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What Is The Big Deal About Thai Girls?


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On the off chance that you really mean what you post and are not trolling, (and when I look at each of your previous posts, they all seem to be in the same vein), I will write this. What you describe can just as easily describe some women anywhere in the world and is not only a Thai phenomenon.

Furthermore, what you describe is only accurate for a very small portion of women anywhere.

100% correct

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

I think it's a different kind of con they aren't used to. They have a better looking woman that takes care of them where the combination weakens their resolve. The woman plays the damsel in distress and the guy likes to play hero. It gets out of control and he realizes he is screwed. He doesn't necessarily want to dump the woman but he has no choice in order to unload the burden.

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Also, I think that guys think when they give money the first time it's a single event. They don't understand that they are opening a complete financial support system. In the west, if someone asks for financial help, it's just for the one time. Normally, You don't think that person is coming back every week for more. Although they would like to keep coming back, they know that is unreasonable and you will probable tell them to go to he_ll.

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

I think you are right about the "desperate" bit. No one really wants to be alone, but so many western men have been burned by western women, that when they meet the "perfect" Thai woman, their brain checks out. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet the "right" one till many many years after discovering Thai women. Had I got caught early on, I too would probably be penniless and complaining.

As for what makes western men want to give all their money to Thai women, if anyone can trap that in a bottle, they are going to be rich!

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well, i haven't read all the posts......but i think thai girls can go out and live with a guy who is 50 years older to her.......where else on earth u find such girls?

this is the reason why guys (mostly old man) prefers to stay here...

Edited by sunny747
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well, i haven't read all the posts......but i think thai girls can go out and live with a guy who is 50 years older to her.......where else on earth u find such girls?

this is the reason why guys (mostly old man) prefers to stay here...

YES, exactly.

I'll define the essence of the argument.

ALL WOMEN are the SAME thai women are NOT special, or different, and in spite of the rhetoric on this board its all the same. A farang women who doesn't have a career will spend your money the same. My farang wife always had a job, and her money was her money, and she NEVER asked for my money.

Thai women its completely different. Why should my wife, with a masters degree work for 300 baht a day? hel_l that's $300 USD a month, and remember we're talking in Thailand 12 hours a day, six days a week. So yes, I think thai-women see farang marriage as a easy-life, but hel_l, what is her choice? Her thai husband will force her to work. Us farangs, I think if we use our heads can see the advantage of our wives NOT working given they make peanuts.

OK, what's it ALL ABOUT.

1.) I tell kids under 30, don't bother with thailand, if you can't get punt-tang at home under 30, your got major problems.

2.) 30-50 it gets tought marry a nice woman, ... and maybe you'll have a sex-life

3.) Over 50, its over most women of any kind go menopausal.

My farang wife of 20+ years at 45 told me if I wanted sex to go elsewhere, but I didn't want to fish near home. I had always lived in Asia on&off all my life, and I spoke Chinese ( mandarin ), I had NEVER in my life been with an Asian girl, because honestly, they're controlling, and think once they give you sex they OWN YOU. I can't accept that, given my culture of easy 60's/70's sex in the USA.

Ok, so now I'm post 50, and I'm every bit as crazy about women as I was when I was 20, I always hoped hormones would stop, but they haven't.

I learned years ago when I lived in China, I found fascinating the NORM was 20 year old girls and 40 year old boys. Why? Because they know, they got it wired that men are sexually active 20 years longer than women. The west is messed up.

So I know this thing. I'm over 50, and my wife doesn't want sex. I hate chinese food, and love thai culture, and martial-arts, ... It's a no brainer to go to Thailand for a beautiful woman 1/2 my age that will love me for real. She'll cook and clean, and give love like a tiger.

The probelm here is that there are so many children from 10-40 who don't have a clue about life. I'm a BIG advocate of telling kids to don't even bother coming here until your done working, until your retired. Make some money in the WEST, get your life comfy.

Then come to Thailand in your 50's and live upcountry and ride your dirt-bike and eat good food, and excercise and sleep with a beautiful woman 1/2 your age. Do this and you and your body will be that of a 30 year old.

Stay in the west or live in BKK, and you'll be an old man. Avoid drinking alcohol if you can, hang with a none drinking family, it will save you a fortune.

