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Having A Bad Day / Week/ Month

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Wow. It has been a while and no response yet.

I can’t imagine where VF could be. He usually takes the bait right away. Maybe with the rains we are getting, the forum signals aren’t making it to his house from CR. He does live pretty far out in the sticks.

Then again, maybe the trouble is on my end. I wonder if this thing is even working…..





I’ll bet the wife has been screwing around with my laptop again and has it all jacked up..


Come in here!!!

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I see my predilection for pomposity and my punctiliousness, when dealing with the miscreants of this forum, have struck an acrimonious undercurrent that I was perviously oblivious to.

The tardiness of my reply is indeed due, in good part, to the weather and its effect on my connection to the outside world. I am also guilty of having had a brief sojourn into the real world yesterday, with a shopping spree, over the border.

With the normally packed alleys almost devoid of pedestrian traffic, only the heat of the day hindered our progress through the ubiquitous shops and corridors.

With another couple, we attempted to purchase a large portion of the stock on display at that quaint little motorcycle accessory shop. All manor of protective gear accompanied us back over the border and is awaiting usage.

The stamina of the male hunters faltered after bagging our intend prey, so we let the female gatherers go on their merry way, as we celebrated the attainment of our less lofty goals, over a much needed cappuccino.

Having had a good day, I suppose I must apologize for being off topic.


Okay. I really, really, really hope that is a typo. Perviously. Now, I know that isn't a word. Maybe you meant "previously"?

Perviously. Hmm..... Some connotations here, for sure. And if perviously isn't a word yet, it ought to be.

But yeah, overall, your vocabulary in this one has shut me down once again. Back to my Thesaurus in search of next week's big word. Be watching for it.


Perhaps I was overcome with images of the perviousness of my skin, as perspiration oozed forth from my pores in the marketplace yesterday. Then again perhaps it was just a typo, put their to humble me and elevate others. :)


Nice to see someone who writes a lot who doesn't place all his trust in spellcheck.

Better a typo people can understand than totally the wrong word.


I just want to see VF get his new bike, and some decent protective gear.

Then we can have a good day, riding some twisties....and leave all the bad day guys behind. :)


I just want to see VF get his new bike, and some decent protective gear.

Then we can have a good day, riding some twisties....and leave all the bad day guys behind. :)



Nice to see someone who writes a lot who doesn't place all his trust in spellcheck.

Better a typo people can understand than totally the wrong word.

Like this?:

I halve a spelling chequer,

It came with my pea see,

It plainly marks four my revue,

Mistakes I dew knot sea.

Eye Strike a key and type a word,

And weight four it two say,

Weather eye am wrong oar write,

It shows me strait aweigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid,

It nose bee fore two long,

And eye can put the era rite,

Its rarely ever wrong.

I've scent this massage threw it,

And I'm shore your pleased too no,

Its letter prefect in every weigh,

My chequer tolled me sew.

Stolen from: http://www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish...ing-checker.htm

I just want to see VF get his new bike, and some decent protective gear.

Then we can have a good day, riding some twisties....and leave all the bad day guys behind. :D

Are you implying, with that picture, that you have recently upgraded your two wheeler?

I'm not sure how to take that HERE HERE. Could it be that someone wants to join us, or have you been bad and they are showing you the door? Obviously, no one would want to see me gone. :)

Think I'll get my new bike for my 56th birthday next month. :D Perhaps we need a new group called the good day guys or a topic called good day/week/month/year/life. :D


Too many people reliving their youth on large motor bikes and having accidents recently. When in their native countries they didn't ride such machines. Protective gear is a must. The "hear hear" was my cheer for the call to wear said gear.

Suspicious lot aren't you!

Too many people reliving their youth on large motor bikes and having accidents recently. When in their native countries they didn't ride such machines. Protective gear is a must. The "hear hear" was my cheer for the call to wear said gear.

Suspicious lot aren't you!


Khandahar's good with Steel and things. Maybe we can design a Human Rollcage sort of exaskeleton sort of thing together.


From the beginning I have ridden with an armored mesh jacket and gloves, and of course an HJC helmet. Added the other day were boots and leg guards. Opted not to go for those knee high crushproof boots that weigh a ton, however. Picked up a DOT helmet for the wife, too.

