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PM Abhisit To Propose Reconciliation Plan, Shorter Timeframe For House Dissolution


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How do we trust the investigators not to be biased?

I really think abhisit should allow external investigators to investigate this as to minimize biaas

He might not want this because of the anti abhisit side that foreign news seems to be taking recently

External investigators???? OH NO!! that might lead to transparency. Oh my poor "face." No external investigators, no fault, no blame, no punishment in Lack of Sanctions (LOS). My bpen rai.

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It would be pretty impressive if the Thai government could get a committee to draft a new constitution and hold a referendum on it, then hold a national election in only 6 months. Better get going. By setting a timetable for these events what does it leave for the reds to do? If the election date is set, will they sit on street corners and demand an immediate dissolution of the house still? I think they'll try to claim it as a victory and say it was exactly what they had demanded all along and the red leadership will flee Bangkok and phone in and tell the protesters it is time to go home. Seh Daeng will be left to wage his guerrilla war for Lumphini Park alone.

My predictions

Referendum on new hybrid constitution in November

National Elections in December

May 14 red protests end

May 15 red leadership nowhere to be found, and not showing up at the police station as promised.

September, Abhisit will appoint the new military commander

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How do we trust the investigators not to be biased?

I really think abhisit should allow external investigators to investigate this as to minimize biaas

He might not want this because of the anti abhisit side that foreign news seems to be taking recently

Kind of like when the army towed the barges loaded with refuges out in to the middle of no where after they removed the engines. He had the army do the investigating. Any one heard anything yet? This won't be any different. As long as the army is running the country nothing positive will happen.

I do remember them towing the refugees out but do not recall any source saying they had "removed their engines". Can you show this bit of information which I think you just invented?

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How do we trust the investigators not to be biased?

I really think abhisit should allow external investigators to investigate this as to minimize biaas

He might not want this because of the anti abhisit side that foreign news seems to be taking recently

Kind of like when the army towed the barges loaded with refuges out in to the middle of no where after they removed the engines. He had the army do the investigating. Any one heard anything yet? This won't be any different. As long as the army is running the country nothing positive will happen.

I do remember them towing the refugees out but do not recall any source saying they had "removed their engines". Can you show this bit of information which I think you just invented?

Some barges don't have engines, you've seen them on the river they have to be towed everywhere. In the US Cuban refugees caught at sea are routinely sent home. Each country has the right to combat illegal immigration.

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This is good news - At least there is a plan and that plan is aiming for reconcilliation - People shouldn't be too eager to shoot this down, after all peace and reconcilliation is what we all want, right?

Lets wait and see how things progress and then give critisism or praise. If all parties except this and are responsible for past actions and the overall picture is reconcilliation. Good he has my support.

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This is good news - At least there is a plan and that plan is aiming for reconcilliation - People shouldn't be too eager to shoot this down, after all peace and reconcilliation is what we all want, right?

Lets wait and see how things progress and then give critisism or praise. If all parties except this and are responsible for past actions and the overall picture is reconcilliation. Good he has my support.

Agreed ! this must surely be getting closer to common ground..............?

Ask an independant third party like the UN or EU to deliver a written counter offer to Abhisit

- totally unconditional house dissolution within six months including the timeframe for the actual elections. :)

Agree this today and everyone can go home.

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

Totally agree. I asked last week how they were being fed?

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

This is their plan? How is that going to work? Red has moved freely around the city and the police have not even attempted to stop them. People move in and out of the protest zone all day long. People live and work in the protest area, will they be relocated? If the protesters can not get food brought in you can expect looting of Big C and other stores in the area. Unless the police are willing to arrest individuals entering or leaving the area I can't see this having any success, or making any significant difference. Small groups of protesters are still at Thaicom in Nonthaburi, they haven't been dispersed or arrested.

Containment relies on police doing their job. Since they won't it can't succeed. The protesters have not been forced back to the intersection that Suthep demanded on Saturday, what about his claims that the police or army would enforce that decree? No plan, strategy, or idea floated by the PM has yet to actually be implemented on the ground. This is just more hot air to buy more time to wait out the reds.

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[...] Imports of cars and consumption of beer are the two biggest earners for this gov, [...]

Can you please back this up with statistics?

it was announced by gov sources a couple of months ago. I don't know where the link is at the moment. But using logic and a bit of math you will come to the same results. Considering the high import tax for cars and the extremely high tax on beer. You can by a chemic free beer in Germany for 1/5 of what they're charging here.

Exporting cars is one of Thailand's major earners. I don't see how this conflict will affect that unless Seh Daeng decides to go off and bomb the Toyota and Isuzu factories.

