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Media Freedom In Thailand Is At Stake

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Media freedom in Thailand is at stake

By The Nation

These stressful times have emphasised a need to examine its place in society

BANGKOK: -- Today is World Press Freedom Day. It's the time to take stock of the Thai media scene under the Abhisit government. The past year was hellish for the government due to continuous political crisis and polarisation within our society. Red and yellow divides have spilled over to the media. Each pressure group has its own popular media to engage in mudslinging and propaganda.

It has been under this exceptional press liberty that the roles of government and professional journalists have been scrutinised and questioned.

First of all, the government has maintained a correct policy in not interfering with the media. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva himself respects the role and duty of the Thai media. He dutifully answered all questions and has given ample time for questions and answers to be submitted by the press - be they official or impromptu. Unlike previous prime ministers, Abhisit has responded to questions, sometimes even too personal, with honesty and grace. Although the Thai media is still hostile to Abhisit, all have admitted that he has never ducked reporters' questions, even at the time of crisis.

Thai press freedom used to be for decades the model in Southeast Asia. Under the government of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Thai media freedom and its role was battered because of heavy government interference. Thaksin's personal interest in media and its outreach capacity ensured from day one in office the media would be an extended arm of his government. Friendly media were rewarded with government-sponsored advertising while hostile media were starved. During the year 2001-2006, Thai media's party free ranking rated along with many African countries.

The continuing political crisis has attracted the best and worst in Thai journalists. Most have taken sides in the existing political polarisation - sometimes out of necessity and sometimes out of sympathy. Whatever it is, the Thai media community has been under attack from all concerned parties, especially the government and the public.

The government continues to think in one-dimensional terms in restricting information by the anti-government groups, which eventually led to the shut down of satellites and cable TV and radio stations. That was a wrong decision, which the government had to pay dearly for, even though the inciting media should have been challenged so it would not get away with biased reporting with impunity.

The Thai public has a high toleration against hate media due to its forgetfulness, allowing prejudiced TV and radio hosts to blurb out hatred and inciting messages to topple the government. In other countries, these journalists would be charged and brought to court. Thai media communities need to further improve their professionalism through better understanding of societal and political developments.

They need new ways of writing and analysing the current state of Thai society. So far, they have failed because they tend to see their own country through their distorted lenses. Without a rejuvenated Thai media, its freedom will be under constant threat again because whatever it writes will be viewed with hostility.

Both sides need better mutual understanding of their respective roles under today's unusual circumstances.


-- The Nation 2010-05-03


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I think - on this note that Thai Journalists need to do a better job of "Digging for the truth", rather than taking what all these windbags say at face value. How many times to they have to report the crap that Jatuporn utters, with no fact checking or challenges, etc. Their idea of journalism is to record the quotes and the repeat the quotes. Thats not journalism, that is parroting.

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I think - on this note that Thai Journalists need to do a better job of "Digging for the truth", rather than taking what all these windbags say at face value. How many times to they have to report the crap that Jatuporn utters, with no fact checking or challenges, etc. Their idea of journalism is to record the quotes and the repeat the quotes. Thats not journalism, that is parroting.

Ah... they dont want truth they want to sell newspapers and advertising nothing else they are all the same world wide

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Funnily, Thailand has some pretty tough libel laws, Thaksin wasn't afraid to use them to sue all and sundry into bankruptcy, no matter how flimsy the charge, the present govt has plenty of grounds to sue some of these community stations - some of them are so full of lies and insurrection-inciting speech you could throw the law book at them, so why didn't they do that (we all know why, this is Thailand where you continue broadcasting your rubbish while the trial takes a year, by which time the govt has changed and the charges dropped).

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Even the worse news media in Thailand can look "professional" if it compares itself to the American news outlet, FOX NEWS. Not only are they bias, they have a particular agenda to bash the democratic party. ..and very seldom do they cover world events. ( According to Media Research Center, their viewers have the lowest amount of education. )

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Even the worse news media in Thailand can look "professional" if it compares itself to the American news outlet, FOX NEWS. Not only are they bias, they have a particular agenda to bash the democratic party. ..and very seldom do they cover world events. ( According to Media Research Center, their viewers have the lowest amount of education. )

Don't you mean Faux News? :)

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The topic refers to Thai media.

It's the time to take stock of the Thai media scene under the Abhisit government.

If you want your post to live you should keep that in mind.

Further off-topic posts will be deleted

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Media freedom - an important cause - and Thailand has a bad record.

Let's pause today remembering all the political prisoners in the country. http://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/

Internet censorship including self censorship of websites which want to survive is now the order of the day. This http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/ website is still unblocked, but prachatai has been harassed. Soon our Thaivisa site will have to be hosted abroad too.

