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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Abhisit is sure that the international community will condemn the red shirt's actions of storming Chula hospital, but so what??!!

The red shirts do not care, and yet again, here is Abhisit acting like he is a third party observing the game instead of being the main player IN the game.

He is an observer... typical behavior... observe on the sidelines and piss into the middle of the game....

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

Yes, and like the Chinese Maoist cultural revolution. They make themselves enemies of all so called elite, including educated medical professionals. There is indeed a red poison in the land.

The red lovers say, well not all the red leaders and not all the red "protesters" are thugs. I agree. So CONDEMN all your thugs and turn them into the authorities, why don't you?

This hospital attack atrocity could indeed be a turning point in this war. The trouble is the pressure is building on Abhisit to take more drastic action to bring the country out of red anarchy. I do see the argument for waiting it out as he has been doing, but the pressure will only grow stronger and stronger.

Edited by Jingthing
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So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.


You do a great diservice to your Thai visa moniker! I am sure that many Thais are confused as to what 'Level head' actually means. Perhaps it is someone who thinks, objectively, and makes balanced decisions and comments that are based on reason rather than emotion. In fact the term 'Level head' encompasses most things that you are not!

In this case it would seem to mean one who's head has been leveled by a falling anvil.

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You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

Trying to justify the undefendable again.

There's always a justification/excuse for criminal behaviour from the reds.

Incitement to violence in Truth Today has been justified as "free speech".

Killing soldiers has been justified as "self defence" or done by "fake reds" or "men in black".

Trying to topple a government composed of MPs who represent a majority of Thai consituencies has been justified as "democracy".

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers has been justified as "checking for weapons".

Now this invasion of a hospital. It is irrelevent what upset the redshirts, they are not the law, they have no right to go rampaging around a hospital and it shows a complete lack of humanity for recovering patients.

What are the redshirts going to try and justify next? Book burning? Beheading of the bourgeios? Expulsion of foreigners? Evactuation of the elite from Bangkok? Mass murder?

These criminals need to be hunted down and removed from civilized society.

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Just to remind those who may have missed it:

In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

Thailand uses a Parliamentary system. Please study political systems, there are plenty of websites out there that will explain to you how a Parliamentary system works. Use them. Read them.

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So what did he do ?

Kill patients ?

Beat up nurses ?

Make people die through lack of treatment ?

They did nothing.

The hospital can run as normal last night and today but IT DECIDES NOT TO, have they been "paid off" to put on a media circus show and play to the TV and other YELLOW media for the "mass propaganda".


More propaganda, just like Silom BTS attack and the claims of Suthep and the Yellow shirts and Yellow newspapers after that happened.

Pure BS.


You do a great diservice to your Thai visa moniker! I am sure that many Thais are confused as to what 'Level head' actually means. Perhaps it is someone who thinks, objectively, and makes balanced decisions and comments that are based on reason rather than emotion. In fact the term 'Level head' encompasses most things that you are not!


The post you made whereby you claimed to be a conservative right wing republican seems to have disappeared. It is a shame because it amused me greatly. You are anything but a right wing republican. As an ex member of the British military I worked often with our 'cousins' over the water and still have many good friends there. They were all right wing republicans, and let me tell you, you are nothing like them and cannot be as you say. The one thing they all share in common is unswerving patriotism and a principle for upholding the law at any cost. Under the current circumstances any self respecting right winger would be demanding that the government order the armed forces to put a live round in the chamber and move forward, either arresting or shooting those that fight back. The whole area would be cleared in a matter of hours, job done. A right winger would under no circumstances sanction any citizen who trampled on the constitution of the land. You need to redefine yourself.!!

It is little wonder that Weng is apologising, he is fully aware as a red leader his neck is on the line. For the requirements of the Geneva Convention to be met it does not require an international war to be declared. It is a law that is to protect people in any form of conflict, international or domestic. Why do you think the Red Cross have made a formal complaint over the invasion of the hospital? Because it is a grave breech of the Geneva Convention.

Medical equipment must not be intentionally destroyed and medical establishments and vehicles must not be attacked, damaged or prevented from operating even if, for the moment, they do not contain patients.
art 24 Medical personnel exclusively engaged in the search for, or the collection, transport or treatment of the wounded or sick, or in the prevention of disease, staff exclusively engaged in the administration of medical units and establishments, as well as chaplains attached to the armed forces, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.

