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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Here my suggestion, Water cannons filled with Klong water from lets say Sathorn mixed in pig excrement collected from the numerous pig farms near Bangkok - spray the whole area with a thick layer. But I'm sure the Klong water and crap solution would work ....think of the trillions of flies .........

Try indelible ink, or semi-permanent colored stain that banks use to mark stolen bank notes, in the water. Should be no innocent bystanders now behind the barricades. Easily identifiable later.

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Two days ago I wandered through the Red area. I would estimate numbers to be down more than 90% from my previous visit 9 days earlier. People look tired, the smiles and sense of sanuk are largely gone.

How many of them are there. I mean, as an estimate. A thousand? Five thousand? Ten thousand?

It's hard to tell with all that netting.

How long could you go on M150, Thai whisky, sleeping on the street, listening to a Thai sound system 24 hours a day, under the constant fear of attack before your smile would fade?

It's my own theory, but I believe that the Thais are genetically incapable of sensory overload, be it, hot food, noise, color, etc.

For those who may not have seen one, this is a rural sound-truck, can also be classified as a sonic weapon. The occasion was a donation to the local wat to build a new restroom, big event. Sorry, I just love these people.


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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

You are right, you can't arrest people because they are the exact image of a wanted poster. However, if they look exactly like the wanted poster and even have the same hairstyle, you do at least call them in for questioning and see if they can clear themselves. If you are a policeman, sworn to uphold the law, you are supposed to question the guy. If you don't at least do this, why bother even talking to witnesses of crimes in the first place?

To Weng.

Is all of your lying, terrorism, really worth the money you are getting paid or most likely won't be paid. You took an oath to save people. How can you let the greed get a hold of you? You are guilty by association no matter how many phony apologies you make.

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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

Edited by timekeeper
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Be prepared for a lot more and larger bombings

Remember this guy ?


many ton's of war weapons and explosives disappeared from his army camp. He was arrested but than bailed

Even though he looks more like a crook, he is an army general who has his hands on tons of explosives and guns. It would be silly to assume he had no knowledge of such a huge amount of weapons and explosives disappearing from his barracks.

He also is evidently a deciding force behind the red mob as has been made clear with the re-erection of the barricades on his orders. It is save to assume that he is responsible for the terrorist activities of the red's and we may see the first "war-lord" here. he is probably the most dangerous of them all and has hundreds of followers among the soldiers he used to command and of course brainwash for his cause - little brain - easy to wash - just like he was brain washed by Thaksin or one of his henchmen

One should be prepared for a lot more bombings since this lovely chap has closed all doors behind him and now has no choice but to prevail, just as all the other leaders of the red mob. They are with their "backs against a wall" since to give up is not really an option anymore, things have gone way too far and long prison sentences would be a certainty.

We are now facing cornered animals who will do anything to succeed !

Edited by Herm
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For what it's worth, I believe the Director (or the person who authorised) of Chulla Hospital should do the honourable thing and resign for bringing so much shame upon himself by putting all his patients and staff in mortal danger when he openned his doors to a known terrorist group. Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility.

I can not believe that you do not understand the concept of nuetrality or are you so blind and blinkered that you can not see that these actions were despicable; or to quote you directly "Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility."

The ENTIRE WORLD for decades has agreed that Hospitals and their staff/ patients are classed as neutral... under the Geneva Convention concern for wounded soldiers in the late 19th century and has come to encompass the protection of prisoners of war, civilians and civilian non-combatants including reporters, photographers, and religious and medical personnel.

For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

For your information and education I have provided you a brief overview of both the hsitory of the Geneva Convention and its history as well as the Hippacratic Oath taken by ALL Medical personel AROUND THE WORLD!

".... originated in a conference, held from October 26 to 29, with thirty-nine delegates from sixteen nations attending, approved some sweeping resolutions and laid the groundwork for a gathering of plenipotentiaries. On August 22, 1864, twelve nations signed an international treaty, commonly known as the Geneva Convention, agreeing to guarantee neutrality to sanitary personnel, to expedite supplies for their use, and to adopt a special identifying emblem - in virtually all instances a red cross on a field of white..."

That means that help and assistance is given to ANYONE who needs it... RED/ YELLOW? PINK? BLUE or Rainbow, Thai/ Farang it doesnt matter; the idea being assistance and medical help is provided to ANYONE who needs it no matter their creed/ political/social background or beliefs.

The Hippocratic Oath that medical practitioners take binds them to provide medical help to anyone who needs it :

"I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods, and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant: To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art–if they desire to learn it–without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken the oath according to medical law, but to no one else....

