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Having A Bad Day / Week/ Month

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It has been a terrible week. I have been waiting for a good rain, a heavy rain that will last for at least 2-3 hours but absolutely nothing!

I need it for my new inventions to my OP´s in my OG.

I have seen dark clouds getting darker and darker, I have heard heavy thunder getting more and more heavy and seen the lightnings crossing the sky just kilometers away.

But not one drip-drop here!

Yesterday we had dinner in the village-restaurant. I saw the sky getting darker and when I felt the first raindrop we took check-bin and went home, only 1.2 km.

Sitting waiting for one hour on my terrace but nothing!

Same today in the afternoon, dark clouds, the thunder and the lightning but then nothing.

Talked to a Scot living 30 km from town and he got 3 hours of very good, heavy rain 2 days ago! I was lmost crying.

I am sure you guys in town got a lot of rain the last couple of days and the guys in Payamengrai probably even more.

But nothing here where I live!


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Don't feel alone. I feel like I could have written this post and I live in Phayamengrai. Lots of noise and pending drama but no action. The water is going someplace else, not out here in the valley.


Heavy rain a couple of days ago Mekong side but very little in Payamengrai.

We had a shower an hour ago, but thats not going to help.

The collective have been busy planting allsorts the last couple of weeks, its going to be a disaster for them if we don't get decent rain in the next couple of days.

Whats the new invention ? OP and OG thats swedish or norse, right . maybe swedish mafia Viking code or something.

Who's the current Viking rain God, maybe we could make a blood sacrifice to him/her.

or atleast offer some Virgins . or maybe some of VF's Blood

Heavy rain a couple of days ago Mekong side but very little in Payamengrai.

We had a shower an hour ago, but thats not going to help.

The collective have been busy planting allsorts the last couple of weeks, its going to be a disaster for them if we don't get decent rain in the next couple of days.

Whats the new invention ? OP and OG thats swedish or norse, right . maybe swedish mafia Viking code or something.

Who's the current Viking rain God, maybe we could make a blood sacrifice to him/her.

or atleast offer some Virgins . or maybe some of VF's Blood

My blood wouldn't qualify and would surely produce ruinous results.

Heavy rain a couple of days ago Mekong side but very little in Payamengrai.

We had a shower an hour ago, but thats not going to help.

The collective have been busy planting allsorts the last couple of weeks, its going to be a disaster for them if we don't get decent rain in the next couple of days.

Whats the new invention ? OP and OG thats swedish or norse, right . maybe swedish mafia Viking code or something.

Who's the current Viking rain God, maybe we could make a blood sacrifice to him/her.

or atleast offer some Virgins . or maybe some of VF's Blood

My blood wouldn't qualify and would surely produce ruinous results.

Its a Virgin or a Blood sacrifice , so you may well still qualify in the Blood stakes.

I've just realised what Svens project is. An ornamental Garden pond ofcourse, but so huge and vast that he can't fill it from his own water supply.

He's going to need help with it though. from my Inlaws ofcourse , to dig it and provide the decoration. I'm right Sven , tell them all Sven :)

Odin, Odin, bring Thunder and the Storms

I've just realised what Svens project is. An ornamental Garden pond ofcourse, but so huge and vast that he can't fill it from his own water supply.

He's going to need help with it though. from my Inlaws ofcourse , to dig it and provide the decoration. I'm right Sven , tell them all Sven :D

Odin, Odin, bring Thunder and the Storms

Jubby! Keep your Inlaws in your house please!

Yeah, you are on the right track with my OP´s in my OG.

Don´t call Odin for rain, it is Thor with the hammer that is the God you ask for rain.

I was planning to have a raindance this evening but went short of red wine. Cannot have a real good raindance without plenty of red wine.

Sorry to hear that I am not alone not getting rain. I hope this is not a part of the Global Warming-stuff. But in 8 years here I have never seen so few rainstorms/thunderstorms as this year.



we've had rain every night for the last week or so. Sometimes for 10 minutes just after dinner, other times, like last night, big storm blew over from Laos and it pissed down all night from about 11 till 5 or 6 am

hope it stays clear tonight, apparently there's a party cos I'm going back to England tomorrow, not sure if they're happy I'm going or they ant to wish me luck, more than likely they just quite fancy a piss up on me :)

I know it's short notice (I've only just found out!) but if anyone's in the chiang saen area, you're welcome to come and join in, there'll be food, music, sanook sanook people and the missus is making cocktails :D

Kandahar and jubby have got my number as i won't be near a computer.




Hi Biff, been offline for a couple of days, so missed your invitation. Its a shame because I was quite close.

my Doctor (quack) has suggested I take a couple of days off every week to assist with my fight against Insanity :D

Sven, what a dreadful thought, I can assure you my inlaws are not in my House, they very rarely step foot in my House :D

I tend to take a dance , maybe even a rain dance around 5.30 am everyday , it just seem the right thing to do in response to the pooey bans morning chorus.

Seriously though, our Village water system isn't working today, Its usually due to a cow stepping on the blue Plastic pipes or something, but this time its simply that the well has run dry. First time this year I'm sure.

