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Australian Red Shirt Speaker


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As Army Reserve in Perth he would have have had contact with the SAS probably for training and live firing purposes.....He was not a member of the SAS, I dont think he has claimed that. In order to be in the SAS one must first spend a specific time in a Regular Army unit and then pass stringent fitness and mental aptitude traing before one could even sniff a Sandy beret, once accepted there is a very intensive course that must be passed before the beret and badge is issued.

He also stated that he had lost money and his emergency passport during the shooting incident.

Edited by gburns57au
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I recall that when Thaksin was PM and and anti-him demonstration was due to take place his nibs did say "and I don't want to see any farang in the crowd!"

As for this guy, in the words of Bugs Bunny "what a maroon!"

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OMFG !!!!!!!!!! sabiajai is right, the muppet is on stage again digging a VERY deep and quick grave for himself. No trained military officer (that wasnt dishonorably discharged) would EVER get involved in another countries politics like this moron.

Quck somebody shoot this guy......oops I think he is already the walking dead.

I am actually for the fist time in my life almost without words watching this guy. He must think that the red shirts actually give a sheite about him and will protect him like the other red leaders. hahahahhhahaahahahahhahahahahahahahh omfg.....

What a fool. He is only 29 but claims to be a general or something and also claims to have a batchelors degree in Political Science from Aiustralia? Isn't that alone a 4 year stint?

Well I gues we will all be watching the news and reading the papers to see how long this moron lasts blaming the Thai government for terrorism against Thai's.


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As Army Reserve in Perth he would have have had contact with the SAS probably for training and live firing purposes.....He was not a member of the SAS, I dont think he has claimed that. In order to be in the SAS one must first spend a specific time in a Regular Army unit and then pass stringent fitness and mental aptitude traing before one could even sniff a Sandy beret, once accepted there is a very intensive course that must be passed before the beret and badge is issued.

He also stated that he had lost money and his emergency passport during the shooting incident.

Been reading Andy McNabs books again have we ??... :)

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Conor Purcell. Seems a Walter Mitty type and psychologically all over the ship. The "Colonel" confusion seemed to start with Mor Weng's introduction. Dripping with sincerity and sympathy, Weng sounded like he was saying "Colonel David Purcell". I couldn't stomach any more than a minute or so of our hero's proclamations. Having barely survived Kelly Newton-Wordsworth's obsequious folk songs on the PAD stage, I wasn't going to be put through the torture of another West Australian odd-bod, be they ever so different. At least KN-W was harmless and, as far as I know, solvent.

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First I would like to say we are all sorry for all of you Aussies or Irish. Seems this muppet is lost and for one doesn't know where he actually comes from or belongs. I think we have some suggestions though. haha.

Maybe he is just so poor and lost and hungry and feels he can get free food and 500 baht per day for rallying?

WHERE DOES HE TEACH? And is he still teaching there? We all need to get on google and facebook etc and hunt this muppet down and report him to the Thai authorities. One poster was correct saying that we are not really wanted here these days anyways so do we really need a loser like this making it worse?

If anyone has that picture of him dressed in a yallow shirt PLEASE POST IT HERE.

My only rally will be against my local 7-11 for not selling Archa beer like the rest of the franchises. :)

I found him on facebook and slagged him off and the next time I invited him to this forum but to no avail

just search Conor David Purcell, there was only one of them, small favors LOL

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Can you give us the facebook link please?

Well, just type his name- Conor David Purcell - into Facebook and up it comes. It's pretty simple. Although it's maybe wee bit creepy to start cyber-stalking the guy, although I guess it's up to him whether or not he keeps his facebook page public or private.

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I watched the video.

It is a cringing embarrassment.

He said that he’d been shot at twice. The only person that should be arrested is the guy that shot at him, because he missed, TWICE. Lets hope the aim is better next time.

Deport or make this lunatic discretely disappear now.

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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

You make a fair point for the vast majority of expat foreigners here who strongly OPPOSE the red shirt terrorist Thaksin-led insurgents.

How do you know that Jingthing ?............have you done an in depth study or this just "in your dreams". You really have no right whatsoever to speak on behalf of the majority of ex-pat foreigners. The fact that the 'vast majority' unlike you, stay neutral, does not mean that they support either one side or the other or in fact do not have their own private feelings. However as i have said,you have no right to speak for them. So it would be nice if you could keep your personal opinions just that and to yourself. Thank you !