Thailand will struggle as long as the really burning issues can not be discussed by law and laws are misinterpreted to lock up political opponents. Sorry for the Thais, we may soon have a lot of Thai asylum seekers around the world.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will die fighting for your right to say it " (Voltaire, who lived just before the French revolution).

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Considering how the red and yellow TV stations use their freedoms it could be argued that a free press in Thailand isn't a good thing. Brainwashing and propaganda are not appropriate uses of the press. Thais however should be given greater freedom to discuss issues that affect their lives in an open and respectful way.

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Thai press freedom used to be for decades the model in Southeast Asia.

In a place where some things are unmentionable even using the most reasoned of arguments for fear of being locked up? Right.........

Though I suppose being among such bastions of press freedom as the other countries in SE Asia the vast majority of which are pretty well down the list on the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index it's not too difficult to be a "model"

I'm sure in a football team consisting of blind and deaf people I'd pretty much be the star striker.

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...another gem from the Nation...all on media freedom day of all all days....

Let's see, close all the red sympathetic media outlets, and then tell us Abhisit is doing a great job with media freedom... tell us he answers questions at news conferences...but don't tell us that he tells important lies about the army not using live ammo after 19 protesters are shot, when the very next day, the army ask for their live ammo back!

A masterful piece with no hint of bias at all...

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...another gem from the Nation...all on media freedom day of all all days....

Let's see, close all the red sympathetic media outlets, and then tell us Abhisit is doing a great job with media freedom... tell us he answers questions at news conferences...but don't tell us that he tells important lies about the army not using live ammo after 19 protesters are shot, when the very next day, the army ask for their live ammo back!

A masterful piece with no hint of bias at all...

When did Abhisit say the army didn't use live ammo? Do you have a link?

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< First of all, the government has maintained a correct policy in not interfering with the media. >

I may have missed something, but didn't the Govt. force off the air all "Red" TV and Radio stations that they could? Is this how "freedom of press/speech" works now according to this current Govt.?

I'm not saying that the "red" propaganda on their channels is any better/worse than the "yellow" propaganda we hear on the other TV channels, but to say they have not interfered is blatantly ludicrous.

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< First of all, the government has maintained a correct policy in not interfering with the media. >

I may have missed something, but didn't the Govt. force off the air all "Red" TV and Radio stations that they could? Is this how "freedom of press/speech" works now according to this current Govt.?

I'm not saying that the "red" propaganda on their channels is any better/worse than the "yellow" propaganda we hear on the other TV channels, but to say they have not interfered is blatantly ludicrous.

I tend to ignore things like this said by the English attempting news outlets in Thailand ... especially when they say something contradictory in the same article. I have to assume there is some sort of break down in their English abilities or translations.

The government continues to think in one-dimensional terms in restricting information by the anti-government groups, which eventually led to the shut down of satellites and cable TV and radio stations. That was a wrong decision, which the government had to pay dearly for, even though the inciting media should have been challenged so it would not get away with biased reporting with impunity.

Edited by jcbangkok
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IMO, the problem comes from the non-confrontational manner of Thai people in general. My impression is that this is part of the cultural norm. It is also one of the things that frustrates me living here: someone can be saying all lies, and it is not nice to confront them. If you do then it's an all-in confrontation, and anything goes in the way of response from the person you confronted. And this colors the style or reporting. In the US 2 investigative journalists managed to bring down a president over 30 years ago; I've always been amazed that these guys weren't silenced, one way or another, while doing it. It'll be a long time before something like this happens in Thailand, and, unfortunately, probably just as long until something like this happens again in the West. Thailand is a long way from having Rachel Maddow -type of confrontational reporting. Indeed, media in the US needs more of that too.

Then there are the not-so-nice bullies with a "what are YOU going to do about it?" attitude who talk a lot of mess and when confronted give up even more of it -- no need to point out examples at this time :) ). For a journalist to attempt to go over their ravings line-by-line would be a folly, everyone knows that, and in the end it only plays into their hand, giving them an excuse to rave on further, and garnering more attention to them.

my 2 satang

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< First of all, the government has maintained a correct policy in not interfering with the media. >

I may have missed something, but didn't the Govt. force off the air all "Red" TV and Radio stations that they could? Is this how "freedom of press/speech" works now according to this current Govt.?

I'm not saying that the "red" propaganda on their channels is any better/worse than the "yellow" propaganda we hear on the other TV channels, but to say they have not interfered is blatantly ludicrous.

I tend to ignore things like this said by the English attempting news outlets in Thailand ... especially when they say something contradictory in the same article. I have to assume there is some sort of break down in their English abilities or translations.

The government continues to think in one-dimensional terms in restricting information by the anti-government groups, which eventually led to the shut down of satellites and cable TV and radio stations. That was a wrong decision, which the government had to pay dearly for, even though the inciting media should have been challenged so it would not get away with biased reporting with impunity.

