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Thai Gov't Renews Threat Of Force Against Red-Shirts Protesters


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It looks like this may all come down without a (further) shot fired. The PM's weapon was to let them bore themselves to death. I figured they'd do something stupid that would screw them up, but I expected much worse than the hospital inspection. A little more rain, a little more of the foot soldiers getting disgusted with the leaders, days of just hanging around listening to the prattle. The gov't is getting all the rats it needs, that's how they're figuring out who to arrest for shooting at helicopters and where the bang-bang stuff is stashed. Once it's all over the gov't should lay out all the pieces before the world and then do what it needs to have Taksin declared an international terrorist and shut his yap once and for all.

Who knows, Abhisit may go down as international Man of the Year for wresting his country from the brink of civil war. I can't wait for the movie, with Chow Yun Fat playing the PM. :)

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I say it again

Fill the water canons with the worst klong water like Sathorn and pig shit and spray them with it twice a day - a trillion flies will decent on them and the whole thing will be over within 2 days

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It looks like this may all come down without a (further) shot fired. The PM's weapon was to let them bore themselves to death. I figured they'd do something stupid that would screw them up, but I expected much worse than the hospital inspection. A little more rain, a little more of the foot soldiers getting disgusted with the leaders, days of just hanging around listening to the prattle. The gov't is getting all the rats it needs, that's how they're figuring out who to arrest for shooting at helicopters and where the bang-bang stuff is stashed. Once it's all over the gov't should lay out all the pieces before the world and then do what it needs to have Taksin declared an international terrorist and shut his yap once and for all.

Who knows, Abhisit may go down as international Man of the Year for wresting his country from the brink of civil war. I can't wait for the movie, with Chow Yun Fat playing the PM. :)

You may be on to something! And yes, Chow Yun Fat would be a perfect match!

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I say it again

Fill the water canons with the worst klong water like Sathorn and pig shit and spray them with it twice a day - a trillion flies will decent on them and the whole thing will be over within 2 days

Seriously they could saturate the area with tear gas , they would need plenty of it , i reckon .

then send the troops with gas mask and truncheon .

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Another day gone and no action WHEN IS THE GOVERNMENT GOING TO BRING AN END TO THIS fuc_kING MUPPET SHOW???????????

It hurts tens of thousands of Thais and expats who are trying to make an honest living out here

Herm my friend. The gov is the muppet show and hopefully thaksin will bring it to an end before he dies. if not, somebody else will because it cannot survive this even if they clear the streets tonight.

And don't get exite about south police do dirty work. they number not a lot and have many army and police from north in bangkok will stop them.

so tens of thousands in high end malls and big shops inconveience. haha, go live in Isaan for 2 months then come back and moan you cannot buy calvin cline and see naked lady on stage (also illegal but falangs don't mind that sort of illegal do they)

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I say it again

Fill the water canons with the worst klong water like Sathorn and pig shit and spray them with it twice a day - a trillion flies will decent on them and the whole thing will be over within 2 days

Seriously they could saturate the area with tear gas , they would need plenty of it , i reckon .

then send the troops with gas mask and truncheon .

check April 10th when they did that, gassed their own side, killed 20 people and lost most of their army tanks, and an anti aircraft gun.

Seriously.. you only come to thailand after this date and not see it live on thai tv. free press loving gov let them show it cause they think they not going to lose. all country and everybody else see army beg for ceasefire live on tv and shout stop we need ambulance.

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Abhisit has finally realised this demonstration is now a perfect election stage - but he must get it right........

Every time he is drawn into the limelight by the actions of the reds.....he must utilise the opportunity to the full to promote himself and his ideals

You can see his true roadmap unwinding.........he is now turning this situation around to his benefit.........

Those advocating a 'crackdown' lack a bit of vision and guile....the election campaign has just started

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At this point in the sordid saga of the protests, I have to ask...:

1. Why does the government still allow electrical power to service the red area?

2. Why they allow sustenance to be delivered?

3. How do the protesters get water? How hard would it be to turn it off or stop deliveries?

4. Where are those LRAD we keep hearing about? Properly oriented they would drive those people insane and begging for mercy. Why isn't tear gas or other repulsive odors deployed to force them out from behind their barricades where they could be arrested and/or immediately transported home?

5. Why the ringleaders have not been declared as public enemies of the state, cited for fomenting terrorism and inciting widespead civil disobedience, and then issue general orders to all authorities to shoot these 'leaders' sight? Whay aren't their bank accounts and other assets seized? There are so many actions that could be taken and by now certainly would have been taken by most countries.

I know TIT but why does the government mollycoddle these hooligans so much?

1. I asked this question to a Thai colleague and he told me they have their own generators.

2. It's very difficult to prevent as traffic is flowing past the site on all sides, and if allowed by the reds into the site. They also have a major khlong flowing through the red area.

3. See 2.

4. Given the volume coming from the rally stage I doubt LRADs would bother any of the protestors. :)

5. Not sure about the legalities of these, especially shooting people - which, even if "lawful" would be a PR disaster, especially intentionally. I doubt freezing bank accounts would make them surender either.

