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Thai Govt, PM Abhisit Not Looking At The Big Picture


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Yes, probably the PM and the government is missng the "big picture". So apprently are the Red Shirts. In fact, as normal in Thai politics, what we really have here is a number of Thai politicians, each with their own group of followers (can I say "lackeys") who are mainly interested in their own self promotion and what advantages they can obtain for themselves and their own group. Nothing unusual about that in Thai politics (or most politics anywhere in the world).

But one thing that is in "the big picture" although few are realising it yet, is that the power of Issan and it's farmers/poor people has grown enormously in the last few weeks. Even those Thai politicians who are not on the side of the Reds...or their politics..are now starting to realise that the Issan people are more powerful than they had realised before. That will make a signifigant difference in the future to Thai politics...no matter who wins the latest confrontation. The genie is out of the bottle now, and there will have to be changes made to adjust to the new realities. Those changes may be bad or good, but the future will not be the "same old same old" any longer. Yes, Thailand will have to change...the old sanook-sanook won't work any longer.

Whether that will be bad or good in the long run...we'll just have to wait and see.

As the old Chinese saying goes,"May you be cursed to live in interesting times".


Agree, even Sondhi has noticed the change. Only the lackeys of Abhisit continue their rhetorics...(until Abhisit tell them to change...)

Jerry, You can't see that there may be some possible merit in someone both the PAD and UDD cannot live with? Let's see if Abhisit can make any progress in winning converts. He's going to have to get his message out there though.

Agreed, but getting his message across does not seem to be one of his strong points.

No matter how much good he has done for this country hardly anybody realises what he has achieved.

Time keeper summed it up well though..

he [Abhisit] made the outdated Thaksin 30 baht health scheme entirely free of charge and saved millions in the process , sent 1,000,000 baht to every village for use in the community, (1100 villages received it), billions were given out in stimulus payments, free education, free books, free uniforms, free dental care, free further education, low interest student loans for further education, free computer labs for schools, access to low interest loans to get families out of the grip of loan sharks and only two days ago another 420 billion baht to help the poor red farmers ............

The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives plans to provide loans totalling Bt420 billion to the rural sector this year, BAAC president, Luck Wajananawat said.

The Bt420 billion in loans will be allocated as follows - Bt44.5 billion for livestocks and fisheries, Bt140 billion to support growing of economic crops, Bt45.5 billion for producing alternative energy sources, Bt68 billion for jobs creation in rural areas, Bt30 billion for creating economic communities, Bt52 billion to support the agricultural institute and Bt40 billion to support the government's agricultural policy, according to the BAAC president said.

The Nation

i wish someone would show that little interest in me and my finances.......

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Sorry to interject my opinion at this point.

I just want to say "he is looking at the big picture."

That is why massive force has not yet been used to remove the Reds.

In a clever move, the Reds in Bangkok are now isolated and surrounded by the military/police.

The PM knows that women and children are in the Red camp (hard to believe the "men" would allow them to remain there).

He also knows that a certain unnamed PM living outside of Thailand is trying very hard to cause the military to use full force against the Reds.

And he knows that if the military does that the media will be filled with stories about a mass murder committed by the military to thwart democracy (total BS but that is what he is being set up for).

I am not sure what will happen, but all the military needs to do now is make sure the Reds are surrounded--while preventing food or weapons from getting inside the camp--and play a waiting game.

But the person I am not going to mention desperately wants bloodshed...........

Personally, I think the PM is smart and looking at the entire picture.

He has shown an incredible ability to not do resort to strong violence.

I am sure he is being pressured to do something by powerful men and women who are losing money now in Bangkok.

This is a chess game or sorts.

I agree. Abhisit and Anupong know that there is a fine balance between 'appearing impotent',

and handing Thaksin a coup by propaganda via army massacre of allegedly unarmed civilians.

It is obvious Team Thaksin they are trying every trick they can think of to make this happen.

And there is no coincidence that Thaksin: the future Conquering Hero/ Savior of Thailand,

must be distanced visibly from the chaos they must create to make this chimera a reality.

This distancing is quite intentional and I am suprised Sondhi is buying into it,

unless THAT is ALSO part of a counter game plan. Make them think you buy it,

and make counter plans quietly.

Like Russian Dolls all players are hiding inside other players.

Yes...........I think we are only few in number............this is transparent to me (and you).

If any person should be tried for crimes against humanity, it is the person behind all of this.

He wants bloodshed...........then he will pay to alter the flow of information in his favor (propaganda campaign).

The lies will be told over and over again............eventually the masses will believe what is nothing but a lie.

Then he will be granted immunity...........return to Thailand........get his $$$$$$$$ and power back....

Then Thailand-Titanic will sink into the oblivion because the international community will turn its back on it.

The current PM is smart (it would be a mistake to think otherwise). He sees all of this.

He wants a "peaceful solution." That makes sense if it is possible.

How to do that is what is the critical question the govt. is struggling with at the moment.

He tried to arrest the leaders, but that job was botched. That would have been a good move had it succeeded.

It will be interesting to see what happens. Face it........this is odd to say the least.

I can't think of another country that would not have used major force by now to stop all of this.

This is Thailand.........maybe they can figure out a peaceful solution (and that is the last thing that the instigator of all of this wants).

The current PM is fully aware of this.

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The big picture, which we have forgotten already, was to get peua thai back in power asap so Taksin could get his money back, before it disappears into the state coffers. Nothing to do with democracy or anything else.

The red shirts are a small percentage of the voting population; as stated by an earlier poster. Mark is right in that he cannot give in to them because they don't represent the majority.

Whether you agree or disagree with how the Democrats got in power, its perfectly legal. Its a coalition.

I just returned from deep country Khon Khen and can confirm that all country people are not reds. It appears only the less educated and informed are. Most other people regard them as extremists. What the reds are doing most Thais would not approve; I mean its not the Thai way.

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Until BOTH sides start to accept each other and are prepared to work for the good of the country without complete selfishness, there will be no long-term solution.

Oh how true. But as the saying goes: "If they knew better they would do better" seems to ring true in Lack of Sanctions (LOS). Like children wanting their OWN way. And certainly not for the love of Thailand.

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It is great to see a less sensationalist article from the Nation. Even though Abhisit has said that the overall problem cannot be solved by merely dispersing the red shirts, he hasn't been seen to do a lot in trying to solve the bigger problem. As the article points out, he is no doubt under a lot of pressure from his party to solve the immediate problem so that the Democrats look good and appear in control.

What this article fails to mention however is that as much as Abhisit is not addressing the overall problem, the red shirt leaders are certainly not doing their part to work towards a solution either. Their stubbornness and deliberate short-term focus on forcing an immediate election indicates they don't want a solution to the problem of a divided Thailand, they just want power back in their own hands.

Until BOTH sides start to accept each other and are prepared to work for the good of the country without complete selfishness, there will be no long-term solution.

Both sides are unable to work together. The short term solution is outside. An in depth restructuration of Election rules has to be set before new elections.

1- controlled, limited and transparent campaign budget,

2- policy program .....

3- bribes and corruption rules reinforced....

4- regionalisation of Power?Administration with elected Governor, decentralised budget permiting a closer surveillance by people.

I agree - that would be an excellent first step. However the current system of curruption appears to be horribly entrenched. It's not going to be easy to get politicians and local leaders to give up their means of power and control. But if it could be done it would be a huge step forward for the country as a whole.

OH!! It COULD be done. But thinking of the good of the county rather than personal gain would be essential. Do you think Thais are WILLING? I think NOT.

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