I will apply dietic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice....

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief....

What I may see or hear in the course of treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep myself holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot."

It truely upsets me to see the current situation as the only end I can see is not one of peace and this will only hurt the people and the country of Thailand which I have come to love. My heart goes out to all teh people who have been affected by this political and violent situation and I hope with all my heart that it is resolved soon - if leaders of all groups stopped thinking so much about their personal gain and the power they stood to gain and more about the country I believe a solution could be found.

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Let us also not forget that school is set to open soon. Will the children be able to safely get to school? Will the traffic be so bad in downtown BKK that kids have to get up at 3:00 am in order to get to school? Will parents have to leave their houses by 4:00 so they can get their kids to school by 7:30 and then make it over to their places of employment?

These demonstrations are hurting many people. They are not democratic, they are criminal. There is no justification for what the red shirt demonstrators are doing, no matter their grievances. This is not the way to solve the problems in Thai society.

I live in an area near the demonstrations and I work at a school near the demonstrations. My family is living in fear. The high anxiety is taking its toll on our lives. We, and many others, are victims of this criminal mob. There is no resolution to this situation on the horizon. We long for a return to normalcy so that we can simply live our lives in relative peace.

Up until today I have only advocated political solutions. Honest negotiation and compromise has been my position. But this does not seem to be happening. The divisions are apparently too great. Rational minds have not prevailed. We are tired, weary of the anarchy, stressed and oppressed. Sadly, and with a heavy heart, I am forced to change my position.

The government and security forces need to clear these hooligans, thugs, freedom fighters, insurrectionists, terrorists, and 'democracy' advocates from the streets. They have no right to be there and they must be removed, now, today, in broad daylight and with the media present. The government has the moral and legal authority to act. And this is what they must do.

Schools should make sure children are not exposed to similar risks the patients and workers of Chula hospital were. Period. Quite how a movement that claims, but looks increasingly discreduited in claiming, to be about democracy, fairness and human rights can create the conditions where hospitals and schools cannot function normally is beyond me but it says a lot about the movement.

They reblocked the hospital going back on their word and then failed to attend a meeting just because of their own paranoia about being arrested for what are now real crimes. They put their own safety and avoidance of arrest before that of the ordinary citizen. This is no longer a movement about demcracy and it has badly let down those with legitimate grievances that it rallied initially. At one time they had a lot of sympathy among a lot of people and many of their demands remain reasonable. Sadly they have undermined this with their awful and agressive tactics, arrogance and complete lack of respect for ordinary people. These so called leaders should take a long look at themsleves and how they have managed to turn a peaceful campaign for the betterment of others lot into an armed violent campaign bent on squashing the rights of anyone they come across while holed up in an armed fortress with walls manned by thugs and fed with hate filled lies and single source indoctrination on a daily basis. What does this have to do with democracy?

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A first arrest is made!!!

the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has arrested a man who is suspected for posting a message on the social networking website Facebook, with inappropriate content posing a threat to national security.

During the arrest the Police police confiscated more video and audio clips as well as pictures and articles deemed inappropriate and intended to stir up social unrest. A violation of the Computer Crime Act, in which violators will face up to no more than 15 years in prison.

And DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit asked the public to help to keep watch for dissemination of content that violates the Computer Crime Act If you see something inappropriate, content instigating rifts within the society report them to the police.

The DSI will root out persons in the network for punishment. So better watch out who is your friend at facebook and what this person are doing, if he posted something inappropriate to your wall you can get into big trouble, maybe you an get even in trouble for not reporting him when you know he does something obviously illegal.


Additional the access to a couple of facebook groups websites got blocked in Thailand. I guess that and the arrests for a facebook comment will make some international news over the weekend.

The other big story that goes INTER involves every-bodies darling Foreign Minister Kasit. While the brave man sees no problem when in a democratic country ambassadors meet with various political groups in the country it is viewed with concerns that a number of ambassador had meetings with anti-government protesters, no good because anti-government is illegal in Thailand.

There is also a group of certain Ambassadors who spreading false information and voicing opposition through the internet.

That is a story that will not make big headlines in the press, because it is an diplomatic issue and diplomats using other channels to communicate.

read the full story here

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Terry is now translating what's going on at the red stage, doing it live as they speak. Specifically talking about the hospital at the moment. A few recent tweets quoted below.


Another apology to Chula Hospital from red leader.But says reds were feeling the same fear that Chula patients were feeling.

If there were no soldiers in the area or no anti-red protestors, none of this would have happened, red leader says.

