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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

so getting prmission for 5 people and then 'storming' in with 200 is not a raid ?

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...the video of grenade attacks coming from behind red lines at sala Daeng...

Where is the video referred to? Anyone got a link?

It's here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hSEPOC71g

At 1.02 you can see the trajectory of the grenade coming from a little to the right of the redshirts in the foreground.


Nice clear vid. Just a matter of time before you get the 'well it was soldiers dressed as reds who infiltrated the red lines to fire on their own troops and civilians' arguments.

No, anyone with a brain will realise that that's a farty little firework and not a grenade. :)

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Perspective? Say what? Fabricated indignation? I can guarantee you Winnie, that the indignation felt by myself, the doctors and patients in this hospital and anyone else with any "perspective" is genuine, not fabricated. A bunch of people with serious illnesses have had to be evacuated because of this latest red shirt stunt. Even I didn't think the red shirts would stoop this low, even after all their other acts of stupidity. Winnie, can you not see how vile this is? "it happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry" - what about the people lying helpless in their hospital beds - jeez, I think you have LOST your perspective.

Shame on the red shirts for doing this and shame on anyone who tries to justify it. Dr. Weng's "apology" is too little, too late.

I see very few red shirt supporters posting in this particular thread. Maybe even they are now beginning to see the true nature of these fake champions of the poor.

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

Not everybody is involved in the two sides you mention or even the multiple sides that really exist. Some would like to see a side that isnt discredited. Unfortunately right now that animal doesnt exist

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Clearly Democracy doesn't exist in Thailand. But we all know that :)

If democracy doesn't exist in Thailand, what are the reds going to change to bring it in?

Can you explain your version of what does exist in Thailand?

Can you explain why the last few elections were NOT democratic?

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

The difference is that all Governments will ultimately be held accountable for their actions, and the red shirts who violated the terms of the Geneva Convention by entering the hospital?? That is why the International Red Cross have complained. Contrary to popular belief the Geneva convention is not just for the protection of soldiers during International War, it is also for the protection of civilians, medical staff and medical facilities in any form of conflict, even domestic. You use the term 'we f****d up', well did you ever, and an apology is not good enough.

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I spent 2 months in Chula. Its a teaching hospital which means it is even more important than an ordinary hospital. They had the best specialists for my case - everyone advised I go there for diagnosis instead of the other private hospitals. In fact many of the great professors who work at Chula and teach medicine there also have private practice. But I have seen their machines and their MRI, CAT and other nuclear medicine machines are state of the art.

Red shirt disruption is huge. To patients, to doctors, to med students, to other hospitals. It has a ripple effect. And it will affect some people's health for the worse, more than likely.

The red shirts should be shot. I hope they get shot soon and this goes away soon. Our business is suffering terribly, customers are hurting, wife and I are re-financing things. All cause red shirts cant seem to understand democracy works by voting not by sharpening a stick and demanding something from someone. f*cking peasants.

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Math qne fam. with 2 adult children makes 2000 bath a day thats 60.000 bath a month more then what they make a year = they stay till money flow stops

500 bath a day for pesants and up to 2000 for city dwellers who gone to school. who pays for that? i do not think takky will keep that up much longer and all the other "investors" should be found and charged for inciting violence

Wow... that's a lot of baths... don't they know there's a drought?

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I remember when the Berlin wall was breaked down in late 1989. A lot of east germans and farrangs in Germany(russians) where saying like all these piggy whiners on this home page, who get their circles disturbed in the small soi's of Bangkok: "Set in the military, Thailands economy at stake, act on these terrorist, arrest their leaders, big trouble annoying a hospital". There will allways be voices like that, but they should try to understand the counterpart. Why are these redshirts risking their lives, what is worth doing that for? Well maybe there is a reason! In some countries these voices are called conservatives - I call them PIGGY WHINERS - they don't like change, that is inevitably. Change is coming to Thailand.

Just soak in the intellectual level of this red shirt apologist's argument. Comparing what is happening in Bangkok to the reunification of Germany. Comparing caucasian expats in Thailand with no power at all (but who mostly know a dangerous power grab by violent THUGS when they see one) to Russian controllers of East Germany. It is stunning, really, and also very funny!