Life is a risky proposition and no one gets out alive or unscathed. I choose not to smoke, drink, gamble or cheat on my wife but I do choose to go off on my own to hike, mountain bike or cruise on a motorbike. The safest thing to do? Perhaps not, but the joy and pleasure I receive, balanced against the obvious risks, seems worth it to me.

I figure we are all grownups here, and capable of making our own choices in life. The only challenge I see is finding likeminded or openminded friends that won't try and impose their will or values.

Yesterday was another off topic 'good day' as I did 35 km on the mountain bike, sucking in the clean fresh air and enjoying the unencumbered views. :)


Life, no matter how many years, is too short a ride for most people, anyway. It is a good idea to get what you can out of it. Some people spend all of their waking time watching television, surfing the net, paying homage to a beer bottle or reading books. Actually living the life that books and television are made of is a much better deal if a person's health and bank account allows it.

Enjoy the new ride. We're still gonna have a little fun with you but only because we are fond of you. We each run our own risks every day. I spend way too much time under a welding helmet and I still get a kick out of my very functional creations. But even that, as much as I enjoy it, has its risks and I've suffered some of the drawbacks. I was nearly killed, dangling from piece of steel 200 feet in the air when the perfect, unlikely conditions turned my welding leads into a death trap. Things can go wrong. I won't stop enjoying my work, though.


Good Luck with your Challenge VF. I don't see people imposing there will or Values here though. Just maybe people who have had the odd accident and have a genuine concern for your well being. No amount of experience of motorbikes in our youth can prepare us for the challenges of Thai roads. I don't know about the states but In England when we flash our headlights its a courtest to say sort of I've seen you, and make your move; here its the opposite, I'm comming through, get out of my way. We've never encountered so many stray Dogs, 40ft bamboo Poles and Irratic behaviour from our fellow travellers as we do here. There was a Black Tarmac colored Cat playing with something in the road the other day. only spotted it seconds before I Luckily ran between it and its prey. Likewise the Armours not going to save a broken kneck. The secrets got to be keeping the speed down, nothing to see at speed anyhow.

Our forum seems to be having a bad week. Could things be any more boring?

Impossible while you have Jubby and Kandahar and their merry badinage, or however you spell it.

Do you two guys realise you have a book here?!

I've only just stumbled on this thread and your mixture of sage expat advice, gossip, and total surrealism. It's a treat! Really!

Get your stuff together, find a good cartoonist (I have one here in Chiang Mai and she is 28 and GORGEOUS) and compile a book. Put it on Amazon, give the world a treat and watch the dosh flow in.

Truly, you are the thinking man's Morecambe and Wise of Chiang Rai. And/or whatever the US equivalent is or was. Laurel and Hardy? Whatever, they are all dead and you two are more lively than fleas on a running dog's cods.

And that's a compliment!!

Keep it, as they say, up!

Our forum seems to be having a bad week. Could things be any more boring?

Impossible while you have Jubby and Kandahar and their merry badinage, or however you spell it.

Do you two guys realise you have a book here?!

I've only just stumbled on this thread and your mixture of sage expat advice, gossip, and total surrealism. It's a treat! Really!

Get your stuff together, find a good cartoonist (I have one here in Chiang Mai and she is 28 and GORGEOUS) and compile a book. Put it on Amazon, give the world a treat and watch the dosh flow in.

Truly, you are the thinking man's Morecambe and Wise of Chiang Rai. And/or whatever the US equivalent is or was. Laurel and Hardy? Whatever, they are all dead and you two are more lively than fleas on a running dog's cods.

And that's a compliment!!

Keep it, as they say, up!

There you go guys. If that gushing compliment doesn't spur you on to new heights, I don't know what else to do. We count on you to keep us entertained. Otherwise what do we have, other than namedropping, history lessons and the occasional bad question, that is. Save us from our torment and entertain us once again.

Our forum seems to be having a bad week. Could things be any more boring?

Impossible while you have Jubby and Kandahar and their merry badinage, or however you spell it.

Do you two guys realise you have a book here?!

I've only just stumbled on this thread and your mixture of sage expat advice, gossip, and total surrealism. It's a treat! Really!

Get your stuff together, find a good cartoonist (I have one here in Chiang Mai and she is 28 and GORGEOUS) and compile a book. Put it on Amazon, give the world a treat and watch the dosh flow in.

Truly, you are the thinking man's Morecambe and Wise of Chiang Rai. And/or whatever the US equivalent is or was. Laurel and Hardy? Whatever, they are all dead and you two are more lively than fleas on a running dog's cods.