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Fruit cakes are people too...

Did the cheering red-cakes realize he was a fruit cake?

I think that the only difference between him and you Jingthing, is the fct that he has the guts or stupidity to stand up and say what he thinks , whereas you tend to hide in a forum where you can be heard but not seen.

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Fruit cakes are people too...

Did the cheering red-cakes realize he was a fruit cake?

I think that the only difference between him and you Jingthing, is the fct that he has the guts or stupidity to stand up and say what he thinks , whereas you tend to hide in a forum where you can be heard but not seen.

Much like yourself, eh?

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Is that a real pic of the same muppet that is now on the red stage or a photo that looks like him or what? Why you didnt ad any words? If this is really him then someone needs to send this to the red leaders


I found this on a provided link from above. It could be him. I think he has his hair died now.

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As Army Reserve in Perth he would have have had contact with the SAS probably for training and live firing purposes.....He was not a member of the SAS, I dont think he has claimed that. In order to be in the SAS one must first spend a specific time in a Regular Army unit and then pass stringent fitness and mental aptitude traing before one could even sniff a Sandy beret, once accepted there is a very intensive course that must be passed before the beret and badge is issued.

He also stated that he had lost money and his emergency passport during the shooting incident.

Been reading Andy McNabs books again have we ??... :)

Who is Andy McNab??

My info is garnered from my own service in the Oz Army.

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There is a photo getting around of the same guy in a yellow outfit taken of him at the airport lock down.

I have suggested this photo be sent to red shirt HQ and we can watch a real live lynching take place soon......oh and see how some red shirts handle the loss of face thingy.

You find that picture(s) and post. I'll copy and print, and make sure it/they fall into red shirt hands. They will take it to the top.

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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

You make a fair point for the vast majority of expat foreigners here who strongly OPPOSE the red shirt terrorist Thaksin-led insurgents.

How do you know that Jingthing ?............have you done an in depth study or this just "in your dreams". You really have no right whatsoever to speak on behalf of the majority of ex-pat foreigners. The fact that the 'vast majority' unlike you, stay neutral, does not mean that they support either one side or the other or in fact do not have their own private feelings. However as i have said,you have no right to speak for them. So it would be nice if you could keep your personal opinions just that and to yourself. Thank you !

Realyok, that advice is so undemocratic. We all have a right to express our opinion. Personally I agree with you about the majority of ex pats probably dont get involved one way or another. Case in point. How many TV members are there? How many total foreigners living in Thailand? It is less emotional to keep in mind that opinions are like A$$ 0's; Everyone has one, they only fit the owner, and most stink anyway.

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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

You make a fair point for the vast majority of expat foreigners here who strongly OPPOSE the red shirt terrorist Thaksin-led insurgents.

How do you know that Jingthing ?............have you done an in depth study or this just "in your dreams". You really have no right whatsoever to speak on behalf of the majority of ex-pat foreigners. The fact that the 'vast majority' unlike you, stay neutral, does not mean that they support either one side or the other or in fact do not have their own private feelings. However as i have said,you have no right to speak for them. So it would be nice if you could keep your personal opinions just that and to yourself. Thank you !

Isn't 17,000 posts a mandate to speak for all members of Thai Visa? :)

I also notice the smartest expats remember they're guests in this country and will present themselves as neutral to their Thai friends.

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Just found this thread. There have been many indicate that the immigration police would be all over this guy. But TIT. I think it is a bit silly being up on a red stage, but what ever takes your fancy I spose. His own beliefs is his own reality, so not up to me to say he is wrong for sprouting off and being very colorful on his life events. Up to him I say. But at the same time, he must be responsible for any action that comes his way, be it a stray bullet at worse or deportation and not be screaming for help from Kevin Rudd. It is just a life decision in a colorful life. next.......

I think bigger problems in BK for all. Anyone know if anything happened? Must be easy tea money for someone. When I Goggled his name with that "other" newspaper name, the red and the yellow pic look similar, but hard for my eye to tell if the same guy. Who knows !!!!

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