Find a GOOD THAI woman that doesn't smoke, drink, cheat, or gamble. That is the definition of 'good'. There is NOTHING better in life than good food, comfort, and making love to a beautiful woman. Men over 50 generally die in the west or have NOTHING to live for, such as suicide post retirement.

Get into good health, find a good woman who is active. That's one thing I can say PRO about these bar-girls, is if you can keep up with them in bed 3-5 times day, your health wil be excellent.

Thai women are women same as farang. They have moods, they have periods ( girl-time ), they are mad, they are angry. But a good thai woman is loyal. She doesn't ask for much only two things.

1.) You take care of her.

2.) You love her.

Do this and your life will be good. Western culture is collapsing as we speak. I intend to put my remaining years in a place where I can live like a 20 year old, why not? What's the option?

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

I think you are right about the "desperate" bit. No one really wants to be alone, but so many western men have been burned by western women, that when they meet the "perfect" Thai woman, their brain checks out. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet the "right" one till many many years after discovering Thai women. Had I got caught early on, I too would probably be penniless and complaining.

As for what makes western men want to give all their money to Thai women, if anyone can trap that in a bottle, they are going to be rich!

slow down big boy ...

MOST farang men who come to thailand are POOR. I see very few 'real rich men' let's be honest here, farangs come here for two weeks and blow their credit card.

They meet some bar-girl who takes them shopping everyday, and they get maxx'd out, they go home and send her money western-union, they quit thinking about work, and soon they lose their job. ...

These farang who lose their money to thai girls aren't losing real money, they're just getting into debt because they're losers.

A real rich man, gets that way by NOT spending money, and no thai girl or any woman is going to get his money, because he keeps it off-shore.

Sure if you meet a bar-girl from Isaan and marry her, expect to PAY for everyone in her village forever, until your broke. But ONLY a complete idiot would do this thing? Right?

it's well understood. Set a budget early on, I like to make it the same-same as their salary before they meet you, ... that's it, that's all the get. ..

OK, so lets talk about kee-niaw, .. they'll call you kee-niaw because you don't give them all your money. I know a lot of rich thai men, and we talk about this, and they agree with me that man who spends his money like the women want is a FOOL. Kon-Gliat I think they call, so your only on a superficial level here, when the thai girl asks you to spend money, cuz she's in effect playing you a fool.

Just say NO, sure you got to give them a little money, upcountry I say $300 USD/month, and maybe BKK $500, .. that's IT, not more. No shopping, ... if they need $$$ for the water-buffalo that comes from their allowance.

Most people in thailand know that if you spend all your money, then when you get old your going to be a beggar. When these women try to get the farang to spend over 15,000 baht a month, their in effect telling you they have NO intention of spending their life with you, FACT.

Like I have said a "GOOD THAI WOMAN" only wants to be taken care of and loved.

Taking care means about 10,000 baht a month. Period. Love is something that MUST be real from your heart.

If the woman wants MORE than 10,000 baht a month, then she really is using you, and maybe your using her for sex. ... You deserve each other.

FOOLS and IDIOTS are ALWAYS the majority of MAN. Same for Thailand or Farang-Land.

My hope is that I'm NOT talking to the idiots, only the men who have geniune desire to find happiness.

Regarding 'dissapointment' lets just say, that a LOSER from the WEST will be a loser here, it ain't about MONEY if you have a good thai woman.

Let's go back to what I said.

1.) Take care of her


(1) Is not about money, its talking to her, and listening to her, and helping her around the house, and loving her family. (2) is romance.

The MORON from the west who doesn't know about 1&2 and women will FAIL, and its NOT the thai womans fault. Most men who come to Thailand are losers, because most men in the west are losers. Just because the bar-girls give sex easy and cheap, doesn't mean they'll live with BAD MEN.

Honestly what I'm trying to say here is that its NOT simple. If it fails its probably YOU the farangs fault.

"early on", ... I go back to what I have said before, thai men don't marry women they haven't know for at least a year, the typical 'bad thai woman', will marry her farang the first month, before he knows her good & bad, ... real thai relationships learn the good and bad the first year, but a farang-thai where the woman has an agenda, she'll let the farang fall in love the first month and offer marriage, and he'll bite cuz he only saw the good, ... this doesn't happen in general with thai men, cuz after a year your going to know your LBFM for what she really is, ....

