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PM Ahbisit - Has The Government Lost Control


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Abhisit declares to the world that he will step down if his presence were a threat to the security of the Thailand.

In hanging on, he still clings on to the belief that he is part of the solution, when in fact he is part of the problem.

The Reds need a bad guy. Whomever was in the PM seat, keeping it being filled by Thaksin, would be the 'bad guy' in their view. It so happens it's Abhisit, who is a very decent fellow by any objective perspective. Indeed, that's one big reason why the Red movement is losing respect by outside observers: They're trying their damnest to paint A as the bad guy, but it's just not sticking.

If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations. His self-control is a world away from the taunting irresponsibility of the Reds. They should be sorely grateful for such a cool headed adversary.

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

Glad to know that Chalerm and his murderous sons have clean hands!

Edited by KireB
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Chalerm is one of the most despicable politicians in Thailand, ever. Look at his sons - one Duang, allegedly shot a policeman in cold blood and then basically got away scot free because his father was a threatening politician. If anyone is like Hitler with a warped ego, then it is Chalerm.

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

Glad to know that Chalerm and his murderous sons have clean hands!

now what was that expression that reds like to use? oh, i know

double standards.....

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If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations.

Abhisit is indeed a good guy. He deserves credit for not striking hard at his adversaries like the average politician - the whole country would have to pay. However, what can he do other than call new elections to put a stop to the current stalemate?

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Good interview and well answered. He did well.

The cost of the seige to the economy he and I think a good majority of Thai's can accept versus a big pile of body bags (macho face) and to obtain a fair election in 2011, if, it goes without saying, that the country has settled and a constitution is in place that they can all agree on. Some head bashing still to be done thou.

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Chalerm is one of the most despicable politicians in Thailand, ever. Look at his sons - one Duang, allegedly shot a policeman in cold blood and then basically got away scot free because his father was a threatening politician.

Either Chalerm or Chuwit or Newin could be a future PM. Scary, I know, but stranger things have happened. This is Thailand, and decent leadership material is scarcer than hair on a frog's belly.

Of course he (Abhisit) has lost control. That is why we are all pissed off. Why, for God's sake is the City under siege? Next ridiculous question please....
Abhisit may not have complete control, but the main reason a section of Bkk is under siege is a group of rowdies have forcefully taken it over. The festering wound is more of the problem than lack of bandages.
If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations.

Abhisit is indeed a good guy. He deserves credit for not striking hard at his adversaries like the average politician - the whole country would have to pay. However, what can he do other than call new elections to put a stop to the current stalemate?

He could continue to hang tough and hope the rowdy demonstration peters out. That way, Thailand would not again succumb to mob rule. Elections are coming. Dems aren't spooked by that prospect. Indeed Dems probably cherish new elections as they will show that the Reds are losing support big time. It's just the timing of the elections which are in contention, because Abhisit doesn't want to have policy dictated by a violent mob.

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If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations. His self-control is a world away from the taunting irresponsibility of the Reds. They should be sorely grateful for such a cool headed adversary.

Self-control, or out of control?

Abhisit tried using force on April 10th. He failed, and his subsequent efforts to get the army and police to take decisive action have also failed. The fact that Abhsit's efforts to use force have been executed on the ground so half-heartedly is clearly through lack of control, and has nothing to do with self-control. His own army and police chiefs make no secret of publicly opposing his efforts to use force, and he lacks the clout to replace them.

Instead of making one empty threat after another, Abhisit should call elections, get elected and then use his mandate to restore order. But would the Thai electorate give him the mandate that he so desperately needs to beat the reds peacefully? What is he afraid of?

Edited by clockworkorange
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By what criteria could anyone consider Abhisit to be a decent person or good guy? He started his campaign of censorship and suppression the day he took office. He boldly lied to the entire world about the Rohinga refugee murders and mistreatment. Now he is letting the entire country crumble because he is too egotistical to do the right thing. The only thing he has actually accomplished since taking office is to find ways to silence any opposing viewpoints. He would be a good politician in the USA. He says what sounds good to people and then completely fails to follow through.

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Chalerm is one of the most despicable politicians in Thailand, ever. Look at his sons - one Duang, allegedly shot a policeman in cold blood and then basically got away scot free because his father was a threatening politician. If anyone is like Hitler with a warped ego, then it is Chalerm.

Just because that night 200 witnesses never saw a thing and the video tape on all the security cameras at Pub 20 were misplayed doesn't mean that their 'alleged' gangster father police captain charlerm had a hand in this. Charlerm is a charming chap and in fact without him there wouldn't be any illegal gambling in Bangkok. People don't realise this when they start to crap themselves at the thought this kind and caring godfather nearly became prime minister during the somchai/samak period of 'democracy'.

