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Sandwich Rip-off


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Must've been around 50 baht. Never seen any shop skimp on tuna before, these workers must've been lazy or something or else hoarding some of the tuna for themselves or for the protesters LOL.

Saint Etoile used to be very good, never a problem at their Emporium branch, even when it was just a Yamazaki.

Actually a tuna melt is really appealing - must go check that out, thanks for the tip. Don't really mind the price, so long as they aren't blatantly cheating the customer.

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I've edited the title of this thread- I know you meant it as a joke, but we don't have posters with much restraint on those issues.

Awwwww, I missed the real title, let us slowcoaches in on the secret IJWT :)

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Unfortunately this is common place in Japan, San Etoile is a Japanese sandwich chain, what do you expect, they are following orders...... Your lucky they haven't started selling yaki soba, strawberry and cream, sushi and other various gross creations. The convenience stores started it, so blame 7/11 and Family Mart.

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I've see this old trick before with pre packed stuff back home, first time I've seen it here.

"Red shirt protest hurts everyone"

yes, it did hurt you very much so.

I'll give you a hint- it's quoted here! :D:D

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Unfortunately this is common place in Japan, San Etoile is a Japanese sandwich chain, what do you expect, they are following orders...... Your lucky they haven't started selling yaki soba, strawberry and cream, sushi and other various gross creations. The convenience stores started it, so blame 7/11 and Family Mart.

I used to live in Japan and the first thing I thought when I saw this picture was it looks like it came from a convenience store in Japan.

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I've edited the title of this thread- I know you meant it as a joke, but we don't have posters with much restraint on those issues.

In Japan they may not fill to the edge, but this one is ridiculous - one half isn't even a quarter filled... in Japan never had a problem with tuna or egg mayo not being stuffed - only the croquette and katsu sandwiches sometimes come up a bit short.

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What is amazing is that you spent time to not only cry about a sandwich onl TVF but also posted a photo somewhere else!

(and that I replied to a whinge like this one!)

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(and that I replied to a whinge like this one!)

Mission accomplished :D

Frankly I wouldn't have cared either, I've been ripped off plenty of times elsewhere or gotten crappy food, but this one came totally unexpected and I was hungry at the time :) So decided to try out my iPhone camera for the first time, then do an upload.

Sorry for wasting your time - but I bet you don't buy a tuna sandwich at Saint Etoile any time soon!

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With all the things one must learn to accept living in Thailand, I have to wonder how someone copes when the lack of tuna in a tuna fish sandwiches causes them to post on blocks and twitter their displeasure.

But I truly do love the fact he did it. A great break from the red issue.

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(and that I replied to a whinge like this one!)

Mission accomplished :D

Frankly I wouldn't have cared either, I've been ripped off plenty of times elsewhere or gotten crappy food, but this one came totally unexpected and I was hungry at the time :) So decided to try out my iPhone camera for the first time, then do an upload.

Sorry for wasting your time - but I bet you don't buy a tuna sandwich at Saint Etoile any time soon!

I am curious if you pointed out to the staff the lack of tuna? If done in a quiet manner, I would assume they would have fixed the sandwich if indeed it was a mistake. Maybe it is there way of making people feel like they want and need more after eating and thinking it will translate into people believing the food is great.

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I am curious if you pointed out to the staff the lack of tuna? If done in a quiet manner, I would assume they would have fixed the sandwich if indeed it was a mistake. Maybe it is there way of making people feel like they want and need more after eating and thinking it will translate into people believing the food is great.

I actually took it home with a bunch of other stuff I'd bought... didn't discover it until night-time. Obviously they can't skimp on their pastries, which are good as usual, but it was quite a shock to see the sandwich. The next time I am there, I am going to inspect it right in front of them so there is no mistaking the fact that they are being watched. Saint Etoile has no problem selling products in high volumes as they are popular with the hi-sos as well. But I can't believe this is an anomaly because one can't unknowingly put so little stuffing in that sandwich... they would've at least been taught to spread it a bit.

At the Mall now, so might check out their older sister Yamazaki, which has two branches right here...