It's always the BIG RUSH that causes the problem, the rush to marry, the rush to build the bahn-farang up in ISSAAN. The rush to buy her a car. The rush to buy her a cell-phone. Many of our loser farang have NEVER had good sex in their life. They may not even have had a quality relationship. They come here to thailand and fall for the first bar-girl they meet, and she has done this before, and if the farang is fresh off the plane, she knows exactly what to do.

BOY'z I really wish they could have a cover for thai-visa, ... so that guys coming off the plane, could know the agenda, ... before they come here and know about the tar-pit. Then again learning is good. Good sex after years of dry-spell makes most first-timers go insane. Then they come to these boards because they got HOSED, but whose fault is it? Why its theirs.

In Thailand sex is worth NOTHING, its easy for these women to give sex for a farang fortune, the farang thinks he's special, ... ALL the farangs get what they deserve.

I would really like to see MORE good thai girls find a good farang and get real love. Then maybe more thai girls would see farangs as something else than atm-water-buffalo, the fact is if there is BAD in Thailand it is the farang and his quest for easy sex.

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There is no big deal about them, they're just women, same as all the others.

I beg to differ on this one.

On average, their emotional intelligence is quite a bit higher than their sisters in other countries.

Not really good news for men coming to Thailand, most of them having a pretty low EIQ... :)

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

I think you are right about the "desperate" bit. No one really wants to be alone, but so many western men have been burned by western women, that when they meet the "perfect" Thai woman, their brain checks out. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet the "right" one till many many years after discovering Thai women. Had I got caught early on, I too would probably be penniless and complaining.

As for what makes western men want to give all their money to Thai women, if anyone can trap that in a bottle, they are going to be rich!

slow down big boy ...

MOST farang men who come to thailand are POOR. I see very few 'real rich men' let's be honest here, farangs come here for two weeks and blow their credit card.

They meet some bar-girl who takes them shopping everyday, and they get maxx'd out, they go home and send her money western-union, they quit thinking about work, and soon they lose their job. ...

These farang who lose their money to thai girls aren't losing real money, they're just getting into debt because they're losers.

A real rich man, gets that way by NOT spending money, and no thai girl or any woman is going to get his money, because he keeps it off-shore.

Sure if you meet a bar-girl from Isaan and marry her, expect to PAY for everyone in her village forever, until your broke. But ONLY a complete idiot would do this thing? Right?

it's well understood. Set a budget early on, I like to make it the same-same as their salary before they meet you, ... that's it, that's all the get. ..

OK, so lets talk about kee-niaw, .. they'll call you kee-niaw because you don't give them all your money. I know a lot of rich thai men, and we talk about this, and they agree with me that man who spends his money like the women want is a FOOL. Kon-Gliat I think they call, so your only on a superficial level here, when the thai girl asks you to spend money, cuz she's in effect playing you a fool.

Just say NO, sure you got to give them a little money, upcountry I say $300 USD/month, and maybe BKK $500, .. that's IT, not more. No shopping, ... if they need $$$ for the water-buffalo that comes from their allowance.

Most people in thailand know that if you spend all your money, then when you get old your going to be a beggar. When these women try to get the farang to spend over 15,000 baht a month, their in effect telling you they have NO intention of spending their life with you, FACT.

Like I have said a "GOOD THAI WOMAN" only wants to be taken care of and loved.

Taking care means about 10,000 baht a month. Period. Love is something that MUST be real from your heart.

If the woman wants MORE than 10,000 baht a month, then she really is using you, and maybe your using her for sex. ... You deserve each other.

FOOLS and IDIOTS are ALWAYS the majority of MAN. Same for Thailand or Farang-Land.

My hope is that I'm NOT talking to the idiots, only the men who have geniune desire to find happiness.

Regarding 'dissapointment' lets just say, that a LOSER from the WEST will be a loser here, it ain't about MONEY if you have a good thai woman.

Let's go back to what I said.

1.) Take care of her


(1) Is not about money, its talking to her, and listening to her, and helping her around the house, and loving her family. (2) is romance.

The MORON from the west who doesn't know about 1&2 and women will FAIL, and its NOT the thai womans fault. Most men who come to Thailand are losers, because most men in the west are losers. Just because the bar-girls give sex easy and cheap, doesn't mean they'll live with BAD MEN.