The consequence for a 'grave breech' of the Geneva convention is that the perpetraitors can be charged to the same extent as a war crime. Now I am not sure, but I imagine in Thailand, the punishment for that could be a little extreme. Further, the Government would have to conduct a trial and carry out the punishment as it is one of 160 countries to ratify the convention and it is a matter of International principle that it's values are upheld.

The Geneva convention applies to soldiers in a declared war NOT to a bunch of criminals - so they don't care - the red leaders and their gunmen should face the full force of the law and be executed according to Thai law.

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Everyone knows by now, GAME OVER. Oh and by the way, if we keep this stalemate going, pretty soon Abhisit can dissolve Parliament because six months will have passed!!!! They say it takes three months for the process to be ready for new elections.... so if we wait till June, then Abhisit can resign and the red shirts will all go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why should the director of the hospital resign? Tell us how he could have kept the red shirts out? That is the duty of the army/police tp protect public property...

Lock the doors you say? violation of life safety codes and access to health care laws...

Maybe we can compare notes of what it takes to be A CEO of a medical center...


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I hope the reds are very proud of what they have achieved.

My late father in law spent time in that hospital for cancer treatment. Knowing how ill he was, my thoughts go out to all the patients who now have to be moved because of this reckless act of terrorism.

Coming close to where all embassies will be telling their citizens to return home since it is clear NOBODY is safe in Thailand anymore due to the red mob.

Go home where? My homecoutnry Switzerland is occupied by Ex Jugos, Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Nigerians, Afgans, Maroks, other Arabs, and all that kind of peaple. There is no home!

Please, all European countries do have the same problem now. One problem are the laws, which doesn't allow governments to send them home under Asylum law.

Your country isn't occupied and you're a Swiss national. What does your problems in Switzerland have to do with red shirts here?

Don't you think that some Thais are saying the same bla, blabla, like you did?

"Thailand is occupied by Swiss, English, Americans, Germans, Russians, Austrians, Australians, and so on." Would you like to hear that?

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where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

Please ,most of us know that reds are almost everywhere. Teaching students, being cops, farmers and others.

But to occupy a hospital, or to stop an army train(s) on their way to the south is clearly a crime and has nothing to do with 'asking' for new elections. I've seen that too many times that Isan farmers receive money to put their name on.

Let's change your post. Should the army and cops be what they suppose to be, the reds would have to go home. There's no need to see more dead people. I guess the reds started their bloody campaign, or?

At my Uni - I haven't found many who sympathize with these Red Shirts - in fact to the contrary - whatever it's the faculty or for that matter the students. I even got private students after hours who's parents are cops. And they are not high ranging. They are not red. My wife is a teacher, at her Hi-school, the yellows got the most backings. Yes most of these are fully aware of Thaksins promises to raise there salary to the double - and they don't believe it at all - even not one inch.

I think the Reds have backing, but not that huge, as some at TV wants to paint it.

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You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

Trying to justify the undefendable again.

There's always a justification/excuse for criminal behaviour from the reds.

Incitement to violence in Truth Today has been justified as "free speech".

Killing soldiers has been justified as "self defence" or done by "fake reds" or "men in black".

Trying to topple a government composed of MPs who represent a majority of Thai consituencies has been justified as "democracy".

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers has been justified as "checking for weapons".

Now this invasion of a hospital. It is irrelevent what upset the redshirts, they are not the law, they have no right to go rampaging around a hospital and it shows a complete lack of humanity for recovering patients.

What are the redshirts going to try and justify next? Book burning? Beheading of the bourgeios? Expulsion of foreigners? Evactuation of the elite from Bangkok? Mass murder?

These criminals need to be hunted down and removed from civilized society.

Nice post nick.

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You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

So their getting "upset" is supposed to justify this?

Not a chance, many, many, more people are upset at the Red's actions....

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This entire episode has been stressful, but it is so interesting to see how many people spend so much time here getting involved in deep, meaningless, redundant conversations of re-hashed issues over and over again!

I'm not against good debate, strong convictions and progress, but there is a difference between that and wasting hours on a chatboard talking about the same thing over and over again because you have nothing better to do!!!!

At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

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Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

A clear description of the electoral system

But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

Thanks Herm... I was hoping for an honest attempted explination from a red supporter...

I hope ive offered a valid question to the reds... Lets have a reply that satisfies a valid question...

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Lets understand what happened.

Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. The later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap t o produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite ar elike this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Theh double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for stroming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

When Abhisit apologised for the April 10 killings , i suppose thats ok to you

No its not OK. I would also like those who organised the death squads to step forward too. Although none of that has nothing to do with this case which is about the further loss of credibility, democratic credentials and moral highground of the reds. And also the further undermining of their demands in a flurry of ever increasing unreasonable, human rights poffending and violent action led bylying facists.

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Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

A clear description of the electoral system

But ! one has to understand that those "we want democracy" claims as well as the "this is all for the poor of Thailand" claims are nothing but BS. The red's agenda is Thaksins agenda and his supporters here. The final goal for Thaksin is simple, total control of the country without any resistance.

Penang or Lankawi start sounding great by now

Thanks Herm... I was hoping for an honest attempted explination from a red supporter...

I hope ive offered a valid question to the reds... Lets have a reply that satisfies a valid question...

Logic does not resonate with the red shirts, while reality doesn't resonate with Abhisit!

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Forcing the evacuation of sick and dying people from a hospital!

This has gone way too far, I have no sympathy whatsoever for this attempt at Mob Rule

The red shirt leaders should feel the full force of the law NOW.

:):D :D :D :D

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At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

At your own rate of posting, you'll be at that mark yourself in nine months after joining... :)

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

I totally disagree with this, they looked like Khmer Rouge when they broke up the gay pride event in Chiang Mai, when their guards dressed in black with red neckscarves, when they harassed people at illegal roadblocks, when they distributed publications that incite violence, hatred and armed revolution, when they shot grenades at protestors who didn't agree with them.

They looked like the Khmer Rouge ages ago, just nobody wanted to believe it. They should be dealt with before they can spread their anarchy further.

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I hope the reds are very proud of what they have achieved.

My late father in law spent time in that hospital for cancer treatment. Knowing how ill he was, my thoughts go out to all the patients who now have to be moved because of this reckless act of terrorism.

Coming close to where all embassies will be telling their citizens to return home since it is clear NOBODY is safe in Thailand anymore due to the red mob.

Go home where? My homecoutnry Switzerland is occupied by Ex Jugos, Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Nigerians, Afgans, Maroks, other Arabs, and all that kind of peaple. There is no home!

Please, all European countries do have the same problem now. One problem are the laws, which doesn't allow governments to send them home under Asylum law.

Your country isn't occupied and you're a Swiss national. What does your problems in Switzerland have to do with red shirts here?

Don't you think that some Thais are saying the same bla, blabla, like you did?

"Thailand is occupied by Swiss, English, Americans, Germans, Russians, Austrians, Australians, and so on." Would you like to hear that?

It is off topic really, but there is a subtle difference, we living here, pay for our living .. they don't, they drain the governments resources..


If the people of North Korea would go on the streets and demand democracy - I'd call them freedom fighters

the people of Burma who do occasionally go on the streets and the lady under house arrest -- are freedom fighters

the red shirts in Thailand are criminals

the Burmese who really risk their lives do not get paid but do so out of conviction - most of the red shirts are former or hopefully will soon be convicts and have no conviction, being paid for what they do and by now the majority of them are gangsters anyway

Edited by Herm
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Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Lets understand what happened.

Old Weng last night went on stage and said the government were hiding fully armed troops in Chula Hospital. The later Payap went on stage and said the same thing. Then a very young woman journalist challeneged Payap t o produce evidence. Payap obviously couldnt produce any at all but having had his word as a elitist Thai cahallenged by some young woman was quite hard for him to take. Lot sof the elite ar elike this. If they say something you are expected to believe it and for a young woman to challenge a rich powerful older man was just too much for old Payap who basically thought he would prove it by storming into the hospital. Theh double loss of face. Not only was it shown that old Weng and old Payap were telling a few porkies but the condemnation for stroming into a hospital gave the reds one of their biggets PR disasters to date and left any vestige of moral highground shattered while also taking what they had done past anything the yellows had ever done.

So when Weng issues his hollow apology where is his apology for whippng the incident up with his lies in the first place?

When Abhisit apologised for the April 10 killings , i suppose thats ok to you

No its not OK. I would also like those who organised the death squads to step forward too. Although none of that has nothing to do with this case which is about the further loss of credibility, democratic credentials and moral highground of the reds. And also the further undermining of their demands in a flurry of ever increasing unreasonable, human rights poffending and violent action led bylying facists.

lols! Hammered, dude.... aren't you taking this a bit too far? This is merely a web chatboard, and not the international court of law. I'd focus on the work in front of you and turn off your computer! :)

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At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

At your own rate of posting, you'll be at that mark yourself in nine months after joining... :)

lols... ovenman, touche!