Many of the expat soggy liberal crowd desperately search around for any historical parallel they can find, which they think might support their position.

Unfortunately they are also tourists of historical accuracy and don't even understand the reference they so proudly wave to demonstrate their limited comprehension.

The bedsit revolutionaries still end up harnessed to Thaksin's chariot.

They get confused poor things.

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Good factual information here.

I heard a red shirt leader speaking on BBC World saying they wanted one man one vote. I thought this was BS. However, I now learn that some constituancies elect more than one member. As a result, some people get up to 3 votes! Is this correct? Sounds undemocratic to me.


You mean they vote too much ?

(In fact, what they want is "One Thaksin, one vote")

No, you clown!

Clearly in a democracy it is one man one vote.........

Clearly Democracy doesn't exist in Thailand. But we all know that :)

Actually, I did not know that.

I truly believed that it was one man one vote, albeit distorted by coersion and vote buying.

If some constituencies have more than one vote then the constitution needs changing.

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

Hey Vicco! Apology NOT accepted!

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I remember when the Berlin wall was breaked down in late 1989. A lot of east germans and farrangs in Germany(russians) where saying like all these piggy whiners on this home page, who get their circles disturbed in the small soi's of Bangkok: "Set in the military, Thailands economy at stake, act on these terrorist, arrest their leaders, big trouble annoying a hospital". There will allways be voices like that, but they should try to understand the counterpart. Why are these redshirts risking their lives, what is worth doing that for? Well maybe there is a reason! In some countries these voices are called conservatives - I call them PIGGY WHINERS - they don't like change, that is inevitably. Change is coming to Thailand.

OK, so tell us. What are the issues that the red shirts are prepared to die for?

Please don't give us the list of 6 wooley demands.

I want to know what policies they would like to see implemented. And I can NEVER get an answer to this.............

Nobody is objecting to change. I for one would like to know what changes and when.

Do you know of any of the changes the democrats have implemented to date?

Well, it's two diffent things really. None of the Red Shirt rank and file are prepared to die because their leaders have told them the government will either back down and acquiesce to their demands or that their "black army" would protect them. OTOH the Red Shirt leaders are certainly prepared to let people die, and the reason? to push for non accountability of federal budget disbursements to the provinces, hopefully by a PTP government. What, you say? No one's talking about that? Well, that's what this is all about, looting the treasury.

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

It's amazing how the red shirts get slammed over 15 pages for entering a hospital without hurting anyone ...and the army gets away with nothing but praise for "doing their job" after they killed one of their own soldiers. Amazing Thailand. :D

The friendly-fire incident involving the unfortunate soldier was a mistake. The "Storming" of the hospital was not an accident. Big difference and if it was not for the Red Shirts, the freindly-fire incident would not have happened. Period!

I am absolutely aghast at the fact there are farangs n this thread, most of whom i am sure were born and raised in developed, civilised, democratic countries who are defending this abhorant act. Wise-up!

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I remember when the Berlin wall was breaked down in late 1989. A lot of east germans and farrangs in Germany(russians) where saying like all these piggy whiners on this home page, who get their circles disturbed in the small soi's of Bangkok: "Set in the military, Thailands economy at stake, act on these terrorist, arrest their leaders, big trouble annoying a hospital". There will allways be voices like that, but they should try to understand the counterpart. Why are these redshirts risking their lives, what is worth doing that for? Well maybe there is a reason! In some countries these voices are called conservatives - I call them PIGGY WHINERS - they don't like change, that is inevitably. Change is coming to Thailand.

OK, so tell us. What are the issues that the red shirts are prepared to die for?

Please don't give us the list of 6 wooley demands.

I want to know what policies they would like to see implemented. And I can NEVER get an answer to this.............

Nobody is objecting to change. I for one would like to know what changes and when.

Do you know of any of the changes the democrats have implemented to date?