Honestly what I'm trying to say here is that its NOT simple. If it fails its probably YOU the farangs fault.

"early on", ... I go back to what I have said before, thai men don't marry women they haven't know for at least a year, the typical 'bad thai woman', will marry her farang the first month, before he knows her good & bad, ... real thai relationships learn the good and bad the first year, but a farang-thai where the woman has an agenda, she'll let the farang fall in love the first month and offer marriage, and he'll bite cuz he only saw the good, ... this doesn't happen in general with thai men, cuz after a year your going to know your LBFM for what she really is, ....

It's always the BIG RUSH that causes the problem, the rush to marry, the rush to build the bahn-farang up in ISSAAN. The rush to buy her a car. The rush to buy her a cell-phone. Many of our loser farang have NEVER had good sex in their life. They may not even have had a quality relationship. They come here to thailand and fall for the first bar-girl they meet, and she has done this before, and if the farang is fresh off the plane, she knows exactly what to do.

BOY'z I really wish they could have a cover for thai-visa, ... so that guys coming off the plane, could know the agenda, ... before they come here and know about the tar-pit. Then again learning is good. Good sex after years of dry-spell makes most first-timers go insane. Then they come to these boards because they got HOSED, but whose fault is it? Why its theirs.

In Thailand sex is worth NOTHING, its easy for these women to give sex for a farang fortune, the farang thinks he's special, ... ALL the farangs get what they deserve.

I would really like to see MORE good thai girls find a good farang and get real love. Then maybe more thai girls would see farangs as something else than atm-water-buffalo, the fact is if there is BAD in Thailand it is the farang and his quest for easy sex.

Right. But does it only happen in Thailand? Why not in Indonesia? Why not in Vietnam? Why not in China or Japan?

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Most uneducated Thais believe that all Farang are super rich and stupid

The only contact that Thais have with Farang away from the tourist areas are usually those that shack up with a girl and immediately buy a house and car. So they only see farang who are perceived as rich. Can you blame them? What would you think in your home country if a man buys a house and car in a girl's name after knowing her for a few months? I would think that he is either extremely stupid or has to be so rich that the money spent would hardly dent his wealth.

Or maybe both... :)

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"What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

I think you are right about the "desperate" bit. No one really wants to be alone, but so many western men have been burned by western women, that when they meet the "perfect" Thai woman, their brain checks out. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet the "right" one till many many years after discovering Thai women. Had I got caught early on, I too would probably be penniless and complaining.

As for what makes western men want to give all their money to Thai women, if anyone can trap that in a bottle, they are going to be rich!

slow down big boy ...

MOST farang men who come to thailand are POOR. I see very few 'real rich men' let's be honest here, farangs come here for two weeks and blow their credit card.

They meet some bar-girl who takes them shopping everyday, and they get maxx'd out, they go home and send her money western-union, they quit thinking about work, and soon they lose their job. ...

These farang who lose their money to thai girls aren't losing real money, they're just getting into debt because they're losers.

A real rich man, gets that way by NOT spending money, and no thai girl or any woman is going to get his money, because he keeps it off-shore.

Sure if you meet a bar-girl from Isaan and marry her, expect to PAY for everyone in her village forever, until your broke. But ONLY a complete idiot would do this thing? Right?

it's well understood. Set a budget early on, I like to make it the same-same as their salary before they meet you, ... that's it, that's all the get. ..

OK, so lets talk about kee-niaw, .. they'll call you kee-niaw because you don't give them all your money. I know a lot of rich thai men, and we talk about this, and they agree with me that man who spends his money like the women want is a FOOL. Kon-Gliat I think they call, so your only on a superficial level here, when the thai girl asks you to spend money, cuz she's in effect playing you a fool.

Just say NO, sure you got to give them a little money, upcountry I say $300 USD/month, and maybe BKK $500, .. that's IT, not more. No shopping, ... if they need $$$ for the water-buffalo that comes from their allowance.

Most people in thailand know that if you spend all your money, then when you get old your going to be a beggar. When these women try to get the farang to spend over 15,000 baht a month, their in effect telling you they have NO intention of spending their life with you, FACT.

Like I have said a "GOOD THAI WOMAN" only wants to be taken care of and loved.

Taking care means about 10,000 baht a month. Period. Love is something that MUST be real from your heart.