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At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

At your own rate of posting, you'll be at that mark yourself in nine months after joining... :)


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Just to remind those who may have missed it:

In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

Thailand uses a Parliamentary system. Please study political systems, there are plenty of websites out there that will explain to you how a Parliamentary system works. Use them. Read them.

So you dont know??

Or are you just a red supporter that cant answer my question??

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Forcing the evacuation of sick and dying people from a hospital!

This has gone way too far, I have no sympathy whatsoever for this attempt at Mob Rule

The red shirt leaders should feel the full force of the law NOW.


*yawn* ya, Davee.... I agree fully Zzzzzzzzzzzz

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You read only what they want you to know.Nobody ask:Why are the redshirts checking this hospital?

Something happen before,what upset the red shirts.

Trying to justify the undefendable again.

There's always a justification/excuse for criminal behaviour from the reds.

Incitement to violence in Truth Today has been justified as "free speech".

Killing soldiers has been justified as "self defence" or done by "fake reds" or "men in black".

Trying to topple a government composed of MPs who represent a majority of Thai consituencies has been justified as "democracy".

Illegal roadblocks and harassment of travellers has been justified as "checking for weapons".

Now this invasion of a hospital. It is irrelevent what upset the redshirts, they are not the law, they have no right to go rampaging around a hospital and it shows a complete lack of humanity for recovering patients.

What are the redshirts going to try and justify next? Book burning? Beheading of the bourgeios? Expulsion of foreigners? Evactuation of the elite from Bangkok? Mass murder?

These criminals need to be hunted down and removed from civilized society.

Nice post nick.

dam_n me they'll be inspecting jails next to see if there are any red sympathisers locked up. :)

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

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In Thailand the government is not elected by the people.

The people elect the members of the parliament, the House of Representatives and half the Senate. These MPs then elect the government. And for this, they may form alliances. That's what happened. First, a majority of MPs choose Samak who was found guilty of breaking the law. So they elected Thaksin's brother in law. But then a certain political party close to Thaksin and his BIL was found guilty of electoral fraud and the board incl. the then PM were banned from politics and the party dissolved.

That's when these remaining MPs (remember, they all got elected by the people), choose another PM, this time Abhisit.

Now, Sarahsbloke, please tell us what was wrong, illegal, unconstitutional here? Maybe you know something we don't know.

Ide also like to hear a response from the other side towards this claim...

Im not privy to the election process within Thailand... can you confirm or deny this... and if true, why are the reds crying undemocratic then??

Thailand uses a Parliamentary system. Please study political systems, there are plenty of websites out there that will explain to you how a Parliamentary system works. Use them. Read them.

So you dont know??

Or are you just a red supporter that cant answer my question??

Ko.... have you lost the plot my friend.... this person who you are arguing with could be some 12 year old boy playing with you! He will go out and run in the sand and get all dirty with his friends, but you have a job to do and a living! Don't waste your time...

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I hope the reds are very proud of what they have achieved.

My late father in law spent time in that hospital for cancer treatment. Knowing how ill he was, my thoughts go out to all the patients who now have to be moved because of this reckless act of terrorism.

Coming close to where all embassies will be telling their citizens to return home since it is clear NOBODY is safe in Thailand anymore due to the red mob.

Go home where? My homecoutnry Switzerland is occupied by Ex Jugos, Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Nigerians, Afgans, Maroks, other Arabs, and all that kind of peaple. There is no home!

Please, all European countries do have the same problem now. One problem are the laws, which doesn't allow governments to send them home under Asylum law.

Your country isn't occupied and you're a Swiss national. What does your problems in Switzerland have to do with red shirts here?

Don't you think that some Thais are saying the same bla, blabla, like you did?

"Thailand is occupied by Swiss, English, Americans, Germans, Russians, Austrians, Australians, and so on." Would you like to hear that?

Thailand is unusual in their open and unreserved acceptance of westerners and western ways. Part cultural and probably part historical dating to the time of Rama V. If you want proof, just watch the Thai soaps and see how many actors and actresses, half of whom are Luk khreung, look more western.

Sorry to hear about Switzerland, I grew up in Geneva. We had some French at the time but that was about it.

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