And that's a compliment!!

Keep it, as they say, up!

Well, there you have it. Another TV poster using an uncommon word, trying to get VF all fired up. Badinage. While my Thesaurus classifies it as a French derivative, it seems to be used here more as blind-sided punch below the belt rather than being used in the context of the actual definition.

It is strange how these wars can drag on for years, full on at times and then receding into quiet memory at other times, only to erupt into full-scale carnage again, with little notice. Biff takes a break. Limbo lays off. I too, decide to give VF a break, cut him some slack, give him a few days reprieve and a little extra time to collect some good word specimens from Google. jubby does the same, wiping the slate clean and treating VF as if he is just another anonymous poster that doesn't deserve special attention. And then WHAM!!!! The gauntlet flies through the air, over the heads of the aforementioned peacemakers, and falls with a resounding smack into the center of the ring. Shock and dismay, as all who witness this event realize that the silence of the big guns was temporary, a fleeting moment of solitude and solidarity, accompanied by serene, quiet bliss. We are jolted awake with the sudden knowledge that the peaceful days we enjoyed were sponsored not by brotherly love but instead, brought about only by the tardiness of an unexpected challenger.

I envision Flatouthruthefog trudging cross-country through the different forums, his tools of war weighing heavy in his rucksack and making his journey more difficult, especially as he climbs over the mountain ranges that separate the different forum locales. He is eager, sharp-eyed. But he has his scars, as well. This isn't his first picnic. I see him stopping in with the Pattaya gang, turning down invites to stay a while and enjoy the stories of beach life and tuk-tuk operators. "No", he replies, "Somewhere a rogue awaits his fate. Duty calls." The Krabi gang entice him with offers of quiet times, in the most quiet of locales and with seafood buffets galore. "I cannot. A battle rages and I must face my foe." The BKK forum beckons and, upon arrival, a war is under way. He realizes that the fight he is witnessing is between warring parties that have no specific goals and therefore, cannot be won by either party until more definitive battle lines are drawn and he moves on. The Chiang Mai forum issues a lively call and he responds. But alas, a forum that once had the reputation for being the Dodge City, shoot-out capitol of the forum world, had been tamed. After a short time of warily eye-balling him, the CM bunch go back to their lazy evening. Niceties and decorum have raised their ugly heads and permeated even the controversial thread topics. Idealism appears to have found a comfortable home with citizens content in their search of the perfect fish and chips and a nice book-shop that offers coffee and table service. "Good grief, man! Whatever could have happened to this place? At one time, such a wonderful place for a show-down, where one carefully typed sentence could cause a keyboard onslaught that evoked memories of the Huns and now...... Well, maybe again, one day. And maybe it is gone forever. Let me move on, past the mountains and see what kind of men and women occupy the forum on the northern frontier".

And now, here he is. Practically unknown but apparently armed to the teeth. No doubt he has at least some years of university under his belt. ( I mean, c'mon, badinage? You don't find that just laying around on the pages of a periodical in the barber shop.) Probably a pocket sized edition of the latest Thesaurus rests next to his monitor. Two hot-keys ready to simultaneously search Google and Word-Search in a split/pane screen with the touch of a finger.

This is going to be ugly. I had better jockey for a good seat with a view before the crowd gathers. At times like this, I wish I was a beer drinker. This black coffee just doesn't accompany and compliment the adrenalin as well as another beverage might.

I see VF has put forth a feeler, seeming to ignore the guy, pretending to engage jubby-the-outlaw and myself, all the while trying to up his connection speed with the Google website. He's even trying to make this look like it is about us, instead of himself. Sly move on his part; divert the attention of the challenger for just that critical moment.

Time to sit back and wait and see. jubby, are you gettin' this? Time to pay attention to every word and commit them to memory. This is stuff that legends are made of....


What? Seven paragraphs to say things have been boring of late? As for badinage, I like it, find it complimentary even. Besides, who among us has too many words at his disposal?

badinage |ˌbadnˈä zh |


humorous or witty conversation : cultured badinage about art and life.


