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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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still there's a deafening silence from the gov,even the whole world is outraged about this. Same tactic as the reds, wait and see of how it works out before any statement is made. What a shame government this is too.

I always thought governments are in place to govern and not to watch like bystanders.

The world knows about what's going on....why isn't this major front page news or a major news story on Western TV channels?

The answer is simple....Thailand is not a place most people care about.

The price of Thailand's tracking symbol and it's 2 major US-based investment funds have not even been affected in any major way by this red-shirt protest.

The only noticeable affect is the drop in tourism....the simple reality is that nobody really cares in the international community about a corrupt little country and it's internal politics.

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This is hilarious :)

The reds, whilst wrong to go into the hospital in numbers, did not endanger anyone or obstruct any medical care.

The overreaction now is another sign of YELLOW PROPAGANDA, hyping up a small story.

Remember the reports of army soldiers firing rubber bullets at, and beating up, medical workers treating Reds on April 10th. Do you see this discussed in the media or swept under the carpet. The April 10th events were far worse given the actual abuse of medical workers.

Pure yellow propaganda now......... nothing more.

How many people were beaten up ? How many died ? How many medical workers were beaten ?

You will find the answers are none, the reason for moving the patients is purely now as a media circus show for yellow media propaganda.

you have a very nice forgiving personality !

I am not red, not yellow neither. I look at this incident from a point of human being - storm a hospital is a wrong doing, not even in a state of war.

perhaps as you said - abuse medical services, was not acceptable neither.

IF you consider this is an 'as usual' event, I have no say !

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

So you are saying the invasion of a hospital is OK? Under any circumstances?

You have been completely brainwashed.

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What an achievement. Closing down a public hospital used mainly by poor people anbd forcing other hospitals to become over worked and overcrowded. Even if they cant hand the lunatics over you would hope today they would consdier going home or even cancelling the vile hate filled rhetoric and then party music

Wengs apology is ridiculous without action. Go home or hand the paerpetrators over without condition. Sick people and medical workers should be free of interference by gangs known for their violence

have to clear hospital ready for red shirt casualtys :)

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NOTE TO MODERATOR: Please note I did not express myself in the same way I did last week when I got banned for three days. But really, shouldn't we be justified in using some colorful language in these cases?



Best post ever; short, to the point...best moderator ever. :)

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"For outpatients, if their symptoms are not serious we asked them to postpone treatment," the spokeswoman said.

A Red Shirt leader publicly apologised Friday, saying guards told demonstration leaders that they saw soldiers inside the hospital located near one of their main barricades.

"On behalf of all leaders, I apologise to the public and Chulalongkorn Hospital for the incident," Weng Tojirakarn said. "The situation got out of control.

That's insane and has nothing to do with political views. Whoever the leader of this country is. All people involved should be in prison now.

It's about time Thaksin stood up to denounce the actions of the red shirts! either that or keep quiet in his luxury villa and wait for more of 'his people' kill each other!

Why is there so little being done by the so-called western governments, who invest a lot of money in Asia/Thailand?

The multi-cultural multi coloured nation is falling apart rapidly! Someone stand up and be counted!

One angry Thai resident, Kevin

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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

It would seem your views, like the red's, have become so illogical that they are now comical.

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

naaaaa they are busy today anyway ... its the end of the month .... collection time

Edited by Herm
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Levelhead - please provide your residential address.

I'd like to arrange a few lovely looking thugs with battons to visit your house for "inspection". Nothing wrong or illegal with that I gather, given your posts.

And yes, we'll leave one guy in each room just in case, just to keep you safe. Not to forget, we'll also bring a power generator and put some yellow radio on 24/7 and keep the whole neighbourhood up. I know you won't mind at all. You like to listen to politics and screaming around the clock.

If you complain, we'll tell you to shut up. If you try to get anyone out of the house, we'll call EU and UN, saying you're bloody murderer. And threaten to burn down your house if you try to turn that radio off.

I guess nothing wrong with the above, right Levelhead?