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Thailand need law and order before peaceful elections can be held. The reds have to be dispersed before the government is dissolved. The police and army should be responsible for law enforcement, not red thugs. The PM may be willing to let the reds continue to embarrass themselves and look like fools by storming hospitals, but enough is enough. I suggest that Chulalongkorn hospital lock its gates and keep them locked even if a crackdown occurs. You shouldn't terrorize a hospital and then expect them to help you.

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

Glad to know that Chalerm and his murderous sons have clean hands!

I think for the record I would like to state that one of Chalerm's sons shot and killed a policeman in a night club. Chalerm's wealth and corruption assured that his son was not tried and imprisoned for murder. As for Chavalit, he oversaw quite recently the use of military teargas against the yellow shirts. The canisters exploded ripping of limbs of protesters and killing a young lady. Both Chalerm and Chavalit have blood on their dirty hands and represent the ugly and corrupt side of old Thai politics.

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

Glad to know that Chalerm and his murderous sons have clean hands!

I think for the record I would like to state that one of Chalerm's sons shot and killed a policeman in a night club. Chalerm's wealth and corruption assured that his son was not tried and imprisoned for murder. As for Chavalit, he oversaw quite recently the use of military teargas against the yellow shirts. The canisters exploded ripping of limbs of protesters and killing a young lady. Both Chalerm and Chavalit have blood on their dirty hands and represent the ugly and corrupt side of old Thai politics.

If Chavalit shows up at the 11th infantry today he should be charged with treason and arrested. Red leaders need to be taken out of circulation instead of being allowed to cause more damage to the country.

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

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However, what can he do other than call new elections to put a stop to the current stalemate?

Calling immediate elections now to appease a violent mob is a short term "solution" to a long term problem.

At a time when we have mobs feeling it their right to stop and search people's vehicles, what possible chance is there for anything close to a free and fair election, with proper campaigning? No chance is the answer. So what we will end up with is an election in which the results will be heavily contested and ultimately not be accepted by the side that happens to lose, taking us straight back to where we are today.

Calm, peace and order must be restored before elections can be considered. How that is achieved is of course the challenge that i don't think anybody knows for certain the answer.

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

i am surprised to hear you say a nice thing about Abhisit, Russell, after slandering him so many times before

especially after you seem to be the head of the self appointed TV hypocrisy police

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If Chavalit shows up at the 11th infantry today he should be charged with treason and arrested. Red leaders need to be taken out of circulation instead of being allowed to cause more damage to the country.

So are you completely writing off any sort of political compromise with the red shirts to end the current situation? I still think that's the best way to solve the situation with minimal additional violence, and you can't have that if the person coming to negotiate for the reds gets arrested when he steps foot in the door.

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

i am surprised to hear you say a nice thing about Abhisit, Russell, after slandering him so many times before

especially after you seem to be the head of the self appointed TV hypocrisy police

I had a fair bit of respect for Abhisit before he came to power. Like a lot of people, I have become very disappointed, angry and even heartbroken at the way he has handled things. So yes I have lost a lot of respect for him as a leader but as a person he is a decent human being.

There is no hypocrisy there if you see the distinction.

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By what criteria could anyone consider Abhisit to be a decent person or good guy? He started his campaign of censorship and suppression the day he took office. He boldly lied to the entire world about the Rohinga refugee murders and mistreatment. Now he is letting the entire country crumble because he is too egotistical to do the right thing. The only thing he has actually accomplished since taking office is to find ways to silence any opposing viewpoints. He would be a good politician in the USA. He says what sounds good to people and then completely fails to follow through.

now Mr 4 posts

to clear this up, the policy on the Rohinga was Thaksin's creation, its well documented, and as soon as Abhisit became aware of it, it was stopped

please check your facts before posting slanderous untrue comments

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yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

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If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations.

Abhisit is indeed a good guy. He deserves credit for not striking hard at his adversaries like the average politician - the whole country would have to pay. However, what can he do other than call new elections to put a stop to the current stalemate?

What can he do? Well, enforcing the criminal laws of Thailand would be a start.

I mean, there's citizens setting up check points at they see fit all around the country, seizing vehicles, blocking trains, storming hospitals, seizing garbage trucks, and the list goes on, and on. So yes, Abhisit has lost control. The red shirts seem to be able to enforce their newly made laws, whereas the police don't seem capable of enforcing Thailand's laws.

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So yes I have lost a lot of respect for him as a leader but as a person he is a decent human being.

Forgive me if i'm mistaking you for another red sympathiser, but was it not you who said that Abhisit had blood on his hands? And now you are calling him a decent human being right?

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