Well, it's two diffent things really. None of the Red Shirt rank and file are prepared to die because their leaders have told them the government will either back down and acquiesce to their demands or that their "black army" would protect them. OTOH the Red Shirt leaders are certainly prepared to let people die, and the reason? to push for non accountability of federal budget disbursements to the provinces, hopefully by a PTP government. What, you say? No one's talking about that? Well, that's what this is all about, looting the treasury.

A pertinent post, thanks!

It does seem to be a game to the Red leaders. Indeed they go about their activities with such a brazen attitude that it is clear that part of the 'game', is when they do finally renegotiate a cease fire and an end to all this, the first requirement will be that all Red Leaders are immune from prosecution for their activities. Well I hope the PM looks them straight in the eye and says 'not a chance', they won't need skin cream to turn white then!

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dear mazeltov how delusional are you its only thanks to that gov. that there is not more blood. the only people really trying to have fights is that red mob. there the only ones shouting come and get us so they can go trough with there hidden agenda.

Dude. What is the hidden agenda in demanding a new election?

On which side are the most dead and the most injured? Which media channels get shut down and websites banned and censored? Who tries something to hide here?

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It's so sad that people like you've got the right to post here. How can you dare to write such a post?

Have you aver heard what an ICU is? Can't you imagine how difficult it is to move all patients to other hospitals? Yes, people might die because the lack of treatment, a heart attack, or a post like yours. Shame on you.

You are missing one important fact here, any move through an outside environment of a patient within 4 day's from serious surgery increases the chance of infection considerably and therefor the reds have caused suffering and may be even the death of some patients

Right, and this is one of the few hospitals which does high dose chemo followed by stem-cell transplant. These patients have to be isolated for about three weeks because after the chemo they don't have white blood cells left. Their changes of getting an infection is close to 100%. I have had this procedure because of blood cancer in Chulallongkorn and would not be here without that. These special rooms are close to the protest side and the patients feel already miserable without all this red shit.

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :D

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D


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Can we use a redshirt game plan

Thai Vista posters if you agree with this please cut and paste the following

The Red Shirt leader must turn over these red shirt lawbreakers

Of they have proved they are not in Control

If they are no longer in control

Stop the protest and every one go home

Better still start of a new thread with this in mind

this is the trick the red shirts use

wonder how many TV posters agree

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What's happening now seems to mitigate in favour of the government completing its full elected term, rather than dissolving parliament early. It's very important to arrest a bunch of the armed guerilla faction and the leaders who have instigated violence and taking over of public places in a way that infringes on the rights of others. They need to get trials under way fast and track down as many of their weapons as possible to prevent outbreaks of armed banditry, looting and rape. I believe that the overdue trials of the yellow shirt leaders for taking over the airports should also get under way. A few 30 year sentences handed down to red and yellow leaders and death sentences to terrorists who fired on the military might make people think twice about these types of protest in future. Otherwise the country is going to break down into warlords and anarchy quite soon.

That would indeed be the solution but knowing Thailand just a little bit, I'm very worried nobody will go to jail. Just wait a little longer and you'll hear them coming and deals will be made.. All those red and yellow cowards with big mouths who claim to do it for their country and King will happily make deals with the enemy to avoid jailterm. The only one not giving in IMO will be Chamlong but he looks like he's living in a prison already, LOL.

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dear mazeltov how delusional are you its only thanks to that gov. that there is not more blood. the only people really trying to have fights is that red mob. there the only ones shouting come and get us so they can go trough with there hidden agenda.

Dude. What is the hidden agenda in demanding a new election?

On which side are the most dead and the most injured? Which media channels get shut down and websites banned and censored? Who tries something to hide here?

The question is: Why are they demanding a new election?

Minority groups don't get to force elections in a democracy.

Parties don't get to form government in a democracy if they don't have majority support.

Red democracy is all about Minority Rules.

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :D

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

It's amazing how the red shirts get slammed over 15 pages for entering a hospital without hurting anyone ...and the army gets away with nothing but praise for "doing their job" after they killed one of their own soldiers. Amazing Thailand. :D

The friendly-fire incident involving the unfortunate soldier was a mistake. The "Storming" of the hospital was not an accident. Big difference and if it was not for the Red Shirts, the freindly-fire incident would not have happened. Period!