Somewhere in Montenegro

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

naaaaa they are busy today anyway ... its the end of the month .... collection time

Too right, they have been out in force in my hamlet today - same people being caught without helmets :)

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I'm re-posting this out of being so upset at reading about the evacuation QUOTE (elcent @ 2010-04-30 11:06:12) post_snapback.gifQUOTE (WinnieTheKhwai @ 2010-04-30 11:00:25) post_snapback.gifLet's keep things in perspective pls. Why

is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

... after waiting so long to see of how it works out, that's the perspective of a terrorist supporter like Weng and the likes.END OF QUOTE

obviously you've never been in hospital for a major operation . I am a frequent -hospital goer and can all too well picture myself " attached to the wall" to pumps & perfusions , naked under the sheet, at the door of death with its cold hand on my ( fill whatever part of body you cherish most), shot full of morphin , and suddenly a mob of bastards come storming my room; don't these morons know about heart attacks ?

don't YOU know about heart attacks ? When I'm feeble like this, a sharp word from an under -assistant nurse sets me sick for two hours. Imagine patients in intensive ward ,where family isn't allowed, so as not to bring microbs in, and the operations that were being performed .

someone lacks imagination here . Anyway, what if soldiers where in the hospital? they're the govt's soldiers . Two workers were abducted.Them thugs have lowered the situation to levels of African proportions.

My thoughts go to the nurses in this hospital ,generally nurses are angels for the seriously sick. .

I didn't know the hospital was evacuated when I wrote that, I'm revolted.

Edited by souvenirdeparis
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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

You are really sick. I spent 4 years with my very sick father. In and out of hospitals. Many times he could not walk nor feed himself for weeks. If somebody came into a hospital where he was and did what they did last night, I would have gone home, got a gun, and shot them myself. I am NOT a gun advocate. Actually the opposite. But there are times when being able to defend yourself is good...and this would have been one.

You need to really think what you are saying here...very sick. You are a disgrace for sure....

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NOTE TO MODERATOR: Please note I did not express myself in the same way I did last week when I got banned for three days. But really, shouldn't we be justified in using some colorful language in these cases?



Best post ever; short, to the point...best moderator ever. :)

You've got some brown stuff on your nose you might want to wipe off, lol

Just kidding you, I got a kick out of the reply too. Not sure what is more emotional for folks ... this whole red mob issue or not be allowed to read or talk about it on TV for a few days.

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Certainly incorrect for protesters whatever their shirt color to enter an hospital . For soldiers and police as well its incorrect to use an hospital as forward base .

Why did the red shirts do that ?


Why isn't even a question that needs to be asked ...

Why haven't the reds surrendered the perpetrators?" is a valid question.

Why hasn't the government protected the hospital and the people that live and work in Silom?" is another valid question.

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

Yes, watching their past performance, during both PAD and Red demonstrations, I would agree, that most of the Police are Red.

As for the military, I do believe, that most of their leaders are not on the Red side. Yet, there are enough of them, together with the police, to create a really ugly, bloody civil war.

The police. in the past, have taken sides against the PAD and for Thaksin and now, for Thaksin's Reds. The military, seemed to favour the PAD in the past, but, like I said, there are bound to be some Reds, in the military brass, too.

As for the average Grunt, (Soldier), I don't think, they will disobey orders from their Superiors. Not many will anyways. Yet, they may follow their immediate superiors, rather than Anupong.

I see the Reds as a wolf in sheeps clothing. Leave them out there long enough and they will hang themselves, by their actions. After all, there will be an election at some point and everyone is out there, trying to sway some of that future vote.

Once the demonstrations are all over, the spin doctors will go at it, to claim political victory. Meanwhile, we'll just have to keep watching all the Drama Queens :)

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This is out of control. The best thing now would probably have been a military coup, but even the military in this country is unlikely to want to deal with this mess.

Can't they outsource the administration of Thailand to Germany or some other well organised country? The Thais have shown beyond any reasonably doubt that none of their own citizens are willing or able to take leadership unless he can line his own pockets with truckloads of brown banknotes.

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I posted this on the other thread, but am re-posting it here, as I would welcome thoughts on this:
I have a feeling (confirmed by Weng's "apology" this morning), that we have seen the last of the violence. The Vibhavadi Road incident was a turning point. The Reds are losing the propaganda war. Thaksin's confiscated money has today be transferred out of his and his kids frozen accounts and to the Ministry of Finance.

The battle is over. It's now all about face-saving. How do both sides end this without looking like they lost? My bet is a third party (I don't mean the King) will have to come in and negotiate. I doubt it will be EU/UN because that would be unacceptable to the gov't. Must be some respected and neutral person within Thai life, if there is any left?