If the woman wants MORE than 10,000 baht a month, then she really is using you, and maybe your using her for sex. ... You deserve each other.

FOOLS and IDIOTS are ALWAYS the majority of MAN. Same for Thailand or Farang-Land.

My hope is that I'm NOT talking to the idiots, only the men who have geniune desire to find happiness.

Regarding 'dissapointment' lets just say, that a LOSER from the WEST will be a loser here, it ain't about MONEY if you have a good thai woman.

Let's go back to what I said.

1.) Take care of her


(1) Is not about money, its talking to her, and listening to her, and helping her around the house, and loving her family. (2) is romance.

The MORON from the west who doesn't know about 1&2 and women will FAIL, and its NOT the thai womans fault. Most men who come to Thailand are losers, because most men in the west are losers. Just because the bar-girls give sex easy and cheap, doesn't mean they'll live with BAD MEN.

Honestly what I'm trying to say here is that its NOT simple. If it fails its probably YOU the farangs fault.

"early on", ... I go back to what I have said before, thai men don't marry women they haven't know for at least a year, the typical 'bad thai woman', will marry her farang the first month, before he knows her good & bad, ... real thai relationships learn the good and bad the first year, but a farang-thai where the woman has an agenda, she'll let the farang fall in love the first month and offer marriage, and he'll bite cuz he only saw the good, ... this doesn't happen in general with thai men, cuz after a year your going to know your LBFM for what she really is, ....

It's always the BIG RUSH that causes the problem, the rush to marry, the rush to build the bahn-farang up in ISSAAN. The rush to buy her a car. The rush to buy her a cell-phone. Many of our loser farang have NEVER had good sex in their life. They may not even have had a quality relationship. They come here to thailand and fall for the first bar-girl they meet, and she has done this before, and if the farang is fresh off the plane, she knows exactly what to do.

BOY'z I really wish they could have a cover for thai-visa, ... so that guys coming off the plane, could know the agenda, ... before they come here and know about the tar-pit. Then again learning is good. Good sex after years of dry-spell makes most first-timers go insane. Then they come to these boards because they got HOSED, but whose fault is it? Why its theirs.

In Thailand sex is worth NOTHING, its easy for these women to give sex for a farang fortune, the farang thinks he's special, ... ALL the farangs get what they deserve.

I would really like to see MORE good thai girls find a good farang and get real love. Then maybe more thai girls would see farangs as something else than atm-water-buffalo, the fact is if there is BAD in Thailand it is the farang and his quest for easy sex.

Right. But does it only happen in Thailand? Why not in Indonesia? Why not in Vietnam? Why not in China or Japan?

Although I'm sure sex is for sale in Indonesia, Vietnam and China, I believe they would take a dim view of the "live with long time girl for rent", and who's going to get "hooked" on a one night stand?

As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.

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As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.

As for Japan, it's quite easy to get a girlfriend for free. Many Japanese girls are on the hunt for a Caucasian boyfriend and many white guys take advantage of the situation.

Have never had to pay for companion in the Land of Cherry Blossom where I spent several years.

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<br />
As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.
<br />As for Japan, it's quite easy to get a girlfriend for free. Many Japanese girls are on the hunt for a Caucasian boyfriend and many white guys take advantage of the situation.<br /><br />Have never had to pay for companion in the Land of Cherry Blossom where I spent several years.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

There is just something special about Thailand.

Japan is expensive, and COLD, remember most of us are in Thailand to be warm. I find Korean and Japan women to be approachable, but I don't want to be there.

When I lived in China bars and pay-4-play was fairly non-existent except in the south. With the one child limit in the city and two rural, and all want boyz there is a shortage of girls, even 20 years ago, it wasn't safe to have a chinese girl, unless she was your wife. Very similar to greece 20 years ago, there really is a problem. In Thailand there's what 2 women for every man! In China something like 20% of all men will never have a wife, ... nope china is out. Besides between there legs is the most valuable thing a chinese woman has, and if she gives this thing to you, your expected to stay with her, ... again Thailand wins with its easy attitude about sex.

Philipines is probably the best, but who wants to live there? It's catholic, but I prefer the muslim south because they have better martial arts.

Laos, Cambodia, ... yes there are women who need a sponsor, but the country ...