Tell Dr Tul, leader of multi-group and Chula doctor, to stop organising mobs to intimidate us, leader says.

Weng: We have apologised profusely. But if we apologise at a level of ten, it's not right to demand a level of 100,000.

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They even stood next to Payap while he was invading Chula hospital and nothing happend.

To be fair the police did explain why they didn't arrest him - they said that it wasn't a convenient time. :)

A convenient time will be only after they are completely sure there is no chance of the red clique ever returning to power. Then, the police will cast off their red underwear in a move so fast it is sure to give them tunnel vision from the G forces, as they all fight to cast their allegiance towards the solidifying power block.

The entire old guard listed in that chart released by the government needs to be completely and utterly defeated before we will see even a single arrest from the police. I don't like this attitude, but I can't really blame them either. Few in Thailand really care about duty or anyone other than themselves, and there is no way a policeman is going to arrest one of these red heavy weights with the possibility of them one day returning to exact revenge.

These red leaders are not nice people. They are extremely dangerous criminals. The police still have a sense of self preservation even for the few that do not agree with their cause. No, the police force is useless. Use the military to gather these guys up. You are allowed to do that under a state of emergency.

Simply disband the police force entirely and train up an entirely new batch with better moral values. Ask for some help from the international community. Allow the old police to reapply for the new force of course, but everyone has to start over at the bottom and their previous histories will be vetted thoroughly before considering their applications. Talk about a way to piss off a large number of Thailand's most powerful families in one pass.

That would be a truly entertaining move if Abhisit had a backbone.

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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

yee . . . not a good idea to demage Americian business nor to hunt any Americian critizen. from the recent history, we saw how Americian reacts on these issues. well their soldiers have the same M16 as that of the Thai soliders, but they are definitely not 'watermolen' !

advise to red protesters, aim better or NOT ATTACK anyone !

Edited by ETatBKK
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Terry is now translating what's going on at the red stage, doing it live as they speak. Specifically talking about the hospital at the moment. A few recent tweets quoted below.


Another apology to Chula Hospital from red leader.But says reds were feeling the same fear that Chula patients were feeling.

If there were no soldiers in the area or no anti-red protestors, none of this would have happened, red leader says.

Tell Dr Tul, leader of multi-group and Chula doctor, to stop organising mobs to intimidate us, leader says.

Weng: We have apologised profusely. But if we apologise at a level of ten, it's not right to demand a level of 100,000.

His final comment on that cluster is telling:

Red arguments 2day should keep the faithful happy,but whole thing is still a disaster for them, especially with undecideds -- and the press

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Be prepared for a lot more and larger bombings

Remember this guy ?


many ton's of war weapons and explosives disappeared from his army camp. He was arrested but than bailed

Even though he looks more like a crook, he is an army general who has his hands on tons of explosives and guns. It would be silly to assume he had no knowledge of such a huge amount of weapons and explosives disappearing from his barracks.

He also is evidently a deciding force behind the red mob as has been made clear with the re-erection of the barricades on his orders. It is save to assume that he is responsible for the terrorist activities of the red's and we may see the first "war-lord" here. he is probably the most dangerous of them all and has hundreds of followers among the soldiers he used to command and of course brainwash for his cause - little brain - easy to wash - just like he was brain washed by Thaksin or one of his henchmen

One should be prepared for a lot more bombings since this lovely chap has closed all doors behind him and now has no choice but to prevail, just as all the other leaders of the red mob. They are with their "backs against a wall" since to give up is not really an option anymore, things have gone way too far and long prison sentences would be a certainty.

We are now facing cornered animals who will do anything to succeed !

I said yesterday that the sudden decline of red credibility may not be the end, rather the opening curtain on the final act. A lot of bridges have been burned and I don't think one tactical defeat (Viphawadi) and one strategic slip (the hospital) is going to make the leadership surrender their lives.

Seh Daeng is not brainwashed and is not brainwashable , he is a highly intelligent, uncontrollable, self guided missle, and a nice guy to those that support him. THe story I like to tell (documented) is:

After Seh Daeng began visiting Thaksin is Cambodia, Anupong (his boss) relived Seh Daeng of his current responsibilites and instructed him to teach a dancing class. Seh Daeng is quoted as saying "I will prepare only one lesson, how to throw a grenade." He was later relieved and the day after, Anupong's office was bombed with a grenade. Seh Daeng was implicated.

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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

If the Red clan ever come to power you're going to see more not less bombings and violence. They will use their muscle to extort money from all corporations and institutions. According to Thanong they've been receiving very large "donations" of protection money already. It's warlordism.