There will be less foreign investment because of the conflict, which in the medium-longer term will effect the money earnt on car exports.

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This is good news - At least there is a plan and that plan is aiming for reconcilliation - People shouldn't be too eager to shoot this down, after all peace and reconcilliation is what we all want, right?

Lets wait and see how things progress and then give critisism or praise. If all parties except this and are responsible for past actions and the overall picture is reconcilliation. Good he has my support.

Agreed ! this must surely be getting closer to common ground..............?

Ask an independant third party like the UN or EU to deliver a written counter offer to Abhisit

- totally unconditional house dissolution within six months including the timeframe for the actual elections. :)

Agree this today and everyone can go home.

Will the reds go home with a 6 month dissolution ... and still lots of charges hanging over the leaders heads?

It's a long way off their 15 day (that was 45 days ago) demand, and their more recent 30 day demand.

I am sure the reds supporters on here will be asking for MORE compromise. Reducing the governments term by 15 months isn't enough?

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If a third party could put together a reasonable platform and establish themselves as neither red nor yellow they could probably sweep the next election. I think people are sick of the do nothing democrats and the do what they like reds.

Edited by Humungus
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About bloody time! he should have done the dissolution timeline weeks ago and saved lives.

Are you for real

The reds would not except any thing more than immediate

then hanged to 3 months

If you want to save lives, 100 times more lives in fact

protest the road deaths in Thailand in 1 weekend at Songkran

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It would be pretty impressive if the Thai government could get a committee to draft a new constitution and hold a referendum on it, then hold a national election in only 6 months. Better get going. By setting a timetable for these events what does it leave for the reds to do? If the election date is set, will they sit on street corners and demand an immediate dissolution of the house still? I think they'll try to claim it as a victory and say it was exactly what they had demanded all along and the red leadership will flee Bangkok and phone in and tell the protesters it is time to go home. Seh Daeng will be left to wage his guerrilla war for Lumphini Park alone.

My predictions

Referendum on new hybrid constitution in November

National Elections in December

May 14 red protests end

May 15 red leadership nowhere to be found, and not showing up at the police station as promised.

September, Abhisit will appoint the new military commander

My self personaly

even if they call for a new election they hyped up reds will stay

You can take a red shirt out of the protest

but you can not take the desire to be powerful out of the red shirt

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

Totally agree. I asked last week how they were being fed?

nice of Suthep to undermine PM effort and just say now that army will clear them away and not guarantee that leaders will not be kill.

think abhisit is boss? they why this man make all moves, tell army to move and then army not move?

Go abhisit and hope you do not have to be in hague for crimes because still 29 people is dead.

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'Asked about the cause of death of a Japanese national who was a television cameraman for the Reuters news agency, he said an investigation is needed and it is under way. He said he did not personally know where the bullet came from'.

That's just what we need to solve this crisis..............more investigations!!!

Khun Abhisit, The Prime Minister of starting and never finishing investigations.

An investigation was launched soon after Mr Muramoto was killed and the Police denied that he was shot by government troops, and promised conclusive results in 1 or 2 weeks........of course that was 2 weeks ago now.

Police deny findings into reporter's death

Published: 22/04/2010

'The Scientific Crime Detection Division has dismissed media reports it has concluded its investigation into the April10 bloodshed, saying it still does not know who was responsible for the killings.

Some media outlets reported the division had concluded that Reuters cameraman Hiro Muramoto - who was among the 20 civilians and five soldiers killed in the clashes between security forces and supporters of the red shirt movement - was shot by government troops'.

If the PM, nearly a month after the tragic event still doesn't know where the bullet came from, he should hand the investigation over to the Japanese so we could, for once, get a conclusive and impartial answer to an investigation. Of course, the fact he and his government have tried to down play this incident and have not blamed the UDD suggests that the initial media reports (that Mr Muramoto was killed by government troops) that have been denied, may well be true.

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This is good news - At least there is a plan and that plan is aiming for reconcilliation - People shouldn't be too eager to shoot this down, after all peace and reconcilliation is what we all want, right?

Lets wait and see how things progress and then give critisism or praise. If all parties except this and are responsible for past actions and the overall picture is reconcilliation. Good he has my support.

Agreed ! this must surely be getting closer to common ground..............?

Ask an independant third party like the UN or EU to deliver a written counter offer to Abhisit

- totally unconditional house dissolution within six months including the timeframe for the actual elections. :D

Agree this today and everyone can go home.

Will the reds go home with a 6 month dissolution ... and still lots of charges hanging over the leaders heads?

It's a long way off their 15 day (that was 45 days ago) demand, and their more recent 30 day demand.