So it leaves LOS the land-of-smiles, good food, nice people, they LOVE farang in general, especially if you learn the language. When I lived in China 20 years ago it was impossible to function without knowing the language.

Thailand is CHEAP, charlie-cheap, well if you stay up north well away from BKK.

For me the #1 thing about thailand is the food, then the warm weather, ... then the beautiful and friendly women, then the cheap prices, ... the entire package is HEAVEN for men.

The ONLY think I miss about CHINA is the first class martial-arts to be found. Oh, well China is not far to travel.

JAPAN is too formal and cold, and ditto for Korea. I like the PI and love their martial-arts, but living there can be dangerous, at least in the Muslim areas I like to train.

I would like to spend more time in Malay, in my humble opinion the women down that way are very beautiful.

Burma is also an easy place to find a desperate women, but would you want to live there?

No I really think that this is a case of the elephant and the blind-man, most people ONLY see the thai-girl, but they don't see the BIG picture. Upcountry thailand is a beautiful place to live, and a good girl can be found anywhere, I think the main thing is knowing where you want to be, knowing what kind of family, .. I prefer a non-drinking family, ... how nice it is not having to buy a case of mekong everyday for teh boyz to puke on your floor.

I think most men come to SE-ASIA with sex on their minds, I spent 30 years here studying martial-arts in every corner of Asia, long before I ever considered to get involved with an Asian woman.

I was found the food in REMOTE CHINA to be boring.

The thing about Thailand, is no matter where you go the food is good and interesting in the thai home.

Being over 50 I'm not real crazy about muay-thai anymore, I prefer the internal chinese arts, and its real hard to find masters in thailand. So I'll continue to headup to China, that said there are a lot of good old 70 year old martial-artists around, but they're hard to find, but they can be found.

I think too many farang are fat, and old, and come to Thailand for sex. But lets be honest, all that drinking there really isn't that much sex.

Thailand has this REP for sex, is it justified? Perhaps if your world is patong, nana,cowboy,pattaya, ... but that is less than 1% of thailand. I hate all those places myself. I hate to go where there are farang, I never see farang where I live.

So SE-ASIA has year-round growing season, ... it is warm, so I can go out all year round at 4am in shorts with no shirt and train. It's fairly easy to find a beautiful woman 1/2 your age to be your partner/lover for life. Far, far away from BKK, I think Thailand is one of the best places in Asia, I prefer SE-ASIA because I prefer the year-round warmth.

For some reason patong, cowboy, nana, pattaya, ... exist and that is the Thailand that most farang can think about and know, ... going upcountry and living in a village would be unthinkable to most farang. I think its far more preferable to make love in a bungalow upcountry than a air-cond cell in BKK. BKK or chiang-mai has dirty air, ...

No there are far more special things about Thailand than the girls. That said there is something very sweet and special about a thai girl that doesn't smoke or drink, and eats well, and is active, they have beautiful skin, they bath ten times a day. Thai women are so clean, well at least the ones far from the party scene. I love to kiss and smell and touch thai women. I think its the chili that gives them the smell I like. All natural, eating fruit, and laying on a mat in a bungalow under the stars with a beautiful woman 1/2 your age. Heaven for men.

So a 50 year old guy can get a 30 year old woman, who looks like 20 in farang land. Pretty good deal, the girls are high-maintenance, ... but then if you find one willing to live upcountry, she's probably NOT going to cost you a lot of money like a BKK girl.

Edited by bonobo
Removed specifics on prostitution
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one of the contributing factor to the thai economy alongside with tourism is "The Girls" regardless of their occupation, stimulating the FDI inflows, fixed deposits, insurances, purchase of surplus property, provide rental income to owners, taxes, setting up of businesses, transfer of knowledge and technology and more

so they are the big deal

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I think too many farang are fat, and old, and come to Thailand for sex.

Are you suggesting fat, old men shouldn't ever have sex (and if so why)


They just should go elsewhere for sex (and if so where)

As you have admitted to being old yourself ..... are you just being sizist?

But I sort of agree with most of your post.

I'm not rich, but what I have is kept well offshore, my wife would like me to build her a house on the farm (not Issan) .... fat chance.

So a 50 year old guy can get a 30 year old woman, who looks like 20 in farang land. Pretty good deal, the girls are high-maintenance, ... but then if you find one willing to live upcountry, she's probably NOT going to cost you a lot of money like a BKK girl.