I asked similar questions weeks ago about shutting down infrastructural facilities and was reminded that besides the Red Shirts there are thousands of other people who live in these 2 square miles in the center of downtown Bangkok.

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From post #119 "Come on with your one sided comments

Have you considered soldiers shooting at other soldiers ? Not the protesters per say , they dont have any military training anyway .

We are talking heart and minds of soldiers here ."

I have considered that as well as The Royal Thai Police, an oxymoron, may have sided against the solders and current government for obvious reasons. Is has all been said before, why repeat the obvious... As for the "protesters per say" you don't think were ever in the Armed forces or were ex police? Every male I do believe has to serve in "The Royal Thai Armed Forces," for a minimum of two years. So, there goes that theory. My wife went to Military School in Chon Buri for 5 years. She can shoot a gun I assure you. Many Thai's have guns, I've seen them. So, until there is video proof of who shot whom, it's all speculation. But I usually try to follow the law of the land and I do vote and write my representatives to change or disagree with some legislation... I don't take to the streets... There's my one sided comment!

Edit: spelling error

Well if you ask i would not go in the streets either , but some do and the right to protest within the law is ok in any democracy.

Anyway i guess we are beyond that now .

Yes it might very well be the police against the army , that happened long ago in Thailand .

Well yes some civilians have fire arms i suppose , not as bad as the Philippines though , but honestly i dont see this as the pattern

of violence here . more like what you said police or army versus army .

I don't see it. The police won't go up against the army. They don't have the cajones for it. Yes, there is a long-standing rivalry between the police and army, but as it stands the police don't dare mess with them. It would be a slaughter. Pistols are no match for tanks.

Here's an example. My brother in law is a conscript in the army. When he comes here on leave he can ride a motorcycle with no license and no helmet throughout the streets of Bangkok. As long as he wears the army greens the police won't stop him. Not ever.

While I totally agree the police wouldn't take on the Royal Thai Armed Forces, openly, but I'm sure there are many disgruntled ex-police and ex-military, who had their world upset when Thaksin, his brother in law, his political parties, etc where removed from power by the current coalition government. There was money lost and power lost, so what do we have now? We now have anarchy at the moment...

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Abhisit has finally realised this demonstration is now a perfect election stage - but he must get it right........

Every time he is drawn into the limelight by the actions of the reds.....he must utilise the opportunity to the full to promote himself and his ideals

You can see his true roadmap unwinding.........he is now turning this situation around to his benefit.........

Those advocating a 'crackdown' lack a bit of vision and guile....the election campaign has just started

Correct. Thaksin and friends know that most of all. They just can't be seen as being conciliatory in any way. They'll have to continue to paint him as the Devil incarnate while he continues to sound more reasonable and humble to more and more people. Assasination attempts wouldn't surprise me a bit.

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Abhisit has finally realised this demonstration is now a perfect election stage - but he must get it right........

Every time he is drawn into the limelight by the actions of the reds.....he must utilise the opportunity to the full to promote himself and his ideals

You can see his true roadmap unwinding.........he is now turning this situation around to his benefit.........

Those advocating a 'crackdown' lack a bit of vision and guile....the election campaign has just started

I think you are right, the speaches were ok today, they just need to stifle CRES idiots and go after this plan.

maybe mark just shafted Suthep and some of the elite backers here!

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Red Shirt movement is about peace/love :) , unfortunately the government likes to kill/maim innocents. :D

which planet are you referring to? which country?! peace and love from red shirt people?

watch the youtube video above... lots of peace and love.... :D

Brit knows the violence of the reds and has always known it. His one-liners are meant to inflame readers and nothing else.

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Red Shirt movement is about peace/love :) , unfortunately the government likes to kill/maim innocents. :D

which planet are you referring to? which country?! peace and love from red shirt people?

watch the youtube video above... lots of peace and love.... :D

Brit knows the violence of the reds and has always known it. His one-liners are meant to inflame readers and nothing else.

Me thinks I hear a bad case of the pot calling the kettle black from jdinasia! Take a look at his past posts.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

...immediately after the yellow leaders are brought to court and have their punishment for what they have done at the airports, govt house and fellow country men

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So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

Thaksin is dead. I am not the only one who heard this. Try google it.

All his photos / video were either photo shopped or old.

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In my muang of Thailand, poorer than Esaan, we have some Reds. After the invasion of Chula they came to me (farang barefoot-doctor in her Wat) and apologized for the bad actions of the Reds in Bangkok. Only their boss (who made cash several times in Bangkok - 1500 a day) disappears. His wife doesn't know where he is. I know him, he wouldn't fight with his bare hands. Some money, some mia noi.

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Brit knows the violence of the reds and has always known it. His one-liners are meant to inflame readers and nothing else.

Me thinks I hear a bad case of the pot calling the kettle black from jdinasia! Take a look at his past posts.