Its definately Sureal :D

I'm sure theres a Book or two in everyone ; real experiences or imagined :D

As for 'thinking men' . Count me out. It hurts when I think these days , especially after Khandhar's Brain has effervesed. :)


I can't see the surrealism in this thread that a few others seem to be noticing. If there are any phantasmagoric entries, maybe someone could explain to me which ones are which. So far, in a very careful review of the postings, I can find only factual entries relating to well-known and accepted occurrences or, at the very least, entries pertaining to what is obviously something that is bound to occur or something that did happen even if none of us were there to witness it. If the tree fell, it made a noise, right?

It is very troubling to see anyone painting this serious thread, which is an obvious public disclosure of jubby‘s troubling life, as anything less than the mournful cry for help that it is. Who can see less than the sorrowful truth in such writings? Surely Sceadugenga will weigh in with his thoughts on forum etiquette here and bring some validity back to this thing. There is documented precedence for such intervention in the pursuit of following protocol.

I can't see the surrealism in this thread that a few others seem to be noticing. If there are any phantasmagoric entries, maybe someone could explain to me which ones are which. So far, in a very careful review of the postings, I can find only factual entries relating to well-known and accepted occurrences or, at the very least, entries pertaining to what is obviously something that is bound to occur or something that did happen even if none of us were there to witness it. If the tree fell, it made a noise, right?

It is very troubling to see anyone painting this serious thread, which is an obvious public disclosure of jubby‘s troubling life, as anything less than the mournful cry for help that it is. Who can see less than the sorrowful truth in such writings? Surely Sceadugenga will weigh in with his thoughts on forum etiquette here and bring some validity back to this thing. There is documented precedence for such intervention in the pursuit of following protocol.

Indeed Kd. Sorrowful truths for sure, for sure.

Anyway, back on Topic. Hows the Ninja progressing VF. I recall a conversation with one of my neighbours, a less than sprightly frenchman in his 60's , over the songran festival. he was also getting a Ninja in June. Is there somesort of waiting list ? He's also upgrading from a Phantom I kid you not. This IS an Accident waiting to happen. he tends to start the day with something stronger than a coffee , and has already been cautioned by the pooey ban for speeding through the Village, a Village which if you blinked at speed you would miss it. maybe he couldn't get the Phantom to do a wheelie or something.


The Ninja is on schedule for next month with an additional test ride just the other day and yet another planned for this week.

Back on topic, I think what we need at this juncture in time, are some obscure historical references. Perhaps some unknown facts about the founder of 'Bad-DWM', as well as a list of all past, present and future board members.

Surely there was some unsung European gentleman, with a funny sounding name and officious title or rank, involved with the founding of 'Bad-DWM'. Perhaps a list of celebrities or other dignitaries who have contributed, in form if not substance, to the cause.

Some dates would be helpful as well directions to a placard or memorial of some sort. Just be sure to make it sound like you were part of the inner circle.

The more obsequious and enigmatic the better. :)

The Ninja is on schedule for next month with an additional test ride just the other day and yet another planned for this week.

Back on topic, I think what we need at this juncture in time, are some obscure historical references. Perhaps some unknown facts about the founder of 'Bad-DWM', as well as a list of all past, present and future board members.

Surely there was some unsung European gentleman, with a funny sounding name and officious title or rank, involved with the founding of 'Bad-DWM'. Perhaps a list of celebrities or other dignitaries who have contributed, in form if not substance, to the cause.

Some dates would be helpful as well directions to a placard or memorial of some sort. Just be sure to make it sound like you were part of the inner circle.

The more obsequious and enigmatic the better. :D

I thought some people might find my post about the frenchman funny and topical in a sort of disturbing way; I wasn't having a dig, The conversation did take place.

I can hardly be considered Obsequious and I've never quite understood the term enigmatic but I do find some of the above quite interesting although better left to another thread. I sometimes think to myself, well I never knew that. I suppose I'm not self obsessed and have a broad range of Interests.

I also have a sort of intuition that leads me to believe one of the next posts will have someone suggest that you visit a Doctor again. :)


Well Hi there Limbo, wasn't expecting you to turn up . .................. Well at least not so soon :)

I'm on my second or third Mid-lifer. Who's counting :D

How to make friends and Influence people is not one of my strong points either.

We can start with my Therapy session at Rico's in the not too distant future, unless I'm unlucky enough to find some work back in blighty.

work can be very grounding I'm often told.


I have to say, Jubby, you take the libelous personal insults about your mental health quite well. Not sure how much you will learn in your therapy session, however. By the way, the rest of us clearly don't mind if you take this forum hostage with your personal problems. You are quite entertaining. :)

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