It's all contradictions and misinformation from what I see, hard to get to the real facts sometimes in the way news is reported here whether it's in Thai or in English, but hey, I'm an outsider here just looking in from the sidelines with no influence on the outcome of anything. I have my own thoughts and opinions of what is going on here in Thailand, but generally keep them to myself.

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It all depends on what color shirt you have if it is yellow free press your own TV station. If it is red your TV station is blocked.

Or you could say if the TV Station is broadcasting lies, advocating violence and inciting people to break the law it is being blocked.

But I will be honest, I have never seen Red TV but if it is anything like what is being said on the red stage and other red internet outlets than I do believe shutting them down is only the first step. They need to be prosecuted as would happen in most any other country that claims freedom of the press.

In fact, in most other countries stations like this would not even be allowed to get a license. The problem we have here is the timing in which the PM took action against theses stations. They should have been held accountable before they helped incite the current lawless mob holding the country hostage.

Keep in mind that there are MANY restrictions to the press in EVERY country and censorship is very standard in most of Asia with things those of us in the west are not used to. However, there are also things shown in the UK that would not be shown on broadcast TV in the US and vice versa.

The FCC in the use is the governing body over what can be said on the airwaves as well as who can own a radio or TV station. The FCC is a gov't body. We would not have this kind of problem in the US because these channels would never make in on the air to begin with. Fox is an example I'm sure people would use to say you can get away with hateful and bias reporting but they are very careful not to incite violence and condemn it. However, the do spend most of their time actually doing commentary and not news but many people think it is actually news. That is where the confusion comes from.

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Even the worse news media in Thailand can look "professional" if it compares itself to the American news outlet, FOX NEWS. Not only are they bias, they have a particular agenda to bash the democratic party. ..and very seldom do they cover world events. ( According to Media Research Center, their viewers have the lowest amount of education. )

Don't you mean Faux News? :)

Why dont you blog in USA. you show ignorance again because Faux is pronounce faw or for so go show ignorant in your country. x is not pronounce and only you and 2 like you write this.

joke of the day that this government not interfere with media. who can ever take this serious bye bye this joke thread and hope yellow shirts enjoy that nobody talk with them on this

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It all depends on what color shirt you have if it is yellow free press your own TV station. If it is red your TV station is blocked.

Or you could say if the TV Station is broadcasting lies, advocating violence and inciting people to break the law it is being blocked.

But I will be honest, I have never seen Red TV but if it is anything like what is being said on the red stage and other red internet outlets than I do believe shutting them down is only the first step. They need to be prosecuted as would happen in most any other country that claims freedom of the press.

In fact, in most other countries stations like this would not even be allowed to get a license. The problem we have here is the timing in which the PM took action against theses stations. They should have been held accountable before they helped incite the current lawless mob holding the country hostage.

Keep in mind that there are MANY restrictions to the press in EVERY country and censorship is very standard in most of Asia with things those of us in the west are not used to. However, there are also things shown in the UK that would not be shown on broadcast TV in the US and vice versa.

The FCC in the use is the governing body over what can be said on the airwaves as well as who can own a radio or TV station. The FCC is a gov't body. We would not have this kind of problem in the US because these channels would never make in on the air to begin with. Fox is an example I'm sure people would use to say you can get away with hateful and bias reporting but they are very careful not to incite violence and condemn it. However, the do spend most of their time actually doing commentary and not news but many people think it is actually news. That is where the confusion comes from.

good that you can have such opinion with never see red tv. hope you enjoy ASTV before somebody take that off air. will happen if nationlal unity government or martial law.

if army have to rescue democrats from electorate again, they not going to be happy!!

PS you have links please or you make it up.. Start with Iceland and then Ukraine if you want to show us what you know.

Edited by viking75
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It all depends on what color shirt you have if it is yellow free press your own TV station. If it is red your TV station is blocked.

Or you could say if the TV Station is broadcasting lies, advocating violence and inciting people to break the law it is being blocked.

But I will be honest, I have never seen Red TV ...

The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com. ...

1. The transmission blockade of PTV Station and the blockade of access to the website violated Article 45 of the 2007 Constitution. The article states in part as "The closure of a newspaper or other mass media business in deprivation of the liberty under this section shall not be made".


Statement from Former Thai Senators (2000-2006)*

“Demanding the government to stop blocking media channels and using the state-run media to present one-sided information on the crackdown of the demonstration on April 10, 2010” ...

Such media control by the Government and concerned agencies (especially the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES), the Royal Thai Army, the Public Relations Department, TV channel 11 (NBT), TV channel 3, 5, 7, 9 and Thai PBS), is a serious violation of people’s basic rights under the Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.