OK, so lets talk about kee-niaw, .. they'll call you kee-niaw because you don't give them all your money.

I'm kee-neow, she's kee-giat

thai men don't marry women they haven't know for at least a year, the typical 'bad thai woman', will marry her farang the first month, before he knows her good & bad

But I do think you have it completely wrong on the length of courtship, most people know a life partner in the first 30 seconds of spotting them. You don't even need to speak with them to know. If you need longer to decide then they are not suitable for a long term partnership with you.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.

As for Japan, it's quite easy to get a girlfriend for free. Many Japanese girls are on the hunt for a Caucasian boyfriend and many white guys take advantage of the situation.

Have never had to pay for companion in the Land of Cherry Blossom where I spent several years.

If it's that great and that easy everyone would be there and not here with their splay toed farm girls. Think about it.

I noticed expats exaggerate stuff like this all the time and when you see their significant other you realize they are full of it.

It is extremely easy in Japan, I can confirm that. Provided you have some game, looks and attitude. And the intellectual level of women there is also much better than here in TH, if that's if of any importance to you :)

But the country is either too cold or too rainy or too hot. A few months are very pleasant, though.

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As for Japan, I doubt most farang mongers could afford the prices there.

As for Japan, it's quite easy to get a girlfriend for free. Many Japanese girls are on the hunt for a Caucasian boyfriend and many white guys take advantage of the situation.

Have never had to pay for companion in the Land of Cherry Blossom where I spent several years.

If it's that great and that easy everyone would be there and not here with their splay toed farm girls. Think about it.

I noticed expats exaggerate stuff like this all the time and when you see their significant other you realize they are full of it.

It is extremely easy in Japan, I can confirm that. Provided you have some game, looks and attitude.

Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

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Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

I'm not talking about "handsome young guys" only.

You can do very well in Japan if you are middle aged and reasonably looking. Means: Pattaya meatball style may have slightly less chances there :)

There are lots of women aged 35-45, very proper looking, honest and sexy. They are out of game for most Japanese men, so here comes your chance. No problem to pick them up if you are 45-60 and have some attitude. Even some Pattaya types score occasionally.

Japan is quite a good place for single men. I have many fond memories of the women there.

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Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

Japan is quite a good place for single men. I have many fond memories of the women there.

Why isn't Japan the new sex tourist destination then? If it sounds too good to be true..

The biggest drawback for Thailand for a lot of the expats whining here is being used for money. Japanese women have money and are that easy then like I said before..why isn't everyone there right now?

Also 35+ year old women? Heh.

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.why isn't everyone there right now?

Because they can't afford it and many don't know about it.

Women who pay for you and a sex free for all? Really now..people don't know about this?

Look, I know a lot of western expats who live in Japan and it's nowhere close to what you say it is. Yes, older women are available but it comes with marriage baggage and the fact that they are discarded for a reason.

It's also not particularly much better than what a guy with means could do back home either. If you want to date aging cougars you can do that anywhere.

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Sorry wintermute, you have no clue.

Have ever been there?

And women aged 35+ in Japan look basically 25+ by western standard.

That may be too old for you, but each to his own. I'm normally quite tired by Asia chicks below 30. Too immature for my taste.

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Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

I'm not talking about "handsome young guys" only.

You can do very well in Japan if you are middle aged and reasonably looking. Means: Pattaya meatball style may have slightly less chances there :)

There are lots of women aged 35-45, very proper looking, honest and sexy. They are out of game for most Japanese men, so here comes your chance. No problem to pick them up if you are 45-60 and have some attitude. Even some Pattaya types score occasionally.

Japan is quite a good place for single men. I have many fond memories of the women there.

In my observations, Japan is like Thailand, or most other places, for that matter in that there are a large number of 30+ women who would welcome a relationship or even a fling.  The difference in Japan or Thailand than the US, which is my home country, is that in the US, I am just one of many.  Nothing too unique.  In Japan, I am the "exotic foreigner."  (And when I have had men from other countries visit me in the US, my American female friends often clammored for an introduction as those men were the exotic foreigners there.)

Be a gentleman, and it is surprising at how easy it is to meet and socialize.