Always a possibility eh..........it does however assume that the so called "red leaders" are in control of their "troops". The boys on stage may even be getting a horrible sinking feeling in their guts, like "oh sh*t Jatuporn......this is getting out of hand". I'm sure they must be considering what's going to happen to them when inevitably they'll be arrested (handing themselves in or whatever). Stupid stuid stupid........there was a point at which they could have got out of it (after April 10th) with a reasonable timeframe for elections and possibly a bit of sympathy from those undecided voters...........not now.......mugs.

Come on you whites!!!

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The Red leaders simply play good-guy bad-guy.

If Weng was sincere about his apology, why doesn't he turn in Payap and the 200 guards who stormed the hospital?


EXACTLY !! this is the responsibility of a 'leader' !!

where is that CRIMINAL Payap now ? show up, you are deserved !!



So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.

You see it very clear.The yellow shirts are giving Abhisit support with a lot of false information.

Deputy PM Suthep has raised the alarming prospect of action against those named in the army’s document alleging a plot to overthrow the monarchy. Many people are on his blacklist.Hundreds of web sides are blocked.

Now they let us believe that the red shirts threaten hospitals and medical staff.

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You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

Do some research. The Red scum thought they had a valid reason, in their opinion, to put those poor, sick people in unnecessary danger. Still does not give them the right to think they are above the law because they have a red bandana in their back pocket. Scum, the lot of them. Lower than a snakes belly!

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"For outpatients, if their symptoms are not serious we asked them to postpone treatment," the spokeswoman said.

A Red Shirt leader publicly apologised Friday, saying guards told demonstration leaders that they saw soldiers inside the hospital located near one of their main barricades.

"On behalf of all leaders, I apologise to the public and Chulalongkorn Hospital for the incident," Weng Tojirakarn said. "The situation got out of control.

That's insane and has nothing to do with political views. Whoever the leader of this country is. All people involved should be in prison now.

Well said Weng .

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This is out of control. The best thing now would probably have been a military coup, but even the military in this country is unlikely to want to deal with this mess.

Can't they outsource the administration of Thailand to Germany or some other well organised country? The Thais have shown beyond any reasonably doubt that none of their own citizens are willing or able to take leadership unless he can line his own pockets with truckloads of brown banknotes.

I think Montenegro would be interested ...

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

This apology is consistent with their policy of denial and nothing else - their actions have been consistent with those of a large mob of criminals and the government has to take action NOW to stop the anarchy. If the reds should win, Thaksin will return and the country will face total anarchy.


The whole thing isn't that easy, even in the lower North east are red meetings on daily bases. They pay 500 for a ordinary citizen and up to 2,000 for an 'educated' person. The reds would only win, if the actual PM would leave.

Thaksin lost a lot of his fans, it's only the money that keeps most of the reds in Bangkok. There must be something like an Intelligence service, or? Lock up all the people who have something to say and it will stop from alone.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we've got mostly 'paid' protesters, who don't even know what a democracy is. Their leaders are telling them anything and they're doing it. Try to solve the problem at the top.

I had a dream, a foreigner living in Pattaya came by in a YELLOW HUMMER, being a SWAT team alone and he solved all problems with his 'special Teak wood do" fight style.

All reds went home crying, losing face and money. I HAD A DREAM.


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This is out of control. The best thing now would probably have been a military coup, but even the military in this country is unlikely to want to deal with this mess.

Can't they outsource the administration of Thailand to Germany or some other well organised country? The Thais have shown beyond any reasonably doubt that none of their own citizens are willing or able to take leadership unless he can line his own pockets with truckloads of brown banknotes.

Thai lak Thai

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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we have the police, army, educators, government officials, and poor people all red and yet the Thai government doesn't listen to them.

How does that work?

Oh I remember, the government wasn't elected, they had a coup, that's all right then.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

... after waiting so long to see of how it works out, that's the perspective of a terrorist supporter like Weng and the likes.

Maybe he should consider changing his TV member name to "SquealerThe Pig". More apt I think.

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Most police are reds as most come from issan. Same with army. I have many relatives in the police and the army. As we all know, both organizations are extremely corrupt...as is most of Thailand. It's just a fact of life. Sad, but true.

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So what were the red shirts planning to do to the troops had they have been there?!

This is just going to far! Something needs to be done, and SOON

Could not agree more,this defiant,anarcic behaviour needs to be stopped/ended and soon!!!; however the Government/Military latest srategy is to lay siege to the sites ,arrest the leaders, and generally wear them down.

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