacles - sorry, just saw you'd done the Messiah thing*

Edited by andrew55
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Not from a movie, but a comedy stand up dealing with a heckler.

"Give me a break mate. I'm trying to make a living up here. How would you like it if I went and kicked some blokes c_ck out of your mouth while you were working?".

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So many:

From Stanley Kubrick -

"Open the pod bay doors HAL"

"I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"  2001: A space odyssey 

"I was cured all right" A Clockwork Orange

"You can't fight here, this is a war-room!" Dr. Strangelove

From Sergio Leon Once upon a time in the west

"Looks like we're shy once horse" (Bad dude)

"Nope, you brought two too many (Charles Bronson good dude - then mandatory

shoot out)

"I'll have what she's having" when harry met Sally

"Do you feel lucky? Well do you punk?"  Dirty Harry

"A man's got to know his limitations" Dirty Harry in Magnum Force

"They're Here" Speilburg's Poltergeist

"Honey, I'm Home" Homicidal Jack Nickolson in Kubrick's The Shining

"Help Help I'm being repressed, come and see the violence inherent in the system"

(peasant meeting King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

That's That's That's all folks..for now

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the young ones!

not sure if it was mike, vivien or rick that said it, but it was after neils first day on the beat as a copper to try and earn the house some money.

theres a house party and he knocks on the door, the door opens and hes met with the greeting.

neil, come in and take the tit off your head.

come to think of it, i think hes called by the station sergeant to go and investigate a house were drugs are being used and is met by a hippy mate of his at the door.

Edited by tigerfish
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The Unforgiven was one of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies with many great lines. My favorite was the last thing said when he rode out of town at the end of the movie. Something about killing everyone of you bastards if I have to come back.

However, my line is from "Red River." Montgomery Cliff and another actor I saw a lot in the old movies were both gunfighters, and they were looking at each others guns. The one said to Montgomery "There's only two things better than a gun like this. A swiss watch and a woman from anywhere. You ever have a swiss watch?"

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Flying High - Yes I'm serious, and stop calling me Shirley!

My favourite Life of Brian - He's not the Messiah - He's a very naughty boy! Makes me think of Montenegran former Thai PM...

*Damacles - sorry, just saw you'd done the Messiah thing*

No worries at all Andrew, your comedy heckler line more than compensated! :)

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What if this is as good as it gets?

Jack Nickleson in as good as it gets. He said it while he walked out of the shrinks office into the waiting room and everybody groans.

Your a big man but your out of shape, I'm a profesional so sit down.

Michael Caine in Get Carter.

I thought it was..".Your a big bloke, but your out of shape, I do this for a living"

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" You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it". Edward G Robinson to Steve McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid.

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I think you'll find that was Kenneth Willaims playing Caesar in a Carry On film...

Indeed it was Kenneth Williams as Julius Caesar - Carry On Cleo (1964)

I'm amazed nobody's done "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" Charlie Croker (Michael Caine), The Italian Job (the real one that is).

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John Wayne in (I think), "The Sons of Katie Elder".

John Wayne returns to his old town.

One of the group that meets him says,"I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you was dead!"

John Wayne replies,"Dead, well no, I ain't been dead. I've just been living in Nebraska."


In the movie, "Diamonds Are Forever", the villian builds a orbital super laser using those diamonds. He threatens the governments of the world with destruction by his laser unless they pay him what he wants.

He is informed by one of his henchman that the Americans won't pay him the money he wants.

He asks,"They can't do that. I'll teach them a lesson. Where is the Laser orbiting now?"

"Its just coming up over Kansas City", is the answer.

"That's no good," he replies," If I destroy Kansas City, no one will even know about for at least 3 days."

I used to use that to tick off my friend T---- from Kansas City.


But then you can't beat Mae West's line,"So, do you have a Bananna in your pocket....or are you just glad to see me?"


And another Mae West line. In one her movies the maid comes in to Mae West's hotel room. She sees a fur coat draped over a chair.

"Oh my goodness", says the maid,"What a beautiful for coat you have!". Mae West replies,"Honey, my goodness had nothing to do with getting that coat."

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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In Budgie, Charles Endell Esq. (Ian Cuthbertson)

"I'm back; I'm most definetly [sic] back"

In Wacky Races

"shi shi shi shi shi"; Mutley

In "Monkey!" the English dubbing of the 1978 Japanese television serialisation of Journey to the West

"The nature of monkey was .... IRREPRESSIBLE!" (with a slightly japanese accent...)


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"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she had to walk into mine"

"Rick, do you remember Paris?"

"I remember every detail. The Germans wore grey and you wore blue"

From Casablanca. Have left out the obvious one...

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Scarface (1983) one of my favourite movies

Tony Montana: I never fuc_ked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one


Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me.

Manny: Oh, well what's coming to you?

Tony Montana: The world, chico, and everything in it.


Tony Montana: This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fuc_ked.


Alejandro Sosa: I only tell you once. Don't fuc_k me, Tony. Don't you ever try to fuc_k me.


Elvira: Can't you stop saying fuc_k all the time?


Tony Montana: Hey baby what is your problem? Huh, you got a problem? You're good looking, you got a beautiful body, beautiful legs, beautiful face, all these guys in love with you. Only you got a look in your eye like you haven't been fuc_ked in a year!

Elvira: Hey, Jose. Who, why, when, and how I fuc_k is none of your business, okay?


Elvira: So do you want to dance, Frank, or do you want to sit there and have a heart attack?

Frank Lopez: Me, dance? Hey, I think I wanna have a heart attack.


Tony Montana: The only thing in this world that gives orders... is balls.


not the best movie for the family as you can see :)


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Pulp Fiction

Jules: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.

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