I am absolutely aghast at the fact there are farangs n this thread, most of whom i am sure were born and raised in developed, civilised, democratic countries who are defending this abhorant act. Wise-up!

Defending it?? Who's defending it? It was really stupid, bad move, illegal, against all aspects of decent behavior, violation of Geneva conventions, rules of war,

They totally fuc_ked up....they admit it. It happens sometimes....(Jeez.. have I made it clear enough now that I disagree with their actions) .both sides have fuc_ked up in various ways....so far Reds have won in that department..but give the authorities time, they have all the potential to out-fuc_k up the Reds.......just stay tuned... :)

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They did not "storm" the hospital. They entered it and searched it because they believed it was being used by the army to set up an operation against them.

Nobody was hurt

No damage was done.

The hospital reacted by evacuated most of the patients (why) nobody interfered with the medical staff or patients. Good theater though...Bet the Nation lapped it up.

They have offered a public apology

They have admitted that it was wrong.

They fuc_ked up. It was not a smart move.... :)

They are mostly feeling embarrassed and trying to explain, or make excuses for their bad behavior.....

The US, UK and allies invaded Iraq because they believed that Iraq had WMD's They fuc_ked up as well....no WMD's..oh dear....get over it.

People fuc_k up...especially when under severe stress.....get over it.

Wait 24 hrs....the government will almost certainly fuc_k up even more...they will probably send in troops to occupy a hospital now because

they figure that the reds won't risk another "storming".......then we can start all over again...and get over that too.

I'm very sorry this happened. On behalf of all Thaksin/Red apologists....we are very very sorry. We have apologised OK... :D ..but we are watching

next time the other side fuc_ks up...you are gonna hear from us ...at least 40 pages of "told you so's", but most of us seem to have a better vocabulary

range than the anti-reds, so we will used better, more original and even kinder language on you. Won't take long, stay tuned.... :D

Hey Vicco! Apology NOT accepted!

I accept it - on behalf of myself and any other TV posters prepared to be gracious.

However, I also think that it will be the first of many and it will NOT be the government having to apologise next.

Oh.... I don't accept it on behalf of the hospital patients who have, at a minimum, been inconvenienced and - in many cases - distressed by these events. It is up to them whether they accept Weng's apology.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Perspective? Say what? Fabricated indignation? I can guarantee you Winnie, that the indignation felt by myself, the doctors and patients in this hospital and anyone else with any "perspective" is genuine, not fabricated. A bunch of people with serious illnesses have had to be evacuated because of this latest red shirt stunt. Even I didn't think the red shirts would stoop this low, even after all their other acts of stupidity. Winnie, can you not see how vile this is? "it happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry" - what about the people lying helpless in their hospital beds - jeez, I think you have LOST your perspective.

Shame on the red shirts for doing this and shame on anyone who tries to justify it. Dr. Weng's "apology" is too little, too late.

I see very few red shirt supporters posting in this particular thread. Maybe even they are now beginning to see the true nature of these fake champions of the poor.

Yes indeed. The reds are a busted flush here.

Let's hope the same happens on the streets and they go home and prepare an election campaign with a real manifesto

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dear mazeltov how delusional are you its only thanks to that gov. that there is not more blood. the only people really trying to have fights is that red mob. there the only ones shouting come and get us so they can go trough with there hidden agenda.

Dude. What is the hidden agenda in demanding a new election?

On which side are the most dead and the most injured? Which media channels get shut down and websites banned and censored? Who tries something to hide here?

Simple really, on which side are the most guns? Don't take a pointy bamboo stick to a gun fight! In fact don't go to a gun fight.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Perspective? With all that has happened in the last 3 weeks I would have thought even a red shirt sympathizer could / should not try and made this act or the others you mentioned sound just and legitimate. Poor sick people, pregnant mothers and the like. For goodness sake. It is time for the rabble rousers to call it a day on both sides before it ends in civil war. And please pardon me for my humble opinion on the subject.

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