I am sure the reds supporters on here will be asking for MORE compromise. Reducing the governments term by 15 months isn't enough?

hang on a minute !

The reds subsequently offered 30 days for dissolution PLUS 60 days after that for te election= 90 days = 3 months

Abhist initially offered 9 months

6 month all inclusive is almost there and is down the middle.

Abhisit has insisted he doesnt want the UN involved but EVERYONE wants peace ( and all the reds wants is an election )

But if the Un or EU or some similar body were the ones who delivered the final offer of 6 months the world would be watching and

it will show who is really being disingenuous. Its the part about needing NO CONDITIONS AT ALL that will show Abhisits true intentions :)

Edited by midas
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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

Totally agree. I asked last week how they were being fed?

nice of Suthep to undermine PM effort and just say now that army will clear them away and not guarantee that leaders will not be kill.

think abhisit is boss? they why this man make all moves, tell army to move and then army not move?

Go abhisit and hope you do not have to be in hague for crimes because still 29 people is dead.

So if as you say Abhisit is not the boss, why should he be held responsible for the deaths of 29 people.

Surely those who orchestrated the deaths should be responsible.

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How do we trust the investigators not to be biased?

I really think abhisit should allow external investigators to investigate this as to minimize biaas

He might not want this because of the anti abhisit side that foreign news seems to be taking recently

Kind of like when the army towed the barges loaded with refuges out in to the middle of no where after they removed the engines. He had the army do the investigating. Any one heard anything yet? This won't be any different. As long as the army is running the country nothing positive will happen.

I do hope you are not suggesting that the government would do stoop as low as to do anything in this investigation that might result in a less than truthful, impartial and totally transparently honest explanation of the facts....I'm shocked, totally shocked that you would make this insidious smear....I would like to remind you that there there is a long, and I might add, successful tradition of having governments, military and police forces all over the world investigate themselves, and their conclusions are always 100% correct and they routinely find the government/military/police innocent of any wrong-doing.

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

Totally agree. I asked last week how they were being fed?

nice of Suthep to undermine PM effort and just say now that army will clear them away and not guarantee that leaders will not be kill.

think abhisit is boss? they why this man make all moves, tell army to move and then army not move?

Go abhisit and hope you do not have to be in hague for crimes because still 29 people is dead.

Good cop / Bad cop. Carrot / Stick. You get the idea.

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@RichardBarrow: PM says plan is to contain demonstration at Ratchaprasong & to cut off their supplies /BkkPost

... which is what he should have done weeks ago, including electricity. But what's the point in going and broadcasting his intentions?

It probably provokes a reaction on the other side and, given the fact that there are some loose cannons on the red side, maybe another uncontrolled incident. It looks like a divide and discredit tactic...

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so its not an unconditonal offer of 6 months - according to Channel News Asia just now.

surprise surprise :)

Abhisit wants to change the Constitution before the election.

Does anyone know the full extent of these proposed changes and how they would impact the reds ?

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so its not an unconditonal offer of 6 months - according to Channel News Asia just now.

surprise surprise :)

Abhisit wants to change the Constitution before the election.

Does anyone know the full extent of these proposed changes and how they would impact the reds ?

Amendments were agreed upon by a multi-partisan committee several months ago. The committee was established as a reconciliation measure at the behest of the PTP. The PTP dropped out of the amendment process at the 11th hour after a video phone in by Thaksin stating his dissatisfaction. That would be a good starting point.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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so its not an unconditonal offer of 6 months - according to Channel News Asia just now.

surprise surprise :)

Abhisit wants to change the Constitution before the election.

Does anyone know the full extent of these proposed changes and how they would impact the reds ?

Amendments were agreed upon by a multi-partisan committee several months ago. The committee was established as a reconciliation measure at the behest of the PTP. The PTP dropped out of the amendment process at the 11th hour after a video phone in by Thaksin stating his dissatisfaction. That would be a good starting point.

well that suggests again this government was trying to be sneaky and introduce

something that would only benefit the ruling elite ? :D

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About bloody time! he should have done the dissolution timeline weeks ago and saved lives.

Are you for real

The reds would not except any thing more than immediate

then hanged to 3 months

If you want to save lives, 100 times more lives in fact

protest the road deaths in Thailand in 1 weekend at Songkran

some times i just get sick of the MOTOR MOUTH'S on the site

I get sick of FLAMERS like you dude - if you don't like it move on - or don't read - I am entitled to my view which is sound and in line with many others- IF Abhisit had a roadmap originally it could have saved lives - he's going to capitulate anyway and give an election this year - which he said he would not - so victory to the reds I'd say.

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