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Anyone Has This Same Problem?


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I'm on true adsl 8Mb and to connect to a website I have to enable the true proxy server in my explorer settings.No big deal but at some time in the day I will have to UNable it to be able to connect.then a few hours later it will need to be enabled again.Anyway when in the stage that it needs to be unabled to connect websites show up incomplete.Thaivisa for instance will be readable but slow and without any graphics showing.

Anyone else the same problem or should I inform them about the error.

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This is most likely caused by your usage of alternative DNS severs.

Try using the true DNS' and see if the problem remains.

In either case, please post again with your results. Thanks.

I indeed did use alternative name servers but have reset them to the ones from true now and the result is a negative.

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I've got exactly the same problem, but it seems to be something that True does on their end that causes the problems as far as I can see. I've been talking to support on and off now for the last 9 months about this and still not got an answer so basically just turn it on when I need it or off when I need it. Mostly I have their proxy settings enables, but if sites don't load, I turn it off and continue on as normal. Then when they stop loading again, I re-enable and carry on again, lol. Resetting the 'box' makes no difference.

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This is most likely caused by your usage of alternative DNS severs.

Try using the true DNS' and see if the problem remains.

In either case, please post again with your results. Thanks.

I indeed did use alternative name servers but have reset them to the ones from true now and the result is a negative.

Another thing to consider is that if you have too many concurrent connections True will start sending reset packets to you. This means that you enter a URL and nothing happens, it just errors out on you.

This is most times caused by torrenting from public trackers and trackers with a large amount of seeds/peers. I suggest shutting down your torrent client, reset the modem, and reboot your computer. Things should now be back to normal.

With lots of mucking about I have found a good limit for torrents (at least for my True connection), max 400 global connections and max 100 per torrent. This doesn't limit my surfing at all.

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Did I say somewhere that I'm using a torrent client?

You have only provided very tiny amounts of information, so there has to be a lot of guessing when proposing solutions.

So, if you really properly want to diagnose the problem and accurately solve it, please provide detailed technical specs of computer(s), network, ISP, D-slam location, and more.

Simple questions with little to no detail will result in general cookie-cutter answers.

Snide remarks gets you nowhere....

I hope this clears up why I answered as I did, and why I only propose one possible solution at a time.

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