Thai Netizen Network and Reporters Without Borders

Joint statement on the further censorship of websites and media under Emergency Decree. ...

For the above reasons, we urge the government to cease all Internet censorship immediately. By carrying on censorship under the Emergency Decree and not under the libel law or the Computer Crime Act, the government is guilty of violating Thai constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


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good kissdani.

Democrats have media under control or banned in thailand now. not good way to make friends in world and esp in USA, Europe.

everytime they talk, world know they lie and twist. only few falangs here support them and a few rich thais.

I think thaksin back soon, easy for him to come back in when gov is hiding in army camp with ICOT playing games with media. means many things happen and they not see because too busy scared about thaksin

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It all depends on what color shirt you have if it is yellow free press your own TV station. If it is red your TV station is blocked.

Or you could say if the TV Station is broadcasting lies, advocating violence and inciting people to break the law it is being blocked.

But I will be honest, I have never seen Red TV but if it is anything like what is being said on the red stage and other red internet outlets than I do believe shutting them down is only the first step. They need to be prosecuted as would happen in most any other country that claims freedom of the press.

In fact, in most other countries stations like this would not even be allowed to get a license. The problem we have here is the timing in which the PM took action against theses stations. They should have been held accountable before they helped incite the current lawless mob holding the country hostage.

Keep in mind that there are MANY restrictions to the press in EVERY country and censorship is very standard in most of Asia with things those of us in the west are not used to. However, there are also things shown in the UK that would not be shown on broadcast TV in the US and vice versa.

The FCC in the use is the governing body over what can be said on the airwaves as well as who can own a radio or TV station. The FCC is a gov't body. We would not have this kind of problem in the US because these channels would never make in on the air to begin with. Fox is an example I'm sure people would use to say you can get away with hateful and bias reporting but they are very careful not to incite violence and condemn it. However, the do spend most of their time actually doing commentary and not news but many people think it is actually news. That is where the confusion comes from.

good that you can have such opinion with never see red tv. hope you enjoy ASTV before somebody take that off air. will happen if nationlal unity government or martial law.

if army have to rescue democrats from electorate again, they not going to be happy!!

PS you have links please or you make it up.. Start with Iceland and then Ukraine if you want to show us what you know.

Links to what? Do you really need links to know there is censorship all over the world and laws on what can and cannot be broadcast?!?!?!? Do you really believe anything can go in every country from graphic sex, holocaust denial or inciting lawlessness?

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Calm down JC. I ask for links because you and your friends always do same because think clever.... you are not and you not like it when somebody do same to you.

if you happy with info from nation and astv that is up to you. can tell to you that every organisation outside democrat party thinks that they are oppresive.

enjoy yourself reading only what is agreeable with you.

ps, the last links we post on Dr Tul have now been blocked because free and fair democrat junta don't like that you know about this man.

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It all depends on what color shirt you have if it is yellow free press your own TV station. If it is red your TV station is blocked.

Or you could say if the TV Station is broadcasting lies, advocating violence and inciting people to break the law it is being blocked.

But I will be honest, I have never seen Red TV ...

The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com. ...

1. The transmission blockade of PTV Station and the blockade of access to the website violated Article 45 of the 2007 Constitution. The article states in part as "The closure of a newspaper or other mass media business in deprivation of the liberty under this section shall not be made".


Statement from Former Thai Senators (2000-2006)*

"Demanding the government to stop blocking media channels and using the state-run media to present one-sided information on the crackdown of the demonstration on April 10, 2010" ...

Such media control by the Government and concerned agencies (especially the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES), the Royal Thai Army, the Public Relations Department, TV channel 11 (NBT), TV channel 3, 5, 7, 9 and Thai PBS), is a serious violation of people's basic rights under the Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights.


Thai Netizen Network and Reporters Without Borders

Joint statement on the further censorship of websites and media under Emergency Decree. ...

For the above reasons, we urge the government to cease all Internet censorship immediately. By carrying on censorship under the Emergency Decree and not under the libel law or the Computer Crime Act, the government is guilty of violating Thai constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


nice of free and fair government to block more sites today. but it is only to keep their middle class friends on side. these friends and PAD followers are so ignorant of world affairs that they can believe thai media tell true.

smarter people in thailand look for news outside thailand and know dem gov is bad.

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Calm down JC. I ask for links because you and your friends always do same because think clever.... you are not and you not like it when somebody do same to you.

if you happy with info from nation and astv that is up to you. can tell to you that every organisation outside democrat party thinks that they are oppresive.

enjoy yourself reading only what is agreeable with you.

ps, the last links we post on Dr Tul have now been blocked because free and fair democrat junta don't like that you know about this man.

So you are admitting to being a troll?

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