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Mr Gordon Ramsey


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I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

A sacked volunteer tourist policeman calling other people losers :D

Sacked is a bit strong implys I did something wrong i prefer to say I was let go lol :) any by the way I included my self the my previous post

And I'm including myself. Can we kiss and make up FG?

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I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

A sacked volunteer tourist policeman calling other people losers :D

Sacked is a bit strong implys I did something wrong i prefer to say I was let go lol :) any by the way I included my self the my previous post

And I'm including myself. Can we kiss and make up FG?

Only if i can slip my tongue in :D

Edited by FarangCravings
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I heard that Steven Seagall is a Thaivisa member

You've mentioned that before, boss. Is it really you.... Steve?

He might have celebrity status, but to me he's just an uncouth, vile mouthed, self opinionated Cook who's up himself.

Yep, he's a tit.

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My folks ate at one of his restaurants in London (had to take out a second mortgage for it) but they say it was magnifique!!

Sounds about right. Didn't three businessmen famously blow 45k (quid) at one of his places during luncheon?

As for Steven Livingstone Seagal - he really is a 6th dan black belt in Aikido.. meaning he is a black belt times 6! ...

I'm nor surprised; he needs those six belts to get round his belly. :D

I dont think Mr Ramsey gives a toss what a bunch of losers living in Thailand think about him as he heads to the bank to deposit his next million bucks.

I notice its the usual crowd throwing the insults around as usual

Couldn't give a smeg if he heads to the bank to deposit another 10 mil; he's still a tit. :)

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I heard that Steven Seagall is a Thaivisa member

You've mentioned that before, boss. Is it really you.... Steve?

He might have celebrity status, but to me he's just an uncouth, vile mouthed, self opinionated Cook who's up himself.

Yep, he's a tit.

Hey I like tits

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The guy is a knob but some of his shows brough tears to my eyes (due to laughter) especially the ones in the US when he was brought into improve a resturant, f*cking brilliant. His new stuff travelling India (watched whilst in the UK) was terrible why swear all the time when they dont know what the <deleted> he is saying.

He just opened a place in the Pear (Qatar) a couple of months ago, I've still not tried it out but I imagine I will in the next couple of weeks.

Bring back Jamie Oliver......

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Gordon's shows are shown in America as well. I love Gordon, especially the restaurant makeover show.

if you havent seen his Cook along series, its a laugh. Light hearted and toned down than his usual stuff, but funny never the less.

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OK!, now the cat's out of the bag, I might as well come clean: Gordon came over to Chiang Mai because he'd heard how good our Sunday Lunches were at The Olde Bell and wanted to pick up a few tips to take back home! He's heading up to our chef's Lahu hill tribe village next week, to discuss just how she makes her Yorkshire Puddings taste so good! I warned him he might get spotted by TV members if he went to the bar beer centre, but you know how headstrong he can be!

so it wasnt to do with Kitchen nightmares then?

just kidding :)

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Ten-year old stuff.

PeaceBlondie, do you really think it's wise to allow 10 year old children to watch television programs of this nature?

I can't imagine it would do a great deal of good in the development of their language and social skills.

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Regardless of how you feel about Mr. Ramsey, the fact of the matter is he and his producers feel that Chiang Mai and its culinary delights are worthy of showcasing to the world. I don't think any of us would disagree with that.

For many of us, finding a venue that really shows the culture of our chosen city to the folks back home is a treasure. And we would all have to admit, the publicity that Thailand is mucking up for itself right now is not favorable.

Cooking shows have reached new audiences back home and have become quite mainstream. I know that Anthony Bourdain was in Chiang Mai a few years back only because my brother back home told me he saw that episode. The only episode I could find was of mr. bourdain in BKK last year during the last bit of street scuffles - last Songkran - and that was the lead story of his show, not the food, culture and people. Not the type of episode you would encourage the folks back home to catch.

Ramsey used to have a show I found unbearable - the way he treated the chefs under him. Now he has something called Kitchen Nightmares where he goes in and helps a failing restaurant - he actually manages to show compassion (which I imagine his PR people told him would be far better for his image). I download it, I like the show, he's much less of a knob than the other.

So if this world known, Michelin starred chef is coming to our fair city to show it off for its positive attributes, I say welcome Mr. Ramsey, and thank you for the vehicle that shows the folks back home how great I have it.

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classic Ramsey :)

warning; contain expletives

And people appreciate this crap?

Donnyboy, I did have some respect for you before you admitted that you enjoy this rubbish.

dont know why i enjoy it i just do, suppose its different that the usual fluffy cooking shows out there

i have a wide range in taste when it comes to tv/movies, as with music, and i dont make any apologies for it

and i dont judge anyone else on their tastes (dont think i do anyway)

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just to give a bit of balance GR has a mellow side to him, or maybe hes mellowed with age

he does have a new series called Cook Along Live which is rather entertaining without dishing out his expletives that most of us know him for.

Before all you anti GR dismiss it have a look and see for yourselves, you might like it.

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Cooking shows have reached new audiences back home and have become quite mainstream. I know that Anthony Bourdain was in Chiang Mai a few years back only because my brother back home told me he saw that episode. The only episode I could find was of mr. bourdain in BKK last year during the last bit of street scuffles - last Songkran - and that was the lead story of his show, not the food, culture and people. Not the type of episode you would encourage the folks back home to catch.


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he certainly has a potty mouth that needs to be washed out with vinegar and carbolic

That's funny, Loaded. A number of the girls, past and present, at Maddog refer to you as "ปากหมา". :)

I took pride in being called pakmaa (dog mouth) by the girls who work in that bar (and a few others). Shooting straight upsets Thai people when they want the truth to be hidden. Chuwit the straight-talking politician calls thieving corrupt police 'thieving corrupt police' and he's also called pakmaa because of this. In Thailand even if you know, you're not supposed to say. But have you noticed that the girls never call me gohok? That's because I never lied.

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Who's Gordon Ramsey?


and why should anyone care??

how about Mahsud Abdul is in town, or Vivian Ngueri is in town?

go get a job

$ pages of responses seems to justify the OP's posting? :)

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Send the pretentious knob to Burger King. After all he was caught shipping pre-cooked chicken in trucks to his London restaurants to have the sauce poured over them before serving. This from the man who "only EVER uses freshly cooked ingredients" in ALL his restaurants. Yeah right.

More fool the gullible sods that pay fortunes for his over-priced, over-rated, noncey cuisine.

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Cooking shows have reached new audiences back home and have become quite mainstream. I know that Anthony Bourdain was in Chiang Mai a few years back only because my brother back home told me he saw that episode. The only episode I could find was of mr. bourdain in BKK last year during the last bit of street scuffles - last Songkran - and that was the lead story of his show, not the food, culture and people. Not the type of episode you would encourage the folks back home to catch.


Haha!!! love it!! thanks donnyboy!!

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