We had heavy rain mekhong side again last night, Seems to rain a lot up there. must be the influence of the river and all the trees over in Laos I suppose. No trees here except for Rubber trees , maybe they're not a substitute for Rain Forest. :)


Yesterday evening it started here with semistrong winds, thunder and lightning and then almost heavy rain. The rain stopped after 10 minutes but the the thunder and lightning was going on for hours.

Maybe we will have no Rainseason here this year?

If not they/we will have big problems here in Huay Sak because the Huay Sak Reservoire is down to recordlow. Probably run dry within a couple of months.



Its still only beginning of June sven. July is supposed to be the rainiest, I think.

I do seem to be using the Hosepipe 9 months a year though. Its not good, I can understand why most of my neigbours have a patch of bare earth which they brush clean of leaves occasionally before Burning them. Its so much easier than trying to keep a nice Garden.

Anyway, our prime minister has grave concerns about it in the News section here. Not read it yet.


I had a visit from jubby today. I needed it. It did me a world of good. For those of you who haven't met him yet, you need to. He is very pleasant company and an intelligent conversation partner.

He is also funny when he means to be. He shared his latest adventure with me and it qualifies for this thread. The story concerned bad luck on his part but it cracked me up. Strange how we can see humor in other's misfortune. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. It really wasn't his bad luck that killed me so much as the way he related that luck. He has a knack for storytelling. He probably won't add it to these pages and a lot would be lost if he did. Typed words can't relate the same story with the same emphasis on the good parts. His mannerisms, expressions and delivery in person can't be reproduced on the keyboard.

Thanks for the visit, jubby. And thanks for the laugh. I know you could have told that story in several different ways but you chose to tell it in a way that would brighten my day. It did.


Humor in other's misfortune has always been my favourite Humor. I always thought it was a particularly British trait but I can see thats not entirely true. I must admit after my latest 'adventure in misfortune' which incidentaly was also Humourous to the Thai's I was with; I had to be alone for an hour or so with a nice cup of Tea. I did see the funnyside afterwards though and there was an interesting twist about helping others, maybe Kharma or something I don't know. Anyway, I'm glad you found it funny and had a laugh, I thought you needed it is all. :)


You know Khandahar, I was thinking yesterday during my Visit with you and you did look a bit down. Seeing as its maybe a bit personal but theres no one else here on the forum anyway, so I'm going to say it.

I.N.L.A.W.S :D - Inlaws or outlaws, you do seem to be surrounded by them. Nice people or not, It would drive me insane, even more insane than I presently am. Maybe you need to take a short break :):D

Tell me I'm wrong :D


Yeah, he must be pretty exhausted. I guess we can thank Sven's rain dance and a bottle of red wine.

He did knock down one of my walls due to pressure of water but Its still a good effort.

I've just come back from the garden on the tractor , ripped out a few tree roots I'd been struggling with . The ground was so wet I could maybe have taken them out with my bare hands.

My memories not what it was but i don't think I've seen so much rain in one night before.

Yesterday the rice fields were parched clay earth and the klongs dry. today the fields are flooded and ready to plough and the Khlongs full to the brim. What a difference a day makes. queue for a song maybe.............. or maybe not :)

Missus, is a bit grumpy due to lack of sleep but its still a good day :D


So I guess we are all off playing in the water and having a good day. Surely someone will have a bad day soon and we can continue this entertaining thread. :)


Well thanks for that Scea. Not sure it was the song I was thinking of but it'll certainly do. :)

Well The forums even quieter today. No ones biting my Good day thread apart from Skyblustu for obvious reasons.

maybe everyones listening to their John Denver Collection :D


I could add some bad DWM copy to this thread but I'm going to refrain. Maybe things will get better and I can add to your good day thread soon.


I could add some bad DWM copy to this thread but I'm going to refrain. Maybe things will get better and I can add to your good day thread soon.

I guess it must be really bad then Kd. did you listen to the John Denver track ?


My idiot mate just emailed me to tell me the Aussie dollar is crashing and burning against the baht.

Nothing worse than bad news you already know. :D:D:)


My idiot mate just emailed me to tell me the Aussie dollar is crashing and burning against the baht.

Nothing worse than bad news you already know. :D:D:)

Uh, oh. Sounds like this has the potential for a new thread. No idea what to call it, though.


Sh*t No. Theres plenty of currencies crashing and burning against the Baht talk already elsewhere.

Keep hammering that Budget down Scea, its all we can do at the moment. The Baht seems immune . people keep telling me how strong the Thai Economy is. Working for a bank for 20 years, I know Sweet about Economics as it would seem so do they. Did you listen to the Music Kd ?


Sh*t No. Theres plenty of currencies crashing and burning against the Baht talk already elsewhere.

Keep hammering that Budget down Scea, its all we can do at the moment. The Baht seems immune . people keep telling me how strong the Thai Economy is. Working for a bank for 20 years, I know Sweet about Economics as it would seem so do they. Did you listen to the Music Kd ?

No, not a currency thread. A thread about bad news that you already knew.

No, I didn't listen to the music. I kind of got all John Denvered out about thirty years ago.

If I was going to spend any time on YouTube, it would be on stuff like this.

A great laugh beats old music any time.

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