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.....or, continue a sane policy that history will probably show as a major turning point in Thai political progress. Outlast their money, will, patience and support. I hope so, there are still too many elderly, women, children and babies in the site.

Two days ago I wandered through the Red area. I would estimate numbers to be down more than 90% from my previous visit 9 days earlier. People look tired, the smiles and sense of sanuk are largely gone. There seems to be a real sea change in support and it's hard to look good with a People's Movement when there are other large groups of people clearly opposed.

Thaksin has lowered his profile substantially and there are Red leaders that just seem to be missing. Maybe they have realized the big bonus won't eventuate.

Does anyone suspect maybe the money has stopped flowing? There are reports of protesters complaining of not being paid. The whole protest site is a hugely expensive logistics exercise plain for anyone to see. Who rents all the large generator units etc ....will they stay if the invoices don't get paid?

They might try some final desperate acts, but I think and hope the end of this chapter at least, is in sight.

I totally agree. Given all of the circumstances, I think that this has played out to be the least amount of casualities. I think Abhisit has made all of the right deceicions and his patience (Thai style) has played well. Abhisit should be commended for his decisions to this date. The last thing that he should do is resign. He has to stay on until a democratic election can be held. Because of the red terrorists actions, Abhisit will have stay on a minimum of one year, (not likely) to maybe three or more years. What the red terrorists wanted, was a riot to have Abhisit to resign and that would have been the worst mistake. Not saying that there won't be a riot for this to end, but now that the red terrosists have displayed their true colors for the world to see, at least it will be a lot smaller than what the red shirts wanted.

What is the alternative? Chavalit for PM?? This would sound like the western democracy. Both democratic parties funded by the same source. Hardly democracy at all. The red party and all affiliates have to be dissolved before democracy can be restored.

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For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

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For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

That is right. Some of the M79 did come from the top of Chula hospital. A few days ago the hospital's night manager admitted that he allowed some of the Red guards to access the hospital's roof on that night, but he said he didn't know why they needed it. He thought surveillance, but he now knows differently. Of course, the damage has been done.

Mazeltov, there is nothing about the Reds and the hospital that can be defended. The hospital gave medical aid to all Reds that needed it and the Reds bullied them and bullied them as if it wasn't a hospital.

Best you say nothing about this anymore as it is a horrific situation. Its a travesty committed by a bunch of thugs.

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Weng just appeared on Thai TV, saying that the guy wanted for the grenade attack on Banharn's house just happens to look exactly like the redshirt guy hanging around Chula hospital. You can't arrest people just because they look exactly like the wanted poster.

You are right, you can't arrest people because they are the exact image of a wanted poster. However, if they look exactly like the wanted poster and even have the same hairstyle, you do at least call them in for questioning and see if they can clear themselves. If you are a policeman, sworn to uphold the law, you are supposed to question the guy. If you don't at least do this, why bother even talking to witnesses of crimes in the first place?

To Weng.

Is all of your lying, terrorism, really worth the money you are getting paid or most likely won't be paid. You took an oath to save people. How can you let the greed get a hold of you? You are guilty by association no matter how many phony apologies you make.

I get the feeling in Thailand that police cannot arrest anybody unless a warrant is issued before hand. Then even if they are convicted and sentenced to jail they can then post bail to get out.

Edited by jcbangkok
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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

If the Red clan ever come to power you're going to see more not less bombings and violence. They will use their muscle to extort money from all corporations and institutions. According to Thanong they've been receiving very large "donations" of protection money already. It's warlordism.

You forgot to add that the red leaders have performed witchcraft to cause global warming and the collapse of the banking system; that they perform ritual human sacrifice on stage at Ratprasong; and that the rank and file eat live babies...

Good point!


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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

If the Red clan ever come to power you're going to see more not less bombings and violence. They will use their muscle to extort money from all corporations and institutions. According to Thanong they've been receiving very large "donations" of protection money already. It's warlordism.

You forgot to add that the red leaders have performed witchcraft to cause global warming and the collapse of the banking system; that they perform ritual human sacrifice on stage at Ratprasong; and that the rank and file eat live babies...

Well, just add those to the list of crimes they have committed. Thanks for the update as I didn't know they were doing and responsible for this too ... but makes sense since they are such an evil selfish and destructive bunch.

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Bombs Continue to Rock Silom

The glass walls and windows of Mc Donald's at Silom Center was damaged in what authorities believe to be either a bomb or gunfire attack while a ping pong bomb was thrown at Saladaeng intersection last night.

Just off Silom Road, the red-shirt protesters have erected more barricades in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in fear of efforts by the government to disperse the anti-government red-shirt protesters.