The big difference between Japan and Thailand is the cost of living.  For men who want a cheap destination where they can sow their oats in a more commercial avenue, so-to-speak, Japan is prohibitively expensive for most men.  But for a guy who lives in either Japan or Thailand, the ability to socialize with women is basically the same.

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Maybe it was because she has laid back attatude and me not having to be someome I am not, not like my previous relationships in uk. plus she is beautiful imho but maybe not for the op but sorry I dont give a s:-,t..

I am wondering if my misses is thai. I payed no dowry, she works hard 60hrs a week (in uk) we started from nothing. she pay's her taxes to the goverment. makes more money than me. She keep buying me expensve gifts. Granted I do make make sure she send some cash home to the family in thailand but We do this to our own family in england, we look after our family.

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Well that rules out 99% of the expats in Thailand then. I have no doubt handsome young guys can do well anywhere..but that's not exactly exciting new information.

I'm not talking about "handsome young guys" only.

You can do very well in Japan if you are middle aged and reasonably looking. Means: Pattaya meatball style may have slightly less chances there :)

There are lots of women aged 35-45, very proper looking, honest and sexy. They are out of game for most Japanese men, so here comes your chance. No problem to pick them up if you are 45-60 and have some attitude. Even some Pattaya types score occasionally.

Japan is quite a good place for single men. I have many fond memories of the women there.

In my observations, Japan is like Thailand, or most other places, for that matter in that there are a large number of 30+ women who would welcome a relationship or even a fling. The difference in Japan or Thailand than the US, which is my home country, is that in the US, I am just one of many. Nothing too unique. In Japan, I am the "exotic foreigner." (And when I have had men from other countries visit me in the US, my American female friends often clammored for an introduction as those men were the exotic foreigners there.)

Be a gentleman, and it is surprising at how easy it is to meet and socialize.

The big difference between Japan and Thailand is the cost of living. For men who want a cheap destination where they can sow their oats in a more commercial avenue, so-to-speak, Japan is prohibitively expensive for most men. But for a guy who lives in either Japan or Thailand, the ability to socialize with women is basically the same.

Thanks for pointing that out. When I said most farang mongers couldn't afford the prices, I wasn't necessarily talking about p4p, but the cost of just being there. However, I guess on a Thai forum it would only be expected that posters assumed I was talking about p4p.

I very much doubt that I could live in Japan on the equivalent of 15,000 bht a month, even with "free" nookie.

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Maybe it was because she has laid back attatude and me not having to be someome I am not, not like my previous relationships in uk. plus she is beautiful imho but maybe not for the op but sorry I dont give a s:-,t..

I am wondering if my misses is thai. I payed no dowry, she works hard 60hrs a week (in uk) we started from nothing. she pay's her taxes to the goverment. makes more money than me. She keep buying me expensve gifts. Granted I do make make sure she send some cash home to the family in thailand but We do this to our own family in england, we look after our family.

Ditto, except we are in Thailand, and she earns the usual pitiful Thai wage, but sends her own money to support her family.

( She can't afford expensive gifts for me, but does turn up with food a lot, which for her is probably an equivalent. )

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here the Thai opinion,

Thai girls aren't really just the matter of beauty. But their culture, attitudes and behaviors, you ought be reckon to it.

Especially Thai and Japanese girl are usually well known in Asian despite their fame of beauty.

Even if is just acting, their behavior (suppose follow up by their trend and culture now a day) are very well respected and being fond by many foreigners.

When Thai girls treat their guys, they use soft voice and sometimes voice appear to be cute and sexy.

Most importantly, they are very humble and shy. Hate to admit, but that what usually makes us turn on and THEY may know that too, honest! I did survey once :)

Others girls from Malaysia, Korea, Singapore and other Asian countries may share little similar attribute, but Thai different.

Thai and Japanese girls are nonetheless 100% different from other Asian girls, almost no single attribute is similar to Thai.

I have dated with many Asian races girls.

Among all, I personally don't really like Malaysian, Singapore girls. They all fairly pretty :D unfortunately, their ability to attract and turn on men are bit down.

They tend to be educated and therefore they think they can live without men though still looking for romance relationship.

Thus, Asian girls I prefer Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese. They are 100% different.

They always make you smile, attracted, and feel connected. Even sharing different similarity, it not a problem.

Now u see why Thai girls make lot of different than many other Asian girls :D

Edited by Syaomin
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