... ok. Renamed Sunroyal by Yamazaki - and the products are mostly the same. The sandwiches, however, are cut triangular... and lo and behold - poorly stuffed. Won't bother taking a picture of this one, but this appears to be either a factory or supplier problem, I don't think they make these on the spot, unlike their bakery products.

Edited by onethailand
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Now I'm impressed. Responded in less than 24 hours... but now I think they're going to discover that their supplier has been shortchanging them... they were directed to the tweet photo so I guess they'll take it seriously :)

Dear (name removed)

Thank you for you’d supported. We, Thai Yamazaki have noted for your comment. And we will send our customer service support team to investigate and find the reason as soon as possible. Once we get any information we will reply you promptly.


Puchita Darawong

Senior Chief of Marketing

Thai Yamazaki Co.,Ltd.

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Now I'm impressed. Responded in less than 24 hours... but now I think they're going to discover that their supplier has been shortchanging them... they were directed to the tweet photo so I guess they'll take it seriously :)
Dear (name removed)

Thank you for you’d supported. We, Thai Yamazaki have noted for your comment. And we will send our customer service support team to investigate and find the reason as soon as possible. Once we get any information we will reply you promptly.


Puchita Darawong

Senior Chief of Marketing

Thai Yamazaki Co.,Ltd.

Got to give you a thumbs up on your handling of this ... you have actually caused their to be a sandwich investigation. LOL

Please keep us posted. I want to know if this was a one off incident or if that is what they consider passes as a sandwich.

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I am curious if you pointed out to the staff the lack of tuna? If done in a quiet manner, I would assume they would have fixed the sandwich if indeed it was a mistake.


Are you on drugs? Yeah like they hand make the sandwiches to order. :)

They'd have charged extra for the TWO pieces of green (I assume lettuce).

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Now I'm impressed. Responded in less than 24 hours... but now I think they're going to discover that their supplier has been shortchanging them... they were directed to the tweet photo so I guess they'll take it seriously :D
Dear (name removed)

Thank you for you’d supported. We, Thai Yamazaki have noted for your comment. And we will send our customer service support team to investigate and find the reason as soon as possible. Once we get any information we will reply you promptly.


Puchita Darawong

Senior Chief of Marketing

Thai Yamazaki Co.,Ltd.

Excellent work! :):D


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Well, definitely impressed because they actually did follow up - although they could possibly have done more to make it up to the customer, they did show that they are sincere in wanting to rectify the problem, so kudos.

Dear Customer,

We, Thai Yamazaki, Thank you very much for your support. After we have got your message, we have gone to re-teaching sandwich standard to the staff that make sandwich. Again we apologize for the mistake and sorry for make you unsatisfied with our product.

If you have any comment please do not hesitate to contact back us anytime.

Puchita Darawong

Senior Chief of Marketing

Thai Yamazaki Co.,Ltd.

(other details deleted)

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So it was a mistake, not standard practice? Ha. Tell all of Japan that.

By the way, the fact that a bite was taken out of it, should have alerted you from the start! :)

Yeah they value Gaijin complaints just as seriously as the Thai do Farang ones... lol


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WOW OT.... You're the man!!!!!

So now, you've got to go back to the same offending shop in a couple of weeks and see if their staff has been suitably re-sandwich trained.... Or mgmt was just jerking your chain. Really curious to know which...

I suspect, you will be back in the vicinity of that shop in the future, so easy to make a return visit...

And silly me... I thought that was just the shop's way of telling you you still needed to continue your diet a bit longer!!! :)

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WOW OT.... You're the man!!!!!

So now, you've got to go back to the same offending shop in a couple of weeks and see if their staff has been suitably re-sandwich trained.... Or mgmt was just jerking your chain. Really curious to know which...

I suspect, you will be back in the vicinity of that shop in the future, so easy to make a return visit...

And silly me... I thought that was just the shop's way of telling you you still needed to continue your diet a bit longer!!! :D

LOL. I think the next time I go to that shop will be around the end of this month... but I don't think management is likely to be jerking the chain, since they actually said they were checking into it, then 3-4 days later did a follow-up email to inform me what action they were taking. That in itself is already highly unusual, since the normal practice from Thai companies is not to respond at all.

As for diet - why do you think I chose the tuna instead of the katsu? :)

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