-- Tan Network 2010-05-01

i heard that a Thai fast food company had paid 175million baht to the reds so their stores nationally were not damaged

i think this news eliminates McDonalds from the speculation as to which fast food company it was

i also think the fugitive red leader seen munching a big mac in there recently might get his supply cut now too.......

If the Red clan ever come to power you're going to see more not less bombings and violence. They will use their muscle to extort money from all corporations and institutions. According to Thanong they've been receiving very large "donations" of protection money already. It's warlordism.

You forgot to add that the red leaders have performed witchcraft to cause global warming and the collapse of the banking system; that they perform ritual human sacrifice on stage at Ratprasong; and that the rank and file eat live babies...

Good point!


That Brahman Priest is a distant cousin to my wife. She has in her mind kicked himout of the family. His brother has carried out ceremonies for HM the king.

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For a group that is supposed to represent THE PEOPLE, it is suprising how much damage to the country of Thailand, its business and economy, not to mention the disruption to everyones lifestyles, health and finances have been caused by these protesters to teh very people of Thailand they are supposed to represent - what about the recent bomb atttack that resulted in a local business woman being killed by a grenade... all she was doing was closing her business after a hard days work earning a living (my sincere condolances go to her family) - how does this action help the people????

คนเลวบึ้มเอ็ม 79 บีทีเอสศาลาแดง เจ็บ 75 ดับ 1 - พยานอ้างยิงจาก รพ.จุฬาฯ


There have been reports that the M79 attacks on silom road came from the fifth floor of the chula hospital.

Rhe red shirts didn't want to kick out and bully all the patients at chula but had other reasons.

You mean to use it as a platform to stage attacks from?

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Tulsie is translating a letter from a Chula doctor. It is very disturbing

Rude intimidating. Entering any facility they wanted and barging into ICU

Utterly disgraceful. It gets worse the more you hear. And to think Weng is trying to excuse this. He is meant to be a doctor!

Edited to add: Kudos for the hospital director for refusing to go into the armed camp and saying the red leaders should have come to the hospital as arranged. At least somebody doesnt just jump to the tune of these people

Edited by hammered
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. At one time they had a lot of sympathy among a lot of people and many of their demands remain reasonable. Sadly they have undermined this with their awful and agressive tactics, arrogance and complete lack of respect for ordinary people. These so called leaders should take a long look at themsleves and how they have managed to turn a peaceful campaign for the betterment of others lot into an armed violent campaign bent on squashing the rights of anyone they come across while holed up in an armed fortress with walls manned by thugs and fed with hate filled lies and single source indoctrination on a daily basis.

"fed with hate filled lies and single source indoctrination on a daily basis. "

now that is funny. you are talking about who?

Declaring the red for "dead" as a movement and that they now lost all sympathy of the ordinary people is something that the spin meisters kept saying since 2007. It is a broken record.

The reds have overreacted but the doc dudes at the hospital overreacted too. and with much bigger consequence for the patients. the evacuation is just a propaganda show and totally uncalled-for. Sane people will understand it.

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MCOTEnglishnews: Red Shirt leaders order guards to dismantle blockage at entrance of Chula Hospital, the order is rejected by Maj Gen Khattiya who obstructs removal

Infighting among the reds. They are crumbling internally. This is both good and bad. Good because the end may be near, but bad because the hard core clearly won't give up without a major fight.

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Tulsie is translating a letter from a Chula doctor. It is very disturbing

Rude intimidating. Entering any facility they wanted and barging into ICU

Utterly disgraceful. It gets worse the more you hear. And to think Weng is trying to excuse this. He is meant to be a doctor!

Edited to add: Kudos for the hospital director for refusing to go into the armed camp and saying the red leaders should have come to the hospital as arranged. At least somebody doesnt just jump to the tune of these people

Extremely disturbing to say the least.

How can anyone with an iota of compassion begin to justify this is beyond any words and clearly shows a disdain for humanity.

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Weng Tojirakarn said Saturday that Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol had no rights to interfere in the decision of red-shirt leaders who ordered the removal of bunkers blocking the entrance to Chulalongkorn Hospital on Rajdamri Road. from the Nation.

Looks like there's some confusion about the chain of command. I guess Doc Weng is learning that once you have a mob it gets hard to steer it. The police have asked the reds to remove the barricade again, Major General never Seh Daeng has rejected their request. Wonder how insistent they will be. From history we can expect the police to be the ones to walk away.

Both the red leaders and Suthep have ordered the barricade removed in front of Chula hospital's ER. Will the red guard listen to either?

Edited by lazurus
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