As a general rule I do not write one-liners and I do provide context and factual information. On the other hand some posters post one-liners and add no factual content, or repeat the same disproven rants over and over :) Who was it that was talking about the court putting out a 'no-confidence vote'?

I do not pretend that my views are not controversial at times but (mostly!) they are considered and based upon reality, history, and facts. I do make errors and am happy to be corrected :D

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I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

...immediately after the yellow leaders are brought to court and have their punishment for what they have done at the airports, govt house and fellow country men

Let me help you out a bit on this one ..... the leaders of the PAD reported and answered charges very soon after they were charged. They have lawyers and the court case is progressing. They will pay the penalties for whatever they are found guilty of. The difference between them and Thaksin is that I for one can't see Chamlong SriMuang running away from anything. If he is found guilty he'll appeal. If the appeal fails he will go to jail as ordered and not run off to Dubai to foment unrest and terrorism and insurrection. :)

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Common guys ! It's not Thaksin who's the bad guy, Sondhi and his club are. You are all falling for the propaganda the Thai " Goverment " is spitting out.

This is a war between Thaksin and Sondhi supporters.

Sondhi is a right winger, how can right wingers be for Democracy? They never where... They caused great wars

Remember bloody may 1992? Sondhi was behind this.

Remember 2005? Sondhi started " PAD " Because he said he was loosing money because of Thaksin having the media in his faviour. PAD was the major player in the 2005–2006 Thai political crisis that led to the 2006 military coup that toppled the Thaksin government.

Remember 2008/2009 Airports/Govermenthouse ? PAD

"Thaksin failed on the populist movement and now I think he has resorted to some sort of assassination attempt."[54]

Kasit revealed that he had planned to have lunch with the Sondhi on the day of the attack. Kasit also claimed that himself, Abhisit, Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij, and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban were planned targets for assassination, and that he was guarded by several fully armed marines.[55][56]

Meanwhile, Thaksin had the following to say:

It's [the Abhisit] government that has been given the license to kill [due to the state of emergency]. And I have the impression that the phase of "cut-off killings" has begun -- in other words, they are eliminating anyone who knows too much about the conspiracy of those in power against me.[57]

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engineer -----

I assume you may be quoting Wiki ..... fair usage rules require you to cite your sources. I also assume that you have never read ANYTHING that Thaksin has said and done.

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Another day gone and no action WHEN IS THE GOVERNMENT GOING TO BRING AN END TO THIS fuc_kING MUPPET SHOW???????????

It hurts tens of thousands of Thais and expats who are trying to make an honest living out here

Herm my friend. The gov is the muppet show and hopefully thaksin will bring it to an end before he dies. if not, somebody else will because it cannot survive this even if they clear the streets tonight.

And don't get exite about south police do dirty work. they number not a lot and have many army and police from north in bangkok will stop them.

so tens of thousands in high end malls and big shops inconveience. haha, go live in Isaan for 2 months then come back and moan you cannot buy calvin cline and see naked lady on stage (also illegal but falangs don't mind that sort of illegal do they)

Somebody please tell me that was an attempt at humour :)

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Brit knows the violence of the reds and has always known it. His one-liners are meant to inflame readers and nothing else.

Me thinks I hear a bad case of the pot calling the kettle black from jdinasia! Take a look at his past posts.

As a general rule I do not write one-liners and I do provide context and factual information. On the other hand some posters post one-liners and add no factual content, or repeat the same disproven rants over and over :) Who was it that was talking about the court putting out a 'no-confidence vote'?

I do not pretend that my views are not controversial at times but (mostly!) they are considered and based upon reality, history, and facts. I do make errors and am happy to be corrected :D

Maybe you should look out the back door of your room there in CM see what kind of demonstration is going on. LOL

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I reckon Abhisit is just stalling until it starts to rain. We all know how the Thais love being out in the rain...not! The battle at Don Maung ended abruptly once it started to rain. Just make sure all the army has umbrellas!!

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Another day gone and no action WHEN IS THE GOVERNMENT GOING TO BRING AN END TO THIS fuc_kING MUPPET SHOW???????????

It hurts tens of thousands of Thais and expats who are trying to make an honest living out here

Herm my friend. The gov is the muppet show and hopefully thaksin will bring it to an end before he dies. if not, somebody else will because it cannot survive this even if they clear the streets tonight.

And don't get exite about south police do dirty work. they number not a lot and have many army and police from north in bangkok will stop them.

so tens of thousands in high end malls and big shops inconveience. haha, go live in Isaan for 2 months then come back and moan you cannot buy calvin cline and see naked lady on stage (also illegal but falangs don't mind that sort of illegal do they)

Somebody please tell me that was an attempt at humour :)

he's right

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engineer -----

I assume you may be quoting Wiki ..... fair usage rules require you to cite your sources. I also assume that you have never read ANYTHING that Thaksin has said and done.

You have no idea who your talking to.....

Be careful there! jdinasia never posts one liners and all his posts are considered. Just ask him. He'll tell you so. LOL

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